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: Sharktank VentureCrocs

you are VCs interested in funding the venture of entrepreneurs’ creative business ideas. Listen to the two young
persons’ presentation and then seek clarification, question, and share your decision on funding the proposal,
support your views with reasons. Offer them suggestions to take the idea forward, ways to improve sales/profit.
make it a supportive, fruitful conversation.


Is this your problem?

● Hostellers, a busy housewife with a baby and/or an elderly person at home don’t/can’t change sheets for
months, entire semester
● Bed gets to be used as dining table, study desk, hangout spots sheets turn filthy, greasy, and gross
● Embarrassed when friends/visitors come in, stay over

We have a Solution for you

custom fitted bedsheet Fresheet! Peel away soiled layer and find a brand-new layer beneath
You can do it 7 times over!

Feature Benefit (USP) eco-friendly, waterproof, leakproof affordable

1. Cost & price $7 cost price $29.99

2. material polyester

3. feel Like paper, doesn’t breathe

4. size Standard XL (king) size

5. Sales call so far Low


Think of questions you’d like to pose to these entrepreneurs.

What feature(s) do you find attractive and what makes little business sense
Do you have suggestions that could make the project more attractive?

Would you like to fund the project, why, why not? Share your worries and queries, if any?

How’d you encourage the idea, appreciate the process, and suggest a way forward.

Poll (anonymous): How many feel this is a project you would

a) readily fund b) back with some alterations c) unconditionally reject as it has no big market. Type A, B
or C.

Actually, this suggestion was turned down by everyone of the VCs. How can the interaction proceed without
changing the harsh message? Without making the entrepreneurs flinch, fear, withdraw? Activate not the Fear

Suggestions: Sheet is not cosy and comfortable, doesn’t breathe, like a warm sheet, feels clinical - like a hospital

Try other natural material (kemp/bamboo)

Attempt B2 B not a B2C product

Try hostels, camp sites, care centres, Increase range, size

Tagline: custom fitted disposable, eco-friendly peelable top layers

BOTTOMLINE: Bed needs to be comfortable not just clean

deploy conversational skills that propel individuals, teams, and organizations toward success.

words make a lasting impact on a person, a relationship, or an organization.

express inner thoughts and feelings in ways that can strengthen relationships and success.

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