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Moorish National Republic Federal Government

Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / 'The North Gate'

Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos The True
and De jure Al Moroccans (Americans)
The Aboriginal / Indigenous Natural People of the Land

Affidavit of Truth

On Moondey September Sixth 2021 C.C.Y/ Constantine Calendar Year

= 1442 M.C/Moorish Calendar.
*Cycles/ Time: 3:05p.m.

*Mailing location: 1700 DeWitt Drive Dayton Territory, Ohio Republic, near [45406]
longitude: 84.262930/latitude: 39.781570 Zodiac Energy: Virgo

I, Luna LaToya (Bey)Ex Rel LYDIA SMITH / Alahdeen Moroc (Bey) Ex Rel:
NAVAUGHN GILROY Upon our Heirship, inherited Nobility, and upon my
Private Aboriginal / Indigenous, Proper Person Status and Commercial
Liability I, Luna LaToya (Bey) / Alahdeen Moroc (Bey) being duly Affirmed
under Consanguine Unity; pledge my National, Political, and Spiritual Allegiance
to my Moabite / Moorish Nation – being the archaic Aboriginals / Indigenes of
Amexem (the Americas); standing squarely affirmed upon OUR Oath to the
‘Five Points of Light’ – Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice; do squarely
Affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and having
knowledge and firmly – established belief upon the historical, lawful, and
adjudicated Facts contained herein. Being competent (In My Own Proper
Person) to Attest to this Affidavit Of TRUTH upon which we place our
Autograph; Whereas I, Luna LaToya (Bey) / Alahdeen Moroc (Bey) State,
Proclaim, and Declare the following to be true, correct, certain, complete, not
misleading, supreme, and (not) intended to be presented for any misrepresented,
‘colored’ or improper use of ALL CAPS EX REL: NAME: LYDIA LATOYA

I, Luna LaToya (Bey) / Alahdeen Moroc (Bey)

The Al Moroccan / (American) Continents – are the Lands of the Moors; being North
America, South America; Central America; including the adjoining Islands

(Americana / Ameru / Al Moroc).

I, Luna LaToya (Bey) and Alahdeen Moroc (Bey)

by the said Inheritance and Primogeniture, the Freehold Status thereto; all Unalienable
and Substantive Rights, to Be, to Enjoy, and to Act, distinct in my Aboriginal Traditions,
Customs and Culture; and determining our own political, social, and economic status of the

I, Luna LaToya (Bey) / Alahdeen Moroc (Bey)

has been turning our heart, our allegiance, and our mind back to our Ancient Mothers and
Fathers – Moors / Muurs, with cognate honor, and by Divine and Natural Right Being
Moorish Americans, the direct Heirs and Descendants of the Ancient Moabites, that
possess the Divine and Internationally recognized Rights to our Hereditaments and
Resources; and proclaim the right to determine our own social, economic and political life

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and ‘Status of the State’; and in harmony with ‘International Law’; and with such ‘Rights
of Claim’

being absent of foreign law, threats ,coercion, or acquiescence to a Color-of-Law, a Color-

of-Office,(not to be confused with Pro se), nor to be subjected by any and (All) occupying
foreign persons such as (ALL) The following NAMES LISTED BELOW to any imposed
frauds, ‘nom – de – guerre’ or Color-of-Authority.

I, Luna LaToya (Bey) / Alahdeen Moroc (Bey) The Free Moorish Nation – inclusive of all the
Aboriginal / Indigene Tribes and Provinces of the Natural People, etc., are the rightful bearers of the
Attributes, Names and Noble Titles, Ali, El, Bey, Dey, and Al .

 propria Persona= In my proper person; 

 Sui Juris= competent at law;

 Sui Heredes= Thus Heritable,

 Solo Propio= In My Own Land (Ancestral Estate)

(not to be confused with Pro se), Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish-American; possessing Free-
hold by Inheritance status; standing squarely affirmed and bound to the Zodiac Constitution,
and Constitution for the United States Republic, North America, being a descendant of
Moroccans and born in America, with the blood of the Ancient Moabites from the Land of
Moab as the sovereign beneficiary Heir Acknowledge our ancestral Estate.

