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Paul University Philippines

Mabini St. Ugac Highway, Tuguegarao Cagayan 3500

1. What was the topic of the video conference?

- The topic of the video conference is Tyler which seems to be the CEO or leader
within the other participants started the meeting by asking a certain report. They
suppose need that video conference to attain something for their company. But
whatever their topic or supposed to be agenda nothing was achieved because of the
numerous interruptions that they encountered.

2. Who were the Participants? Where were they from?

- The participants at the video conference seem to be workers at an office so

technically they are co-workers /colleagues. The first participant showed at the video
clip is Tripp then next to appear is Tyler whom Tripp is expecting to join the video
call but instead Beth is the one who joins the meeting. Then the other one is John
which joined the video conference while finishing up another conversation and last is
Paul who struggles at his access code PIN whether to press the key or nut, which
further disrupt the meeting.

3. How was the flow of the video conference?

- The video conference did not follow the supposed to be right flow of the video
conference. It seems to be a business related video conference so it should be in a
formal way. The video conference was ruined because of its constant interruption at
the beginning till the end. Because of: the conference call plagued by bad sound
quality, audio freezing and the participants at the video conference are on mute even
they don’t intend to be muted. Also the background noises that leads to the
breakdown of the video conference. Early entrance or coming of the participants and
also early exits because of poor internet connection that causes bad or unsuccessful
communication. Confusions oh who is talking and whom it is talking. And we all
know that bad communication comes with a lack of collaboration and connectivity
towards the colleagues which ultimately leads to less innovation for the business and
less business success.

4. Were there some technical glitches encountered? Were they resolved immediately?

- The video clip named “Video Conference Call in Real Life” illustrates the real
incidents upon using video call as a communication mode. The video clip shows the

Rodeza U. Maquera SED 1-A Page 1

St. Paul University Philippines
Mabini St. Ugac Highway, Tuguegarao Cagayan 3500

annoying yet true to life problems that happen during a video conference call for
example the echoes of the people talking, the background noise which is a very
common problem, even the awkward pauses because of the internet connection, the
on and off network line which really affects the quality of audio and the effect on the
video clarity. Above all those glitches none of those were solve immediately but
rather those technical glitches are the reason why the video conference was
immediately ended. And these technical glitches encountered just prove that in order
to achieve a good and successful video conference there are lot of things that needs to
be considered.

5. After viewing the sample video conference, what do you think are some of the
constraints of this communication mode?

- Although video conference call shows its absolute advantage video conference helps
people where ever around the globe to communicate anytime. But it has also its
disadvantages. If the participants of the video conference doesn’t have high quality
device like speakers, laptops and so on there are a high chance that there would be an
issue about the quality of the audio and at the same time quality of the video. High
speed network connection has a lot to do in achieving a successful video conference.
It is where the certainty of the video conference success relies. Having high seed
internet connections can emit interruptions within the video conference.

Rodeza U. Maquera SED 1-A Page 2

St. Paul University Philippines
Mabini St. Ugac Highway, Tuguegarao Cagayan 3500

“Arroyo’s proposed Charter might as well have abolished the Office of the Vice President,
as if merely removing VP Leni Robredo from the line of succession would hide Arroyo’s
selfish motivation in pushing for VP Leni’s virtual ouster from office,” De Lima said in a
“It is nothing but a preemptive power grab,” she added.
De Lima slammed the alleged attempt to endorse Arroyos’ draft federal Charter to the
House plenary without the knowledge of other lawmakers and the public.
“Arroyo’s and her House allies’ push for Charter change is rather a sneaky political move
amidst speculations on Duterte’s deteriorating health. Reportedly, the House resolution
adopting Arroyo’s Charter change proposal was endorsed to the plenary without any
public hearings or debates at the committee level,” she noted.
“Its most questionable and shameless feature is the removal of the Vice President from the
line of succession to the presidency. Strangely, nobody bothered to look up the very nature
of what a Vice President is supposed to be, i.e., to succeed the President and take over his
office in case anything happens to him,” she said.

