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NIT : 3431901013


The periodic test occurs when all these conditions are true:
1. The airplane has been on the ground between 1 and 5 minutes
2. The WAI selector is set to AUTO or ON
3. Air-driven hydraulic pumps are not in intermittent operation
4. Bleed pressure is sufficient to open the WAI valves
5. The time since the last periodic test is more than 24 hours
During this test, the WAI valves cycle open and closed. Built in test Equipment BITE is active with the
switch position ON or AUTO on the ground and in the air. EAI indications and warnings are displayed on
the flight deck EICAS displays.
Electricity is used to heat various components on an aircraft so that ice doesn’t form. Effective thermal
electric anti-ice is used on most air data probes, such as pitot tubes, static air ports, TAT and AOA probes,
ice detectors, and engine P2/T2 sensors. Water lines, waste water drains, and some turboprop inlets cowls
are also heated with electricity to prevent ice from forming.
In device that use thermal electric anti-ice, current flows through an integral conductive element that
produces heat. Various schemes are used, such as an internal coil wire, externally wrapped blankets or
tapes, as well as conductive films and heated gaskets. Data probes that protrude into the ambient
airstream are particularly susceptible to ice formation in flight. The primary flight computer (PFC)
supplies signals for the air data card (ADC) to energize ground air heat control relays to activate probe
heat. If the engines are running are factors considered by the ADC logic.
Transport type aircraft have water and waste systems on board, and electrical heaters are often used to
prevent the formation of ice in the water lines of these systems. The waste water tanks collect the gray
water from the galleys and lavatories. Thermostats in the water lines supply temperature data to the
controlunit that turns the electrical heaters on and off. When the temperature falls below freezing, the
electrical heaters turn on and stay in until the temperature reaches a safe temperature.
Chemical anti-icing is used in some aircraft to anti-ice the leading edges of the wing, stabilizers,
windshields, and propellers. The wing and stabilizers systems are often called weeping wing systems or
are known by their trade name of TKSTM system. Ice protection is based upon the freezing point
depressant concept. An antifreeze solution is pumped from a reservoir through a mesh screen embedded
in the leading edges of the wings and stabilizers. The system is designed to anti-ice, but it is also capable
of deicing an aircraft as well. This allows aerodynamic forces to carry that ice away. The TKS TM weeping
wing system contains formed titanium panels that are laser drilled with over 800 tiny holes (.002 5 inch
diameter) per square inch.
Ground deicing of an aircraft is performed by a crew outside the aircraft equipped with spray
equipment and often a boom truck to facilitate access. There are many formulas for deicing fluid. An
ethylene glycol or propylene glycol based liquid is typical. It is mixed with hot water and sprayed on
the aircraft being careful to avoid spraying it into critical areas of the aircraft such as: 1. Engine inlets
2. Probes and ports
3. Air conditioning inlets and exits
4. APU inlets
5. Cooler and heat exchanger inlets
6. Fuel tanks vents
When ice, snow or frost are allowed to accumulate on aircraft surfaces and then are removed, the process
is known as deicing. Smaller turbine powered aircraft and reciprocating aircraft often incorporate de-ice
systems rather anti-ice system although some aircraft may use a combination of de-ice and anti-ice for
overall ice protection.
The leading edges of the wings and stabilizers have inflatable boots attached to them. The boots expand
when inflated by pneumatic pressure, which breaks away ice accumulated on the boot. The vacuum is
continuously applied to hold the boots tightly against the aircraft while not in use.
Deicer boots are made of soft, pliable rubber, or rubberized fabric, and contain tubular air cells. These
charges, if allowed to accumulate, would eventually discharge through the boot to the metal skin beneath,
causing static interference with the radio equipment.
Reciprocating engine aircraft typically use a dedicated engine-driven air pump mounted on the accessory
drive gear box of the engine.
1. Turbine Engine Bleed Air
The source of deice boot operating air on turbine engine aircraft is typically bleed air from the engine
compressor(s). This has little effect on engine power enabling use of bleed air instead of adding a separate
engine-driven air pump.


General aviation reciprocating engine aircraft, esprecially twin-engine models are commonly equipped
with pneumatic deicer systems. During operation, the tubes are inflated and deflated in an alternating
cycle. This inflation and deflation causes the ice to crack and break off. Boots used in GA aircraft
typically inflate and deflate along the length of the wing.
1. System Operation
The deflate valve is open connecting the deice boots to the suction side of the pump through the check
valve manifold and the vacuum regulator. The vacuum regulator is set to supply the optimum suction for
the gyros, which is sufficient to hold the boots tightly against the airfoil surfaces. The valves close and
route pump air output overboard. The deflated valve opens and the boots are again connected to vacuum.
Combining functional components of a deice system into a single unit is fairly common. This unit
combines the functions of a shutoff control valve for all pump supply air, as well as a pressure regulator
for the system, it also contains a secondary air filter.
-A three-position switch controls the operation of the boots. This switch is spring loaded to the center
OFF position. when ice has accumulated, the switch should be selected to the single-cycle (up) position
and released.
The components may differ slightly in name and location within the system depending on the aircraft.
The basic function of filtering, pressure regulation, distribution, and attachment to a vacuum when boots
are not in use must all be present.
2. Wet-Type Engine-Driven Air Pump
The pump is typically a four vane. Positive displacement pump. Engine oil passes from the accessory case
through the pump mounting base flange to lubricate the pump. When installing a wet-type pump, care
should be taken ot ensure that the oil passage in the gasket, pump, an d mounting flange are aligned to
ensure lubrication.
3. Dry-Type Engine-Driven Air Pump
The pump is constructed with carbon rotor vanes and bearings. This keeps output air oil-free thus, the use
of an oil separator isn’t required. Caution should be used to prevent oil, grease, or degreasing fluids from
entering the pump or the air system to ensure proper pump and system operation.

4. Oil Separator
An oil separator is required for each wet-type air pump. Pump output air flows through the separator
where most of the oil is removed and sent back to the engine though a drain line. A convoluted interior
allows the air to pass, while the oil condenses and drains back to the engine.
The only maintenance required on the separator is flushing. This should be done at intervals prescribed in
the applicable maintenance manual.


Rangkaian ini memeliki 2 bagian, satu untuk rangkaian di ground dan satu lagi untuk rangkaian di udara.

* Rangkaian di ground
1. Ketika rangkaian di ground di hidupkan maka ground heat control relay akan tersambung dan akan
mengalirkan arus probe heat sensor relay
2. Ketika itu maka salah satu engine akan dihidupkan juga untuk men supply daya yang diperlukan di
3. Aliran yang sudah di probe heat sensor relay akan di lanjutkan ke left pitot probe supaya dapat

*Rangkaian di udara
1. Ketika pesawat in flight maka untuk menghidupkan left pitot probe yang dihidupkan adalah air heat
control dimana akan menyambungkan rangkaian untuk meneruskan arus ke probe heat sensor relay
2. Untuk bagian yang satu lagi akan aktif jika speed pesawat >50 knots
3. Aliran yang sudah di probe heat sensor relay juga akan diteruskan ke probe heat pitot supaa bisa
Gambar 12-19 menunjukkan sirkuit untuk tabung pitot. Primary Flight Computer (PFC) memberi sinyal
untuk air data card (ADC) agar dapat memberikan energy pada air heat control relays dan tanah untuk
mengaktifkan heat probe. Informasi mengenai kecepatan pesawat, apakah saat di udara atau di darat, dan
jika mesin yang bekerja adalah factor yang dipertimbangkan oleh logika ADC. Kontrol serupa digunakan
untuk probe lain pemanas.

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