Kidnapping /Human Trafficking/ and Acts of Genocide took place On

Moondey September Sixth (6) 2021 C.C.Y/ Constantine Calendar Year
=1442 M.C/Moorish Calendar At Cycles/ Time: 3:05p.m.

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey in fact per International Law
hereditament Jus Sanguines, by blood an Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish
American Nationals: heard a couple respectful knocks that quickly turned into
aggressive few Knocks on the Bengals bus Mailing location: 1700 DeWitt Drive Dayton
Territory, Ohio Republic, and we peeked out the Right side window and seen The Following
Roman Christian Crusades: Luke Robert Ederer d/b/a City of Dayton Inc. / City of Dayton
Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342] [CAR # 170566], Jonathan C.
Sopczak d/b/a (Sergeant) City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police
Department / Carla Marie (Ragone) Burch d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police
A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a City of Dayton
Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260], Jamison Tucker
Riley (Jr) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department
[Badge # 671], as we ignore the knocks prepping ourselves mentally to possibly be harmed,
Raped, kidnapped an abducted from our Moorish American National Aboriginal, Indigenous,
Egyptian Re-awaken / Re-born / Newborn princess Within our Moroccan Empire = the North

I, Luna LaToya Bey with Matriarch Divine Fem(nine) Principles whispered to Alahdeen
Moroc Bey Moorish American National that the -Roman Soldiers are at the buss door and
we both Immediately start protecting our energy and vibration through the cosmos and
ethereal planes and securing Our Moorishly Beautiful American Indigenous, Aboriginal,
Egyptian, Kemet, Hiku(ptah), Moabite Canannite Royal Re-born Seed Shortly after…
I, Luna Latoya Bey and Alahdeen Moroc Bey Aboriginal Native Americans , (Heirs) of
North America (both) start Recording each other stating our Moorish American status and
Nationality that connects us to our birthright’s, primogeniture and Inheritance for our own
Moorish records and International political protection against the colorable acts that are to

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construct AND cause injury and fraud –(and) ALL UNWANTED Trustees/ Officers (Within)

These Roman anti-Republic Institutions: Luke Robert Ederer d/b/a City of Dayton Inc. / City
of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342] [CAR # 170566], Jonathan
C. Sopczak d/b/a (Sergeant) City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police
Department / Carla Marie (Ragone) Burch d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police
A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a City of Dayton
Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260], Jamison Tucker
Riley (Jr) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department
[Badge # 671],
Robert Michael Streck d/b/a (Sheriff) City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton
Police Department as a public servant/ trustee/ to uphold his fiduciary duties/ Oath of office
and trusteeship within the borders of our Moroccan Empire
[Badge # 5point Moroccan Shield Star], and Matthew Merritt Carper d/b/a (chief) City of
Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department while standing in front of
one another near the front of the Bengal bus door near our Divine powerful Royal Ancient
Re-born Moabite Royal Moorish American Seed- as she was protected and Sound asleep In
her own Land wrapped up comfortable in her bassinet.

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey Moorish Nationals ancient Olmec Pyramid
Builders then moved fearlessly out of the buss within the borders of our ancestral estate;
The Maghrib =The Most extreme West asking the (two) Roman public servant trustees Luke
Robert Ederer d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police
Department [Badge # 342] and Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr ) [Badge # 671]
Questions like: “What can we do for you?” “Who Are you?” “Do you have a bond number?”
“What is your name?” etc, as they had stated for our Moorish American International
Records, they are a CORPORATION, Unconstitutional Body and Trustees due to Lack of
Jurisdiction within the borders of our Moroccan Empire-The Heirs Apparent (Moors).

