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Information Technology In Business

Learning objectives jobs such as word processing and

creating spreadsheets.
 How has information technology  The pace of change has been rapid
transformed business and managerial since the personal computer became a
decision-making? fixture on most office desks. Individual
 Why are computer networks an units became part of small networks,
important part of today’s information followed by more sophisticated
technology systems? enterprise-wide networks.
 What types of systems make up a typical
company’s management information Types of computer equipment and
system? software: most commonly used in
 How can technology management and business management information
planning help companies optimize their
information technology systems?
systems today.
 What are the best ways to protect Business Computing Equipment
computers and the information they
contain? i. Computer Type
 What are the leading trends in
information technology? Tablets
Transforming Businesses Through - Self-contained computers in which
Information applications (apps) can reside. These
devices can also be linked into a
1. How has information technology
network over which other programs can
transformed business and managerial
be accessed.
 Increasing power, speed, and memory
 Information technology (IT) includes accessed via the cloud make these
the equipment and techniques used to tablets the dominant computer for many
manage and process information. business processes.
 Information is at the heart of all
organizations. Without information Desktop personal computer (PC)
about the process of and participants in
an organization – including orders. - Self-contained computers in which
Products, inventory, scheduling,
software can reside. These PCs can also
shipping, customers, suppliers, and
be linked into a network over which
employees – a business cannot operate.
other programs can be accessed.
 In less than 70 years, we have shifted  Increasing power, speed, memory, and
from an industrial society to a storage make these commonly used for
knowledge-based economy driven by many business processes. Can handle
the information. text, audio, video, and complex
 Businesses depends on information graphics.
technology for everything from running
daily operations to making strategic Laptop computers
 Computers are the tools of this - Portable computers similar in power to
information age, performing extremely desktop computers
complex operations as well as everyday
Information Technology In Business

 Smaller size and weight make mobile merge, tables, and other tools simplify
computing easier for workers. document preparation.

Minicomputers Spreadsheet software

- Medium-sized computers with multiple - Used for preparation and analysis of

processors, able to support from four to financial statements, sales forecasts,
about 200 users at once. budgets, and similar numerical and
 The distinction between the larger statistical data. Once the mathematical
minicomputers and smaller mainframes formulas are keyed into the spreadsheet,
is blurring. the data can be changed and the solution
will be recalculated instantaneously.
Mainframe computers
Database management programs
- Large machines about the size of a
refrigerator; can simultaneously run - Serve as electronic filing cabinets for
many different programs and support records such as customer lists,
hundreds or thousands of users. employees data, and inventory
 Extremely reliable and stable, these are information. Can sort data based on
used by companies and governments to various criteria to create different
process large amounts of data. They are reports.
more secure than PCs.
Graphics and presentation programs
- Create tables, graphs, and slides for
- Greatest storage capacity and processing customer presentations and reports. Can
speeds. add images, video, animation, and sound
 These are not subject to crashes and can effects.
be upgraded and repaired while
operating Desktop publishing software
Supercomputers - Combines word processing, graphics,
and page layout software to create
- Most powerful computers, now capable documents. Allows companies to design
of operating at speeds of 280 trillion and product sales brochures, catalog,
calculations per second. advertisements, and w in-house.
 Companies can rent time to run projects
from special supercomputer centers. Communication programs

ii. Application Type - Translate data into a form of

transmission and transfer it across a
Word processing software network to other computers. Used to
send and retrieve data and files.
- Used to write, edit, and format
documents such as letters and reports. Integrated software status
Spelling and grammar checkers, mail
Information Technology In Business

inventory and production management

- Combine several popular types of
and for product design.
programs, such as word processing,
spreadsheet, database, graphics Jason Compton, "Meet the Supercomputer
presentation, and communications Driving a Business Boom in the UK,"
programs. Component programs are Forbes, O Google
designed to work together. Slides

Groupware  The speed of these special machines has

been rising steadily to meet increasing
demands for greater computational
- Facilitates collaborative efforts of
capabilities, and the next goal is
workgroups so that several people in
quadrillions of computations per second,
different locations can work on project.
or petaflops. Achieving these incredible
Supports online meetings and project
speeds is critical to future scientific,
management (scheduling, resource
medical, and business discoveries.
allocation, document and e-mail
 Many countries, among them the United
distribution, etc.)
States, China, France, and Japan, have
Financial software made petascale computing a priority.
Patrick Thibodeau, "U.S. To Have 200-
- Used to compile accounting and Petaflop Supercomputer by Early
financial data and create financial 2018,"Computer World,
statements and reports.

