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CPW.05 Ass.

Report planning sheet

The student is required to answer the following questions so that the trainer can verify they have
planned the document. This sheet must be submitted with the Assessment 2.  

Rename the completed template file using the convention -

[Module#] Ass[Assessment#].[Part#] at[Attempt#] [StudentID] [Your Name]
e.g. CPW.05 Ass2.1 at1 ATMC180123 Joe Smith

Question Sheet for Checking Document Planning

1. What are the purposes of the report? 

2. What format will you use to write the report? 


3. Among various forms of written communications in business, what is the means of

communication required in the given scenario? 

4. What are requirements of the report? 


5. To achieve the objectives of the report, how do you categorize and order data,
information and knowledge logically? 

6. In what way will you structure your report and develop the content? 


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