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P: Good afternoon and welcome to Patty's office, please have a seat.

M: Hi Patty, my name Is….

P: Shhh, don't say anything else, let me focus…

P: Your name is Maria Saldaña and did you come to see if I could predict something about your
future in my crystal ball or in my tarot cards? choose which one.

M: Excuse me, I hate when people talk loudly, Could you lower your voice, please?

P: Oh, how come? It's Ok.

M: So, I choose Crystal Ball. I've never visited a fortune teller

P: Don´t worry. I´ll help you.

M: I'm going to ask you. Will I travel around the world?

P: If my prediction isn't wrong, first, you'll travel to Colombia, then you'll travel to Panama

M: Really?

P: Of course

M: It happens that I wanted to visit Dubai first. But Panama and Colombia sounds well.

M: I have more questions to ask you.

M: Ask me. Will I meet a public figure? I want to meet Bruno Mars. He sings very beautifully, is my
favorite singer. I have never met a public figure.

P: I have an answer to this question. It is a shame that you have never met a public figure, but in
this days you will meet Tongo.

M: Tongo? Are you mocking me?

P: shhh…. I can see other thing about your future…

M: Maybe about my job. I have worked in a famous company since 2016, will I continue in that

P: I am sorry, the answer is no way!!!!

M: Oh no, don’t say me that. I’m going to change the topic I’m really sad.

M: When I am going to get married?

P: You will meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger.

M: Could I interrupt for a second? I just wanted to ask something. Carlos my boyfriend?

P: You don't have to be a fortune teller to know he's cheating on you.

M: It is impossible.
P: Keep calm, please. Let's see ...

M: I don't want to listen to you anymore, There are lies.

P: where do you go?

M: No one else’s business

P: You don’t go anywhere, First my pay!

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