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish-American;

possessing Free-hold by Inheritance status; standing squarely affirmed and bound to the
Zodiac Constitution, and Constitution for the United States Republic, North America, being a
descendant of Moroccans and born in America, INSTANTLY begin to DEMAND/ STATE
that we are driven to speak with (sheriff) Robert Michael Streck as he is BOUND to be in
honor: All federal and state governments are bound to uphold the American Constitution
pursuant to Article VI of said Constitution  where it affirms the following: This Constitution,
and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuant thereof, and all treaties
made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the
supreme law of the land; and the judges, in every State, shall be bound thereby, anything in
the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. while trying to get in
contact with him constantly ongoing to enforce him as a public servant/ trustee/ to uphold
his fiduciary duties and trusteeship within the borders of my Moroccan Empire; at the same
time The Nationals still communicating with some of the other policy Enforcers: Luke Robert
Ederer d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department
[Badge # 342] , Jonathan C. Sopczak (Seargant) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton
Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie (Ragone) Burch d/b/a City of Dayton
Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert
Victor d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department
[Badge # 260], Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police
A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 671] stating to him “If you Look Up Us Muurs by
Our Aboriginal Native American Titles: Luna LaToya Bey/ Alahdeen Moroc Bey, the Lawful
Heirs of North America We got Law Suits everywhere” asking Romans Officers “ Are You
Sure You Guys Wanna Do This?”
”We are NOT U.S. Citizens”. “Nor DO NOT, under any condition or circumstance, by threat,
duress, or coercion, waive any rights Inalienable or Secured Rights.
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I, Luna LaToya Bey/Alahdeen Moroc Bey The Aboriginal and Indigenous people
DEMANDED to see BOND POLICY NUMBER from: Luke Robert Ederer d/b/a City of
Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342] ,
Jonathan C. Sopczak (Seargant) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A
Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie (Ragone) Burch d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of
Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a
City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260],
Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton
Police Department [Badge # 671] …as All Corporations MUST BE BONDED To do
business at Morocco under Trusteeship Pursuant to but not limited to; MOTU PROPIO
Pope Francis 2014 (A.D).

I Luna LaToya Bey/Alahdeen Moroc Bey Lawful Heirs/ Competent at Law/Beneficiaries

to the Moroccan Estate DEMANDED that all Trustees to CEASE and DESIST they were in

I Luna LaToya Bey/Alahdeen Moroc Bey The Moroccan Empire; Ancient Egypt;
Land of Moab; Northwest Amexem; Northwest Africa; The North Gate; Marrakesh: The
Maghrib;Turtle Island, New Jerusalem; The Most Extreme West DEMANDED that : Luke
Robert Ederer d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police
Department [Badge # 342] , Jonathan C. Sopczak (Sergeant) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./
City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie (Ragone) Burch
d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge
# 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A
Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260], Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a City of Dayton
Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 671] PROVE for
PRODUCE it for the RECORD as they CONFIRMED they are Officially (NOW)
WORKING OUT OF UNIFORM and That they are in FACT [Commercial Mercenaries]
who are Enforcing Spanish Inquisition policies (1492), Bull Inter Caetera Divina /
Doctrine of Discovery (1493) in Violation of Treaty of Peace and Friendship (1787) in
violation of the Organic American Constitution For the United States of America
Republic (1791).

I Luna LaToya Bey/ Alahdeen Moroc Bey The Aboriginal and Indigenous people is
STILL waiting to GET IN TOUCH with (Sheriff) Robert Michael Streck d/b/a City of Dayton
Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department DUE to LACK OF
Police Department / Roman Soildiers”.

I Luna Latoya Bey/ Alahdeen Moroc Bey Direct Descendants Lawful Heirs to our Vast
Estate by Primogenitor ( Witnessing ) usurped by European Inquisition
Colonists On A Mission for Conquest In Violation Of International Law an Human Rights
violations; as the European Inquisition Colonists: Luke Robert Ederer d/b/a City of
Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342] ,
Jonathan C. Sopczak (Sergeant) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A
Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie (Ragone) Burch d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of
Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a
City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260],