 Although most workers spend their  In addition to a business's own

days at powerful desktop computers, computers and internal networks, the
other groups tackle massive internet makes it effortless to connect
computational problems at specialized quickly to almost any place in the world.
supercomputer centers. As Thomas Friedman points out in his
book The World Is Flat, "We are now
 Tasks that would take years on a PC
connecting all of the knowledge centers
can be completed in just hours on a
on the planet together into a single
supercomputer. With their ability to
global network, which ... could usher in
perform complex calculations quickly,
an amazing era of prosperity and
supercomputers play a critical role in
national security research, such as
analysis of defense intelligence; Thomas Friedman, The World Is Flat (New
scientific research, from biomedical York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005) p. 8.
experiments and drug development to O Google Slides
simulations of earthquakes and star
formations; demographic studies such  The opportunities for collaboration on a
as analyzing and predicting voting global scale increase daily. A manager
patterns; and weather and can share information with hundreds of
environmental stụdies. Businesses, too, thousands of people worldwide as easily
put supercomputers to work by as with a colleague on another floor of
analyzing big data to gain insights into the same office building. The internet
customer behavior, improving and the web have become indispensable
business tools that facilitate
Information Technology In Business

communication within companies as

well as with customers.  In today's high-tech world, CIOs must
possess not only the technical smarts to
 The rise of electronic trading hubs is just
implement global IT infrastructures,
one example of how technology is
integrate communications systems with
facilitating the global economy.
partners, and protect customer data from
Electronic trading hubs are not reserved
insidious hackers, but they must also
for large companies of developed
have strong business acumen. Google's
economies, however. Alibaba is piloting
acclaimed tech chief Ben Fried manages
an e-hub called eWTP (electronic World
the technology necessary to deliver more
Trade Platform) in Malaysia that will
than 9 billion searches daily, with an eye
provide access to small businesses. As
towards greater business efficiency,
Jack Ma, Alibaba co-founder, said at
growth, and profits. Why is it important
EWTP's launch, "There are a lot of free-
for CIOs to possess both technological
trade zones for efficient trade
and business expertise?. Credit:
facilitation, but only for big companies.
Enterprise 2.0 Conference/ flickr)
There is no free-trade zone designed for
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
small companies. I have been shouting
everywhere, screaming, that every E-Hubs integrate global commerce
government should do it."
Bhavan Jaipragas, "Free Trade for Minnows:  Thanks to the wonders of technological
How Alibaba Gave Malaysia's e-Hub Hopes advancement, global electronic trading
a Boost," This Week in Asia, now goes far beyond the internet retailing, November 20, 2017. and trading that we are all familiar with.

 Many companies entrust an executive  Special websites known as trading hubs,

called the chief information officer (CIO) or eMarketplaces, facilitate electronic
with the responsibility of managing all commerce between businesses in specific
information resources. The importance of industries such as automotive
this responsibility is immense. In manufacturing, retailing, telecom
addition to the massive expansion of provisioning, aerospace, financial
information gathered by today's products and services, and more.
businesses, most of us are knowledge Virtually all Forex (Foreign Exchange) is
workers who develop or use knowledge. done via trading hubs that provide an
open market for trading of a variety of
 Knowledge workers contribute to currencies. Because there are a large
and benefit from information number of trades involving currencies,
they use to perform planning, the price is discoverable and there is
acquiring, searching, analyzing, transparency in the market. By contrast,
organizing, storing, Bitcoin is mainly traded in smaller
programming, producing, quantities, and there are often large
distributing, marketing, or selling discrepancies between prices for the
functions. We must know how to cryptocurrency in different exchanges.
gather and use information from
the many resources available to  The trading hub functions as a means of
us. integrating the electronic collaboration of
business services. Each hub provides
Information Technology In Business

