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What is the meaning of each word?

really? (_________)
ready? (______________)
meaning (______________)
talented (______________)
delicious (______________)
health (______________)
oily (______________)
every week (_______)
every month (______________)
every year (______________)
sometimes (______________)
crystal clear (______________)
good for my health (_____________________)
bad karma (______________)
keep in shape (______________)
word (_______)
world (______________)
sentence (_______)
question ( ______________)
answer ( ______________)
guess (_______)
very much (______________)
say again! (_____________________!)
I thought you told me to say again. (___________________________________)
review (______________)
Let’s review all the words. (____________________________)
Please send to my mother’s zalo. (____________________________)
teacher ( a word)
I am a teacher. ( a sentence)
student (a word)
I am a student. ( a sentence)

noodles ( a word)
I eat noodles every day. ( a sentence)
I ate noodles this morning. (a sentence)
Do you like noodles? ( a question)
Yes, I like noodles very much. ( an answer with a sentence)
Yes. (Not with a word)
I love noodles very much. (a sentence)
I like noodles very much.

Question 1: Do you like BlackPink?

Yes, I love BlackPink very much. They are very beautiful.

They are very young, but they are very talented (tài năng).
They sing very well. They sing every day. They sang on Youtube yesterday.
Question 2: Do you like noodles?

Yes, I love noodles very much. They are very yummy and delicious (ngon).
I eat noodles every day. I ate them this morning.

No, I don’t like noodles very much. They are very fat and hot.
They are not good for my health (sức khoẻ)

Question 3: Do you like fried chiken?

Yes, I like fried chicken so much. They are very yummy and delicious (ngon).
I sometimes (thỉnh thoảng) eat fried chicken.
I eat fried chicken every day (mỗi ngày).
I eat fried chicken every week (mỗi tuần).
I eat fried chicken every month (mỗi tháng).
I eat fried chicken every year (mỗi năm).
Question 4: Do you like pizza?

Yes, I like pizza so much. They are very delicious, but they are very oily (nhiều dầu) and fat.
They are not good for my health (sức khoẻ).
I sometimes eat pizza.

Question 5: Do you like pork?

No, I don’t like pork very much,

because I think eating meat is bad karma (nghiệp quật).

Question 6: Do you like drinking water?

Yes, I like water. Water is crystal clear (trong suốt) and beautiful.
It’s good for my health. I drink water every day.
Question 7: Can you sing a song?

No, I don’t like singing. I can’t sing very well.

can’t = cannot

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