Cross Cultural Understanding/Ccu: ICHA RAHMA MAULIDA (30801800018)

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ICHA RAHMA MAULIDA (30801800018)



1. The existence of global era along with highly sophisticated technologies and modern
society is undeniably true recently. As a result, the relationship among nations over the world
is greatly needed. Stepping away from a global relationship makes us be alienated.
UNISSULA (Universitas Islam Sultan Agung) Semarang also has the same commitment to be
active in the involvement. “Bismillah Membangun Generasi Ummah” is a UNISULA’s motto
as an Islamic higher education to produce the best generation. With the continuing emphasis
placed on UNISSULA’s mission of the World Class University, there has been a continuous
demand to strengthen the delivery of Islamic higher education system. What do you think
about the competitiveness among universities in global era ?, is there any strategy for
UNISSULA to competitive with others ? Give your responses toward the phenomenon.


In today's era, we can't deny it is a global era. an order of human life that globally has
involved all humans in the world, this is called globalization. Talking about the global era of
globalization will definitely have an impact on various aspects of human life from all walks
of life, both in the economic, social, political, technological, environmental, cultural, and
educational fields. Now from one of these fields, I will analyze the impact of the global era in
education. Currently, globalization of education is a long historical process globalization in
the world of education, it has a double impact, they are beneficial and detrimental impact.
Beneficial impact gives the widest possible cooperation opportunities in the field of education
to countries in the world. But on the contrary, if Indonesia is famous for being able to
compete in education with other countries, due to the weak quality of human resources, for
example the result will be detrimental to the Indonesian nation itself the challenge in the field
of education in the future is to improve competitiveness and competitive advantage by
relying on human capabilities resources, technology, and management without compromising
comparative advantage which is ready nationally. But, the world of education in the global
era is increasing and developing. Based on the expert opinion, that "Many higher education
systems globally operate under the following background: similarities: the massification of
the higher education system, the decline in public funding, the commercialization of higher
education activities and the increasing competition between universities at the national,
regional and international levels," (Kaur , Morshidi Sirat and Tierney, 2010). Entering the
21st century is expected to make changes in social order, knowledge and technology for the
better. Thus, in this global order, it results in competitiveness among universities in various
countries. In my opinion, if this competitiveness occurs in this global era, it is a very
promising, credible and qualified effort because a country that is able to improve itself by
increasing its human resources will most likely be able to compete in the competition.
Therefore, improving the quality of higher education should be a priority in nation building in
order to be able to produce superior and highly competitive human resources so that
productivity will increase.

Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang as know is a World Class Islamic University and
private Islamic university with institutional accreditation "A" by BAN-PT and internationally
accredited by ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Colleges) United Kingdom and
accredited ABEST21(the alliance on business education and scholarships for tomorrow). So,
for the strategy of private islamic universities in Indonesia, namely UNISSULA, there are
strategies that are considered and carried out in dealing with rivals between universities both
nationally and internationally. UNISSULA (Islamic University of Sultan Agung) Semarang
has a culture of its own in the unique character of Islamic higher education and the trend of
internationalism, BudAI (Islamic Academic Culture) has been embedded in the hearts of the
UNISSULA academic community. This triggers us to defend Islamic academic values and
Islamic worldview. Basically, Islamic religion-based education strategy contains spiritual
strengthening and strengthening of science and technology for spiritual strengthening, faith,
worship, and morals that are packaged in the movement for the welfare of mankind, which
includes the congregational prayer movement, the Islamic clothing movement, the taharah
movement, the exemplary movement, the Islamic hospitality movement, and the movement
to improve quality of life. Strengthening science and technology consists of the spirit of fiqra'
develop a literacy culture, develop science and technology on the basis of Islamic values,
Islamic Learning Society, and appreciation of science and technology. The principle of a
heart campus in the midst of the development of information and communication technology,
Unissula is also planned to migrate from analog to digital by bringing Digital Multimedia
Broadcasting (DMB) Technology on the bench. academic and administrative services.
Through "virtual world teaching" so that students can access lecture material, collection of
assignments, discussions and work on questions via the internet. so they can study anytime
and anywhere. Quiz questions via the internet, so they can study anytime and anywhere.
Strengthen Cyber culture On January 18, 2013, Unissula together with Google, officially
launched the service UnissulaMail.Tomakeit makes it easy for all students, staff, and
lecturers to communicate and work together digitally. The event titled
UNISSULAGONEGoogle was inaugurated by the Directorate General of Higher Education,
Prof.Dr. Ir Djoko Santoso MSc.

UNISSULA has encouraged the possibility of cooperation both nationally and internationally
in the domains of administration, teaching and learning, research, innovation and
commercialization activities. Besides that, it is also necessary to create a motto as one of the
competitive strategies, "Bismillah Build a Generation of Ummah" is one of the hopes or
aspirations of the university to produce the best generation and compete highly. Furthermore,
UNISSULA has now established a compulsory learning institution for students, namely the
UPT International Language Development institution (UPT PBI CILAD UNISSULA) which
aims to develop international languages on the UNISSULA campus and as to face global
challenges with mastery of international languages, one of them is English. Then, the last step
toward global challenges on Internationalization, it is proven that at UNISSULA currently
international classes have been held in four faculties, namely the Faculty of Law, Faculty of
Economics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, and Faculty of Engineering. The opening of
international classes is also a positive result of the entry of students from various countries to
study at Unissula, one of which is student exchange and students from Thailand. This is
inseparable from the international education network built by UNISSULA over the past few
years by being able to open international classes, and several other things that have been
fulfilled including a number of lecturers with doctoral qualifications and mastery of
international languages for both teaching lecturers and faculty education staff have met the
required standard. With the opening of classes internationally, UNISSULA will be more
colorful both in terms of culture and education enthusiasts will be a distinct advantage,
especially for Indonesian students studying at UNISSULA can expand friendship relations
and enrich cultural experiences with students from other countries in the world.

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