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The factors affecting students engagement in gambling activities inside the

school campus of Lamian National High School




A Partial fulfillment in Practical Research 2


The researchers are extending their thanks and gratitude first to our Almighty God

for the guidance and protection he always gives every time when the researchers

are making research and doing their survey, for the knowledge and wisdom, blessing

upon blessings, and strength.

To the adviser of PR2 Mrs. Mely S. Castañeda, for guiding and teaching the

researchers to finish this study and for enhancing the skills and knowledge of the


in doing and making this research.

To Sir Joey H. Bonilla, the Prefect of Discipline Adviser for giving the data that

the researchers for them to identify the highest gambling offense of every grade

level, and for giving some tips and advices on how to make research.

They also give their acknowledgement to the Principal of Lamian National

High School, Mrs. Leolyn A. Simora Principal II for giving permission to the

researchers to conduct their research in this school. To the advisers and subject

teachers of grade 8 students for their cooperation in allowing the researchers to give

their students time in answering the given questionnaire.

To the researcher’s parents they extend their thanks for the support financially

and trusting the researcher’s success in finishing this study.

To all 12 - STEM for the support and helping the researchers in making the

study successful. To Ma’am Corrine Kris Dela Cruz for helping the researchers in

correcting and constructing their questionnaire.


To Mayzel Nemry Ann Paurillo for letting the researchers to stay and make

their house as our boarding house. Also, thanks to her mother for supporting and

preparing foods for the researchers.

The researcher also wants to acknowledge Japhny B. Falco for letting the

researcher borrow his laptop for typing of the study. To Anthonnie Brent Castañeda

allowing the researchers to print their research free.



To our heavenly Father for giving the good health, knowledge and wisdom,

guidance and protection to the researchers in order to finish this study safe and


The researcher humbly dedicated this research to all the students of Lamian

National High School, to the teachers of the institution especially to our Practical

Research II adviser Ma’am Mely S. Castaneda for helping and giving advices,

encouragement to finally finish this study. Also, for the Principal II of Lamian National

High School Mrs. Leolyn A. Simora for her approval that we can conduct research

study inside the campus.

The researcher also dedicated this research paper to their families, friends,

classmates who helped them in making this research successful.


Table of contents

Preliminary pages Page


Title Page………………………………………………………………

Acknowledgement…………………………………………………… i

Dedication……………………………………………………………. iii

Abstract………………………………………………………………. iv

Table of Contents …………………………………………………….. v

Chapter I - Introduction

- Background of the Study……………………………………………….. 1

- Conceptual Framework………………………………………………… 3

- Statement of the Problem……………………………………………… 3

- Hypotheses……………………………………………………………… 3

- Significance of the Study………………………………………………. 4

- Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………… 4

- Definition of Terms……………………………………………………... 5

Chapter II – Review of Related Literature

Influence of Parents and Peers……………………………………… 6

- Students’ habits towards gambling…………………………………... 8

- Surroundings/Community………………………………………………... 9

- Relatives………………………………………………………………… 10

CHAPTER III – Methodology

- Research Design…………………………………………………………….. 11

- Locale of the Study…………………………………………………….. .….. 11

- Research Respondents…………………………………………………….. 11

- Sampling Procedure……………………………………………………….... 12

- Research Instruments…………………………………………………….… 12

- Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………...13

- Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………… 14

CHAPTER IV – Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Findings

- Part 1. . Show the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling

activities and its percentage…………………………………………………15

- Part 2. Shows the mean, standard deviation and qualitative description on the

data gathered from the conduct of research in 149 respondents……… 18

- Part 3. . Correlation Analysis between students’ engagement in gambling to

the factors. ………………………………………………………………….. 20

CHAPTERV – Summary, Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation

- Summary……………………………………………………………………… 21

- Findings………………………………………………………..……………. 22

- Conclusions…………………………………………………..…………….. 23

- Recommendation…………………………………………..………………. 23

Bibliography……………………………………………………………………. 25


- Appendices A: Letter to the Principal

- Appendices B: Letter to the advisers

- Appendices C: Questionnaire

- Appendices D: Tables of Data

Curriculum Vitae

Chapter I


Background of the Study

As today’s generation, student’s engagement in gambling activities are

observed. The engagement in gambling activities were commonly observed in the

society and even inside the school campus.

