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2 2 GRAMMAR * Possessive nouns and adjectives Core eT ts a 2 Tellsomeone your fst and ast name Ree er ea 3 aneighbor 5 acolleague Possesive nouns Possessve adjectives Subject Possessve ‘AN Smiths Kate's boss. Heiser boss Pronouns adjectives Larry's colleague is Teresa. Teresa is his colleague. 13 my ‘Weare Sara and Todd's neighbors, We are their neighbors. you > your {am is Tan's student Sheismy teacher, Ms Els is Joe's teacher he > his We ae Marty's classmates, Mary is our classmate, °¢' ao they their 3. GRAMMAR PRACTICE Circle the correct word or words to complete each sentence, 4. Mr. Thomas is (my /1) boss 2 Is Mrs, Cory (you / your) teacher? 3 1s (she /her) Dr. Kim? 4 Ae (they / their) Connie and Sam? 5 Are (your / you) Barrys friend? 4 PAIR WORK Tella classmate about at least three of your relationships. Use the Vocabulary. uNit2 6 He's (my /!) colleague. 7 Mr Bello is (Alec / Alec's) neighbor. 8 Jake is (Ms. Rose / Ms. Rose's) student. 9 (He's / His) an architect. 40 (Kyle / Kyle's) and Ray's new classmate is Gail a (66 Jemyis my classmate. Ted and Jan Keyes are my neighbors. 99 5. 4}) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Write the relationships 4 Bruce is her 3. Mr Grants her 5 Carlos is his 2 Patty isis 4 Rob is her 6 GRAMMAR * Be from / Questions with Where [Gen trem Toronie;) Are you trom Paraguay? Yes, lam, / No, 'm not. l SD ig'sne trom Moscow? Yes, shes, /No, she not, aera Where are you from? We're trom Bangkok. ae Where's she trom? ‘She's from Canada, Where are NOT Whereve sarefull Are you from Spain? Yes. 1am. NOT Yes, Fm from, 7 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations with be from. Use contractions when possible, 4A: Where’... your nelghbor 2 BA: your boss 2 B: She Canada, B: He Fortaleza 2A: they ? 4A you and your friend 2 8 Paris 8 Pusan, Ke MACeKe,Nm Introduce people 1 4 CONVERSATION MODEL Read and fsten ‘A: Tom, this is Paula, Paula's my classmate. B: Hi, Paula, CH, Tom. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner, 3. GROUP WORK Personalize the conversation, Introduce classmates. Use your own names, Then change roles. Any thls ‘smy © Hi, Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. @ b+ sure to recycle tls anguage ren eeel | What do yau do? 4 CHANGE PARTNERS Introduce LESSON 2 GOA 1 4 VOCABULARY « Titles and names Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. Em ear Meme Be caretutt Me-Charles Lee OR Mistse Mus. Vivian Lee OR Mrs se noFweeh ye Normans rs Vivion LBB WS 1 2. PAIR WORK introduce yoursel to a classmate. Use a te and your ast name (66H. rem Mr, Wiso0.39 : € 6Nee io neste eto 33 3. <4) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Circle the correct information. Then ste again and check your answers ¢ 3 1 Bw. | im) 2 Oma "pew 7 Cate eS io ee |r Sum Om Ooms tie — se _} - - oats —— Stn } i J : a 4 ‘ on oa | Mn way ere : a ou, En Fi mn ——— Om enone | Gi Dee Chis atoame ase Cee om ‘ unr 4 VOCABULARY PRACTICE Fill out the forms. Check or circle the correct titles. You: classmate: One.) Che, | _Chies | _Gr. estrone Test name Your teacher: (MeO iam) oie ‘A: What's your last name, please? ‘A: Thank you, Mr. Fava. B: Fava, B: You're welcome. A: And your first name? B: My first name? Bob. 243) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. ‘Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. 3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation. Use your own names. \Write your partner’ information on the form. Then change roles. | Mis. ae eee ze What's your ast name lease? i ‘ fan ae me seperti CEE Br My first name? Don't stop! Haw do you spel that? A Tank you, Rocmoregestona | Vina Soyo det Bs Yerte welcome ~ 4: GHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the convesaton again. 6

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