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Ladies and gentlemen I welcome you. In the city of San Alfonso, where two families reside. Two
families, different state of living. Rivals against one land. But then here comes each other’s children.
How can they change the fate of each family?

Romeo was sitting in his room while fixing his hair but then his parents entered his room

Mrs. Clinton: Romeo, hurry up. We will visit the family of Sauveterre who owns the farm right now.

Romeo: But mom—

Mr. Clinton: No buts son. It’s about our business. Let’s go.

Romeo just sighed and went outside. Then they went to the Sauveterre’s. While traveling, Romeo asked
why they need to go there.

Mrs. Clinton: We are planning to build a hotel but we can’t find a perfect place. Our secretary told us
that Sauveterre’s farm is the best place to build a hotel.

When they reached the farm, Romeo stepped out of the car and looked around the place.

Romeo: Uhm, It is quite pretty and has a very fresh air. The view is also beautiful and it’s really a nice
place to build a hotel.

Mrs. Clinton: Yes, that’s right, sweetie.

While his mom is talking, Romeo looked around once again and saw a young man getting some
mango fruits for their snack and then Romeo can’t take his eyes of that young man.

Mr. Clinton: Alright. Let’s go.

Romeo: Where?

Mr. Clinton: To meet the owners of this farm.

They walked and asked some people where does the Sauveterre family live. The Clinton’s approached
a group of teenagers who are talking to each other.

Mr. Clinton: Good morning. Do you know where the Sauveterre residence is?

Girl1: I’m sorry, but we don’t.

Boy1: But I know someone who is related to them.

Boy2: Hey, Lino!

Lino ran towards them, holding a basket of mangoes.

Lino: Why?

Boy2: They're looking for your cousin's family.

Lino: Oh, I see. Let me handle this. Thank you.

After the conversation between the girls, Lino approached them.

Lino: Are you looking for the Sauveterre’s?

Mrs. Clinton: Yes. Do you know where they live?

Lino: Yes. Please follow me.

They followed him until they reach the Sauveterre’s house.

Juliet: Oh, Lino, where are the fruits?

Lino: Here. By the way someone is looking for uncle and aunt.

Juliet: Why is that?

Lino: I don’t know. They did not say.

Juliet: Okay, I’ll call them. Just wait for a minute.

Juliet called her parents from the farm. Her parents' co-farmers saw her and greeted her.

Farmer1: Oh, Juliet you're here!

Farmer2: Woah, you're getting more beautiful as the time goes by.

Juliet: It's not like that. Ah, ma! Pa! Lino said someone's looking for you.

Mr. Sauveterre: Who?

Juliet: I don't know, either.

Mrs. Sauveterre: I see, let's go.

The farmers waved goodbye to Juliet before she go home.

Mrs. Sauveterre: Where are they?

Mr. Sauveterre: Who are they?

Juliet: Uhhh, I don’t know, pa.

Mr. Sauveterre: Let’s just go and meet them.

After that, they went outside to meet the Clinton family. Then Juliet and Romeo's family met.

Mrs. Clinton: Hello, good morning. I am Aster Clinton, the CEO of Leva Company, are you Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Sauveterre: Yes, we are. Why?

Mr. Clinton: We are here to ask if you are willing to sell your land to us, because we are planning to
build a hotel. It’s a good spot.

Mr. Sauveterre: What? No. We won’t sell our land. My father gave it to us so we need to take care of it.

Mrs. Sauveterre: This is the only remaining wealth of us.

Mr. Clinton: We can double the payment and we can offer big money than your harvests.

Mrs. Clinton: How about we triple it?

Juliet looked at them and her parents looked at each other with confusing look.

Mrs. Sauveterre: No. We won’t still sell it.

Mr. Sauveterre: Find another place because we won’t ever sell this land, even you offer bigger money.

Mrs. Clinton: But this is the best place to build the hotel.

Mrs. Sauveterre: I don’t care and this farm is not for sale. Let’s end our conversation here. We have a lot
of work to do.

Mr. Clinton: Let’s go, honey. Let’s just find another place. It’s not our loss.

Mrs. Clinton: No. We will not stop convincing them. But let’s go home for now.

Mr. Sauveterre: Even if you come every day to convince us, we won’t change our mind.

Mrs. Clinton: Time will come and you'll need to sell your land to us!

Mrs. Sauveterre: We will die first before that happens.

Mrs. Clinton: Then why don't you die right now?

Mr. Sauveterre: Why don't you die first?

Mr. Clinton: Let's go. The conversation has nowhere to go.

