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Chapter 1: Overview of Tourism

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”

- Lao Tzu


Milestones 04
The history of

The role of 03 Vietnamese and

world tourism
tourism in
Overview’s 02
tourism Terminology

Course Description
This subject introduces students the
knowledge of tourism from travel,
accommodation, and food & beverage.
Students will cultivate more history about
world’s tourism, and its effect to economic,
environment and converse.
Textbooks & teaching aids

Goeldner, C. R. & Ritchie, J. R. B. (2006). Tourism Principles, Practices,
Philosophies (11th ed.). John Wiley & Sons: New Jersey.

Walker, J. R. (2006). Introduction to Hospitality. Pearson Prentice Hall: New


Fletcher, J & Fyall, A & Gilbert, D & Wanhill, S. (2013). Tourism: Principles
and Practice (5th ed.). Pearson Education Limited
Learning outcome Assessment (Main semester)
Components Duration Assessment Forms Percentage Schedule

Individual contribution during the

Individual Activities 10% During the course

Answer the short questions &

Upon the arrangement of
Information Search ability to search information 10%
during the field trip

Writiten & multiple choice. Open Week 8 upon the arrangement of

Mid-term Test 60 mns 20%
book lecturer

Week 13 & 14 upon the

Group Test Group Presentation 20%
arrangement of lecturer

Week 15 upon the arrangement

Final Test 10mns/student Assignment 40%
of lecturer

Total 100%
Games Time
Lecturer divide the class into small group which
maximum 5 students.
Each group assign the group leaders and pick a
Each group leaders pick a topic:
- Attractions in Mekong Delta
- Attractions in Ho Chi Minh City
- Culture that you want to share from your
home town.
- Local specialties
- Transportation
- Tourist
Individual work

What is tourism?
“Thus, tourism can be defined as the processes, activities, and outcomes
arising from the relationships and the interactions among tourists,
tourism suppliers, host governments, host communities, and
surrounding environments that are involved in the attracting and
hosting of visitors “

“Tourism is the entire world industry of travel, hotels,

transportation, and all other components, including
promotion, that serve the needs and wants of
A person visit a place which away from
home NOT for working purpose
Same-day visitor (Excursionists)
Visitors who do not spend the night in
a collective or private accommodation
in the country visited

Visitors who stay in the country visited
for at least one night.
International visitor
Persons who travel for a period not exceeding
12 months to a country other than the one in
which they generally reside and whose main
purpose is other than the exercise of an activity
remunerated from within the place visited.
Visits to a country by nonresidents
Visits by residents of a country to
another country
Group work

Why do people spend

time for traveling?
Literally, we travel because…

1 Sightseeing

2 Visiting friends and relatives

3 Taking a vacation

Engaging in various sports, sunbathing, talking, singing,

4 taking rides, touring, reading book,…

5 Enjoying the environment

Others (Health recovery, Spa treatment, History, Culture,

Life began
at the end of your comfort zone
… for me ….

“ Traveling – it leaves you

speechless, then turns you into a

Ibn Battuta
The role of tourism in
Vietnam’s economy
Group work

Group 1: Discuss pros of tourism to

the tourist
Group 2: Discuss the contribution
of tourism to the development of
host country
Group 3: Discuss the cons of
tourism to the host country
Pros of tourism
It provides jobs. Hotels, bars, transport,
01 activities, shops, and restaurants all need

It brings in money. The income generated can

02 make up a significant proportion of both private,
local and national incomes.

It promotes international connections which

03 can bring more business and cultural
collaborations in the long term

04 Tourism gives the locality a chance to show

itself off and raise its profile in the world.
Cons of tourism
01 Unequal Infrastructure growth

02 Overuse of natural resources

03 Exploitation of Culture

Social issues may arise such as prostitution,

04 theft, …
Environment issues such as air & noise
05 pollution, …
Political Social
• Where do we live? • How much money does a place have?
• What do they do? • Does everyone have an equal share?
• Are they happy? • What jobs do they do?
• Do they have everything they want? • Do they have enough money for school?


Economic Environmental
• Who makes the rules? • What is it like there?
• What rules do they have? • What is the water like there?
• Can everyone make choices? • What can grow there?
• What do they believe? • How have people changed it?


Social Economic
The history of world’s tourism
Invention of Road was build
The pharaohs
money, for military,
began to build
writing and government
their elaborate
wheel by official, and
burial tombs
Babylonians caravans

4000 BC 2700 BC 2050 B.C

Timeline Infographic
Thomas Cook
Silk Road is
– the Father &
“All roads lead not a road, it
Founder of
to Rome” is a part of a
travel agency

336 B.C 2 B.C – 1841

1800 AD

Group works and present the

tourist attraction belows:
• Seven wonders of the Ancient
• Seven wonders of the New
• Seven natural wonders of the
New World
Thank you
“We stand like dwarfs on the shoulders of giant, so that we can see
more than they”
-Bernard of Chartes


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