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8, OCTOBER 2010

MIMO-Pipe Modeling and Scheduling for

Efficient Interference Management in
Multihop MIMO Networks
Weiyan Ge, Member, IEEE, Junshan Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE, and Guoliang Xue, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) technology, Index Terms—Cross-layer optimization, multihop multiple-

which is a recent breakthrough in wireless communications, input–multiple-output (MIMO) networks, MIMO link abstrac-
has been shown to significantly improve channel capacity in tion, physical interference, throughput maximization, wireless
single-user systems. However, obtaining a rigorous understanding scheduling.
of the possible MIMO gains in multihop networks is still an open
topic. One grand challenge is that multihop wireless networks are I. I NTRODUCTION
interference limited and that the interference introduces coupling
across various layers of the protocol stack, including the physical A. Motivation
(PHY), medium access control (MAC), network, and transport
layers. The fundamental differences between multihop networks
and point-to-point settings dictate that leveraging the MIMO gains
in multihop networks requires a domain change from high-SNR
T HE past few years have witnessed a rapidly growing
demand for ubiquitous communications and computing,
and this is dramatically changing the ways we store, manage,
regimes to interference-limited regimes. In this paper, we develop search, and access information. Indeed, the wireless technology
a cross-layer optimization framework for effective interference
management toward understanding fundamental tradeoffs among revolution is taking place at many frontiers: multiple antenna
possible MIMO gains in multihop networks. We first take a techniques, adaptive modulation/coding schemes, medium ac-
bottom-up approach to develop a MIMO-pipe model based on cess control (MAC) design, routing protocols, security mech-
PHY interference and extract a set of {(Ri , SINRi )}, where each anisms, and clean-slate architecture design. Notably, there
pair (Ri , SINRi ) corresponds to a meaningful stream multiplex- has been tremendous research effort on the multiple-input–
ing configuration for individual MIMO links [with Ri being the
rate and SINRi being the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio multiple-output (MIMO) technology. By using multiple anten-
(SINR) requirement]. Using this link abstraction model, we study nas at both transmitters and receivers, this technique offers
MIMO-pipe scheduling for throughput maximization. Based on additional spatial degrees of freedom (DOF) for information
continuous relaxation via randomization, we study the structural transmission. For single-user wireless channels, it has been
property of the optimal scheduling policy. Our findings reveal shown that using the MIMO technique can lead to dramatic
that, in an optimal strategy, it suffices for each MIMO link to use
one stream configuration only (although each individual MIMO improvement in terms of capacity and link reliability [7], [22].
link can have multiple stream configurations). In light of this The possible leverages offered by the MIMO technology
structural property, we then formulate MIMO-pipe scheduling for point-to-point transmissions can be summarized as follows:
as a combinatorial optimization problem, and by using a multi- 1) Spatial multiplexing gain increases spectral efficiency by
dimensional 0–1 knapsack approach, we devise centralized ap- opening up multiple spatial data pipes in the same frequency
proximation algorithms for both the dense network model and
the extended network model, respectively. Next, we also develop channel; 2) diversity gain improves link reliability by providing
a contention-based distributed algorithm, in which links update multiple faded signal paths between the transmitter and the
their contention probability based on local information only, and receiver and can, hence, result in a larger coverage by en-
characterize the convergence and the performance of the distrib- hancing the received SNR through coherent combining of the
uted algorithm. signals arriving at the receive antenna array; and 3) interference
suppression gain reduces cochannel interference by using the
spatial DOF to mitigate undesired interfering signals. Recent
Manuscript received December 13, 2009; revised April 16, 2010 and studies have explored the fundamental tradeoffs between dif-
June 21, 2010; accepted June 28, 2010. Date of publication July 23, 2010;
date of current version October 20, 2010. This work was supported in part
ferent gains in single-user/cellular MIMO systems [2], [24].
by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant CNS-0721820, Grant In stark contrast to the simpler point-to-point setting, there
CNS-0905603, and Grant ECCS0901451 and in part by the U.S. Department has been little work on exploring the MIMO technique in mul-
of Defense under MURI Project FA9550-09-1-0643. The review of this paper
was coordinated by Prof. H. Liu.
tihop wireless networks. Clearly, pure information-theoretic
W. Ge is with the Corporate Research and Development Division, Qualcomm models for multihop MIMO networks are too complicated
Inc., San Diego, CA 92121 USA (e-mail: to implement. On the other hand, many of the existing ap-
J. Zhang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Arizona State
University, Tempe, AZ 85287 USA (e-mail: proaches for protocol design in multihop MIMO networks use
G. Xue is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, overly simplistic abstraction by treating the number of antennas
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 USA (e-mail: as DOF to build graph models. However, the corresponding
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at reliability of spatial channels embedded in the MIMO link
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2010.2060376 is intrinsically coupled with the abstraction of DOF. Indeed,

