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10/3/2019 LATIHAN SOAL 2 10/3/2019 LATIHAN SOAL 2

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Started on Thursday, 3 October 2019, 7:00 PM Which of the following statements is the most accurate? Sole proprietorships:
State Finished
Select one:
Completed on Thursday, 3 October 2019, 7:57 PM
a. are taxed at the owner's personal tax rate.
Time taken 57 mins 11 secs
Marks 44.00/50.00 b. are well suited for people who want to own a business and share in its pro ts without taking an active role in management.
Grade 88.00 out of 100.00 c. are the least risky form of business ownership.
d. must receive a state charter before they can legally conduct business.
Question 1

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: are taxed at the owner's personal tax rate.

When comparing general partnerships to sole proprietorships, an advantage of partnerships is that they:

Select one:
a. give the rm a stronger nancial foundation.
b. cost less to organize.
c. are easier to terminate.
d. are less risky, because each partner is responsible for only a speci ed fraction of the rm's debts.

The correct answer is: give the rm a stronger nancial foundation.  

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Question 3 Question 4
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Fiscal policy involves increases or decreases in: One reason limited liability companies have become so popular is that they:

Select one: Select one:

a. interest rates. a. have unlimited life.
b. the money supply. b. can be taxed either as a corporation or as a partnership, so owners can choose the tax treatment that is most advantageous for
their situation.
c. government spending and taxes.
c. permit owners to avoid paying self-employment taxes on the company's pro ts.
d. exports and imports.
d. allow owners to sell their interests in the company without requiring approval from other owners.

The correct answer is: government spending and taxes.

The correct answer is: can be taxed either as a corporation or as a partnership, so owners can choose the tax treatment that is most
advantageous for their situation.

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Question 5 Question 6
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Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following statements would best summarize Max Weber's views on the role of workers in an organization? Being your own boss means:

Select one: Select one:

a. Although top managers must ultimately make the decisions, workers are an important creative resource for a rm, and top a. reducing your working hours.
management should listen to their ideas.
b. having limited nancial resources to throw into the business.
b. Workers will be promoted within the organization depending upon "who they know," rather than "what they know."
c. having the freedom to set your own working hours and taking lots of vacations, particularly when just beginning the business.
c. Workers should be empowered to do whatever it takes to satisfy the needs of customers.
d. accepting accountability for the mistakes of the business.
d. Workers should simply follow well-de ned procedures.

The correct answer is: accepting accountability for the mistakes of the business.
The correct answer is: Workers should simply follow well-de ned procedures.

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Question 7 Question 8
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

__________ is a condition in which the price increases are slowing. An entrepreneur who wishes to start a business with little delay or hassle, and who wants to be his or her own boss, should organize
the business as a:
Select one:
a. Disin ation Select one:
a. general partnership.
b. Uni ation
b. cooperative.
c. Stag ation
c. C corporation.
d. De ation
d. sole proprietorship.

The correct answer is: Disin ation

The correct answer is: sole proprietorship.

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Question 9 Question 10
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

According to the Uniform Partnership Act, the three key elements of any general partnership are: Greenwave Garden Centers is a national chain of discount gardening stores. The top management realizes that di erent regions of the
U.S. have very di erent climates and soil conditions, so they give regional managers a great deal of freedom to decide exactly what
Select one: types of plants, fertilizers, and other items to stock and how to best market these products. Greenwave is an example of a
a. a board of directors, a written partnership agreement, and a well-de ned product or service. _______________ organization.

b. two owners, an adequate nancial base, and a written statement describing the manner in which pro ts and losses will be Select one:
a. bureaucratic
c. common ownership, shared pro ts and losses, and right to participate in management.
b. top down
d. common stock, a board of directors, and a statement of limited liability.
c. decentralized
d. free form

The correct answer is: common ownership, shared pro ts and losses, and right to participate in management.

The correct answer is: decentralized

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Question 11 Question 12
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Mel, Tim, and Bill agreed to partner in a small rehab business. Initially, they were enthusiastic contributors until their rst project took Job specialization is known to:
more work than Mel initially estimated; Tim wanted morning meetings and long lunch hours; and Bill decided to go on vacation even
though the project was not complete and ready to sell. As Figure 5.2 indicates, Select one:
a. establish procedures.
Select one:
b. minimize delegated authority and responsibility.
a. it's smart to designate one of the partners as the primary partner with nal authority to call all the shots.
c. create work teams and improve resource allocation.
b. it's smart to begin the partnership with honest communication of what each partner expects to give and get from the
partnership. d. improve job performance.

c. it's smart to organize the business as a limited liability company to reduce the nancial risks that put pressure on members of the
The correct answer is: improve job performance.
d. it's smart to enter into partnerships with people who have similar educational and cultural backgrounds and similar

The correct answer is: it's smart to begin the partnership with honest communication of what each partner expects to give and get from
the partnership.