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Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton
Police Department [Badge # 671] aka Gangs of New York,
WELL KNOWN CRIMINALS: European Inquisition Colonists
(JURISDICTION) By: Luke Robert Ederer d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police
A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342] , Jonathan C. Sopczak (Sergeant) d/b/a
City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie
(Ragone) Burch d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police
Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton
Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260], Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a City
of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department [Badge # 671]

The European Inquisition Colonists ABOVE NAMES claims are (All) of a COPRATE– fiction
character, artificially – created on paper, and fraudulently propagated to the world! The
present, Fiat-corrupted, fake-economic political conditions, the defrauding of the people of
the United States and the world, etc., arises from their foul, ENTRENCHED INQUISITION
POLICIES AUTHORIZED BY: Robert Michael Streck d/b/a (Sheriff) City of Dayton Inc./ City
of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department / Matthew Merritt Carper d/b/a (Chief)
City of Dayton Inc./ City of Dayton Police A.K.A Dayton Police Department -[public servant
OFFICE / TRUSTEESHIP (within) the borders of our Moroccan Empire, In a color of law,
Papal Bull Decree, Unam Sanctum Policy(1302) professional attack fashion; violently,
maliciously, without Subject Matter Jurisdiction nor Personam Jurisdiction exercising War
Powers; Military-style ;engaged into Kidnapping /Human Trafficking/ Acts of Genocide as
Belligerent an Arrogant trustees under feoffership with a conscious intent to make an
fraudulent claim under Wardship Tenure thus usurping the THEFT OF OUR BIRTHRIGHTS
thus, forcing The Highest Ranking Nationals at approximately 4:10pm On 9/6/2021
C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar under an artificial construct thus, the [HYPOTHECATION
OF OUR MOROCCAN ESTATE] (under) Feudal Law an Escheated processes while
Impersonating themselves as “Americans” in a De facto Status.

However I, Luna LaToya Bey/ Alahdeen Moroc Bey Royal Imperial Moabites Are
 In Propia Persona= In Our Proper Person AT ALL TIMES;
 In Sui Juris= Competent at Law with the Legal capacity AT ALL TIMES
 In Sui Heredes= Thus we are Heritable/Inheritances AT ALL TIMES
 In Solo Propio= In Our Own Land AT ALL TIMES.

I, Luna LaToya Bey/ Aladdin Moroc Bey Both (separately) WITNESSED at (EXACTLY)
4:16pm On September, 9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar our Moorish American
Ancient Egypt Kemet Child as SHE WAS WAS STOLEN from her Aboriginal / Indigenes
Land! While being a (HEIRESS) Moor / Al Moroccan, and Aboriginal / Indigenes of the
Location 1700 DeWitt Drive Dayton Territory, Ohio Republic, near [45406] exempt
longitude: 84.262930/latitude: 39.781570 Zodiac/ Energy: Virgo

These anti-Republic institutions and the colorable acts of these officers, are
constructed to cause injury; and to place their fraud – based, and non-substantive,
implied contract - originating debts upon the Natural People Luke Robert Ederer
d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342], Jonathan C. Sopczak d/b/a (Sergeant) of
Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie (Ragone) aka Bruch d/b/a Dayton Police
Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge
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# 260], Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 671], Robert
Michael Streck d/b/a Montgomery County (sheriff) [Badge # 5point Moroccan Shield Star],
and Matthew Merritt Carper, and Children’s Dayton Medical-Transport-Service/ Dayton
Ambulance Services while being UNDER THREAT, DURESS, COERCION As The Highest
Ranking Nationals.

