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Perincian tajuk tugasan individu

1. Sport event and facility management

i. Identify steps in conducting an event and managing a facility
ii. Explain the need for effective risk management of facilities
iii. Identify differences between public assembly facilities and those managed by private
iv. Discus similarities and differences between event and facility management
v. Comprehension of current trends in sport and public assembly facilities

2. Sport medicine
i. Define sport medicine
ii. Identify the discipline that provide the knowledge base for professions in sport
iii. Specify careers in the fitness, exercise, and athletic training areas of sports medicine
iv. Descibes profesional responsibilities and academic preparation necessary for each
v. Compare and contrast criteria for programs and settings in which sports medicine
information is disseminated and procedures implmented
vi. Define the three classification levels (ie, apparently healthy, at risk, or with disease)
that determine the extent and type of exercise testing and prescription appropriate
for individual
vii. Explain the need for classifying individuals before exercise test, prescriptive exercise,
or rehabilitative programs
viii. Identify professional associations in sport s medicine and explain the purpose and
benefit of membership in them
ix. Dsicuse future challenges in sports medicine.

3. Sport Marketing
i. Recognize how a marketing plan is linked to an organization’s mission statement and
core values
ii. Assess the future market climate for sport or event by conducting a SWORT
iii. Analyze a sport product , such as the game itself (eg New York Yankee or Chicago
Bulls, or event ATP , Masters Golf Tournament)
iv. Define product positioning and market niche
v. Give an example of sport product that communicates a dictinctive image
vi. Recognize how you can communicate images and messages of a sport product in
ethical and socially responsible ways
vii. Define market segementation and target audiences
viii. Explain the four factors for developing a pricing strategy
ix. Explain five elements that comprise a promotion strategy
x. Discuss how sprts are distributed to consumer
xi. Define “place” of sport product
xii. Define packaging and selling a sport product
xiii. Explain what is meant by the “promise” of a marketing plan
xiv. Identify two sport marketing needs in the 21 st century.

4. Health Promotion
i. Define health promotion , optimal health, epidemiology, lifestyle, risk factor and
ii. Identify programs that address the five dimension of optimal health: physical,
emosional, social, spritual, and intellectual
iii. List the academic areas that contribute to the field of healtrh promotion
iv. Describe the job tittle, responsibilities, and educational and experiential
requirements for at least foue career s in health promotion
v. Identify a minimum 10 settings in which heatlh promoter works
vi. List at least three national health promotion associations or arganizations
vii. Identify at least three health promotion scholarly journals and three professional

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