1ST Month

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Complete the form below.
Write ONE or TWO WORDS for each answer.
Questions 1 – 10
He arrived in: 1 …………………
Curiosity about: 2 ………………
The atmosphere is like: 3 ……………..
Activities: 4 ……… the graves and 5 …….. fresh flowers.
Remember and celebrate for: 6 people …………….
he likes: Guatemalan 7 …………………
Denying looks like : 8 …………… do.
The atmosphere in the US: usually 9 ………..
The name called by Guatemalans: the day of the
10 ….…………
Questions 11 – 20
Choose the correct answer
11.Did Carlos buy an old car?
A. Yes, he bought an old car B. No, Carlos didn’t buy an old car

12. Was the car small?

A. No, It wasn’t small. B. yes, It was small.
13. What did he see while driving down the street?

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A. He saw a girl on a bike while driving down the street.
B. He saw a girl on a car while driving down the street.
14. what did she look like?
A. Well, she had long, blond hair and she wasn’t beautiful.
B. Well, she had long, blond hair and she was beautiful.
15. What did he shout at first?
A. He shouted, “What’s up!” B. He shouted, “How’s it going”
16. Who screamed, “How’s it going”?
A. The girl. B. Carlos.
17. Where did he want to pick her up?
A. He wanted to pick her up to an inexpensive restaurant.
B. He wanted to pick her up to a luxurious restaurant.
18. What did he give her?
A. The keys to his car. B. The key to his car.

19. What did she do?

A. She kissed Carlos. B. She kissed Carlos on the cheek.
20. Did he ride home in a car or did he ride home on a bike?
A. On a bike. B. On a car.

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SECTION 1 Questions 1 – 10
choose FIVE paragraphs and write the correct letter A-J next to the main
presentations 1 – 10
A Sara Smith, who lives in San Francisco, went shopping for cat food. Sara is 30,
and lives at 3037 Market St.
B She has lived there since 1990. Sara is married. She is married to a man
named John. She has been married for 7 years.
C They have two children, and one very big cat. Their son Bob is five years old
and their daughter Nancy is three.
D Their cat, Bubba, is 2 years old. Bubba is huge. He weighs 258 pounds (117
E At 9am, Sara got into her car and drove to the pet store. She bought 68 bags
of cat food for $10 each plus tax. The regular price was $15, so she got a good
deal. The total was $680. She paid by credit card.
F On her way home, Sara stopped at a convenience store to buy milk.
G Bubba loves milk.
H The milk was $3.00 for one gallon, and Sara bought 30 gallons.
I She paid $100 and got $10 back in change.
J Sara got home at 11 a.m. Bubba was waiting at the door. He was very hungry.
Parts of the presentation
1 Bubba’s feeling 2 Bubba’s favorite
3 The price of the milk 4 Buying a drink for Bubba
5 Paying and getting back 6 Bubba’s information
7 Sara’s family member 8 Sara’s marriage
9 Shopping 10 Sara’s introduction

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SECTION 2 Questions 11 – 20
My husband of 39 years no longer hugs me or shows me any affection.
I have seen him through cancer and diabetes.
We have four grown children, and we have been seeing a therapist for a year and
a half. He is kind, generous and friendly, but there are no compliments or any of
the flirtatious banter we used to enjoy. He swears he's not having an affair, and
he doesn't know why he has changed. Perhaps you do?
Complete the form below.
Write ONE to THREE WORDS for each answer.
Did she have a problem with her husband? Yes, she 11…….. a problem with her
husband. Did he give her affection? No, he 12………. Why was she sad about her
husband? Ahh, because she did not feel any 13………. She saw him through cancer
and diabetes. They have been married 39 years.
They 14……. been married 37 years.
They are communicating with a 15……………., for 547 days.
Grace’s husband did not 17……. Is not done by He 18……that he has not
gave her 16………. like he Grace’s husband. cheated her wife.
did before
He 19 …… the reason for Knowing all of the sad
different movements. story is Abyy 20……..

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E-learning is one of the best way to study in a pandemic compared to studying
school. Do you agree or disagree?

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