The news implies that Booting the Vice President from the line of succession as drafted in
Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s proposed federal Charter was “nothing but a preemptive
power grab” and a “sneaky political move” by the House leader and her allies, detained
opposition Senator Leila de Lima. We all know that the world of politics has its constant
assertions , opinions in a certain topic.
The news indicates that there will be another change in our law that the line of succession that
vice president will no longer be the successor of the president in case there might something
happen to the president. The news spread out rapidly and various speculations have risen. But if
this will going to be legalized and approved we, the citizens can’t do nothing about this but
accept and stand on this decision. This should become clear to every Filipinos as it is every
Filipinos right to be informed and updated about what is happening in the country.


Rodeza U. Maquera SED 1-A Page 3

St. Paul University Philippines
Mabini St. Ugac Highway, Tuguegarao Cagayan 3500

The Philippine Star) - July 24, 2018 - 8:00am

Duterte confident Filipinos will back Federalism

MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte is optimistic that Filipinos would

support efforts to amend the constitution as he reiterated that he does not intend to prolong
his stay in office.
The president lamented how national projects in Metro Manila have been funded, "leaving
a pittance to Mindanao.""Mindanao was dubbed as the land of promise and Mindanaoans
say in the region that is so because what it got from the government through the years of
promises, promises and more promises," he said

According to the news President Duterte said a federal constitution would "truly embody the
ideals and aspirations" of all Filipinos and create opportunities for growth."I am confident that
the Filipino people will stand behind us as we introduce this new fundamental law that will not
only strengthen our democratic institutions, but will also create an environment where every
Filipino—regardless of social status, religion, or ideology—will have an equal opportunity to
grow and create a future that he or she can proudly bequeath to the succeeding generations," the
president said during his third State of the Nation Address.

This news of federalism really impacted the while Philippines as it will imply new laws and new
things that will govern that our country is currently not experiencing because we are at a republic
constitution. But when federal constitution will rule in our country we need to adopt new
changes. As we cannot do nothing about it but to accept and continue our lives in our country in
a federalism constitution.

It was not really explained and the words some are not familiar. The claims should be more
understandable for the sake of the readers which varies in the way they understand. Articles and
news about this should be often published so everyone will be updated in the process of changing
the republic constitution to federal.

Rodeza U. Maquera SED 1-A Page 4

St. Paul University Philippines
Mabini St. Ugac Highway, Tuguegarao Cagayan 3500

Philippine Bishops Voice Concern over Same- Sex Marriage

Catholic bishops have voiced concern over proposed legalization to allow same-sex
marriage in the Philippines."It's against our culture," said Archbishop Ramon Arguelles of
Lipa. "It doesn't mean that just because other countries have it we also have to follow," he
On Oct. 3, a leading Filipino legislator announced that he will be filing a bill in Congress
supporting same-sex marriage "to show respect and uphold the dignity" of gay Filipinos.
"If you look at the constitution, there is a provision guaranteeing happiness for Filipinos.
Why would we deprive [gay people] of that?" said Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez.
The Philippine Constitution provides that the "state values the dignity of every human
person and guarantees full respect for human rights."
Alvarez, an ally of President Rodrigo Duterte, said that while the Catholic Church is free to
oppose his proposal, the measure only covers civil union and provision on conjugal

We live in a traditional country which until now same sex marriage is a huge no for the people at
the church. Same sex marriage is not legal in our country Philippines but many are hoping that it
will be legalized soon. But people at the church believes and stands that same sex marriage
should not be legalized. As we all know matrimony is a sacred tradition we need to obey and
marriage is just for man and women. That is what we believes and obey at this point of
generation, from then till now.
This tradition should not be disobeyed as it is concerns God and the church. This same sex
marriage should not be legalized no doubt as it is not what we believe in and we do not practice
it before.
More atricles and news about this should be published more often so that everyone would be
more informed and knows what is happening due to this issue.

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