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My Beloved Campus STIE Yadika Bangil

by: Nurma fauzilah (1941869)

Management class B second semester

Yadika Bangil College of Economics is one of the many private tertiary institutions in
this beloved country in the form of high schools, managed by the Directorate of Higher
Education and classified into Kopertis region 7. The College has been around starting on
August 30, 2001 with SK Number PT 13 and SK Date PT July 19, 1987, this High School is
located at Jalan Bader No. 9, Kalirejo, Kab. Pasuruan, Prov. East Java - Indonesia. In mid-
1985 precisely on July 15 a mobile foundation was born in the field of education by the name
of the Swakarya Education Foundation which was later abbreviated to YADIKA Bangil,
spearheaded by young workers. In the beginning, Yadika held non formal education (non-
school education) in the form of courses which include typing courses,
English, computers, mathematics, accounting and UPERS. Two years progressed
rapidly, then in the academic year 1987/1988 this foundation open formal education that is
preceded by the establishment of the Middle School of Economics or SMEA YADIKA and
YADIKA Vocational School for Family Welfare. Whereas School YADIKA Middle School
(SMU) was only established in the 1997/1998 school year. See the amount graduation from
SMEA and SMKK are so great as well as requests and interests of SMEA alumni,YADIKA
VOCATIONAL SCHOOL and high school students in the Pasuruan Regency area to
continue to the levelespecially in the economic field then in 2001 a school was established
with a concentration in Management Science under the name STIE YADIKA which has a
study program Management (S-1) and Accounting (S-1). In the last 5 years there was an
increase in the status of the Study Program from what was originally still Registered
increased to Accredited both Management Study Program and Study Program Accountants
Stie yadika bangil is one of the private campuses in the city of Bangil. Is a private
high school that is engaged in economics, quality and facilities from year to year
experiencing improvements and developments as well as building buildings. In STIE Yadika
Bangil there are two majors, namely the Management Study Program and the Accounting
Study Program. Even though the campus is private, the education system and lecturers are not
inferior to other public or private universities or colleges
. A campus shaded by a self-education foundation or better known as YADIKA can
study while working because the hours for lectures themselves are conducted in the afternoon
or evening, for students who work the afternoon shift can get permission from lecturers who
teach that day. College while working is not easy, because we must be able to arrange time
to study and to work. Not to mention if we get an assignment or we can work overtime from
the office and the company where it works. But students at STIE Yadika prove that they are
capable and able, in fact they can indeed go to college while working and can even graduate
with the best grades. It is an honor to be able to go to school on a campus that has a friendly
environment and a conducive learning atmosphere. There are also many scholarships for
students who excel and are not qualified so for those of you who want to study but are
constrained by costs you don't need to worry about the campus account giving a scholarship
relief . there is also a scholarship for Yadika high school alumni who just graduated in the
form of a building money discount, and an achievement scholarship for academic champions
in Yadika High School or Vocational School. We can enjoy all the facilities that have been
provided by the campus, the location of the campus also strategic because it is located on a
busy street every day and surrounded by many eating places. Not a few students during
recess go out to look for food, STIE also has a canteen in the back of the building.
At present, STIE Yadika Bangil is holding a new student admission for the 2020-2021
school year. The registration schedule for the new students at STIE Yadika Bangil is divided
into several waves of registration. STIE Yadika Bangil provides a place for registration on
the STIE Yadika Bangil campus itself with a variety of registration paths. For prospective
students who want to register at the admission of new students of STIE Yadika Bangil, there
are several conditions that need to be known, namely a photocopy of a high school /
vocational high school diploma and a SKHU, as well as a number of paying registration fees.

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