Literature Map

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Time frame How long does it take ART Drugs

and Stages for the ART drug to mechanism

Short term Physical changes
of ART react in our body? of action
side effects of patients
under ART

What Antiretroviral How the body reacts to

Therapy drugs does to Antiretroviral the Antiretroviral
our body? Therapy Drugs therapy drugs?

Long term
Body systems
side effects
affected by
Drug Literacy: Measuring ART
Graduating Pharmacy Students
of (University) Knowledge,
Assessment and Perception on
How Antiretroviral Therapy works
Early Stage in HIV Patients.
symptoms What to
of HIV avoid?

Knowledge of
How to know when
graduating Preventive
they have acquired
pharmacy measurements for HIV.

Tests and Direct

Indirect Guidelines
diagnosis Transmis
Transmis How HIV is transmitted? for HIV.
of HIV sion of
sion of
virus virus

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