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International University Principles of EE II

School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU

Principles of EE II Laboratory
Lab 1
Series and Parallel Resonance
Full name: …………………………………
Student number: …………………………………


- After each Lab section, a Lab report needs to be submitted to Blackboard.
- All Lab reports must respect the Lab report template, and only PDF format is accepted.
Any report which does not respect the provided template will be refused to submission.
- Students work and submit their report in a group of 2 students/group, any copy or
plagiarism will get a “0”.
- Grading Policy:
o Lab reports: 70%
o Lab project: 30%
o Only one time of absence will not be allowed to PASS this course.

1 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU

Series Resonance
Build the circuit shown in Figure 1 with using VRMS to 1.00 Volt, R = 68 Ω, L = 15 mH, and
C = 1 µF.

Figure 1
Open your simulation platform.
Note that, in our Laboratory, Rs = 50 Ω is the internal resistor of the Function Generator. By
using an arbitrary rheostat and voltage divider method, describe the way to estimate the value
of Rs, if Rs is unknown.
Using a primitive inductor, connect in series with a load resistor RL = 10 Ω, this resistor can be
considered as an internal resistor of the inductor.
Calculate the resonant frequency fo
fo = _______________Hz.
• Perform the transient analysis of the circuit at f0 = _______________Hz. Sketch VS, VR,
VL+RL, and VC in the same graph.
• With the frequency varied from (f0 – 500) Hz to (f0 + 500) Hz in increments of 100
Hz. Perform the AC simulation analysis, record (in AÐf form) and complete the Table 1
• From simulation results, sketch VS, VR, VL+RL, and VC in the same graph at

2 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU

(f0 – 500) and (f0 + 500) Hz in your report.

Table 1
f f(Hz) VR VL+RL VC VS
fo – 500
fo – 400
fo – 300
fo – 200
fo – 100
fo + 100
fo + 200
fo + 300
fo + 400
fo + 500

3 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU

Parallel Resonance
Build the circuit shown in Figure 2 with using VRMS to 2.00 Volt, R = 68 Ω, L = 15 mH, and
C = 1 µF.

Figure 2
Using the same Rs and RL as previous experiment.
Calculate the resonant frequency fo
fo = _______________Hz.
• Perform the transient analysis of the circuit at fo = _______________Hz. Sketch VS and
VO in the same graph.
With the frequency varied from (fo – 500) Hz to (fo + 500) Hz in increments of 100Hz.
Perform the AC simulation analysis, record (in AÐf form) and complete the table below.
Make sure to note the exact frequency, fm, at which Vo is maximum.
• Once the maximum output voltage is known, increase the frequency from 200 Hz and find
the 3 dB frequencies, f1,2.

f f(Hz) VS VO
fo – 500
fo – 400
fo – 300
fo – 200

4 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU

fo – 100
fo + 100
fo + 200
fo + 300
fo + 400
fo + 500

5 | Principles of EE II

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