0018-9545/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE



one grand challenge is that multihop wireless networks are advancing the MIMO technique in multihop networks requires
interference limited and that the interference introduces cou- a domain change from the high-SNR regime to interference
pling across various layers of the protocol stack, including the management. With this insight, a principal goal of this pa-
physical (PHY) layer, the MAC layer, the network layer, and the per is to explore MIMO-pipe modeling and obtain a rigor-
transport layer. Clearly, leveraging MIMO gains is intimately ous understanding of MIMO-pipe scheduling for throughput
related to effective interference management, and a key first maximization.
step is to develop a realistic PHY/MAC model abstraction of We focus on single-channel multihop MIMO networks, in
MIMO links in interference-limited networks. which the MIMO gains hinge heavily on effective interference
As outlined in Table I, there are at least three major differ- management. Needless to say, accurate modeling of interfer-
ences between single-user/cellular systems and multihop net- ence is of critical importance. In the existing literature, two
works, which are crucial in leveraging MIMO gains in multihop main interference models have been used, namely, the protocol
networks. We elaborate further on this as follows. model and the PHY-interference model [4]. In the protocol
1) High SNR versus bounded signal-to-interference-plus- model, a transmission is successful if no other user within a
noise ratio (SINR). In a single-user setting, spatial mul- certain transmission range from the receiver is transmitting.
tiplexing gain and diversity gain are defined in the Due to its simplicity, the protocol model has widely been
high-SNR regime (SNR → ∞) [24]. However, since used (see, e.g., [11], [12], and [25]). However, this model
multihop wireless networks are interference limited, spa- does not take the aggregated interference into consideration,
tial multiplex gain should be revisited in terms of the which may significantly degrade the efficiency and reliability
SINR, which is always bounded. Moreover, the notion of MIMO transmissions. In light of this, we will use the PHY-
of diversity gain defined in the high-SNR regime is not interference constraint in developing the MIMO-pipe model,
applicable to multihop networks. In light of this, we will where a transmission is successful if the SINR at the receiver
develop the MIMO-pipe model consisting of a set of is above a certain threshold. The PHY-interference constraint
feasible rates and reliability requirements. requires a systematic study on MIMO-pipe scheduling to miti-
2) Receiver channel state information (CSI) versus no gate potential conflict and interference among links, and this is
knowledge of the interference structure. In a cellular a main subject of this paper.
network setting, receive antennas can be used to suppress
interference, assuming that the interference structure is B. Summary of Main Results
available at the receiver (base station). This assumption is In this paper, with the objective of maximizing the network
reasonable since the base station is the intended receiver throughput,1 we first take a bottom-up approach to develop
for all users in the cell. In a multihop MIMO network, solid PHY/MAC interference models for MIMO pipes. Specif-
however, different links have different receivers, and the ically, given the number of antennas and the power constraint
interference structure is often not attainable since it is at each node, the more data streams there are at each MIMO
very difficult to track the channel matrices corresponding link, the lower the reliability per stream would be, as would
to interfering links from interferers to different receivers. be the interference tolerance capability. As noted before, it is
3) Diversity gain versus reliability enhancement/spatial more realistic to assume that the time-varying interference is
reuse. Given that diversity gain is not directly applica- unknown. Appealing to the fundamental theory of reliable com-
ble to multihop settings, we instead use the notion of munications [6], we first extract a new rate/reliability model,
reliability gain (interference tolerance enhancement). We which consists of a set of feasible rates and SINR require-
observe that MIMO diversity gain can enable the data ments, denoted by {(Ri , SINRi )}, corresponding to meaningful
to reach further at the same reliability level, and the stream multiplexing configurations. We note that the set of
hop length is intimately related to interference modeling, {(Ri , SINRi )} are a few points in the rate/reliability curve
spatial reuse, and end-to-end routing delay. Intuitively and that, for a given bit error rate (BER) requirement, the
speaking, the larger the hop length is, the smaller the rate/reliability curve can be obtained offline. Indeed, the (rate,
spatial reuse factor would be. SINR) model naturally emerges under PHY interference and
Given that the MIMO technology has great potential in has been used for PHY-layer studies in [20] and [23]. Clearly,
significantly enhancing the throughput and delay performance, this link abstraction model passes, to upper protocol layers,
there is an urgent need for developing useful models and a set of feasible rates and SINR requirements, and this is in
analysis methodologies tailored toward optimal design for mul-
tihop MIMO networks. The fundamental differences between 1 In this study, network throughput refers to the sum rate of the scheduled
multihop networks and single-user/cellular settings dictate that links. Fairness can be addressed, e.g., by using utility functions.

stark contrast to the traditional wisdom for wireless network

design, which abstracts the PHY layer as a single number
for upper layer optimization. It is in this sense that we name
the rate/reliability model the “MIMO-pipe model.” In this
paper, we thoroughly investigate the MIMO-pipe scheduling
for throughput maximization for both dense network models
and extended network models.
We devise both centralized algorithms and distributed al-
gorithms for MIMO-pipe scheduling. MIMO-pipe scheduling
is essentially joint link scheduling and MIMO stream multi-
plexing. For the centralized case, we explore cross-layer opti-
mization that can strike a balance between activating multiple
interfering links and simultaneously achieving stream multi-
plexing gain for each link. Based on continuous relaxation via
Fig. 1. Sketch of cochannel interference in a multihop network.
randomization, we investigate the structural property of the op-
timal scheduling policy. Our finding reveals that, although each of the signal replica to combat fading [21]; the reliability of
individual MIMO link can have multiple stream configurations, wireless links can significantly be improved. The spatial DOF
in an optimal strategy, it suffices for each link to choose one can also be used to null out undesired interfering signals to
stream configuration only. Building on this structural property, achieve interference suppression gain. The study in [12] inves-
we formulate the throughput maximization problem as a com- tigated link scheduling in multihop MIMO networks under the
binatorial optimization problem. We then devise polynomial- protocol model. Recent work [15] studied joint optimal routing,
time approximation algorithms by using the multidimensional power allocation, and bandwidth allocation in an frequency-
0-1 knapsack approach under two different network models, division multiple access MIMO-based ad hoc network, assum-
namely, the extended network model and the dense network ing no interference across links. Another interesting paper [14]
model. For the dense network model, where all links lie in a leveraged nonconvex programming to investigate joint subcar-
fixed area, we devise a polynomial-time approximation scheme rier scheduling and power allocation in multicarrier MIMO
(PTAS). For the extended network model, where the network networks.
scales with fixed node density, we develop a heuristic algorithm. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
Needless to say, it is more involved to devise distributed we present the system model and develop stream configuration
MIMO-pipe scheduling. To this end, we propose a suboptimal models with rate and SINR requirements for MIMO links.
two-phase algorithm, where in the first phase, each link con- In Sections III and IV, we study centralized and distributed
tends for the channel with adaptive contention probability, and schemes for joint stream multiplexing and scheduling,
in the second phase, each link determines whether to do stream respectively. Numerical examples are provided in Section V to
multiplexing based on its local SINR requirement. Intuitively illustrate the theoretic findings. Finally, Section VI concludes
speaking, the contention phase is used to sort out, in a distrib- this paper.
uted manner, a “good” feasible set of links that can transmit
simultaneously. Numerical results indicate that if the loss due to II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
the signaling overhead is excluded, the throughput gap between
the distributed algorithm and the optimal scheduling is not A. System Model
significant under some conditions. We consider a multihop MIMO network with M links (see
Fig. 1), where all links transmit over a common channel, as
C. Related Work shown in Fig. 1. Assume a general model where each link
employs Nt transmit antennas and Nr receive antennas. The re-
It has been shown that using multiple antennas at the wireless ceived signal at the ith receiver, which is denoted yi , is given by
transmitter and the receiver, namely, the MIMO technique, can  
significantly boost up the channel capacity [7], [22]. For point- P  P
yi = α Hii xi + Hji xj + ni (1)
to-point communications, it is shown that the spatial DOF of a Nt dii Nt d α
MIMO channel can be utilized to achieve spatial multiplexing
gain, spatial diversity gain, and interference suppression, and where P is the total transmission power at each transmitter and
the tradeoffs between these gains have been studied in [2] is assumed to be fixed throughout this paper; xi is the Nt × 1
and [24]. Roughly speaking, assuming that the spatial channels transmitted signal from the ith transmitter, with normalized
across different antennas are more or less independent, a MIMO transmission power at each antenna array to be 1, in each
link with N antennas at the transmitter and N antennas at the symbol period; α is the path loss exponent; dji is the distance
receiver can provide N times the throughput of a single-antenna from the jth transmitter to the ith receiver; and Hji is the
system in the same frequency channel; this is the so-called Nr × Nt channel matrix between the jth transmitter to the ith
“spatial multiplexing.” Alternatively, the spatial DOF can be receiver, where the entries of each matrix are independent and
exploited to obtain diversity gain (including both transmit di- identically distributed complex circular symmetric Gaussian
versity and receive diversity) by combining a “coded replica” with unit variance. Furthermore, the entries of Hji are

