Cb3043 Business Case Analysis & Communication: City University of Hong Kong Department of Management

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City University of Hong Kong

Department of Management


Course Outline (Semester A 2021/22)

Instructor : Dr Mary Pang

Office : LAU 12-211
Phone : 3442-5308
E-mail : mgpang@cityu.edu.hk


This inter-disciplinary course aims to help you achieve the core competencies that stem from a
Discovery Enriched Curriculum (DEC) in a business context. Accordingly, the aims of the
course are to facilitate you to do the following:

 Create new knowledge by cross-fertilizing functional knowledge into workable solutions for
real business cases.
 Develop critical thinking skills independently and collaboratively in order to analyze and
evaluate business and strategic issues in local and global business operations.
 Communicate, orally and in writing, by providing you with the opportunities to communicate
your creative solutions and action plans for implementing solutions to business and
management problems.
 Become life-long learners through the acquisitions of a range of generic transferable skills,
including application of theories, principles and real-world knowledge, case analysis,
communication and oral as well as written language, teamwork and leadership, to enable you
to work individually and in teams as you make challenging business and management

 Ellet, W. 2018. The Case Study Handbook: A Student’s Guide. Boston: Harvard Business
 Business cases.
 Additional articles as assigned by instructor.

The class will be run primarily using the case method and much of the time is spent in a dialogue
among participants, with the instructor acting primarily as a facilitator. Consequently, there is
very little lecturing. Videos and class exercises may be used to supplement the discussion.
Some guidelines for success:

© 2021 Mary Y.N. Pang

Be prepared. Typically, there is just one case assigned in a given week. You are expected to
have read the assigned materials before the class and come prepared for extensive discussion.
Do not seek or use outside information for cases, unless otherwise specified. The case method
trains us to make decisions based on incomplete information (as no real-life situation will have
perfect information, and we do not have hindsight, either). One of the main goals of the case
method is to train you to make better decisions under the circumstances presented in the case, not
to find out more information.

Participation. Cold calling is a basic feature of the case format. While the instructors will often
solicit volunteers to answer questions or participate in an exercise, you may be called on even if
you don’t raise your hand. Consequently, you should arrive in class prepared to discuss any
aspect of the session’s materials.


Component Weight
Individual Assignment 30%
Group Case Presentation 35%
Attendance and Contribution 35%
Total 100%

Individual Assignment (30%)

This individual assignment is worth 30% of your final grade, and will consist of an in-depth
analysis on a case, which will be provided later in the course. Your analysis should be based on
the information solely provided in the case, that is, no external research is necessary.

The report should not exceed 1500 words (double-spaced, one inch margins, 12-point Times
New Roman font), excluding cover page, figures, and tables.

The Individual report should be submitted to Canvas by the end of your last class in Week 13.
Late submissions will be penalised.

Group Case Presentation (35%)

The group case presentation is worth 35% of your final grade. Each group should consist of 5 to
6 members, and formed on a voluntary basis.

The group case presentation will be scheduled in class. The presentation will be no more than 20
minutes followed by a Q&A session. The presentation power point is to be uploaded to Canvas
before the beginning of your class in Week 10. This submission deadline is applicable to all
groups regardless of the week your group is scheduled to present.

Attendance and Contribution (35%)

© 2021 Mary Y.N. Pang

In-class contribution is counted towards 35% of your final grade. The assessment of contribution
follows the usual norms—i.e., you are expected to be present and prepared for every class; and,
ready to share your views in the class discussion.
 Class Attendance and Participation Policy
Lateness is very costly in the business world: you may lose the contract or your job! Late arrivals
and early departures can result in loss of credit for a given class session. Chronic problems in this
regard can trigger more substantial penalties, at the instructor’s discretion.
You should maintain a professional business attitude in the classroom. That is, act as if you were
in a business meeting (but also be relaxed). You are highly encouraged (and indeed expected) to
challenge one another’s ideas, but must do so in a professional manner. Unprofessional
behaviors affect everyone in class.
Your participation score will be reduced significantly if you do the following frequently:
 Show disrespect to others’ opinions during class.
 Chat with your classmates or make unnecessary noises during class.
 Arrive late and/or leave class early without prior approval of the instructor.
 Attend to something else during class (e.g., reading newspaper, checking emails, surfing
the Internet).