I, Luna LaToya Bey the Lawful Heirs of North America was Kidnapped/ Human
Hospital” Location 405 W Grand Aveue, Dayton Territory, Ohio Republic [45405] by:
Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 671] and other
Constantine Paleolithic Roman SUBJECTS d/b/a Dayton Police Department who followed
Jamison Tucker Riley d/b/a/ Dayton Police Department to “Grand View Hospital” Arriving
approximately at 4:30pm On September, 9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish-American; possessing Free-hold by

Inheritance status; standing squarely affirmed and bound to the Zodiac Constitution, and
Constitution for the United States Republic, North America, being a descendant of
Moroccans and born in America, INSTANTLY begin to DEMAND that (all) and other
associate Corporate / Entities and to (all) ‘Third Party Interlopers’ or Contractors, The
Constantinian Christian Crusades etc. doing business at North America within my Moroccan
Boarders to CEASE/ DESIST and RELEASE me from the Kidnapping/ Human Trafficking
BACK TO MY SEED/ Moorish American Egyptian Child while NOT ACCEPTING THERE
OFFER TO CONTRACT nor waive any of my Inalienable Rights Denial of Discovery is in
direct violation of my Constitutionally Secured Rights to “Due Process of Law” which is a
direct violation of all the public servants/ officers oath of office.

I, Luna LaToya Bey INSTRUCTED Jim Beeuer d/b/a “Grand View Hospital Police
Officer” My Nationality Identification Moorish American Card to write down the “time” for me
and his “name” on a piece of paper as he DID for their RECORDS as ALL Roman Public
Trustees verified at the “time” (Exactly) 4:40pm On September, 9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442
(M)oorish (C)alendar that I AM: Luna LaToya (Bey) under, threat, coercion Moorish
American Nationals with the Moorish Republic Federal Government and Moorish American
consulate in propria Persona= In my proper person; Sui Juris= competent at law; Sui
Heredes= Thus Heritable, Solo Propio= In My Own Land (Ancestral Estate) DO NOT
CONSENT TO THERE FRUADULANT PROCEDURES then approximately Departing at
4:45pm On September, 9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar FORCED By: These
anti-Republic Institutions: Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a Dayton Police Department
[Badge # 671] and other unnamed Roman Subjects/ Trustess/ Policy Corporate Police
Enforcers namely Luke Robert Ederer d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342] ,
Jonathan C. Sopczak d/b/a (Sergeant) of Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie (Ragone)
Burch d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a Dayton
Police Department [Badge # 260], Operating Spanish Inquisition policies (1492), Bull Inter
Caetera Divina / Doctrine of Discovery (1493) in Violation of: Treaty of Peace and
Friendship (1787) in violation of the Organic American Constitution For the United States Of
America Republic (1791).

I, Luna LaToya Bey the Lawful Heirs of North America was then KIDNAPPED to
another CORPORATE HUMAN TRAFFICKING VENUE d/b/a “Dayton Children’s Hospital”
Location: One Children Plaza, Dayton Territory, Ohio Republic [45404] Time of Arrival at
5:00pm On September, 9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar By: Luke Robert Ederer
d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342] , Jonathan C. Sopczak d/b/a (Sergeant) of
Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie (Ragone) Burch d/b/a Dayton Police Department
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[Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260],
Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 671] as I, Luna LaToya
(Bey) Moorish American National continues STANDING SQUARELY in my Lawful Position

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Being the true, Ancient, Aboriginal / Indigenous and Heir of the
Land (Amexem / America) – ‘The North Gate’, being the geographical heart-land (Maghrib)
of the Moroccan Empire. Moors / Muurs are the ‘De jure’ and rightful Freeholders by
Birthright, by Inheritance and by Primogeniture Status; and have by those Inherited Rights,
Descendible Claims INSTANTLY begin to DEMAND Robert Michael Streck d/b/a
Montgomery County (sheriff) who is deemed to know the Supreme Law within my Moorish
Estate and Direct Lawful (Heir), and Matthew Merritt Carper d/b/a (Chief) Dayton Police
Department to have my Moorish American National Ancient Re-born/ Newborn Child be
RELEASED IMMEDIATELY back to her Matriarch Lawful Mother and that All Public
Servants, and Officers of Trust Luke Robert Ederer d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge
# 342] , Jonathan C. Sopczak d/b/a (Sergeant) of Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie
(Ragone) Burch d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor
d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260], Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a Dayton
Police Department [Badge # 671] .