Gambling is an illegal activity inside and outside of the campus where in such

activity students tend to be hard-headed; they break rules and regulations that even

during or after the class hours they are playing just to get money from other

students. According to (Sammut,2010), gambling is described as betting money or

some form of property on the outcome of a game or event that is ultimately based on


Moreover, gambling is a type of game in which financial loss or gain for the

players is part of or even the main point of the result of the game (Shafter, H.,

Donato, A., La Brie, R., Kidman, R., LaPlante, D., 2005). It is a popular activity

among young people, and they remain at high risk (i.e. they are vulnerable) for the

development of gambling related problem to (Hardoon & Derevensky 2002; Jacobs,


In Australia, although it is illegal for those under the age of 18 to gamble, 47%

of young people have gambled before the age of 12 (ACOSS,1997) and over 60% of

these aged 15 and 17 years gambled annually (Defabbro & Thrupp, 2003).

Problem on gambling is a situation where a person’s gambling activity gives

rise to harm the individual players, and his / her family, and may extend to the
community. Similarly, pathological gambling is classified in version 4 of the American

Psychiatric Society Diagnostic and Statistical manual as a disorder of impulse

control with the essential features of recurrent and maladaptive gambling behavior

(Gupta & Derevensky,1998).

In line with this, there is no regulation that has been specifically developed for

gambling themed games. In British context, demonstration of games and gambling-

like activities within video games are not considered to be covered by the legal

definition of gambling in the Gambling Act because they do not offer any direct

monetary prizes and do not provide a means to cash-out any winnings, or to

withdraw any payments that have been made towards acquiring or subscribing to the

game (Purewal,2012).

More over, the 2009 survey conducted by Ipsos MORI for the National Lottery

Commission with children aged 11 to 15 from 201 schools found that the prevalence

of problem gambling in this age group was 1.9 percent (Forrest and McHale, 2012).

A child’s income emerged as a key predictor of gambling and problem gambling. The

more money a child had, the more likely he or she was to gamble.

The researchers observed these problems because of the involvement of the

students in gambling that needs to be solved.


This conceptual framework is used to identify the independent variables and

dependent variables, it also show the relationship between two variables.

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Influence of friends
Students habits towards Engagement in gambling activities
involving gambling activities
Parents Influence

Figure 1. shows the relationship between variables

Statement of the Problem

The study on the factors affecting students engaging in gambling activities inside the

school campus of Lamian National High School will seek to answer the following


1. What are the top three (3) factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling


2. How do the following top three (3) factors affect the engagement of students

in gambling activities which include influence of friends, influence of parents,

and student habits?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the top three (3) factors towards the

engagement of students’ in gambling activities?


There is no significant relationship between the top three (3) factors on the

engagement of students towards gambling activities.

Scope and Delimitation

This research study entitled “The Factors Affecting Students in Gambling

Activities inside the school campus of Lamian National High School”, it focused in

determining the factors that pushes students to engage in gambling activities inside

the campus. The study is conducted at Lamian National High School school year

2019-2020 to 149 randomly grade 8 students.

Significance of the Study

In line with the research “The Factors Affecting Students in Gambling

Activities inside the school campus of Lamian National High School”, the benefactors

are listed below:

The school, to be aware that students are into gambling and be stricted

enough to regulate rules and regulations of the school campus.

The teachers, to give reminders to their students and to know also the doings

of their students.

The students, to be responsible enough to know that gambling is an illegal act

that they should avoid. Students can also give advises to their fellow students for not

doing gambling inside the school campus.

The parents, to be reminded of what their children’s doing and oblige some

counsel to their son/ daughter concerning about gambling activities.

Prefect of Discipline, Guidance Counselor and Staffs, can also give

guidance, advices, about the factors that affect students, and imposed punishments

for those who caught live of doing the act.


Factors - something that result of what has happened.

Students - persons or someone that is involved in the gambling activities who

are studying at Lamian National High School.