 Class contribution
The assessment of class contribution focuses on both aspects of quantity and quality. You should
remember that without some quantity it is very hard to assess quality. However participation
does not mean that you have to participate every time or you seek to dominate the class
discussion. With regards to quality some of the criteria follow:
 The points made are relevant to the discussion.
 There is evidence of analysis rather than just the expression of opinion (although some
espousal of opinion may be acceptable).
 Linking your comments to those of others and facilitating the flow of the discussion.
 The contribution furthered the class’ understanding of the critical issues.
 The contributor is a good listener.
 The contributor made a genuine, well-intended effort.

Your case discussion contribution will be evaluated by the instructor and peer evaluators, but the
responsibility for the final assigned contribution grade rests with the instructor. You may be
called upon to contribute but waiting to be “cold-called” will not earn you a satisfactory
contribution grade. You will need to contribute voluntarily. Since it is not possible for all
students to contribute in every class, your class participation will be assessed according to the
extent to which you have established a meaningful presence in the classroom, over the course of
the semester, by making solid contributions on a regular basis.

You must observe the University’s policy on academic honesty in all areas relating to the course.
You are expected to fully read and understand the section Academic Honesty- Student Conduct
& Behavior of the City University Student Code of Conduct, and the section University
Intellectual Property Policy and Related Matters stated in the City University Rules and
Regulations. Any allegation of academic dishonesty will be referred to the appropriate

© 2021 Mary Y.N. Pang

University Officer for action and a proven offence will be subject to the disciplinary procedures
stated in the Code of Student Conduct.

Class Schedule


1. Readings :
Aug Course Introduction The Case Study Handbook:
30/31  Chapters 1-3

Preparing for Case Studies

2. Readings :
Sept Discussing Cases and The Case Study Handbook:
6/7 Writing Case-based Essays  Chapters 7-8
3. Readings & Case :
Sept How to Analyse Decision The Case Study Handbook:
13/14 Scenario Cases  Chapter 4
 Case - General Motors : Packard Electric
4. Readings & Case :
Sept How to Analyse Evaluation The Case Study Handbook
20/21 Scenario Cases  Chapter 5
 Case – Malaysia in the 1990s (A)
5. Readings & Case :
Sept How to Analyse Problem- The Case Study Handbook
27/28 Diagnosis Scenario Cases  Chapter 6
 Case – Allentown Materials Corporation :
The Electronic Products Division

Case Discussions in Business Context

Oct Leading Change & Change Case : Tech with a side of Pizza: How Dominos
4/5 Management Rose to the Top
Oct Crisis Management & Case : Jan Swartz: Steering Princess Cruises
11/12 Resilience Through the COVID-19 Crisis
Oct Cross-Cultural Case : The In-box
18/19 Management & Leadership

© 2021 Mary Y.N. Pang

Group Presentations

9. Preparing for your team presentation on the

Oct Presentation Skills Case (to be announced today)
10. Case: TBA
Nov Group Presentations on Case NB All Group PPT file to be uploaded in Canvas
1/2 (Part I) before the beginning of your class in Week 10.
Nov Group Presentations on Case Case TBA
8/9 (Part II)
Nov Group Presentations on Case Case TBA
15/16 (Part III)
Nov Feedback and Review
Submit Individual Written Assignment on Case

Assessment Penalty Marginal Satisfactory Good Significant Outstanding
Task -1 1 2 3 4 5
Absent Is present for Provides Contribution Contribution adds value to Contribution adds
without prior the class but statements advances the flow the discussion, beyond case substantial value to the
approval or is does not of facts of of the discussion facts. There is evidence of discussion. Shows
in the class seem well the case (including responses analysis rather than just the willingness to take risks in
but prepared and to questions from expression of opinion. attempting to answer
Attendance demonstrating and/or did displays the instructor). Comments are linked to difficult or unpopular
and disturbing or not make familiarity Demonstrates clear those of others, facilitating questions. Breaks new
Contribution disruptive notable with the grasp of case the flow of the discussion. ground & raises the flow of
behaviour contribution case material. Demonstrates knowledge of discussion to a higher level,
Information readings and other relevant often by synthesizing
presented is relevant course material. Incorporates material & applying
to the discussion relevant insights from other multiple lenses or
courses or current affairs techniques

© 2021 Mary Y.N. Pang

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