I, Luna LaToya Bey shortly after Arrival to the CHILDREN HUMAN TRAFFICKING
VENUE d/b/a “Dayton Children’s Hospital” spoke with Stacy Gieszal d/b/a/ Children Hospital
Social Worker, meeting me uninvited inside Children’s Family Room her Arrival upon to the
Moorish National at 5:25pm- 5:31pm On September, 9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish
(C)alendar Departed from The Moorish National d/b/a/ Children Hospital Social Worker,
I, Luna LaToya Bey spoke with Logan T. Cooper inside Children’s Family Room
uninvited at (Exactly) Arrival upon the Moorish National at 5:51pm- 6:02pm On September,
9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar Departed from The Moorish National d/b/a
Children Service Caseworker.

I, Luna LaToya Bey then shortly after at (Exactly) 6:07pm On September, 9th 2021
C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar seen Alahdeen Moroc Bey a Noble an Heir and
Descendant of the Ancient Moabites / Moors, by Birthright, by Freehold, by Primogeniture
and by Inheritance; being Aboriginal and Indigenous to the Land(s) (Amexem / Americas)
Territorium Hereditaments of our Ancient Moabite Al Moroccan Empire as we both quickly
pull out our Moorish American Flag and hang it up then update each other in on what
Spanish Inquisition policies (1492)/ Bull Inter Caetera Divina / Doctrine of Discovery (1493)
Operations that has been taken placed in Our Moroccan Empire since the KIDNAPPING
took place earlier that day On September, 9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar, We
begin to exercise our JURISDICTIONAL POWERS (IMMEDIATELY) stating our STATUS as
The Great Seal’ Sovereign Moorish National Federal Government and consanguine Nation
of the Natural People On Every Public Servant, and Officers of Trust Luke Robert Ederer
d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 342], Jonathan C. Sopczak d/b/a (Sergeant) of
Dayton Police Department, Carla Marie (Ragone) Burch d/b/a Dayton Police Department
[Badge # 450] and Seth Robert Victor d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 260],
Jamison Tucker Riley (Jr) d/b/a Dayton Police Department [Badge # 671] and Dayton
Children Employees such as Emily Boone d/b/a Children’s Hospital developmental Prdiatric
(RN) and (anyone) walked past us Free-Moors while standing in the door way Children’s
Family Room we begin taking NAMES, NUMBERS, DATES, TIMES, AND
CONVERSATING INSTRUCTING that (All) that was taken place around us within the
facility Regarding our Moorish American Indigenous Re-born/ Newborn Child to BE
RELEASED In good Faith.
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I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey Moorish American Nationals who are domicile
in your ancestral estate / national domicile - North America and are an aboriginal and
Indigenous descendant, tied to the land by birthright and primogeniture catching and
communicating with Mark Kendall Moore at (Exactly) 6:34pm On September, 9th 2021
C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar d/b/a Children’s Corporate Director DEMANDING him as
a Trustee/ Public Servant to get the HIGHEST official in the building Deborah Feldman d/b/a
president and chief executive officer of Dayton Children’s Hospital an member of Ohio
Hospital Association Board of Trustees  Re: The KIDNAPPING of Our Moorish American
Child and to communicate with us Moorish American Nationals direct HEIRS (AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE) as Mark Kendall Moore Agreed to do so, as we will be making Moor Calls on
our end with International protection from our Moorish National Republic Federal
Government and Moorish American Consulate :

The International community also supports same in the published document “Rights of
Indigenous People” Part II- Section 6, wherein it states with no uncertain terms, that your
children cannot be taken away from you under any pretext, that means for no reason at all,
they cannot find one nor make one up. But then of course one would have to make claim to
their indigenous status.