Engagement in gambling activities – a condition or a participation that

students are involved in gambling activities.

School Campus – a place where in the researcher will conduct their study.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related study of “The factors affecting students’

engagement in gambling activities inside the school campus of Lamian National High



Problem gambling is a situation where a person’s gambling activity gives itself

to harm other individual player, his/her family, and may extent to the community. In

line with this, the pathological gambling is classified in version 4 of the American

Psychiatric Society’s Diagnostic and statistical Manual as a disorder of impulse

control with the essential feature of recurrent and maladaptive gambling behavior.

Related to this study, Volberg et al. (2008) found out that the adolescent

problem gamblers have started gambling before entering the eighth-grade student.

This was proved also by Jimenez- Murcia et al. (2010) also found out that the

beginning of gamblers gamble at a younger age predicted the severity of

pathological gambling among 904 Spanish Pathological gamblers. He also stated

that gambling remains consistent overtime and the rate of being at risk for

developing a gambling problem significantly increase overtime.

Gambling is more associated with parental and peer conflict, lower family

cohesion (Ladouceur and Mireault, 2005) says that a family history of gambling and

interacting with peers who gamble (Delfabbro, Lahn and Grabosky, 2006; et al.

report more positive parental and peer attitude towards gambling. However, the

influence of parental attitude is not always straight forward. Wickwire, et al (2008)

found out that parental disapproval was negatively related to gambling among

adolescents at female students but positively related among male students.

In some studies, have found out that not only many parents believe that

gambling is a harmless activity (Volberg et al 2008), young people’s gambling activity

is facilitated by their parents. This study is parallel to Fabbiason, 2008 which was

reported that most of her participant were introduced to gambling by their parents.

Gambling problems among young people appear to relate in parents and

peers gambling (Dickson et al. 2008) in line with this study, (Splevins et al. 2008)

says that the problem is more interested in gambling than non-problem gamblers if

their first gambling experience was with their parents.

Parents are not the only significant other in the lives of a student who could

influence their gambling behavior. Peers are thought to exert a significant influence

in the behavior of young people. Peer influence and parents influence had been

examined in conjunction with a few their behaviors.

According to Frome and Ruela (1994) studied the drinking patterns of 168

undergraduates from the mid-athlantic university, says that the students and their

friends have found strong positive correlation existed between their drinking
behavior. There are also similar rates of gambling by the adolescents and young

people are also reported in other western countries. Derevensky et al. 2010, added

the study of Frome and Ruela which he stated that the most frequent activity that

participated was the playing of free gambling game on the internet followed by

wagering on cards with family and friends.

Parallel to the study of Lostutter, Lewis, Crones, Neighbors, and Larime

(2012) state that 2.6 college students may be classified as problem gamblers often

experiencing negative consequences of their gambling habit.

The high prevalence of problem gambling among college students may be

explained by their psychological development stage. College students are unique

sub-population due to a variety of factors including the developmental stage, living

situations, participation in social networks, and new of financial responsibilities.

Treatment of problem gambling likely would benefit from being tailored to the

characteristic of college students.

In contrary, gambling may include everyday activities that might not normally

by associated with connotation of the word gambling such as raffles, sponsored by

communities or organizations, bingo or childhood board games.

Students’ habits towards gambling

Students that have greatest drop in their academic performance in most of the

year following is the students that already gambling regularly by the time they were

14 years old (Pedersen, 2018).

Specifically, the 2009 survey conducted by Ipsos MORI for the National

Lottery Commission with children aged 11 to 15 from 201 schools found that the

prevalence of problem gambling in this age group was 1.9 percent (Forrest and

McHale, 2012). A child’s income emerged as a key predictor of gambling and

problem gambling. The more money a child had, the more likely he or she was to


In Australia, although it is illegal for those under the age of 18 to gamble, 47%

of young people have gambled before the age of 12 (ACOSS,1997) and over 60% of

these aged 15 and 17 years gambled annually (Defabbro & Thrupp, 2003).