independent from those of Hji if i = i ; ni is the additive ji }] = Nt Nr . It then follows from (4) that
E[Tr{Hji HH
white Gaussian noise with σ 2 = E[n2i ]/Nr .
P d−α
The first term in (1) is the desired data signal for link i, SINRi =  ii
−α 2
. (5)
while the last two terms are cochannel interference and noise, j=i P dji + σ

respectively. As is standard, we assume that the channel matrix It is clear that {SINRi } heavily hinges on the average power
Hii is known at the receiver but unknown at the transmitter of interference plus noise (Ti ) and plays a key role in deter-
of link i (CSI at the receiver) [16]. Furthermore, in practical mining the reliability per multiplexing stream in interference-
systems, it is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain the MIMO limited communications. Based on the aforementioned
channel matrices {Hji , j = i} from interferers, simply because derivations, we will first address a fundamental issue: How do
the signals are not intended for the desired link, and it is infea- we extract solid PHY/MAC models that are realistic yet easy
sible to estimate these complex channel matrices [1]. In light of to use to optimize upper protocol layers in multihop MIMO
this, we impose the following assumption on the knowledge of networks? We take a bottom-up approach to extract a set of
the interference. feasible rates and SINR requirements, which the PHY layer
1) For Each Individual MIMO Link, the Interfering Signals can pass to upper protocol layers.
Are Unknown to Its Receiver and Its Transmitter: It is clear that
given a BER requirement, the rate/reliability curve can easily B. MIMO-Pipe Rate/Reliability Abstraction
be obtained offline. To characterize the tradeoff between stream
multiplexing and reliability requirement, we shall choose rates Every MIMO link can offer stream multiplexing by opening
of {kR, k = 1, . . . , N }, where R is the base rate per stream. up multiple spatial data pipes in the same frequency channel
Observe that the SINR at each data stream depends on the time- and achieve spatial multiplexing gain. However, given the
varying interference that is critical to set transmission rates at number of antennas and the total transmission power at each
each transmitter, but the instantaneous interference information node, the more data streams there are at each MIMO link, the
is not available at the transmitter and the receiver. To simplify lower the reliability per stream would be, as will be the interfer-
transmission scheduling, we set the transmission rate to be the ence tolerance capability. Accordingly, the SINR requirement
same for independent data streams at each MIMO link, and is more stringent. In the following, we will further elaborate,
the stream reliability is guaranteed by effective interference through an example, the tradeoff between stream multiplexing
management. As will be shown below, only symmetric stream gain and interference tolerance capability (equivalently, the
configurations will be meaningful (we will further elaborate in SINR requirements). Note that, in this study, the transmis-
the next section). We emphasize that this assumption can be sion power is assumed to be fixed. Dynamic power control
relaxed with modified SINR requirements. is beyond the scope of this paper and will be addressed in
Based on [16], the average energy of interference plus noise the future. Based on the fundamental requirements for reliable
per receive antenna is given by communications, we show that some configurations for stream
   multiplexing are meaningful (while others are not), and for each
 P E Tr Hji HH
Ti =
+ σ2 . (2) meaningful configuration, we develop the corresponding rate
Nt d α
ji N r and the SINR requirement. In what follows, we assume that all
nodes have the same number of antennas.
Assuming that the channel-state information is available at We assume a MIMO link with Nt = Nr = 4 and assume for
the receiver only (receiver CSI), the ergodic capacity of link i, now that the transmission power is equally split among four
which is denoted Ci (SINR), is given by [16] transmit antennas. The spatial DOF is four. There are five pos-

sible configurations for stream multiplexing. Since there is no
Hii HHii Φn (H) interference information at the transmitter and the receiver, we
E log2 det I + SINRi 1   H −1

Nr E Tr Hii Hii Φn (H) assume that the transmission rate is the same for independent
data streams. This is because the SINR at each data stream
where I is the identity matrix, and Φn (H) is defined as depends on the interference, and the interference information
⎛ ⎞ is critical to set transmission rates.
1 ⎝ P ⎠+I Stream Configuration I: All spatial DOF of this MIMO link are
Φn (H) = 2 Hji HH
ji (3)
σ Nt d α
ji used for stream multiplexing to obtain full multiplexing
gain, and accordingly, each transmit antenna would inde-
and SINRi is the average SINR of link i along each of pendently transmit one data stream, as shown in Fig. 2(a).
the principal directions of the interference-plus-noise space The overall data rate over this MIMO link is 4Rs , where Rs
[16], i.e., is the data rate for each stream. Since all spatial DOF are
  used for multiplexing, the SINR requirement per receive
P E x2i  P d−α
ii antenna, which is denoted by β3 , would be high, dictating
SINRi = = .
−α E [Tr{Hji Hji }]
Nt dii Ti H
P d + σ 2 that the interference tolerance capability is low.
j=i ji Nt Nr
Stream Configuration II: Alternatively, as shown in Fig. 2(b),
two antennas can transmit the same data stream to improve
Following the assumption that the entries of Hji are iden- reliability by exploiting spatial diversity, and let the other
tically distributed and the power of each entry is 1, we have two antennas transmit different streams. The overall rate is

Fig. 2. Stream configurations for a MIMO link with four antennas. (a) Data rate 4Rs and SINR ≥ β3 . (b) Data rate 3Rs and SINR ≥ β3 . (c) Data rate 2Rs
and SINR ≥ β3 . (d) Data rate 2Rs and SINR ≥ β2 . (e) Data rate Rs and SINR ≥ β1 .

