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MS-Word Revision Duration: 30 MINS

1. Bço omgg Oagam3-0coia wqsecsn sngmOs cnmdaiez' @ai maón;?

i. gdso a n®n ca o3e ( saving and retrieving)
i. Oçs ede es3o gedcheoo (Find and replace)
ii. aoc 9g (Mail merge)
iv. G(Function)

2. Bgoes Bagmaeosal (free )ommDses 8s maóse?

i. Abi-Word i. Microsoft Word
. Open office writer iv. Libre Office Writer

g d ç 3 80 10 ¢ad» snn qiedn dus t0 ea®asia ed.


Cut Calibri (Body)11 A AAa

Format Painter
Clisboard Foft Phragraph

3. emo 8c 8Beso ednd S80 coewo e u oo@mo ed ;
i. . K
i. J iv. L

4. edçna (Indentation) 8g80 wew 0»®mo od

i. ii.
ii. M iv.

5. oçomEÐd u®sn68 demcc t680 wçwo justify) wo®n» o03

i. L ii. M
ii. N iv. O

i. P ii. N
O iv. L

i. N iv. L

Harindra Kariyawasam
MS-Word Revision Duration: 30 MINS

i. B ili.
I. P v.

i . J
i. K iv.

E ii. S
i. R iv. H

11. so çedn áued evatdsiea qos;?

i. Bomatmo o o (title bar)

. 9o yoda esD¢O âoo (Quick access toolbar)
i. Sano (Ribbon)
V. c-o ome gos (Dialog box launcher)

g qo 12 80 15 ad» som oios m csdRsd od

12.89 80 eu2o (page margins) sgs v®mo sios m®s ?

A . C
i. B iv. D

13. Bo (columns) Soom comd h8e Bg mosios?

A 066 ii. C e6s
ii. B e0s iv. D S

14. o 2 s (orientation) ed»d 8 0 ce06si 8gam óon am

i. A i.
. B iv.

15. 9s% @p8 goresco (Page size) comB0 c006s' Bg mc m

A ii. C
. B iv. D

Harindra Kariyawasam
MS-Word Revision Duration: 30 MINS

1 6 8 8 19 çdogdn cwn ó o ®» sçn co.

Srinivasa Ramanujan, (bon December 22, 1887, Erode, India-
died April 26, 1920, Kumbakonam), Indian mathematician whose

B contributions to the theory of numbers include pioneering discoveries

oftheproperties-ofthe partition-funetion
When he was 15 years old, he obtained a copy of George Shoobridge
Car's Synopsis of Flementary Results in Pure and Applied
Mathematics, 2 vol. (1880-86). This collection of thousands
of theorems, many presented with only the briefest of proofs and with
no material newer than 1860, aroused his genius.

tiavingverified the Tesultsin Carr's book,Ramanujanrwent beyondit,

developing his own theorems and ideas. In 1903 he secured a
scholarship to the University of Madras but lost it the following year
because he neglected all other studies in pursuít of mathematics.


Cut -11 A AAa- E EE T

Paste abe X, x* A A
Format Painter
Clipboard ont

. 1 ii. 2 u6
ii. 2 es 5 iv. 7

i 5 ii.
il. 6 iv. 2

Harindra Kariyawasam7
MS-Word Revision Duration: 30 MINS

i. 6 l. 8 &
ii. 7 es 6 iv. 4 s06

19. B ecaceua e s t qs s 5 e s d oad0 seo wo@no me c0Dc®le®Dc®

1s ii. 3 s0
. 1 es3 iv. 5 eoao 6

w emmg0 qc eessd qs Oosis so &ed od demde (Alignment) 680 wc

A. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop.
B. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop.
C. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop.
D. Education shows us thleft, e importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop.

i. oeme®d u®indÐ demde S30 (Justify). ¢as (right), 8o (left) coao

i. Left, right, justifty, center
ii. Left, right, center, justify
V. Right, left, center, justity

21.abuma eoo esqmcs (header and footer) oesog cases qon çmd®n(view) ¢?
. cs@ Go (Normal view)
. aa 88 Ce® q o (Page layout view)
. 9ses 88mcg® qdo (Print layout view)
. engeus qao (Draft view)

22. sc)-0@omdeo (text styling) goss Osiess

iWord color Word Art
ii. Word font iv. Word fill

23. odeum qó®ws o8 8 8 8 qnó qs q8mias d e s

i. ondco (Spacing)
. Gutter
i. 2odema (Indentation)
IV. demdc 5 e (Alignment)

Harindra Kartyawasam
MS-Word Revision Duration: 30 MINS

24. o m q»das emdd pos i8eo SodEs eon®s s o d

coeo8e(Hiding) ii. mdeng 8 o (Cropping)
i. O3 (Bordering) iv. B (Cutting)
25. cwa@rnseusd cuenn ud dcO ndos gn@s Qs O» qzed/ gcno 8sios
i. Cacas (Superscript) i. g83 ess (Supertext)
ii. ca cng (Subscript) iv. gC ose (Toptext)

Cecas (Superscript) g88 ee (Supertext)

co ens(Subscript) iv.
ove (Toptext)
27.82 q2 qRd me wies
. Semo O o&( Header). ii. 980es8 ii.
ii. eqms u®6 (Footer). iv.

28. ecmes eco qRCs mco e s 8s mOs¢?

esoc Text Il.

oys Image iv.

29. cge (view) g eo» 9ssed (printing) esagemsotdóomó ecs Bg 08 ednd A30

oe h (Orientation) iv. 9s6 osd¢ga» (Print

c (Direction) Preview)
. 9ss 88cgo (Print
30. co 820mo enco® Dsind 9sesa Ossos
a8emo (Header) ii. aeo(Title)
ii. eçed eon (Foot Note) iv. sogc (Footer)

31. egeo sdoma ddios' 8gDm nBd desnum e?

ii. iv.

32. ocoass s®o oda» me e n n s ceroDs 8sies

i. @engg ads (joystick) . cpocin o (light pen)
. ges8aes a (scanner) iv. g8mu (mouse)

33. 828m 9ss gecaeas Ben q Bd çomoas mose?

i. 8gm (Clipart) . Gbemo (Header)
ii. B98 (Margins) iv. som (Footer)

Harindra Karyawasam
MS-Word Revision Duration: 30 MINS

34. e osi8offormatting) 8gme a o s ®si mdóm ¢?

i. esc (Text) Bco ii. Menu 8e
ii. OQ (Table) Bca iv. 930 co ii.

i. F1 ii. F9
. F2 iv. F11

36. Oga a-@sd d Osies' mon os ;?

Oomamo o 8 Title bar ii. odd Ie0 Sajo Scroll bar
i. o®n so Menu bar V. s s Bo8 Status bar

Ctrl+S ii. Ctrl+ A

ii. Ctrl+ E iv. Ctrl+ V

38. Bges wmg ocono 2® ed 8sies

i. 8ana ®no (Ribbon)
. a o ioe (Title bar) ena
. msso Soe (Status bar) ®ns
iv. Home s8sn ®no (Home tab)
39. MS-WORD 2
e0a q g (Web browser)
. ogsl oyngo (Word processing)
. o@enge oeas (Operating system)
iv. g 3ó» (Antivirus)
40. euigs' a@eo (Proof reading) eeo oe32a ungao 8ses
I. owgo o gicdoesnco Find and Replace
. Oga osn Word Count
i. DoC 9g0 Mail merge
iv. ó Bmoo coa drxmóes eçde eiude8 (Spelling & Grammar)

Harindra Kariyawasam

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