The student involved in having fun on gambling activities after classes often

take up much of the time, they might otherwise have spent in class activities (Vitaro,

2018). He also explains that through gambling, adolescence is also often expose to

anti-social peer groups, which in turns might diminish school engagement and school


Moreover, gambling is a type of game in which financial loss or gain for the

players is part of or even the main point of the result of the game (Shafter, H.,

Donato, A., La Brie, R., Kidman, R., LaPlante, D., 2005). Gambling is a popular

activity among young people, and they remain at high risk (i.e. they are vulnerable)

for the development of gambling related problem to (Hardoon & Derevensky 2002;

Jacobs, 2000).

Thegaxen which brings out that gambling is bad and tremendous activity in

society and happen to pursue or persuade students to engaged in doing the act as a

whole gambling is unlawful because of the negative impact it places on individuals

as well as in students mind. Moreover, the loss of needed monies/money for basic

survival with gambling in societal issue.


Relatives turns to have 32% and it is seldom or very low influence in students’

engagement in gambling activities. These factors supported by the study of Gupta

and Derevensky (1997) which states that over half of students reported to gamble in

the past years to have 46% influenced by their relatives. This factor was very low

influence on the students because of the less interaction. Sometimes relatives can

only be greeted and interact with when there’s an event or special gatherings.

Chapter III


This chapter is an overview of the methods that will employ in this study. This

will include the research design, locale of the study, research respondent, research

instrument, data gathering procedure, sampling technique, and statistical treatment

of the research entitled “The Factors Affecting Students Engagement in

Gambling activities inside the School Campus of Lamian National High


Research Design

The study used correlational method of the research to gather the data

needed in the study and to know also the factors why students of Lamian National

High School are engaged in gambling activities.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Lamian National High School, Lamian, Surallah,

South Cotabato school year 2019-2020. The study was specifically conducted at the
population of grade 8 students. These was significant to those who are involved and

engaged in gambling activities.

Research Respondent

The respondent of this study are 149 students coming from every section of

Grade 8 students of Lamian National High School for the school year 2019-2020.

The gathered data from the students was helpful for the researcher to identify the

factors affects the students’ engagement in gambling activities.

The researchers used Slovian’s formula in order to determine and identify the

respondents needed in the study.

Slovin’s Formula

N- Total population = 238 n=
1+ 238 ( 0.05 )2

n- Sample Population = 149 n=

e- Margin of error= 0.5 n = 149

1+ n ( e )

Sampling Procedure

The researchers used random sampling procedure, specifically availability

random sampling procedure. The researcher needs to have the respondents who

are available to answer the given questionnaire by the researcher.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a self-made questionnaire that was distributed to all the

149 respondents of the researcher, in order to gather the data needed by the

researchers. The self-made questionnaire is checked by the experts.


Data gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered the data they needed from their respondents using

a self-made questionnaire that distributed by the researcher to their respondents to

get the data they desired.

Before the researchers conducted a survey, the researcher first wrote a letter

to ask permission to the Principal of the school to allow the researchers to conduct

their study at school. The researchers wrote a letter also to the teacher/s advisers

and subject teachers of their respondents to finally conduct their survey.

The researchers used self-made questionnaire and availability sampling

procedures to select their respondents to answer the given questionnaire. The

respondents have given enough time to think about their answers, the respondents

should answer all the questions honestly in order to gather the information they

needed. After the given time the questionnaires was collected by the researchers.

The data that the researchers gathered was arranged in a table for analyzing and

interpretations of the results.


Statistical Treatment

Table 1. The Scales and Limits used in interpreting the data on the factors affecting

student’s engagement in gambling activities.

Scale Limits Response Qualitative Descriptions

5 4.60 – 5.0 Always Very high influence
4 3.70 – 4.59 Often High influence
3 2.80 – 3.69 Sometimes Low influence
2 1.90 – 2. 79 Seldom Very low influence
1 1.0 – 1.89 Never No influence


Mean (ẋ) ẋ = ( x 1 + x2 + x 3 )

Σ( x− ẋ)
√ n−1

Person r=
( √ SSx)( √ SSy)

Percentage = ( x 1 + x2 + x 3 ) x 100%


Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Findings

This chapter presents, analyzes, and interpret the findings on the factors

affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities inside the school campus from

149 randomly selected respondents.