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Question 13 Question 14
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

In a _____________ organization, decision-making authority is concentrated at the top level of management. Twenty-six years ago, several small vineyard owners in California joined voluntarily to market their grapes and wine in an attempt to get
better prices. Over the years they expanded the organization to include other services such as buying and selling farm supplies and
Select one: equipment and providing nancial and technical services. The arrangement established by these vineyard owners is an example of a
a. bottom-up :

b. inverted Select one:

c. centralized a. farm cooperative.
d. decentralized b. closed corporation.
c. limited agricultural partnership.
d. joint venture.
The correct answer is: centralized

The correct answer is: farm cooperative.

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Question 15 Question 16
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

When the federal government's collection of tax revenues is less than what it spends in a given year, it results in a: _________ is the term used to describe those functions that a rm can do as well or better than others. It performs these functions in-
house, rather than outsourcing.
Select one:
a. national de cit. Select one:
a. Benchmarks
b. Federal Reserve allowance.
b. Core competencies
c. GDP de ator.
c. Standard responsibilities
d. balance of payments de cit.
d. Operational requirements

The correct answer is: national de cit.

The correct answer is: Core competencies

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Question 17 Question 18
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A major premise of a socialist system is: Tess and Tijuana have considered starting their own business but are concerned about the possibility of losing their personal assets if
the business fails. One way for Tess and Tijuana to avoid this risk would be to organize their rm as a :
Select one:
a. to create incentives to encourage entrepreneurs to create jobs and economic growth. Select one:
a. corporation.
b. to make sure that those that create wealth are allowed to keep that wealth.
b. general partnership.
c. to reduce the inequality in the distribution of wealth.
c. limited partnership.
d. to keep tax rates extremely low so that businesses do not need to support government projects.
d. sole proprietorship.

The correct answer is: to reduce the inequality in the distribution of wealth.
The correct answer is: corporation.

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Question 19 Question 20
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following statements most closely identi es the problem with adopting Fayol's principles of organization design for In one of his weekly broadcasts, the Federal Reserve Chairman remarked that in ation had begun to tick upward. However,
contemporary businesses? unemployment in the U.S. was still quite high and economic growth had slowed. With short-term interest rates close to 0 (zero), the
Chair did not visualize that ____________ policy would be able to do anything for the high unemployment problem. He felt that _______
Select one: policy would be more useful for bolstering employment, but that would require local and state governments and the federal
a. Leaving some decision-making power to middle management has the e ect of minimizing the e ort and results that government to provide tax breaks for corporations.
management would put into the other historical principles of organization.
Select one:
b. Authority and responsibility quickly become unrelated.
a. scal; federal
c. The rule making that develops from these principles creates organizations that don't respond quickly to customer needs.
b. monetary; scal
d. The principles of Fayol and Weber hamper a rm's ability to determine if it is pro table.
c. federal; state
d. scal; monetary

The correct answer is: The rule making that develops from these principles creates organizations that don't respond quickly to customer
The correct answer is: monetary; scal

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Question 21 Question 22
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Eileen works in the human resources department of a corporation with several hundred employees. Her main function is to advise and In a limited liability partnership, each partner's risk of losing personal assets is:
assist managers in other departments, such as marketing and production, when they make sta ng decisions. Eileen's position would be
classi ed as a ___________ position. Select one:
a. limited to losses that result from his/her own acts and omissions and the acts and omissions of those who work under his/her
Select one: supervision.
a. secondary
b. determined entirely by the maximum loss provision established by the articles of co-partnership.
b. sta
c. nonexistent.
c. line
d. unlimited.
d. rst-line

The correct answer is: limited to losses that result from his/her own acts and omissions and the acts and omissions of those who work
The correct answer is: sta under his/her supervision.

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Question 23 Question 24
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Campbell is a middle manager for a bureaucratic organization. According to Max Weber's views on bureaucratic organizations, ______________ organizations are characterized of many layers of management and function with well-de ned rules and procedures.
Campbell's function within the organization is to:
Select one:
Select one: a. Matrix
a. ensure the organization achieves esprit de corps.
b. Bureaucratic
b. implement the decisions of top management.
c. Ordered
c. make key operating decisions.
d. Inverted
d. evaluate the daily performance of rst-line employees.

The correct answer is: Bureaucratic

The correct answer is: implement the decisions of top management.

