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The Philippines is a site of natural wonders and eye-catching scenery.

The archipelago is not

without verdant hills and mountains, lush forestry, exotic animals, and rolling waves. More
importantly, the Filipinos make the Philippines fun to visit, thanks to their unique traits and
laudable talents and crafts.

What tourist could even forget the jeepney, the only vehicle of its kind in the world? Or the
Filipinos’ habit of kissing the hands of their elders and adding the words “po” and “opo” to
their sentences, a language feature that is not evident in other cultures? Truly, the Philippines is
also a melting pot of various traditions cultivated within centuries of colonial rule and shaped
by indigenous practices handed down from generation to generation.

For tourists, it is a marvel to see the unique traits of Filipinos. These characteristics give them
their own identity and eventually attract tourists to visit the country more often. These unique
traits are the following:

1. Hospitality
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Filipinos are known for being hospitable, especially to tourists and wanderers who do not have a
place to stay. In some tourist spots such as Baguio City, locals even offer the comforts of their
own homes for tourists who need a place to stay for a night or two.

2. Optimism

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Despite being a path for typhoons, Filipinos remain positive about their situation. Whatever
problems come their way, they always greet visitors with a smile on their faces and say “It’s

3. Resourcefulness
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Filipinos are talented and highly creative. They can fashion instruments out of kitchen utensils,
and could solve problems at a snap of a finger, thanks to their resourcefulness.

4. Respect for elders

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They have a habit of kissing the hands of elders, an act that means they are asking for their
elder’s blessing. (They call it – “Mano”)

5. Strong family ties

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Only in the Philippines will you see families that bond together like no other. In a typical
household, you’ll see extended families like the grandparents and the couple’s siblings, all co-
existing harmoniously with the nuclear family.

6. Collective pride

Filipinos are mighty proud of their cultural heritage and are doubly proud when they hear of
Filipinos making it big in other countries. For them, there is no “half-Filipino”. A person born
with Filipino blood, no matter how small the percentage is, is regarded with respect and pride.

7. Strong work ethic

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Filipinos are also committed individuals, especially in the workforce. Tourists admire Filipino
valets and bellboys who always extend a helping hand to them, despite calling on their service
in the wee hours. There is no snobbish attitude among the Filipinos.
8. Industriousness

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Once berated by national hero Jose Rizal for following after the colonizers’ siesta rule and
indolence, the typical Filipino is hard working and has no qualms about working beyond their

9. Helpfulness
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Filipinos are generally liked by tourists because they do not choose whom to help. When
someone needs assistance, they readily come to their aid.

10. Gratefulness
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Filipinos are known for saying “thank you” whenever they are helped in return. Locals also
give presents to tourists to thank them for taking time to visit their region.

11. Honesty
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Have you heard of the Honesty store in Batanes, where no one guards the store, thus letting
residents and tourists purchase goods and pay whatever amount they want? How about the cab
drivers who return wallets and other belongings to their passengers? These show how honest
Filipinos can be, and this is also the reason why tourists trust them completely.

12. Courtesy
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Aside from saying “po” and “opo”, Filipinos are known worldwide to be very polite. They
make sure that they give their visitors a warm welcome.

13. Bravery

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The Filipino spirit is marked with courage, especially in times of distress and other problems.

14. Unity
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Also referred to as the “Bayanihan”, Filipinos help one another when their fellowmen need

15. Faith
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The Philippines is predominantly a Catholic country, and wherever the Filipinos go, they always
make it a point to honor God Almighty. Tourists can attest to the many churches, old and new,
erected in the country.

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