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A week without


Name:Noé Beltrán ID;615370

Name: Juan Carlos Argüelles 615517
Name: Damian Ruiz ID:61468
2.21 Imagine you had to live for one week
without the Internet. How would your life be
● If I were not allowed to go online, I would not be able to see what’s going on in the news, and in some
way it disconnect from society because I am not aware of what is happening in the world, or maybe i
could just know what is happening in my country by a newspaper.

● If i had no internet on a week my life would be different because we will have to go to school all the days,
not on zoom and I could not communicate with people unless i see them and I would have to watch TV or
do something else if i get bored.

● If I could not access the internet for a week my life would not be very different since I don't do many
things that occupy the internet, maybe when I play video games or watch a series but the rest would not
change much.
2.22 Distracted driving
● How common is texting while driving?

According to a poll made in Mexico 5 out of 10 people use their phone while driving and 33% of
them have had an accident related to this.

● How many injuries or deaths are caused yearly by distracted driving in your country?

In Mexico there are 16 thousand deaths a year from traffic accidents, one million injured, 40
thousand people with permanent disabilities and they constitute costs of 150 billion pesos.
Accidents are the leading cause of death in young people worldwide.

● What initiatives have been taken to discourage distracted driving?

Use your cell phone for emergency situations only, if you are drowsy, pull off the road, limit the
number of passengers, as well as the level of activity inside the car, avoid eating while driving, Do
multi-tasking outside the car. Drivers who are distracted and do not focus their full attention on
the road are the main cause of most accidents, causing injuries to themselves, their passengers,
and other drivers.

a) The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.


We are agree with this phrase because, the internet has become the central information hub and a
common meeting ground for the inhabitants of all corners of the Earth. The digital world offers
endless opportunities to exchange ideas and share opinions. It has its own community that is open
to the public. It is becoming a platform all on its own. It is a stepping-stone in a direction that is
unknown. But is not just a place for communication, the Web is also a huge marketplace which
gives the ability to realize your business dreams and it is home to millions of online businesses -
bloggers, media resources, online auctions, eCommerce stores, daily deal websites and many
many more.
Questions of technology
1. Technology affects the way individuals communicate, learn, and think. It helps society and determines
how people interact with each other on a daily basis. Technology plays an important role in society
today. It allows the communication between people on the other side of the world immediately. No
waiting for the postman, messenger pigeon, or message in a bottle. Technology has broken down the
communication barriers that distance once presented.
2. VR-Gaming offer motion sensing controllers and a tracker to work in concert with the headset. Some
offer room-scale VR capabilities while others are designed to be used in a seated or stationary position.
In addition to entertainment, VR games can be used for various types of training and for virtual reality

Games that are compatible with VR gaming:

● Beat saber
● Cloudlands Vr Minigolf
● Fruit Ninja
● Resident Evil 7
● Battlezone
● Superhot

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