Problem 1 What are the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling


The study on the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities

inside the school campus are being studied at Lamian National High School. The

researchers identified the factors that affect student to be involved in gambling

activities by getting the percentage of the factors. The table shown below.

Table 1. Show the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities and

its percentage.

Factors Percentage Descriptions

Influence of friends 42.8% Always
Students’ habit 28.4% Sometimes
Surroundings/Community 25.9% Sometimes
Relatives 32% Seldom
Classmates 24.5% Always
Influence of friends has the percentage of 42.8% and classmates 24.5%

which states that it is always the one who influence students’ involvement in

gambling activities. This support the study of Delfabbro, Lahn and Gabosky. 2006;

et, al. reports history of gambling and interacting with peers who gamble, and it is

more positive in peer attitude towards gambling.

This also supported by the statement of Frome and Ruela (1994) which

explains that students and their friends have found strong positive correlation existed

between them. There are also similar rates of gambling among adolescents and

young people that has been reported in other western countries. Some friends

influence students in involving in fighting especially in doing gambling act which is


Students also influenced by their classmates because of the interaction they

have inside of their classroom.

Students habit found out by the researchers to have 28.4% and

Surroundings/Community 25.9% which is the factors that sometimes influence the

students’ engagement in gambling activities. This supports the idea of Pedersen,

(2018) which explains that students have greatest drop in their academic

performance in most of the year following in the students that already gamble

regularly by the time they were 14 years old. Some cases also happen because of

the willingness of the students to gamble and what they saw in in their


This factor is also related to the study of Vitaro (2018) explains that the

students’ involvement in having fun doing gambling activities often take too much

time and sometimes spent in classmates. He also added that through gambling the

students or adolescents are expose in social peer groups which affects or diminish

their school participation. They also appear to be pre - occupied with thoughts about

gambling not only male adolescents have found out to be a problem gamblers and

more likely reported being engaged in more frequent gambling which results to be

achieved in same level of excitement or chassed losses (Splevins, et. at. 2010). This

also approves or agreed by Thegaxen which brings out that gambling is bad and

tremendous activity in society and also happen to pursue or persuade students to

engaged in doing the act as a whole gambling is unlawful because of the negative

impact it places on individuals as well as in students mind. Moreover, the loss of

needed monies/money for basic survival with gambling in societal issue.

Relatives turns to have 32% and it is seldom or very low influence in students’

engagement in gambling activities. These factors in lined with the study of Gupta and

Derevensky (1997) which states that over half of students reported to gamble in the

past years to have 46% influenced by their relatives. This factor was very low

influence on the students because of the less interaction. Sometimes relatives can

only be greeted and interact with when there’s an event or special gatherings.

Problem 2 How do the following factors affect the engagement of students in

gambling activities which includes influence of friends, influence of parents, and

student habits?

Table 2. shows the mean, standard deviation and qualitative description on

the data gathered from the conduct of research in 149 respondents.

Factors ẋ s.d. Qualitative

Influence of friends 3.86 1.14 High influence
Students habit 2.58 0.4 Very low

Surrounding/communit 2.81 0.1 Low influence

Relatives 2.89 0.5 Low influence
Classmates 3.00 2.0 Low influence

The data in table 2 shows the result of students’ engagement in gambling

activities on how the factors affect the involvement of students in gambling.

The data further explains that influence of friends had high influence (ẋ= 3.86)

towards the engagement of students in gambling activities which happens inside the

school campus. This means that influence of friends has strong correlation among

their co-students and in their interaction day by day. This supports the idea of Deans

et al, (2016) that as a teenager, young adults have a high tolerance for risk, and may

be involved in risky behaviors of gambling activities. He also added that peer groups

are the important risky influence among their co-member.