Mr. Clinton pulled his wife and Romeo to the car. After that conversation between the two families,
Clinton family went home while the Sauveterre eat their snacks.
Romeo can't stop thinking about the boy he saw catching mangoes near the Sauveterre's residence. He
kept thinking about him, he didn't even notice her mom is talking to him.

Mrs. Clinton: Romeo! Get to your senses!

Romeo: Sorry mom, what is it?

Mrs. Clinton: I have a plan Romeo. And I need you in my plan.

Romeo: What is it?

Mrs. Clinton: I badly want that land but that Sauveterre family is just hard to convince.

Romeo: So what are you planning to do?

Mrs. Clinton: Win their daughters heart.

Romeo: Win her wha--?

Mrs. Clinton: Yes. By that, we can own their land. /smirks;

Romeo: But what if it fails?

Mrs. Clinton: I'm sure it will work. I swear. I trust you. After all you are my son.

Romeo: I'll try mom.

Mrs. Clinton: Don't try, my son. Do it.

After that a day passed, Romeo decided to go to Sauveterre to start the plan.
When he arrived he saw Juliet with the boy the other day and Juliet notice him so he walk towards

Romeo: Hi?

Juliet: What do you want? /with a resting face;

Romeo: uh, nothing, I guess.

Lino: Why are you here then?

Romeo: I like the view here and the air is fresh. That's why I decided to visit...

Juliet: I thought you'll going to convince us again

Romeo: Of course not. My parents change their minds and decided to look for the other place to build
the hotel.

Juliet: What's with the sudden change?

Romeo: Why? Can't we change our decisions?

Lino: Uh, guys. Don't you want to go to the tree house?

The two agreed so they went to the tree house, Lino prepared food and they talked the whole hour that
Romeo even went home late.

Mrs. Clinton: So how is it?

Romeo: Uhm... It’s nice, they are open and very friendly.

Mrs. Clinton: That's nice. Well, just continue what you are doing.

Romeo: Yes mom.

Little did they know that Romeo is happy to go there because of Lino the cousin of Juliet, Romeo's
parents don't know that he is gay. But as the day goes by and spend time with Juliet, he's slowly being

Romeo: Mom, I’m going to the Sauveterres!

Mrs. Clinton: Yeah, take care son.

At Sauveterre's
Lino: Yah, why are you here?

Romeo: I'm here to visit you, of course. /smiles;

Lino: don't say things like that /serious;

Romeo: Just kidding, fool. So, how's it going?

Lino: With what?

Romeo: The farm?

Lino: Pfft. I should be the one who's asking you that

Romeo: hehe /scratches his hair;

Romeo: Where's Juliet by the way.

Lino: Harvesting crops of course.

Romeo: When will she will finish harvesting?

Lino: I don’t know. Wanna see her?

Romeo: Uhm... Yes? Why don't we help her?

Lino: Let's go to her, then

They started walking while talking

At Juliet's

Lino : Hey there's someone who wants to see you.

Juliet looks at them.

Juliet: who? /she raised her one eyebrow and sees Romeo;

Romeo: H-- Hi

Juliet: You're here to visit our farm again?

Romeo: Well yeah. I kind of like the scenery here and also I want to see your pretty face too, milady

Juliet: /blushes; whatever. Uh, Lino, why don't you prepare some foods for us? It’s already lunch time.

Lino: Yeah right. I'm going to tell aunt. Just wait for few minutes.

Romeo: Thanks

Lino went to Juliet's mom to get some foods for them.

The two just stared each other.

Romeo: Need help?

Juliet: No thanks. I'm already done, I'm just going to wash my hands /smiles;

Romeo: Okay, sure. I'll wait for you.

The food is already ready and they are at the tree house.

Juliet: Did your mom know that you're here?

Romeo: No. I didn't tell her. Why?

Juliet: Hmmm... Nothing.

Their conversation went longer until its already evening. Romeo was about to go home but he
decided to ask Juliet something.

Romeo: Juliet?

Juliet: Yes? /shyly;

Romeo: Can we go for a date?

Juliet was shocked but she answered yes. After that night, Juliet can’t sleep because of Romeo. She
also told Lino about it.

Juliet: I’m so excited, Lino. What should I do?

Lino: Well, just enjoy the day and be happy /smiles at Juliet;

Lino : Oh Romeo is already here

Juliet: Wha--what? Really?

Lino : Yes. Now go. Go.

Juliet excitedly went to Romeo

Romeo: /lend his hand; Ready for our date, milady?

Juliet: Yes /accepted Romeo's hand;

They dated the whole day. Juliet was very happy while Romeo wants to go home early and want to see
Juliet's house

Romeo: Did you enjoy the date?