3Rs . Clearly, the data stream x3 is more reliable than x1 Proposition 2.1:
and x2 since the antennas provide spatial diversity gain for a) For a MIMO link with N transmit antennas and N receive
x3 . However, since the total interference from other users antennas, where each antenna is dedicated to one stream
is the same for all three streams over the MIMO link, the only, when equal power allocation is used across transmit
SINR requirement for this configuration is still β3 to guar- antennas,
√ the number of meaningful configurations is at
antee the success of the transmission of x1 and x2 . That is, most  4N + 1 − 1.
x1 and x2 are the bottleneck streams. Observe that, with b) When optimal power allocation is used, the number of
the same SINR requirement, Configuration I can provide meaningful configurations is at most N .
a higher data rate than Configuration II, indicating that
Proof: Let C(N ) denote the number of meaningful con-
Configuration II is not meaningful and can be ignored.2
figurations for a MIMO link with N transmit antennas and
Stream Configurations III and IV: Two configurations, as shown
N receive antennas. It is clear that C(N ) is monotonically
in Fig. 2(c) and (d), can be used to obtain two multi-
increasing as N . To prove part a), we first consider a special
plexing streams. Along the same line aforementioned, we
case with N = n(n + 1), where n is a positive integer. Define
observe that Configuration III achieves the data rate of 2Rs Δ
with SINR requirement β3 . In Configuration IV, each data ni as ni = N/i for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n. It follows that N =
stream is transmitted through two transmit antennas, which i ∗ ni + γi , where γi is the residual with 0 ≤ γi < i < ni . It
is more reliable than Configuration III. Therefore, the can be shown that, by letting the MIMO link transmit with
SINR requirement for this configuration, which is denoted overall data rate iRs , each data stream would have at least ni
as β2 , is smaller than β3 . Configuration III in Fig. 2(c) is transmit antennas. The corresponding SINR requirement is βi .
inferior to Configuration IV in Fig. 2(d) and can thus be Similarly, the link can also transmit with data rate ni Rs , in
ignored. which case each data stream has at least i transmit antennas.
Stream Configuration V: By letting all antennas transmit the In summary, when N = n(n + 1), C(N ) = 2n. Furthermore,
same data stream, the link achieves full spatial diversity when N < n(n + 1), C(N ) < 2n.
with data rate Rs , as shown in Fig. 2(e). Clearly, the SINR Using a similar argument, we can show that when N =
requirement for this configuration, which is denoted as β1 , n2 , C(N ) = 2n − 1. It then follows from the monotonicity of
is smaller than both β2 and β3 . C(N ) that when n2 ≤ N < n(n + 1), C(N ) = 2n − 1. Note
that when n2 ≤ N < n(n + 1)
In summary, for the MIMO link with Nt = Nr = 4,
there are three different meaningful configurations under  √ 
2n < 4n2 + 1 ≤ 4N + 1 < 4n(n + 1) + 1 = 2n + 1
equal power allocation: Configuration I, Configuration IV,
and Configuration V, with overall data rates 4Rs , 2Rs , and Rs which implies that
and SINR requirements β3 > β2 > β1 , respectively.

C(N ) =  4N + 1 − 1.
2 This is due to the assumption that the transmitter equally splits its power
over all transmit antennas. When optimal power allocation is possible, e.g., Similarly, we have that when n(n + 1) ≤ N < (n + 1)2 ,
allocating more power on the top two antennas and less on the bottom two
antennas, the link can achieve data rate 3Rs with an SINR requirement smaller
C(N ) = 2n, and
than β3 . In this scenario, the number of meaningful configurations is equal to √ 
four. 2n + 1 ≤ 4N + 1 < 4(n + 1)2 + 1 < 2n + 2. (6)

link. Note that different links may use different numbers of

streams for multiplexing, making the scheduling more chal-
We consider a multihop MIMO network with M links, where
each link has N transmit antennas and N receive antennas. Let
K√denote the number of meaningful configurations with K =
 4N + 1 − 1. In such a network, each link can choose one
stream configuration to transmit. Let k = 1, 2, . . . , K denote
the index of the configurations and dk and βk denote the
corresponding data rate and SINR requirement, respectively.
For example, when N = 4, as in Section II-B, K = 3, d1 = Rs ,
d2 = 2Rs , and d3 = 4Rs .

A. Structural Properties of Optimal MIMO-Pipe Scheduling

Fig. 3. Rate–reliability tradeoff for a MIMO link with four antennas.
To characterize the structural property of the optimal
scheduling policy, we first consider a continuous relaxation by
It follows that
using a randomized strategy in which each link probabilistically
√ picks a stream configuration. More specifically, let pi,k denote
 4N + 1 = 2n + 1. (7)
Kprobability that link i chooses the kth configuration, and
k=0 pi,k = 1, where pi,0 is the probability that link i does not
Combining the aforementioned
√ two cases, we have that, for transmit. Let S denote a subset of links. Then, the probability
any N , C(N ) =  4N + 1 − 1, which concludes the proof that links in S are transmitting is given by
of part a). 
Discussions: In a nutshell, there is a pair of parameters,  
qS (P) = (1 − pi,0 ) pj,0 (8)
i.e., (rate, SINR threshold), corresponding to each meaningful
i∈S j∈
stream configuration. Then, the PHY layer can pass, to upper
protocol layers, a set of feasible pairs in the form of (rate,
SINR threshold), corresponding to different configurations, for where P = [pi,k , i = 1, 2, . . . , M, k = 0, 1, . . . , K] is the
efficient interference management. This is in contrast to the transmission probability matrix. For simplicity, we use qS as a
traditional wisdom for wireless network design, which abstracts shorthand notation for qS (P) in the following. Let Φ(P) denote
the PHY layer as a single number and inputs it to upper protocol the average network throughput, which is given by
layers. We caution that it remains open to explore the equivalent
MIMO-pipe protocol model (with a set of possible rates and    a
i (S)
interference guard zones) corresponding to the MIMO-pipe Φ(P) = qS Φ(P|S) = qS dk (9)
1 − pi,0
SINR model. S S i∈S k=1

We emphasize that the stream configurations here correspond

to a set of points on the rate–reliability tradeoff curve, as shown where ai (S) is the index of the best configuration for link i
in Fig. 3, and that the rates in this study are set to be multiplica- when links in S are transmitting, i.e.,
tions of the basic rate to capture the multiplexing gain. More
generally, one can choose any points on the rate–reliability P d−α
βai (S)+1 > SINRi (S) =  ii
−α 2
≥ βai (S) . (10)
tradeoff curve and develop a corresponding abstraction of the j∈S\i P dji + σ
MIMO link. Needless to say, each point is associated with a
pair of feasible parameters (rate, SINR threshold), and the more We note that {ai (S)} depend on the global network topology
points chosen, the higher the complexity would be. and, hence, require global information.
Then, the joint scheduling and stream multiplexing problem
in a multihop MIMO network can be formulated as finding
the optimal probability matrix that maximizes the network
throughput, i.e.,
In the aforementioned, based on the PHY-interference model,
we have extracted a set of rate and SINR requirements max Φ(P)
{(Ri , SINRi )}. In the following, we devise centralized al- P

gorithms for throughput maximization under the MIMO-pipe

SINR model (similar studies can be carried out for the protocol s.t. pi,k = 1, i = 1, 2, . . . , M
model). Specifically, we study cross-layer optimization that can k=0
strike a balance between activating multiple interfering links
and simultaneously achieving stream multiplexing gain for each 0 ≤ pi,k ≤ 1. (11)