Students habit shows in the table having very low influence (ẋ= 2.58) in the

engagement of students towards involving in gambling activities. According to the

study of Winters et al (2004) the prevailing belief of youth was that youth’s view on

gambling was an entertainment as expect fewer negative consequences. This

means that students’ habit can affect the engagement of students in gambling


However, surrounding/community (ẋ=2.81) have low influence on the

engagement of students in gambling activities even it brings out that gambling is bad

and tremendous activity in society, it also happen to pursue or persuade students to

engaged in doing the act and as a whole gambling is unlawful because of the

negative impact it places on individuals as well as in students mind. Relatives

(ẋ=2.89) having low influence on the students and turns to have 32% and it is

seldom or very low influence in students’ engagement in gambling activities. These

correspond in the study of Gupta and Derevensky (1997) which states that over half

of students reported to gamble in the past years to have 46% influenced by their

relatives and classmates have (ẋ=3.0) which indicates low influence on engaging in

gambling activities.

Problem 3 Is there a significant relationship between the influence of friends,

influence of parents, and students’ habit towards the engagement of students’ in

gambling activities?

Table 3. Correlation Analysis between students’ engagement in gambling to the


Mean of r Verbal Interpretation

X Description
Mean 3.03 0.62 Low correlation There is no significant


Sd 0.83

Based on the table above, the researchers computed for the relationship of

students’ engagement in gambling activities to the factors which influence the

students involved on gambling. The correlation r is 0.62 and the verbal description is

low correlation, therefore the interpretation of the study found out that there is no

significant relationship towards the engagement of students in gambling activities

that influence by the identified factors. This study, the researchers accept the null


Chapter V

Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendation of the

researchers on the factors affecting students’ relationship in gambling activities

inside the school campus of Lamian National High School.


Gambling is one of an illegal activity that most students engage unto it. The

involvement of students in gambling sometimes affects their performance at school.

Specifically, it sought to answer the three statement of the problem which are:

1. What are the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities? 2.

How do the following factors affect the engagement of students in gambling activities

which includes influence of friends, influence of parents, and student habit? 3. Is

there a significant relationship between the influence of friends, influence of parents,

and students’ habit towards the engagement of students’ in gambling activities?

The respondents of the study are 149 students coming from the different

section of grade 8 wherein Earth- 29, Venus- 26, Mars-20, Mercury- 25, Saturn-23,

and Neptune 26 students. The researchers use Slovin’s Formula to compute the

total population of the respondents. They solve to get the mean and standard

deviation of the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities.

The study on the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities

push the researchers to dig more about how the students being influence by those

identified factors and they use self- made questionnaire to assess or identify the

The researchers used correlation r to know the significant relationship

between the identified factors and the students’ engagement in gambling. The study

conducted at Lamian National High School for the school year 2019-2020.


From the analysis of data, the following findings were shown.

1. Generally, the respondent’s response on the given factors is influence of

friends which has 42% and it is always the one’s encouraged the students

to be involved in gambling activities.

2. The students can be influence depends on the person or individuals they

get along with and has a good and bad influence on them.

3. Surroundings can be also included in the factors that influence students to

be involved in gambling which is sometimes the societal issue.

4. The researchers found out that relatives cannot affect or influence

students in gambling, it also shows on the data that the researchers

gathered has low influence.

5. Classmates found out that it has 24.5% or low influence on students’


6. The respondent’s response on students’ habit has the percentage of

28.4% which is very low influence on students engagement in gambling

activities inside the school campus.


Based on the findings of the study it can be asserted that:

1. Therefore the researchers conclude that there is no significant relationship

between influence of parents, influence of friends, and students’ habit towards the

engagement of students in gambling activities.

2. The researchers conclude that influence of friends and classmate has a

high percentage on students’ engagement in gambling activities.

3. The researchers conclude that students can be influence not just by friends

and parents but also in their surroundings and environment which pushes

them to engage in gambling activities.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following are recommended:

1. To students should avoid interacting with their friends and classmates that

has bad intention in engaging them to gamble.

2. To teachers must give attention, guide and advice his/her students

towards engaging gambling and the effect of gambling to their studies.

3. To parents should guide their children to avoid in bad influence friends.

They should encourage their children in sports wherein their children can

be physically fit and healthy or in reading books so that they children can

earn more knowledge related to their studies.