standard formats for the electronic It will be replaced by parallel,

trading of documents used in a particular asynchronous, real-time marketplace
industry, as well as an array of services decision-making. Take manufacturing
to sustain e-commerce between capacity as an example. Enterprises can
businesses in that industry. bid their excess production capacity on
 Services include demand
the world e-commerce hub. Offers to
buy capacity trigger requests from the
forecasting, inventory seller for parts bids to suppliers who in
management, partner directories, turn put out requests to other suppliers,
and transaction settlement and this whole process will all converge
services. And the payoff is in a matter of minutes."
significant-lowered costs,
decreased inventory levels, and Data and information system
shorter time to market resulting
in bigger profits and enhanced  Information systems and the computers
competitiveness. that support them are so much a part of
 For example, large-scale manufacturing our lives that we almost take them for
procurement can amount to billions of granted. These management information
dollars. Changing to "just-in-time systems methods and equipment that
purchasing" on the e-hub can save a provide information about all aspects of
considerable percentage of these costs. a firm's operations provide managers
with the information they need to make
 Electronic trading across a hub can
decisions. They help managers properly
range from the collaborative integration
categorize and identify ideas that result
of individual business processes to
in substantial operational and cost
auctions and exchanges of goods
(electronic barter). Global content
management is an essential factor in  Businesses collect a great deal of data-
promoting electronic trading agreements raw, unorganized facts that can be
on the hub. A globally consistent view moved and stored—in their daily
of the "content" of the hub must be operations. Only through well-designed
available to all. Each participating IT systems and the power of computers
company handles its own content, and can managers process these data into
applications such as content managers meaningful and useful information and
keep a continuously updated master use it for specific purposes, such as
catalog of the inventories of all members making business decisions. One such
of the hub. The transaction manager form of business information is the
application automates trading database, an electronic filing system that
arrangements between companies, collects and organizes data and
allowing the hub to provide aggregation information. Using software called a
and settlement services. database management system (DBMS),
you can quickly and easily enter, store,
 Ultimately, trading hubs for numerous
organize, select, and retrieve data in a
industries could be linked together in a
database. These data are then turned into
global e-commerce web-an inclusive
information to run the business and to
"hub of all hubs." One creative thinker
perform business analysis.
puts it this way: "The traditional linear,
one step at a time, supply chain is dead.  Databases are at the core of business
information systems.
Information Technology In Business

 For example, a customer

database containing name,
 How has information technology
transformed business and managerial
address, payment method,
products ordered, price, order
history, and similar data  Businesses depend on
provides information to many information technology for
departments. Marketing can everything from running daily
track new orders and determine operations to making strategic
what products are selling best; decisions.
sales can identify high-volume  Companies must have
customers or contact customers management information
about new or related products; systems that gather, analyze,
operations managers use order and distribute information to the
information to obtain inventory appropriate parties, including
and schedule production of the employees, suppliers, and
ordered products; and finance customers.
uses sales data to prepare
financial statements.
 These systems are comprised of
different types of computers that
 Companies are discovering that they collect data and process it into
can't operate well with a series of usable information for decision-
separate information systems geared to making.
solving specific departmental problems.  Managers tap into databases to
It takes a team effort to integrate the access the information they
systems described and involves need, whether for placing
employees throughout the firm. inventory orders, scheduling
 Company-wide enterprise production, or preparing long-
resource planning (ERP) range forecasts. They can
systems that bring together compare information about the
human resources, operations, company's current status to its
and technology are becoming an goals and standards.
integral part of business  Company-wide enterprise
strategy. So is managing the
resource planning systems that
collective knowledge contained
bring together human resources,
in an organization, using data
operations, and technology are
warehouses and other
becoming an integral part of
technology tools. Technology
business strategy.
experts are learning more about
the way the business operates, Glossary
and business managers are
learning to use information
systems technology effectively
 chief information officer (CIO)
to create new opportunities and - An executive with responsibility for
reach their goals. managing all information resources in
an organization.
 database
Information Technology In Business

- An electronic filing system that collects

and organizes data and information.
 information technology (IT)

- The equipment and techniques used to

manage and process information.
 knowledge worker

- A worker who develops or uses

knowledge, contributing to and
benefiting from information used to
perform planning, acquiring, searching,
analyzing, organizing, storing,
programming, producing, distributing,
marketing, or selling functions.
 management information system (MIS)

- The methods and equipment that

provide information about all aspects of
a firm's operations.

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