The aforementioned problem is nonconvex in general. To 1, P̂ becomes an integer matrix). Let S1 be a set of links
solve this problem, rewrite the throughput as Δ
with l ∈ S1 and qS1 >0. Define S2 as S2 = S1 \ l. (S2 is
nonempty; otherwise, i∈S2 dai (S2 ) = 0, and Condition 2 is
i (S)
Φ(P) = qS dk invalid.) Observe that
1 − pi,0
S i∈S k=1   p̂l,0
q S2 = (1 − p̂i,0 ) p̂j,0 = qS > 0. (14)
ai (S) (1 − p̂l,0 ) 1
i∈S2 j∈
= pj,0 pl,m dk pi,k .
S j∈ i∈S l∈S,l=i m=1
/S k=1
Then, it follows from Condition 1 that ∀ i ∈ S2
It can be shown that Φ(P) is a monotonically increasing
pi,ai (S1 ) = 1 − pi,0 = pi,ai (S2 ) > 0. (15)
function of P.3 Accordingly, the optimization problem in (11)
is a quasi-concave program and can be solved by using the K
bisection method [3]. Let P∗ = [p∗i,k , i = 1, 2, . . . , M, k = Combining (15) with the constraint that k=0 pi,k = 1,
0, 1, . . . , K] denote the optimal probability matrix that max- we have ai (S1 ) = ai (S2 ), ∀ i ∈ S2 . It then follows from
imizes the network throughput, i.e., P∗ = arg maxP Φ(P). Condition 2 that
Note that P∗ may not be unique. We have the following  
property regarding P∗ . Φ(P∗ ) = dai (S1 ) = dai (S1 ) + dal (S1 )
i∈S1 \l
Proposition 3.1: The optimal probability matrix P∗ can be i∈S1

an integer matrix, i.e., p∗i,k ∈ {0, 1}, ∀ i, k. > dai (S2 ) = Φ(P∗ ) (16)
Proof: Let P∗ denote an optimal integer matrix that max- i∈S2
imizes the network throughput among all integer matrices.
Then, it is sufficient to show that, for any fractional matrix where the inequality comes from the fact that dk > 0, ∀ k.
P, Φ(P) < Φ(P∗ ). Let S ∗ denote the set of links such that The contradiction in (16) implies that, for any given fractional
S ∗ = {i|p∗i,0 = 0}; then, p∗j,0 = 1, ∀ j ∈ / S ∗ . It follows that matrix P, Φ(P) < Φ(P∗ ), thereby concluding the proof. 
⎡ ⎤
(S ∗ )
Φ(P∗ ) = max ⎣ dk pi,k ⎦ = dai (S ∗ ) B. MIMO-Pipe Scheduling in Dense Networks: An
P,pij ∈{0,1}
i∈S ∗ k=1 i∈S ∗ Interference Management View
with pi,ai (S ∗ ) = 1, ∀ i ∈ S ∗ . Proposition 3.1 reveals that the optimal scheduling policy
Next, we need to show that, for any given fractional matrix can have an integer matrix but is not necessarily unique. To
P, Φ(P) < Φ(P∗ ). Recall from (9) that characterize the maximum network throughput, however, it
requires global information {ai (S)}, which is difficult (if not
i (S)
pi,k impossible) to obtain. In the following, based on the structural
Φ(P) = qS dk property of the optimal solution derived earlier, we take a
1 − pi,0
S i∈S k=1 combinatorial optimization approach to study throughput max-
(a)   imization in a multihop MIMO network.
≤ qS dai (S) Recall from (5) that the average SINR per receive antenna of
S i∈S link i is given by
≤ qS Φ(P∗ ) P d−α
SINRi =  ii
−α 2
. (17)
j=i P dji + σ

= Φ(P∗ ) (13)
For convenience, define {Zji , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , M } and {ci , i =
where (a) is due to the constraint that k=0 pi,k = 1, ∀ i,
1, 2, . . . , M } as
and (b) is due to the assumption that P∗ is the optimal in-   −α
teger probability matrix. Then, it suffices to show that, for dji
, i = j σ2
Zji = dii ci = . (18)
any fractional matrix P, Φ(P) = Φ(P∗ ). We establish this 0, i = j. P (dii )−α
by contradiction. Suppose that there exists a fractional matrix
P̂ = [p̂i,k ] such that Φ(P̂) = Φ(P∗ ). Then, it follows from (13) Let ri,k be 1 if link i chooses the kth configuration and 0
that, for any S with qS (P̂) > 0, the following two conditions otherwise. Then, the SINR constraints are equivalent to
to be met simultaneously: 1) p̂i,ai (S) = 1 − p̂i,0 , ∀ i, and

2) i∈S dai (S) = Φ(P∗ ).   

Zji rj,k + ci ≤ ri,k /βk . (19)
Since P̂ is a fractional matrix, there exists at least one link j∈S k k
l with 0 < p̂l,0 < 1 (if p̂l,0 are integers for all l, by condition
Based on the aforementioned interference tolerance con-
3 Φ(P) is monotonically increasing if Φ(P1 ) ≥ Φ(P2 ) for any P1  P2 , straints, the one-shot scheduling problem can be recast
where  denotes componentwise greater than or equal to. as an integer programming problem with the objective of

maximizing the total throughput, subject to interference Finally, define bi = e − ci , and b = [bi , i = 1, 2, . . . , M ]. The
constraints optimization problem P2 is then equivalent to the following
multidimensional 0–1 knapsack problem:

