Snoc CM Mop MR Task Creation Guide Zte v1.0

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Creating MR Task

Method of Procedure (MoP) v1.0

Document Details :

VIL/SNOC/MOP/2019/ Creating MR Task _ ZTE_v1.0 C2 VIL Internal P a g e | 0

VIL/SNOC/MOP/2019/ Creating MR Task _ ZTE_v1.0 C2 VIL Internal P a g e | 1

Document No. Document Title Author
VIL/SNOC/MOP/20179/ Creating MR SNOC CHM ZTE BSS- Creating MR Swajeet
Sumit Nangia
Task Task Shukla

Name Version Approved Position

Nilesh Amte, Suraj Sinha SNOC-Change Management Head

Sumit Nangia 1.0 Lead - Mobility

Abhijit Ray RAN Lead

Name Version Approved Position Approval Date

Vinay Tyagi 1.0 SNOC Head

Distribution List:
Name/Position / Available at Published Date
SNOC, Circle BSS team, Corporate team

Next Review*:
Next Review Date Domain Owner
Sumit Nangia

*Document should be reviewed once every quarter or whenever there is a major change, whichever is
earlier. For Feedback/Suggestions please drop a mail to:

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1. Purpose of Document.....................................................................................................................3

2. Objective.........................................................................................................................................3

3. Scope...............................................................................................................................................4

4. Resources........................................................................................................................................4

5. MR Task Creation.........................................................................................................................4

5.1 Pre-requisites..................................................................................................................................4

5.2 Pre execution checks......................................................................................................................5

5.3 Detailed Job Description...............................................................................................................6

5.4 Impact on Service...........................................................................................................................6

5.5 Detailed Step by Step Procedures.................................................................................................7

5.6 Roll Back Plan..............................................................................................................................10

6 Activity Process and Time Line..................................................................................................11

7 Post Execution Checks.................................................................................................................11

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1. Purpose of Document

 This technical document covers the activity of Creating MR Task in OMMB for
Given Circles. The purpose of this document is to describe the actions needed for
Creating MR Task in OMMB for Given Circle.

2. Objective

 The objective of this MOP is to provide the user as to how to perform Creating MR
Task in OMMB.

3. Scope
 The scope of this process document is to present the process Creating MR Task in
OMMB, which is to be observed by SNOC, for ZTE based circles and Corporate
 This process is for Vodafone Managed Circles Only.

4. Resources

 NETNUMEN Applications via SRAS.

 BSS Engineer should be technically equipped for OMMB activity.
 SPOC’s details ( Circle & SNOC)

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5. MR Task Creation

5.1 Pre-requisites

 Pre check the plan in day time. (SNOC Responsibility).

 BSC should be in healthy condition. If any critical/major alarms reported same shall
be escalated to INM/Circle team immediately for rectification
 CR needs to be approved from all concern before 17::00 hrs.
 Activity Owners should be technically equipped to perform the activity.
 All changes should be done through SRAS.

5.2 Pre execution checks

 Check for any incorrect or missing parameter in the given File by circle.
 (Validation Step through NETNUMEN).
 Check if Sites name specified matches with Sites Name in OMMB specified.
 Take Pre Logs: Take all the required pre-logs of Planned Sites – SNOC responsibility

 Check CPU Utilization Need to Check & export of All Planed Sites
 Export Current Alarm Information
 First Select “Fault” -> “ Synchronize Active Alarms”

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 Select “Fault” -> “Alarm Monitoring” in EMS client interface to open alarm
monitoring interface

 Click the export button to export the current alarm information.

5.3 Detailed Job Description

 Creating MR Task is the process of Sending Site Measurement Data to External
Network Optimization Tool.
 The Creating MR Task is done via NETNUMEN.

5.4 Impact on Service

 Outage Involved: NA
 Outage Severity: Minor
 Outage Severity in case of fallback: NA
 Outage Time & Duration: NA

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5.5 . Detailed step-by-step procedures

 Configure NDS on eNB side

Each site can configure maximum 2 NDS IP address, NDS1 is for MR (pilot), the IP is
NDS2 is for FST (Astelia), the IP is,
Change the NDS1 from “” to “”

 OMC Channel Configuration

2 OMC channel should be defined, one is, and the other one is Change the first
IP from “” to “”

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 Create MR Task on EMS

(1) Open system tools-->standard trace, create Measurement Report task

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5.6 . Roll Back Plan

 Remove site’s MR task.

(2) Enter system tool menu

(3) Stop existing Astelia-MR task(all sites included) and BE-Alert task.

 Delete Stopped MR Task

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6. Activity Process and Time Line

Execution Outage Time Duration for Activity in
No Activity Process
Time Inv mins
Checking CR if all required data
1 Day No 20
2 Validate the plan Day No 10

3 Creating MR Task Day or Night NO 50

5 Post check Day or Night NO 20

6 For Roll Back Day or Night NO 30

7. Post execution checks

MR Task Creation Post-checks

S. Statu Remark
Points need to be checked
No. s s
1 CPU Utilization of Each Planned Site Need to Check      
2 Cross check all cell services      
3 Ensure after activity no alarm in network      

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