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Question 25 Question 26
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

One reason that companies participate in mergers and acquisitions is: In an inverted organization, the job of management is to:

Select one: Select one:

a. to do the same thing as the competition because it makes for a highly leveraged company. a. closely monitor employee performance.
b. to expand within their own eld or enter new markets. b. assist and support front-line people.
c. to convert a sole proprietorship into a partnership. c. make all of the basic decisions.
d. to take the rst step toward a join venture. d. establish rules and regulations to guide worker behavior.

The correct answer is: to expand within their own eld or enter new markets. The correct answer is: assist and support front-line people.

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Question 27 Question 28
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The most popular type of business for franchising is: Jake considers himself to be a follower of Thomas Malthus. Which of the following statements would Jake be most likely to make?

Select one: Select one:

a. medical services. a. Allowing people to follow their self-interest is the best way to generate economic growth and prosperity.
b. consumer wholesale rms. b. The key to economic growth is to keep taxes and government regulations to a minimum.
c. restaurants. c. Command economies are more likely to encourage economic growth than free-market economies.
d. specialty steel manufacturing. d. A society will not experience sustainable economic progress unless it accepts the need to limit population growth.

The correct answer is: restaurants. The correct answer is: A society will not experience sustainable economic progress unless it accepts the need to limit population growth.

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Question 29 Question 30
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Earnings of C corporations can be: Which of the following factors help determine a manager's span of control?

Select one: Select one:

a. taxed twice if they are distributed as dividends to stockholders. a. Method of accounting for production
b. taxed at twice the going rate of a partnership or sole proprietorship. b. Form of business ownership
c. taxed by the federal government, but they are exempt from state taxes if the corporation owns any facilities within that state. c. The level of standardization of the work to be done
d. taxed the same as a partnership. d. The number of global competitors

The correct answer is: taxed twice if they are distributed as dividends to stockholders. The correct answer is: The level of standardization of the work to be done

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Question 31 Question 32
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

For an inverted organization to be e ective, it requires: Economics was known as the "Dismal Science" because:

Select one: Select one:

a. managers who are both technologically savvy and conceptually savvy. a. it was a very complex area of study based on mathematics.
b. a focus on what is best for production. b. the world population was growing slower than expected in the 1700s, leading economists to call it a dismal period of time.
c. better educated, better trained, and better paid employees. c. there were too many old people and not enough young people to care for them.
d. managers with strong position power. d. too many people would result in food shortages and shortages of other resources.

The correct answer is: better educated, better trained, and better paid employees. The correct answer is: too many people would result in food shortages and shortages of other resources.

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Question 33 Question 34
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A typical demand curve shows that: The markets for laundry detergents, soft drinks, and automobiles are dominated by just a few sellers. Economists would classify these
markets as examples of:
Select one:
a. as people earn more income, they buy more of a good. Select one:
a. monopolies.
b. people tend to buy more of a good than they really want.
b. oligopolies.
c. as supply increases, the amount purchased decreases.
c. monopolistic competition.
d. people tend to buy more of a good when its price decreases.
d. perfect competition.

The correct answer is: people tend to buy more of a good when its price decreases.
The correct answer is: oligopolies.

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Question 35 Question 36
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

At Green Acres Fencing Company, eight employees perform various aspects of the company's work. One person does sales; four HipHop Music Company assigns workers to departments based on similar skills. Currently, the company has a marketing department, a
perform installation; one purchases materials; one does billing; one performs after-sales inspections. This type of organization re ects production department, a nance department, and a human resources department. This suggests that HipHop departmentalizes by:
Fayol's principle of:
Select one:
Select one: a. function.
a. division of labor.
b. tradition.
b. unity of command.
c. process.
c. hierarchy of authority.
d. user group.
d. equity.

The correct answer is: function.

The correct answer is: division of labor.

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Question 37 Question 38
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Sta positions in an organization: The S corporation is likely to be less popular in the future because:

Select one: Select one:

a. are ways to employ past CEOs until they retire. a. S corporations have been made illegal in several states as a reaction to widespread abuse of the special bene ts available to this
type of business.
b. are less well-paid than line positions.
b. congress repealed the limited liability protection of S corporations and limited them to companies with earnings of less than $3
c. support and assist the line positions.
million per year.
d. are superior to line positions.
c. many states signi cantly increased the annual fee that S corporations must pay to maintain their tax status, thus eliminating the
nancial advantages of this form of ownership.
d. limited liability companies, which do not have the restrictive eligibility requirements of S corporations and o er greater exibility
The correct answer is: support and assist the line positions.
in the choice of tax treatment, are now legal in all 50 states.

The correct answer is: limited liability companies, which do not have the restrictive eligibility requirements of S corporations and o er
greater exibility in the choice of tax treatment, are now legal in all 50 states.