P1 max dk ri,k 
{ri,k }
i=1 k=1 KP (W, b, p) : max pj xj

s.t. Zji rj,k ≤ ri,k /βk − ci 
j k k s.t. wij xj ≤ bi , i = 1, 2, . . . , M
ri,k ≤ 1, i = 1, 2, . . . , M xj ∈ {0, 1}, j = 1, 2, . . . , M K. (22)

ri,k ∈ {0, 1}, ∀ i, k. (20) Without loss of generality, we assume that wij ≤ bi for all i and
j, because otherwise, xj would always be zero in any feasible
Following [17], we can show that the optimization problem solution and can be removed from the problem formulation.
P1 is NP-hard. With this, we convert the aforementioned In a dense network, all links lie in a disk of a fixed area.
optimization problem into a multidimensional 0–1 knapsack As the number of links increases, the network gets saturated.
problem. To this end, we construct a new constraint, i.e., In other words, the total number of concurrent transmitting

links is upper bounded by a constant, which is denoted by D,
Zji rj,k + e ri,k − 1 ≤ ri,k /βk − ci regardless of the total number of links in the network [10].
j k k k We can investigate all O(M D ) size-D subsets of the M links,
(21) and for each size-D subset of the links, the corresponding
knapsack problem has DK variables (rather than M K) and
where e is some positive constant. By choosing the constant e D capacity constraints (rather than M ). To distinguish from
to be sufficiently large, we have the following.
 the original knapsack problem KP (W, b, p), we denote this
1) The case with k ri,k = 0: In this case, link i does not size-constrained knapsack problem by DKP (W, b, p), which
transmit; the SINR
 constraint always holds. is formally defined in the following:
2) The case with k ri,k = 1: In this case, link i chooses
one configuration to transmit; it is equivalent to the first 

constraint in (19). DKP (W, b, p) : max pj xj

3) The case with k ri,k ≥ 2: In this case, (21) is always j=1

As a consequence, the two inequality constraints in (20) can s.t. wij xj ≤ bi , i = 1, 2, . . . , D

be replaced by the constraint in (21), and P1 is equivalent to
the following optimization problem: xj ∈ {0, 1}, j = 1, 2, . . . , DK.

K Since D is a constant for dense networks, the solution to
P2 max dk ri,k KP (W, b, p) boils down to the solution of DKP (W, b, p).
{ri,k }
i=1 k=1 Note that the problem DKP (W, b, p) is still NP-hard [9],

   [18]. When W and b both take integer values, the problem

s.t. Zji rj,k +e rj,k − 1 can be solved in O(KDΠD k=1 bi ) time, using dynamic pro-
j k k gramming. For fixed D, there is a PTAS with running time
 O((DK)D/−D ). Let popt (W, b, p) denote the optimal value
≤ ri,k /βk − ci of DKP (W, b, p). The PTAS can compute a feasible solution
to DKP (W, b, p) with a profit value no smaller than (1 − ) ×
ri,k ∈ {0, 1} ∀ i, k. popt (W, b, p). The drawback of the known PTAS is its running
time, which exponentially grows with 1/. More discouraging,
Define the M K × 1 vector of binary variables x =
it has been proved for D ≥ 2 that there does not exist a
[r1 , r2 , . . . , rK ]T , where rk = [r1,k , . . . , rM,k ]. Define the fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) unless
Δ P = NP [8].
profit vector p = [d1 , d2 , . . . , dK ], where dk is a 1 × M row In the following, we present two novel approaches to DKP
vector with all elements equal to dk . Let Z be the channel with fully polynomial running times. We will use  > 0 to
gain matrix with Z = [Zij , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , M ], and let Z̃ = denote the desired approximation parameter. Without loss of
[ZT , ZT , . . . , ZT ]. Let e be a sufficiently large real number. De- generality, we assume that  < 1. We will use xopt (W, b, p)
K matrices to denote an optimal solution for DKP (W, b, p) and use
fine a new matrix W by W = [wij , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , M ], where popt (W, b, p) to denote the optimal value for DKP (W, b, p).
 In the first approach, our goal is to compute an almost
 Z̃ij + e1/βk , if j = i + (k − 1)M, k = 1, . . . K feasible solution xA to DKP (W, b, p) with a profit value at
wij =
Z̃ij , otherwise. least as good as popt (W, b, p). By almost feasible, we mean xA

is a feasible solution to DKP (W, (1 + )b, p). Our algorithm we have

is presented in Algorithm 1.


wij xj ≤ wij xj + xj ≤ + DK. (28)
bi j=1 j=1

Algorithm 1 Outer Approximation for DKP (W, b, p)
1: Construct an instance DKP (W  , b , p) by defining W  Since w xj is an integer, (28) also implies that
DK  j=1 ij
and b in the following way: j=1 wij xj ≤ DK/ + DK. 
! In the second approach, our goal is to compute a strictly fea-
 wij DK sible solution xB to DKP (W, b, p) with a profit value at least
wij = · + 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ D, 1 ≤ j ≤ DK (23)
bi  as good as popt (W, (1 − )b, p). Our algorithm is presented in
! Algorithm 2.
bi = + DK, I = 1, 2, . . . , D. (24)

Algorithm 2 Inner Approximation for DKP (W, b, p)
2: Using dynamic programming to compute an optimal
1: Construct an instance DKP (W  , b , p) by defining W 
solution xA of DKP (W  , b , p). If DKP (W  , b , p) is
by (23) and b in the following way:
infeasible, STOP-DKP (W, b, p) is infeasible. !
3: OUTPUT xA as an almost feasible solution to  DK
bi = , i = 1, 2, . . . , D. (29)
DKP (W, b, p). 
2: Using dynamic programming to compute an optimal
solution xB of DKP (W  , b , p). If DKP (W  , b , p) is
Theorem 3.1: The time complexity of Algorithm 1
infeasible, STOP.
is O(KD(KD/)D ). If DKP (W, b, p) is feasible,
3: OUTPUT xB as an approximate solution to
DKP (W  , b , p) is guaranteed to be feasible. In this
DKP (W, b, p).
case, the solution xA computed by Algorithm 1 is a
feasible solution of DKP (W, (1 + )b, p). Furthermore,
j=1 pj xj ≥ p
A opt
(W, b, p). Theorem 3.2: The time complexity of Algorithm 1 is
Proof: Since bi = DK/ + DK for each i, the time O(KD(KD/)D ). The solution xB computed by Algo-
complexity of Algorithm 1 is O(O(KD(KD/)D ). Let xA be rithm 2 is a feasible solution of DKP (W, b, p). Furthermore,
an optimal solution for DKP (W  , b , p). We will prove that xA DK
j=1 pj xj ≥ p (W, (1 − )b, p).
B opt
has the claimed property. Proof: The time complexity can be proved in the same
First, we will prove that xA is a feasible solution to way as in Theorem 3.1. Let xB be an optimal solution for
DKP (W, (1 + )b, p). From (23), we have DKP (W  , b , p). We will prove that xB has the claimed
wij DK wij DK property.

· < wij ≤ · + 1. (25) First, we will prove that xB is a feasible solution to
bi  bi 
DKP (W, b, p). Following the proof of Theorem 3.1, we have
From the left-hand side of (25), we obtain (26), which implies that
bi   B
bi DK
bi  wij xB
j < w x ≤ ≤ bi . (30)
wij < w
DK ij
DK j=1 ij j DK 

which implies that This proves that xB is a feasible solution to DKP (W, b, p).