Juliet: Yes! Very.

Romeo: It’s already evening. Let’s talk again tomorrow, Juliet. Goodbye and Goodnight /waved

Juliet: Good bye Romeo take care!

Romeo: Yes I will. For you/smiles and waved again at Juliet;

After Romeo went home Juliet went to her room, she saw Lino.

Lino: How's the date?

Juliet: It’s really exciting and I’m so happy!

Lino: Good for you /smiles; my cousin is not a baby anymore.

Lino: Oh, I need to go now. Good night

Lino went to his room and left Juliet alone. The day passed, Romeo always visit Sauveterre family and
Juliet falls for Romeo deeper, but Romeo is not serious about Juliet, he's still into her mom's plan.
Romeo's house.

Mrs. Clinton: How was it?

Romeo: Well, I think Juliet is already falling for me.

Mrs. Clinton: That's a good news! Very good Romeo. /thumbs up;

Romeo: Thanks mom. After that what should I do next?

Mrs. Clinton: You will talk about your future of course. You will also going to marry her and once we are
already one big family I will do the rest--

Romeo: Marry??

Mrs. Clinton: Yes, you will marry her.

Romeo: but thats--

Mrs. Clinton: Don't worry, my son. After you marry her, just wait for weeks and all of the Sauveterre is
already gone /smirk;

Romeo: Okay mom, if you say so...

It's been one month since Romeo started to court Juliet. Juliet’s mom is not that into Romeo because
of what happened when they first met.

Mrs. Sauveterre: Are you serious to our dearest Juliet?

Romeo: Yes ma'am. I'm really serious.

Mrs. Sauveterre: /sighs; Okay fine. Juliet is also serious so what can we do? Just make sure you won’t
hurt her.

Romeo: yes I won't, thanks.

Romeo was happy not because of Juliet but because of Lino who always there. Juliet left the two at the
tree house.

Lino: Are you really serious about my cousin?

Romeo: O-of course, yes.

Lino: Juliet is important to me. She's like my little sister, and once you hurt her, you're dead.

Romeo: Why would I hurt Juliet? I don't have any bad intentions with her.

Lino: Be sure about it.

Then Juliet suddenly came with some snacks

Juliet: What are you guys talking about? You look so serious.

Romeo and Lino: Nothing important.

Juliet: Okaaay? Let's eat.

Weeks already passed and Romeo noticed something that is not good for the plan. Every time he sees
Juliet, his heart beats faster than before, and one day he visited them again. He knows to his self that
he is already falling for Juliet for real.
While the three are having their snack, Romeo's parents on the other hand are talking about buying
Sauveterre's land.

Mr. Clinton: What if the plan didn't work out? What's our plan b?

Mrs. Clinton: Just trust your son. He can win Juliet's heart. And if it doesn't work, I don't have any other
choice but to kill them.

Mr. Clinton: And if that time comes, we can buy the land and we will have the chance to build the hotel?

While the Clinton's talking, one of their maids heard them. And the maid were Juliet's friend.
The maid went to Juliet's house

Juliet: Oh why are you so breathless? Did you run all the way here?

Maid: Juliet, I have something to say to you

Juliet: Is it that important and you ran all the way here

Maid: Juliet, Romeo is just fooling you. He doesn't really have feelings for you.

Juliet was shocked and she's about to cry

Juliet: That is not true. Did he say it to you directly?

Maid: I heard Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's plans. They planned to get your heart for you to agree and sell your

Juliet: They're so evil! I will never forgive them! Thank you for telling me the truth.

Maid: Don't worry, even though I work for the Clinton's, I won't let them fool you.

Because of what Juliet knew, she became very angry and promised herself that what ever the Clinton
family do, she will never sell their land.
Night comes, Juliet can't sleep because of the anger that she feels. She wants to take revenge but she
doesn't know how. Juliet gets up and went out to wander. She accidentally saw Lino sitting under the

Juliet: Lino, why are you still awake?

Lino: Just thinking about something. How about you?

Juliet: I can't sleep because of what I've found out.

Lino: Huh? What did you find out that it bothers you so much?

Juliet: I just found out that Romeo was just fooling me. He used me to get our land. /smiles bitterly;

Lino: How did you find it out? Did he say it to you? He's too thick-faced to fool people. I even asked him
if he is really serious with you and he said yes.

Juliet: It's all my fault. I gave him a go signal to fool me.

Lino: What's your plan now?

Juliet: I don't know. I'm so messed up.

Lino: It's alright. He's not the only man you'll meet in this world

Juliet went inside their house, so is Lino

Romeo: Good morning. Is Juliet there?