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Question 39 Question 40
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Maria recently purchased 100 shares of stock in Idle Time Gaming, Inc. Maria is a ______________ of this company. Over the years, the government of Montivia has focused on implementing programs that promote equality. In the short term, though,
Montivia legislators are concerned about the very slow rate of growth that has plagued its national economy. In order to address this
Select one: problem, the government is likely to:
a. creditor
Select one:
b. manager
a. take control of more major industries.
c. owner
b. avoid the use of scal policies and reduce the supply of money in circulation.
d. partner
c. reduce taxes and cut back on some social programs.
d. make sure to balance its budget.

The correct answer is: owner

The correct answer is: reduce taxes and cut back on some social programs.

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Question 41 Question 42
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Organizations that require consistent production standards to help create a high-quality public image would tend to favor: A franchise can be formed:

Select one: Select one:

a. centralized authority. a. as a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship.
b. a high level of employee empowerment. b. as either a corporation or partnership, but not as a sole proprietorship.
c. at organizational structures. c. only as a corporation.
d. an inverted organization. d. only as a general partnership.

The correct answer is: centralized authority. The correct answer is: as a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship.

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Question 43 Question 44
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Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is true of cross-functional teams? The main di erence between a matrix-style organization model and a cross-functional team is:

Select one: Select one:

a. Employees on the teams are frustrated by organizational rules and regulations. a. the matrix model is a temporary arrangement, whereas the cross-functional team is a more permanent arrangement.
b. Cross-functional teams work best when the voice of the customer is brought into the organization. b. the matrix model is a more permanent arrangement, whereas the cross-functional team is a temporary arrangement.
c. Cross-functional teams are required not to share information across national boundaries. c. the matrix model has a limit on the number of functional units who send an expert to join the team, whereas the cross-functional
team does not.
d. Cross-functional teams are disbanded once the current project is complete.
d. the matrix model shares leadership responsibilities within the group, whereas the cross-functional team does not.

The correct answer is: Cross-functional teams work best when the voice of the customer is brought into the organization.
The correct answer is: the matrix model is a temporary arrangement, whereas the cross-functional team is a more permanent

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Question 45 Question 46
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Economies of scale: A separation between ownership and management is most likely to occur in a:

Select one: Select one:

a. are achieved when a rm reduces its average cost of production as it produces more. a. limited liability partnership.
b. can be avoided by purchasing supplies and raw materials in large quantities. b. general partnership.
c. help explain the success of small businesses. c. corporation.
d. are available to small rms but not to large rms due to management ine ciencies. d. sole proprietorship.

The correct answer is: are achieved when a rm reduces its average cost of production as it produces more. The correct answer is: corporation.

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Question 47 Question 48
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Greg plans to open up three Hottie Pata′tee franchises in the greater Denver area. He just informed you that he plans to negotiate with Which of the following is an advantage of a matrix organization structure?
the franchisor to eliminate the Big Potato Head that graces the roof of these restaurants. Greg is likely to learn that:
Select one:
Select one: a. The project teams are permanent.
a. the parent company will give him a start-up cost break for the same amount that it would have to pay for three of these signs.
b. It is much cheaper to sta than other organization models.
b. his failure rate will not increase or decrease because franchises traditionally have low failure rates.
c. It is a complex organization structure.
c. he is making a smart decision because it is not the sign that will bring customers to his potato bar. It is the wide-selection of
d. It provides for e cient use of organizational resources.
toppings and six di erent ways he will cook potatoes.
d. it is nonnegotiable due to company rules.

The correct answer is: It provides for e cient use of organizational resources.

The correct answer is: it is nonnegotiable due to company rules.

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10/3/2019 LATIHAN SOAL 2 10/3/2019 LATIHAN SOAL 2

Question 49 Question 50
Complete Complete
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Kali owns Dog Trotters, a dog-walking business that she started to earn money after school and supplement her allowance. She planned With respect to taxes, the sole proprietorship:
to keep all the pro ts, and has kept things simple by putting a ier on the bulletin board at the local grocery store announcing that she
was available to provide this service. Kali's business is a: Select one:
a. pays taxes on the pro ts of the business at the same rate that corporations pay taxes.
Select one:
b. pays taxes only if there are no expenses associated with the business.
a. S corporation.
c. is permitted to determine its own tax rate and schedule of payments.
b. partnership.
d. pays taxes on the pro ts of the business, at the owner's personal tax rate.
c. sole proprietorship.
d. franchise.

The correct answer is: pays taxes on the pro ts of the business, at the owner's personal tax rate.

The correct answer is: sole proprietorship.

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