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey WAS (ATTEMPTED) and their other
associate Corporate Entities and to all ‘Third Party Interlopers’ or Contractors, etc. doing
business at North America to be handed (ATTEMPTED)/CONSENT to a FRAUDUANT,
SACWIS Number: 21672875 By: Jonathan C. Sopczak d/b/a (Sergeant) of Dayton Police
Department (unwanted) Arrival upon to the Moorish Nationals at (Exactly) 6:39pm On
September, 9th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar That was ORDERD By: Policy
Enforcer Robert Michael Streck d/b/a Montgomery County (sheriff) [Badge # 5point
Moroccan Shield Star], Matthew Merritt Carper d/b/a (Chief) Dayton Police Department, and
Deborah Feldman d/b/a president and chief executive officer of Dayton Children’s Hospital,
and Tony Anthony Capizzi (aka) Annie d/b/a Montgomery County Juvenile Division/
Magistrate/ Administer his [Attorney Register Number: 2788] and Helen Clare Williams
Wallace d/b/a Montgomery County Juvenile Division/ Magistrate/ Administer her [Attorney
Register Number: 71989] and Moira Lynn Grilliot Murty d/b/a Montgomery County Juvenile
Division/ Magistrate/ Administer AND Staff Attorney for the Honorable Tony Capizzi, and
member of the Dayton Bar Association, as well as the Ohio State Bar Association ; her
[ SCID Number: 78415], and Logan Cooper d/b/a Children Service Caseworker signed off

Foreign hybrid Albion anthropopithecus corporate colonial Europeans are not Indigenes to
the Land (Americas) – Moors are Aboriginal! Union States Lawyers and Attorneys operate
in Demo – political format, which is contrary to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution for
the United States. Moors operate in a Republican Form of Government, conjoined with
Isonomi Principles – being in harmony with the Constitution. Moors respect Constitution
Principles. The unconstitutional Tribunals operating under the Union States Society conflicts
with, and is repugnant to, “Due Process” under Constitution Principles, and functions
primarily in ‘colorable’ procedures.

Represent means to ‘Depict’ to ‘Portray’, to ‘Symbolize’ and to ‘Stand for’. Let it be known
that the Union States Society ‘Bar Association’ Lawyers, Esquires, and Attorneys of
European Colonial descent, and foreign corporation, cannot depict, portray or symbolize a
Free Moor; as they are not of the same Nation Jurisdiction, Customs, or National Peers; and
cannot sit in judgment of any Free Moor (Acts of State).

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey made a SPECAIL LIMITED APPEARANCE To
a HUMAN TRAFFICKING AUCTION VENUE Location: 380 West Second Street Dayton
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Territory, Ohio Republic [45422] d/b/a Montgomery County Juvenile Division, To
3:00pm changed to 3:30pm On September, 10th 2021 C.C.Y=1442 (M)oorish (C)alendar
Infront Of Moira Lynn Grilliot Murty d/b/a Montgomery County Juvenile Division/ Magistrate/
Administer/ an Staff Attorney for Tony Capizzi.

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey being a real, live flesh and blood, breathing, Divine
and Natural Being – born sanguineous of a natural, thinking and animated Mother/ Father, as we
made a SPECAIL LIMITED APPEARANCE came and brought our (LAW) into their CORPRATE
COLOR-OF-LAW VENUE “Court” The First thing we did is start (IMMEDIATELY) WAVING OUR
MOORISH FLAG and Later on PRODUCED our Treaty Of Peace and Friendship (1787),
ORGANIC Constitution (FOR) the United States of America Republic (1791) and a Copy of our
Moorish American Identification Cards FOR THE RECORD with a COPY hands on RECEVIED/
UNCONSTITUTIONAL BODY (several times) Moira Lynn Grilliot Murty as I, Luna LaToya Bey
BUT FALSELY CLAIMED TO BE “AMERICAN” witch is an unconstitutional Act.
Foreign hybrid Albion anthropopithecus corporate colonial Europeans are not Indigenes to the
Land (Americas) – Moors are Aboriginal! Union States Lawyers and Attorneys operate in Demo –
political format, which is contrary to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution for the United States.
Moors operate in a Republican Form of Government, conjoined with Isonomi Principles – being in
harmony with the Constitution. Moors respect Constitution Principles. The unconstitutional
Tribunals operating under the Union States Society conflicts with, and is repugnant to, “Due
Process” under Constitution Principles, and functions primarily in ‘colorable’ procedures.
Represent means to ‘Depict’ to ‘Portray’, to ‘Symbolize’ and to ‘Stand for’. Let it be known that the
Union States Society ‘Bar Association’ Lawyers, Esquires, and Attorneys of European Colonial
descent, and foreign corporation, cannot depict, portray or symbolize a Free Moor; as they are not
of the same Nation Jurisdiction, Customs, or National Peers; and cannot sit in judgment of any
Free Moor (Acts of State).

