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1. What is the meaning of the word?

difficult January
easy February
long March
short April
more and more May
yesterday - today – tomorrow June
month July
week August
year September
2022 is next year. October
dictionary November
join online classes December
anything native
if foreign
translate so
way so cute
America now
American right now
Vietnam at the moment
Vietnamese word
Do you want page

watching – right now

watched - yesterday
learning – right now
learned – yesterday
My mother (don’t / doesn’t) speak English well.
I (don’t / doesn’t) speak English well.
I come from (Vietnam / Vietnamese)
I am (Vietnam / Vietnamese)
My father (speak / speaks) English very well.
My uncle (speak / speaks) English very well.
My teacher (speak / speaks) English very well.
but I (speak / speaks) English very well.
My father and my uncle (speak / speaks) English very well.
My father, my uncle and my teacher (speak / speaks) English very well.
I’m not (America / American)
I don’t come from (America / American).
Do you want to eat fried chicken?
Write and speak 10 English sentences every day.

I watched English videos yesterday.

today (hôm nay)
word (từ)
I’m watching TV now.
now (bây giờ) = right now (ngay bây giờ) = at the moment (hiện tại)
I watched TV yesterday.

I’m learning English with my teacher right now.

I learned English with my mother yesterday.

What did you do yesterday? (Con đã làm gì hôm qua)

I joined online classes.
join (tham gia)
online classes (các lớp trực tuyến)
em đã đọc tiếng anh thầy cho và xem phim đi ngủ ( The End)
I read your English homework, watched movies and went to sleep last night.
last night (tối qua)
Right now, I’m (learned / learning) English with my teacher.
Yesterday, I (learned / learning) English with my mother.
mẹ em nói tiếng anh không giỏi nên em chỉ hỏi bài thôi hihi :)))))
My mother doesn’t speak English well, so I only ask her about my homework.
and me, I don’t speak English well.
My father speaks English very well.
My uncle speaks English very well.
My father and uncle speak English very well.
but, my teacher speaks English very well.
I speak Vietnamese very well. Vietnamese (tiếng Việt)
I come from Vietnam. Vietnam (nước Việt Nam)
I am Vietnamese. Vietnamese (người Việt Nam)
=>>> (Vietnamese has 2 meanings: 1. người Việt Nam 2. tiếng Việt)
meaning (nghĩa)
I come from America. I don’t come from Vietnam.
I am American.
America (nước Mỹ)
American (người Mỹ)
I don’t speak Vietnamese very well.

thầy nói tiếng anh không giống người bản địa em đã từng học thầy nước ngoài nên
em biết !
You don’t speak English like a native.
I used to study with a foreign teacher, so I know.
native (người bản địa)
foreign (nước ngoài)
so (nên)
so cute! so (rất)
So has 2 meanings (1. nên 2. rất)
I’m not American.
I’m Vietnamese.
I speak English very well.
I speak Vietnamese very well.
Do you want to speak English well?
Yes, I want to speak English well.
want (muốn)
Do you want (bạn có muốn)
Speak everything you want!
Speak anything you want!
everything (mọi thứ)
anything (bất cứ thứ gì)
Write and speak 10 English sentences every day.
If you can’t write English sentences, you can write Vietnamese sentences,
so I will help translate them to English.
if (nếu)
translate (dịch)
2 ways to speak ‘them’
way (cách)
I want to eat ice-cream, fried chicken and fried potatoes.
Ice-cream is so cold.
This month is October.

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