4. To the prefect of discipline should be strictly enough in implementing rules

and regulations inside the school campus to minimize the involvement f

students in gambling.

5. To the future researchers, this study will help them through using it as their

support in the study if ever they come up with this study for them to gain

and earn more knowledge and ideas. And, it can help them in terms if they

have the same topic as this study.


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Letter to the Principal

February 10, 2020

Principal II
Lamian National High School
Lamian, Surallah, South Cotabato
Dear Ma’am:

Greetings of Peace!
We, the researchers’ of Grade 12 - STEM would like to ask permission to allow us to
conduct a survey to the Grade 8 students of this school as a basis for the gathering
of data in our research entitled, “The factors affecting students’ engagement in
gambling activities inside the school campus of Lamian National High
The conduct of survey will be during recess and lunch time in order not to disturb
the regular classes.
Hoping for your positive response.
Thank you very much!

Truly yours,
Babatoan, John Lloyd
Garbino, Christine
Gatdula, Alvin
Noted by:
Ma. Mely S. Castañeda
Practical Research II Adviser
Approved by:
Mrs. Leolyn A. Simora
Principal II

Letter to the Teachers

February 10, 2020

To all concerned Teacher/s

Lamian National High School
Lamian, Surallah, South Cotabato
Sir/ Ma’am:
Greetings of Peace!
We, the researchers’ of Grade 12 - STEM would like to ask permission to allow us to
conduct a survey to the Grade 8 students of this school as a basis for the gathering
of data in our research entitled, “The factors affecting students’ engagement in
gambling activities inside the school campus of Lamian National High
School”. Below is the breakdown of randomly selected respondents per section:
Earth - 29 students Venus - 26 students
Neptune - 26 students Mars - 20 students
Saturn - 23 students Mecury - 25
The conduct of survey will be during recess and lunch time in order not to disturb the
regular classes.
Hoping for your positive response.
Thank you very much!
Truly yours,
Babatoan, John Lloyd
Garbino, Christine
Gatdula, Alvin

Noted by: Approved by:

Ma. Mely S. Castañeda Mrs. Leolyn A. Simora

Practical Research II Adviser Principal II


Name: _______________________________________ Grad& Section: _________

Direction: Choose five factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities

and rank it according to the degree of influence.

Factors Affecting Students Rate 1-5, 5 is the

5- Always engagement in Gambling Activities highest and 1 is
the lowest
Influence of Friends
3- Sometimes Influence of Parents
Students Habit
2- Seldom Surroundings/Community
1- Never
Financial Needs


Factors Affecting Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

Students engagement in (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Gambling Activities

Influence of Friends 59 42 17 11 10

Influence of Parents 8 17 17 20 29

Students Habit 10 18 27 21 19

Surroundings/Communit 15 18 22 13 17
Relatives 16 15 19 34 22

Financial Needs 7 15 13 14 26

Classmates 23 21 14 20 16

Boyfriend/Girlfriend 3 2 2 5 10




AGE: 18














AGE: 18














AGE: 19












Gambling is one of an illegal activity that most students engage unto it. The

involvement of students in gambling sometimes affects their performance at school.

Specifically, it sought to answer the three statement of the problem which are:

1. What are the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities? 2.

How do the following factors affect the engagement of students in gambling activities

which includes influence of friends, influence of parents, and student habit? 3. Is

there a significant relationship between the influence of friends, influence of parents,

and students’ habit towards the engagement of students’ in gambling activities?

The respondents of the study are 149 students coming from the different

section of grade 8 wherein Earth- 29, Venus- 26, Mars-20, Mercury- 25, Saturn-23,

and Neptune 26 students. The researchers use Slovin’s Formula to compute the

total population of the respondents. They solve to get the mean and standard

deviation of the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities.

The study on the factors affecting students’ engagement in gambling activities

push the researchers to dig more about how the students being influence by those

identified factors and they use self- made questionnaire to assess or identify the


The researchers used correlation r to know the significant relationship

between the identified factors and the students’ engagement in gambling. The study

conducted at Lamian National High School for the school year 2019-2020.


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