Next, we will prove that DKj=1 pj xj ≥ p
B opt
(W, (1 − )b, p).
 " ! #
bi   A bi
DK Toward this goal, it suffices to show that any feasible solu-
wij xA
j< w x ≤ +DK ≤ (1+)bi . tion x to DKP (W, (1 − )b, p) is also a feasible solution to
DK j=1 ij j DK 
DKP (W  , b , p).
Since x is a feasible solution to DKP (W, (1 − )b, p),
This proves that xA is a feasible solution to DKP (w, (1 + we have
)b, p).
j=1 pj xj ≥ p
A opt
Next, we will prove that (W, b, p). To- wij xj ≤ (1 − )bi . (31)
ward this goal, it suffices to show that any feasible solution x to j=1
DKP (W, b, p) is also a feasible solution to DKP (W  , b , p),
since the value of an optimal solution for DKP (W  , b , p) (xA Following the right-hand side of (25), we have
in this case) is at least as good as the value of a feasible solution  DK  
(xopt (W, b, p) in this case).  DK DK
wij xj ≤ wij xj+ xj ≤ (1−)+DK = .
x is a feasible solution to DKP (W, b, p), we have bi j=1  
j=1 j=1
j=1 ij xj ≤ bi . Following the right-hand side of (25),
w (32)

Since j=1 wij xj is an integer, (32) also implies that
j=1 wij xj ≤ DK/ . This proves the theorem. 
Discussions: DKP (W, (1 + )b, p) differs from
DKP (W, b, p) in that the constraints are relaxed from bi
to (1 + )bi . Our first approach essentially says that by
sacrificing the constraints a little bit, we can compute a solution
with a profit at least as good as that of the optimal solution.
More importantly, this can be achieved in fully polynomial Fig. 4. Sample realization of channel contention and data transmission.
DKP (w, (1 − )b, p) differs from DKP (W, b, p) in that IV. C ONTENTION -BASED D ISTRIBUTED
the constraints are tightened from bi to (1 − )bi . Our second MIMO P IPE S CHEDULING
approach essentially says that a feasible solution to the DKP In the aforementioned sections, we have focused on central-
problem can be computed (in fully polynomial time) whose ized algorithms based on the long-term average SINR, aiming
corresponding profit value is at least as good as that of the to maximize the ergodic capacity. Next, we turn our attention
optimal value of the tightened version of the DKP problem. to random-access-based distributed algorithms that make use of
The first approach is guaranteed to compute a solution when the instantaneous SINR. Specifically, we assume that all links
the original knapsack problem is feasible. However, the second use minislots to contend for the channel with probability pi , i =
approach may fail to compute a solution when the original 1, . . . , M , and after each contention, the links involved in the
knapsack problem is feasible. contention update their contention probabilities accordingly.
The channel contention (probing) continues for Δ minislots,
C. MIMO-Pipe Scheduling in Extended Networks: followed by data transmissions over a duration of T , as shown
A Greedy Approach in Fig. 4.
In general, it is difficult to jointly optimize link scheduling
Next, consider MIMO-pipe scheduling in extended net- and stream multiplexing in a distributed manner under the
works, where the network scales to cover an increasing area MIMO-pipe model. One unique challenge is that multiple
with fixed node density. In such a network, the number of links can successfully transmit through one common channel;
concurrent transmissions increases as M increases. In other furthermore, each link has to update its own contention prob-
words, the number of constraints in (22) scales with M , and ability based on local information only, because links have
it has been shown that heuristic approximation algorithms are no knowledge of the channel condition and interference of
the only possible approach to solve this problem [8]. Based on other links, but the network throughput depends on the data
[17], we develop a heuristic approximation algorithm to find rates of all transmitting links. Moreover, it is challenging to
an approximated solution of the multidimensional knapsack simultaneously characterize the optimal scheme for joint stream
problem, as outlined below: multiplexing and link scheduling in a distributed manner. In the
following, we propose a suboptimal two-phase algorithm.

Algorithm 3 A heuristic algorithm for problem P2 in ex- Phase I: Finding a feasible set of coexisting links by using
tended networks random access. To this end, let all links initially choose
Configuration I4 and contend for the channel with certain
1: Initialize: rj ⇐ 1, j = 1, 2, . . . , M K and λi ⇐ 0, i =
probability. After each minislot, each link updates its con-
1, 2, . . . , M ;  K tention probability in the following way: If its received
2: Normalize: Ẑij ⇐ Ẑij /bi and yi ⇐ M j=1 Ẑij ; SINR is greater than β1 , it would increase its contention
3: i∗ ⇐ arg maxi yi (determine the most violated link);
probability for the next minislot; if its SINR is smaller than
4: for each  j such that rj = 1 do
 β1 , it would decrease its contention probability; and if it
(aj − M i=1 λi Ẑij )/Ẑi∗ j , ai,j > 0
5: θi∗ ,j ⇐ does not contend during this mini-slot, it would keep its
∞, ai,j = 0. contention probability. In summary, the contention proba-
6: end for bility of link i at the tth minislot, which is denoted as pi (t),
7: θi∗ ,j ∗ ⇐ minj {θi∗ ,j |rj = 1}; is given by
8: rj ∗ = 0, yi = yi − Ẑi,j ∗ , λ∗i = λi∗ + θi∗ ,j ∗ ;
9: if max yi > 1 then pi (t + 1) = [pi (t) + a(t)fi (p(t))]10 (33)
10: go to 3
11: end if where a(t) is the step size that follows
12: (Improve the solution) Check to see whether any variable ∞

rj can be set back to 1 without violating the conditions a(t) < 1, lim a(t) = 0, a(t) = ∞, a2 (t) < ∞
yi ≤ 1. If there is more than one possibility, choose the t=1 t=1
variable with the greatest cj .
4 Configuration I, or the basic configuration, indicates the configuration
that all transmit antennas send the same data stream, as shown in Fig. 2(e).
It can be shown that the worst-case time complexity of This configuration has the lowest SINR requirement and can thus involve the
Algorithm 3 is O(M 3 K 2 ) [17]. maximal number of links in the optimal set.