Mrs. Sauveterre: Come in. I'll call Juliet.

Romeo: Thank you ma'am.

Mrs. Sauveterre called Juliet who's changing her clothes

Mrs. Sauveterre: Juliet hurry up. Romeo is waiting for you outside.

Juliet: Just a second, mom.

When Juliet finally finished changing her clothes, she went to see Romeo. Juliet looked at Romeo with
an uneasy look

Juliet: What are you doing here?!

Romeo: I just want to invite you to go outside with me if it is okay?

Juliet: Can you please stop pretending Romeo! I already know the truth

Romeo: What do you mean? /sweating;

Juliet: Please stop it already, Romeo...

Juliet's tears started to fall.

Mrs. Sauveterre: Why? What are you two talking about? Juliet why are you starting to cry?

Juliet: Mom, leave us for a while please.

Mrs. Sauveterre: Okaaay.

Juliet’s mom went outside. Juliet looked at Romeo with teary eyes.

Juliet: Why? I thought --

Romeo: I'll explain Juliet--

Juliet: No! I know the truth now. Please, just give up. We’re not going to sell our farm! Just leave! We're

Romeo: But I really like you, Juliet. Please let me explain!

Romeo tried to hold Juliet's hand but Juliet just remove it.

Juliet: Then what are you going to explain huh?! How you planned to trick and hurt me?!
Romeo: Yes I know I pretended but then this past weeks I noticed that my feelings for you is real... Juliet
please believe me.

Juliet: Just leave please!!

Romeo can’t do anything that's why he went home while crying.

Mrs. Clinton: Why are you crying, son?

Romeo: Mom lets stop.

Mrs. Clinton: Ttop what?

Romeo: Our plan. I already broke someone's heart... and I already love Juliet--

Mrs. Clinton: What!? Are you kidding me?!

Romeo: No mom. I'm serious, just give the plan up to get the Sauveterre farm.

Mrs. Clinton: No. I’m not giving up. Tsk if you can’t do the plan then I'll change it!

Romeo: What will you do mom?

Mrs. Clinton: None of your business, Romeo /disappointed;

Romeo: Please don't hurt them.

Mrs. Clinton: What if I did?

Romeo: Then I'll kill myself.

Mrs. Clinton: You can't do that.

Romeo: Yes I can /smirks then walked out;

After they finished talking, Romeo's mom planned a devilish plan. She didn't tell anyone except her
allies. It was midnight, the Sauveterre family is already asleep and they don't know that Mrs. Clinton
will do an evil plan, but Romeo will not let it happen.

Mrs. Clinton: Is the plan ready?

Someone: Yes ma'am, it will work like what you've planned

Mrs. Clinton: Make it sure /evil laugh;

Mrs. Clinton is ready for her evil plan, not knowing Romeo knows all of it. Mrs. Clinton's plan is to
poison the Sauveterre Family

Mrs. Sauveterre: Juliet fix yourself, Romeo's mom will have a lunch with us. We'll talk about what

Juliet: What for, mom?

Mrs. Sauveterre: To make things clear.

After a while, Romeo's mom already arrived. They all sat in dining area. Romeo's mom have apples
with her.

Mrs. Clinton: I went here to apologize, now I realized that I was wrong.

The Sauveterre family stayed silent. Juliet is holding back her tears, she is still hurting. She knew that
she really loves Romeo but she is afraid to trust him again.

Mrs. Clinton: I'm really sorry, here I bought some apples hope you like it.

They kept on talking, Juliet is still sad, she picked up an apple to eat. Romeo's mom smirks when she
saw it. Before Juliet take a bite, Romeo came out of nowhere. He stops Juliet from biting the apple.
Mrs. Clinton was shocked when Romeo bite the apple and smirk to his mom.

Mrs. Clinton: Romeo! Its poisoned apples

Everyone is shocked except for Romeo. Romeo took another bite and smiled.

Romeo: Yes mom. I know, of course I know! And I won't let you succeed on it.
Juliet has no idea what's happening, her tears starts to fall. Romeo's mom is crying too. Juliet grabbed
Romeo's hand saying they should go to the hospital.

Romeo: No Juliet, my mother put a poison that cannot be cured.

Romeo looked at Juliet and...

Romeo: I hope you'll forgive me for what I've done.

Romeo starts to feel weak, until he finds out he is already laying in the ground.

Juliet: I already forgive you.

And Juliet hugged him.

Romeo: I'm really sorry. And thank you /smiles;

Juliet: Don't leave me!

Romeo: I love you, goodbye

The End

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