Article VI Annotated

All Debts, Contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this
Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance
thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United
States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound
thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State
Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the
several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no
religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or Public Trust under
the United States.

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I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish-American,
INSTANTLY begin to DEMAND all and their other associate Corporate Entities and to all
‘Third Party Interlopers’ or Contractors, etc. doing business at North America within my
Moroccan Boarders to CEASE/ DESIST and RELEASE me from the Kidnapping/ Human
Trafficking BACK TO MY SEED/ Moorish American Egyptian Child while NOT ACCEPTING
OFFER TO CONTRACT or waive any of my Inalienable Rights
Denial of Discovery is in direct violation of my Constitutionally Secured Rights TO “Due
Process of Law” which is a direct violation of all the public servants/ officers oath of office.

Furthermore, The Listed parties above DO NOT have the judicial power or authority to
compel any authority Unless, there exist a contract between us and another party or parties,
at the will of the party or parties, of which contract must be existing by free, prior and
informed consent. Said contract must bear my signature, must not contain any adhesions,
must not be done under threat, duress or coercion, must be clear, concise and specific, and
must not be construed to deny any of my retained and reserved Rights.

WE DO NOT ACCEPT (any) actual OR implied ‘Liabilities’ associated with any

‘COMPELLED – BENEFITS’ of any ‘unrevealed’ or deceptively-imposed commercial

I, Luna LaToya Bey/Alahdeen Moroc Bey do not, under any condition or

circumstance, by threat, duress, or coercion, waive any rights Inalienable or
Secured by the Constitution or Treaty, and, hereby

and carry out their Judicial Duty in ‘Good Faith’ by ordering ALL Said parties
to be brought before the Law to answer for their criminal and unjust actions.

I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey The Moor / Muur the Natural Being’s Person, Explicit
Reservation and use of ‘All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice’ U.C.C. 1– 207 / 308, U.C.C. 1-103, is
Noted To All Federal, State, City, and Municipal Peace Officers; in harmony with State’s Statutes, and
indicates the Reservation of My Rights. Whereby I, Luna LaToya Bey, Alahdeen Moroc Bey may Reserve
My Substantive Rights and Constitutional – secured Rights and Immunities to ‘NOT’ be Compelled to
perform under any Contracts or Agreements that I have NOT entered knowingly, voluntarily, willingly, or

Only Moors can ‘Present’ and ‘Depict’ themselves as being such as I, Luna LaToya Bey/ Alahdeen
Moroc Bey being a real, live flesh and blood, breathing, Divine and Natural Being – born sanguineous of a
natural, thinking and animated Mother/Father, do solemnly, sincerely, and squarely Affirm that the
foregoing facts contained in this (live) Moorish American Full Report, by Affirmed Affidavit, are true. This
‘LIVE REPORT’ is constructed to the best of my knowledge, conjoined to my Culture, Customs and
ESTATE; being actual, factual, and restorative in nature to my ancient Traditions and Customs; presented
as correct, and not misleading, etc.; – being the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. As with
our ancient Traditions and Customs, I entreat to all:

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Hibu (Love), Haqq (Truth), Salaam (Peace), Hurryatun (Freedom), Adl (Justice),
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice; U.C.C. 1-207 / 308, U.C.C. 1-103.

The Moroccan Empire; Ancient Egypt; Land of Moab; Northwest Amexem;

 Northwest Africa; The North Gate; Marrakesh: The Maghrib;Turtle Island

 New Jerusalem;The Most Extreme West. Asalaamwailakum

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