Four Levels of Strategy: Functional-Level Strategy: A Plan To Strengthen An

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Four Levels of Strategy

Functional-level strategy: a plan to strengthen an

organization’s functional and organizational resources, as
well as its coordination abilities, in order to create core
Business-level strategy: a plan to combine functional core
competences to position the organization so that it has a
competitive advantage in its domain
Corporate-level strategy: a plan to use and develop core
competences so that the organization not only can protect
and enlarge its existing domain but can also expand into
new domains
Global expansion strategy: a plan that involves choosing
the best strategy to expand into overseas markets to obtain
scarce resources and develop core competences
Functional-Level Strategy
• The strategic goal of each function is to create a
core competence that gives the organization a
competitive advantage
• To gain a competitive advantage, an organization
must be able to do at least one of the following:
− Perform functional activities at a cost lower
than that of its rivals, or
− Perform functional activities in a way that
clearly differentiates its goods and services
from those of its rivals
• Strategies to lower costs or differentiate products

Table 8.1: Low-Cost and Differentiation Advantages
Resulting From Functional-Level Strategy

Figure 8.3: Structural Characteristics

What should be the structure of support

functions like HR & Finance? Same or Different?
Business-Level Strategy
• The business-level strategy involves:
− Selecting and managing the domain the organization will
compete in
− Positioning the organization so that it can use its resources and
abilities to manage its specific and general environments to
protect and enlarge that domain
• Strategies to lower costs or differentiate products
− Low-cost business-level strategy:
− Differentiation business-level strategy:
− Focus business-level strategy

Figure 8.5: Organizational Structure &
Business-Level Strategies

What about Multidivisional Structure?

Figure 8.6: Corporate-Level Strategies
for Entering New Domains

Corporate-Level Strategy and Structure
• For organizations operating in more than one domain, a
multidivisional structure is appropriate
• Conglomerate structure and unrelated diversification
− Conglomerate structure: a structure in which each business is
placed in a self-contained division and there is no contact between
− Exception for thumb rule related to design challenge III

Implementing Strategy Across Countries
Four principal strategies
− Multidomestic strategy: oriented toward local
responsiveness by decentralizing control to subsidiaries
and divisions in each country
− International strategy: decentralization of all value-
creation functions except for R&D and marketing
− Global strategy: oriented toward cost reduction, with all
the principal value-creation functions centralized at the
lowest-cost global location
− Transnational strategy: some functions are centralized,
while others are decentralized at the global location best
suited to achieving these objectives to achieve both local
responsiveness and cost savings

Table 8.2: Strategy-Structure
Relationships in the International Arena

Class Activity 8A
• You are recent MBBS • You own a pharmacy in
graduate and in the process Jamshedpur. Due to increased
of setting the first hospital in competition, the sales has gone
the rural village you hail down in pharmacy and you have
from. The village is so remote decided to start a hospital in
that there is no other medical unused first floor. First floor can
facility including a pharmacy accommodate total of 20 people
for next 50 KMs. You have (including staff and patients) and
just enough resource to start you expect the hospital to
a hospital with 10 staff. increase the sales of pharmacy.

Complete the structure based on “Star Model”

and explain how different components are aligned
Class Activity 9 A: Market Leader in VUCA World (B)
Individual Submission before session 11

• Go through the article uploaded in AIS

• Assume that all outlets other than Nexa are Arena outlets
• Consider the strategic differences between Nexa & Arena
Outlets and explain the differences in STAR model
implementation across both this outlets

Organizational Culture
Set of shared values and norms that control
organizational members interaction with each
other and with people outside the

It controls the way

- the members make decisions
- they interpret the environment
- they process the information
- they behave

September 13, 2021 Organizational Structure, Design and Change 13

Organizational Culture

•Physical Structures
Artifacts of •Language
•Rituals and Ceremonies
•Stories and Legends


September 13, 2021 Organizational Structure, Design and Change 14

Organizational Culture
Organizational Values
Organizational Values

Terminal Values Instrumental Values

Desired end states Desired modes of

or outcomes behavior

Specific norms, rules

and SOP’s
September 13, 2021 Organizational Structure, Design and Change 15
Competing value framework
Human Relations Model Open Systems Model
Clan Culture Adaptability Culture
Human Resource
(M) Flexibility, Readiness

(M) Cohesion (E) Growth,

Morale Resource acquisition


(M) Communication (E) Productivity,

Information Mgmt. Efficiency

(E) Stability (M) Planning, Evaluation

Control Goal setting

Internal Process Model Rational Goal Model

Bureaucratic Culture STABILITY Mission Culture
September 13, 2021 Organizational Structure, Design and Change 16
Organizational Culture
Transmitting Organizational Culture
Socialization: Process of learning and internalizing the
values and norms of the organization (members)

Collective Individual
Formal Informal
Sequential Random
Fixed Variable
Serial Disjunctive
Divestiture Investiture
Group Activity: Suggest the right combination for newly recruited
employees in Accenture for Consulting, IT & BPO Business
September 13, 2021 Organizational Structure, Design and Change 25
Organizational Culture
Source of Organizational Culture
Property rights

Organizational Organizational Organizational

ethics Culture structure

of the
people within

September 13, 2021 Organizational Structure, Design and Change 26

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