TABLE II dimensional knapsack approach. For the sake of comparison,

we also show that the network throughput corresponds to the
distributed algorithm and the exhaustive search (the optimum).
It can be seen from Fig. 5(a) that as the number of links
increases, the average network throughput of all approaches
increase. As expected, the proposed distributed algorithm is
inferior to the knapsack approach, mainly because of the over-
and fi (p(t)) is given by head incurred by the contention phase. In Fig. 5(b), the network
throughput is plotted for different network sizes. It can be seen

⎨ 1, SINRi (n − 1) ≥ β1 that the throughput increases as the network area grows. Fur-
fi (p(t)) = −1, SINRi (n − 1) < β1 thermore, when the network size grows, the throughput of the
⎩ knapsack algorithm gets closer to the optimum. Our intuition
0, link i did not contend in minislot t.
is that when the network area increases with the number of
The purpose of using the contention phase is to sort out links being kept the same, there is less interference across links;
the optimal set5 of links that can simultaneously transmit hence, the coupling becomes weaker, and then, the link schedul-
under Configuration I in a fully distributed manner. Our ing problem can be better approximated by the knapsack
intuition is that a link in the optimal set has a small chance formulation.
of being interfered by other links and can thus increase its In Fig. 5(c), we examine the impact of the contention phase
contention probability more often. On the contrary, a link and plot the network throughput for the distributed algorithm,
not in the optimal set would more frequently be interfered with Δ = 5, 10, and 100, respectively. To compare the through-
by other links, which eventually makes its contention prob- put gain, we ignore the contention overhead in this figure. It can
ability decrease to zero. be seen that when Δ is small, increasing Δ would significantly
Phase II: Local optimization of stream multiplexing. Phase I improve the network throughput. However, when Δ is large, the
is used to find a feasible set of links that can simultaneously gain becomes marginal and is offset by the overhead, resulting
transmit under the basic configuration. The objective of in a severe performance degradation.
Phase II is to determine whether any of the links in the set Fig. 6 depicts the convergence behavior of the proposed
can do stream multiplexing or not. Observe that, for any distributed algorithm, where the step size is set to be 1/2.5t.
given link, regardless of its configuration, the interference The contention probabilities of all links eventually converge to
it creates is the same because the total transmission power either 0 or 1, corroborating Proposition 4.1.
is the same. That is, a link can switch to a configuration
with a higher data rate, provided that its own SINR re-
quirement is met and that the interference it incurs to other VI. C ONCLUSION
links remains unchanged. In light of this, each link can In this paper, we have developed a cross-layer optimization
determine whether to multiplex or not based on local SINR framework for effective interference management in MIMO
requirements only. multihop networks. In sharp contrast to the point-to-point set-
We have the following result regarding the convergence of tings, where the spatial multiplexing gain and diversity gain are
the iterative algorithm in (33) for Phase I. defined in the high-SNR regime, multihop networks are inter-
Proposition 4.1: For any positive initial value p(0), the ference limited, and the SINR of each link is always bounded.
sequence {p(t)}, which is generated by the iterative algorithm These fundamental differences require a domain change from
in (33), converges to an optimal contention probability p∗ , high-SNR regimes to interference-limited regimes to character-
where p∗ is an integer vector, i.e., p∗i ∈ {0, 1} ∀ i. ize the tradeoffs among possible MIMO gains.
The proof directly follows from [13] and is omitted here. We have first taken a bottom-up approach to develop a
solid PHY-interference model and extracted a set of mean-
ingful stream multiplexing configurations and their corre-
V. N UMERICAL E XAMPLES sponding rates and SINR requirements, which are denoted
by {(rate, SINR)}. We have then investigated MIMO-pipe
In this section, we illustrate, via numerical examples, the
scheduling, with the objective of maximizing the network
performance by using the proposed algorithms in a multihop
throughput. Based on continuous relaxation via randomization,
MIMO network. We randomly generate M links in a square
we have characterized the structural property of the optimal
field of size L × L. Each MIMO link in the network has four
scheduling. Our findings reveal that, in an optimal policy, each
antennas. The corresponding number of meaningful configura-
individual MIMO link can use one stream configuration only.
tions is K = 3. The rest of the parameters are listed in Table II.
In light of this structural property, we have then formulated
We first consider a network where all links are deployed in
the problem as a combinatorial optimization problem and de-
a square of size 10 × 10 and depict in Fig. 5(a) the average
vised, via the multidimensional knapsack approach, efficient
network throughput in a dense network achieved by the multi-
centralized approximation algorithms for both the extended
network model and the dense network model. We have also
developed a two-phase contention-based distributed algorithm
5 Note that the optimal set may not be unique. and characterized its performance and convergence.

Fig. 5. Network throughput achieved by different algorithms. (a) Network size 10 × 10. (b) M = 15. (c) Network size 10 × 10.

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Weiyan Ge (M’10) received the B.S. degree from Guoliang Xue (M’98–SM’99) received the B.S. de-
Peking University, Beijing, China, in 2001, the gree in mathematics and the M.S. degree in opera-
M.Phil degree from the Chinese University of Hong tions research from Qufu Normal University, Qufu,
Kong, Hong Kong, in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree China, in 1981 and 1984, respectively, and the Ph.D.
from Arizona State University, Tempe, in 2008. degree in computer science from the University of
Currently, he is a Senior Engineer with the Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 1991.
Corporate Research and Development Division, He is a Professor of computer science and engi-
Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA. His research in- neering with the Department of Computer Science
terests include scheduling in wireless networks and and Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe.
system design for HSPA+ networks. He is the author of more than 170 papers in his
Dr. Ge is a is a coauthor of a paper that won the research areas. His research interests include surviv-
2008 IEEE International Communications Conference Best Paper Award. ability, security, and resource-allocation issues in networks ranging from optical
networks to wireless mesh and sensor networks.
Dr. Xue received the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Initiation
Junshan Zhang (SM’06) received the Ph.D. degree Award in 1994 and has been continuously supported by federal agencies,
from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 2000. including NSF and the Army Research Office. He is an Associate Editor
In August 2000, he joined the Department of of Computer Networks, IEEE N ETWORK, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, and the IEEE/ACM T RANSACTIONS ON
Tempe, where he has been a Professor since 2010. N ETWORKING. He served as a Technical Program Committee Cochair of IEEE
His research interests include network modeling and INFOCOM 2010 and is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications
optimization/control, information theory, stochastic Society.
modeling and analysis, and wireless communica-
tions. His current research focuses on fundamental
problems in information networks and network sci-
ence, including network management, network secu-
rity, network information theory, and stochastic analysis.
Prof. Zhang received the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award
in 2005, the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2003, and the
Outstanding Research Award from the IEEE Phoenix Section in 2003. He
is a coauthor of a paper that won 2008 IEEE International Communications
Conference (ICC) Best Paper Award. One of his papers was selected as the
INFOCOM 2009 Best Paper Award Runner-Up. He is an Associate Editor for
the Computer Networks journal. He served as a Technical Program Committee
(TPC) Cochair for WICON 2008 and IPCCC’06, a TPC Vice Chair for
ICCCN’06, and a member of the TPCs of INFOCOM, SECON, GLOBECOM,
Chair for the 2007 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop. He will be a TPC
Cochair for INFOCOM 2012.

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