Purposive Com Act 1

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How can you listen to speaker’s opinions through media without being easily swayed into
accepting their opinions?

Listening should not be taken for granted. Listening is an important factor in nurturing one’s
ability to communicate. Purposefully listening with your focus in understanding with what the
speaker trying to imply was never easy. We're rarely trained for this technique. Even those who
know how to listen actively generally don't do so all the time. It takes effort to listen actively. It's
easy to fall back into passive mode -- hearing the words but not really striving to understand the
meaning the speaker is trying to get across.

It's unfortunate, but in today's busy society, we rarely give our full attention to any single
activity. Even when we aren't trying to multi-task, we're often distracted from listening by the
events going on around us. We fail to maintain eye contact, demonstrating that we're shifting our
attention to other people and things. In short, we're not fully engaged in the conversation.

We also tend to focus our attention on formulating a response to what's being said instead of
concentrating on the words the speaker is saying. Even if someone’s opinion differs from your
own, that doesn’t mean you can’t listen to them. Supposedly everyone’s opinion matters and
deserves to be heard. Listening to someone with different opinion doesn’t mean it will change
yours. Another thing why it is very important to listen to the opinion of others is how else we can
learn that the other person is coming from and learn their side of the story.

If we do not listen to the opinions of others are you shut down to the possibility of evolving the
opinion. You might not agree with someone on something but that doesn’t mean you don’t learn
from listening to them. At the end if you still disagree with them that’s just fine. Your views will
evolve through time, the more information you let by your own ears and eyes. This is a good
thing it makes us complex and interesting individuals.

6. Would you know any strategy or method by which you can reduce the complexity of
understanding another culture? Do you think it will work with your current set of foreign

Culture has a huge impact on the way how we interact with people, culture also pertains as the
lens on how an individual view the world. As they say different culture also means different
personalities who have different beliefs, visions and perspective, that’s why from now and then
communicating with others, became a challenging one for me. Especially when communicating
with someone who has a different culture, but as time passes by I learned how to deal with it.

Respecting Differences, each person belongs to a certain culture that may be different from
others. They have certain beliefs and practices that are not usual to others and find it funny or
disgusting. Those factors affects how people interact with persons with different culture, but if a
person knows to respect the differences, interacting would be easier. As the quote says “Respect
begins respect” and if someone starts to respects their cultural differences and don’t make it as a
huge impact on how someone interact to others communication will flow positively.

Be flexible, not every person believes what you believes and you have different perspective in
anything, and that’s okay, that is just fine but make sure to accept and respect every differences
you have. Do not make those differences as a barrier in interacting that doesn’t mean that
because you may be different in many things you may not interact with them anymore hence,
make it as a factor in strengthening your communication to others or friendship.

Most especially have the courage or willingness to communicate with others it is where all starts.
Communicating with people who has different cultures from you is not easy, even persons who
has different cultures, different languages, you can communicate with them but not as easy as
communicating with people who has the same culture with you. This is extra challenging but if
you have the willingness to interact there are lots of ways in interacting like learning their
languages, non-verbal communication may also be useful.

I think this will work whenever I talk with my schoolmates or friends who have different
cultures; I talk whenever I want to without making cultural differences a barrier in
In the school where you are currently enrolled, what is the prevailing organizational culture?
What are some of the practices/ rituals that you observe?

In my few months of stay at SPUP I realize that the University is not just devoted in teaching
each student academically but also shapes every student spiritual manners. It is precisely because
of its Catholic identity, which is anything but sectarian, that the school derives the originality
that enables it to be a genuine instrument of the Church's evangelizing mission. Good thing about
SPUP is that they accept anyone regardless of religion or denominational affiliation, race or
ethnicity, or nationality, provided the admission or enrolment requirements and legal documents
are submitted, and rules & regulations are obeyed for a fruitful school life.it shapes every
students knowledge and skill not just academically but also spiritually.  

We all know that mass is very essential in anyone’s life because attending mass reminds us about
Jesus and all his sacrifices. And as a catholic school conducing masses in every first Friday’s and
in some important events is what I think the most prevailing organizational culture at SPUP.
Attending mass became a must for everyone at the university. It also brings out every paulinians
willingness to serve at the church. It enhances every students spiritual devotion and let every
students remember that God is the center of everything. Conducting prayers before and after
classes is also a huge help in every students personality and to always remind everyone to pray at
all times.
Choose two ASEAN countries and differentiate some non-verbal cues.



Handshaking is the common custom, with both The western custom of shaking hands is the
men and women shaking hands in a friendly customary form of greeting, but often s nod of
and informal fashion. the head or slight bow is sufficient. Hugging
and kissing when greeting are uncommon
Filipinos may greet one another with the
"eyebrow flash" which is merely a quick lifting TOUCHING GESTURES
of the.
Generally speaking, the Chinese are not a
TOUCHING GESTURES touch-oriented
Society (especially true for visitors). So avoid
touching or any prolonged form of body
Generally speaking, the Filipinos are a touch- contact.
oriented society.
Public displays of affection are very rare. On
People of the same sex may be seen holding the other hand, you may note people of the
hands in public places, which is simply a same sex walking hand-in-hand, which is
gesture of friendship. Eyebrows simply a gesture of friendship.

BECKONING GESTURES Don't worry about a bit of pushing and

shoving in stores or when groups board public
Instead of pointing to an object , Filipinos will buses or trains. Apologies are neither offered
shift their eyes toward it, or purse the lips and nor expected.
point with the mouth.
Personal space is much less in China. The
To beckon someone, the palm faces downward Chinese will stand much closer than
and the fingers are moved in a scratching Westerners.
motion. Never curl your index finger back and
forth because that is considered insulting. BECKONING GESTURES

To beckon someone, the palm faces downward

and the fingers are moved in a scratching
motion. Avoid use the index finger, palm up
and toward you, in a back forth curling motion
toward your body. That gesture is used only for
animals and can be considered rude.

OTHER NONVERBAL GESTURES The open hand is used for pointing (not just
one or two fingers,)
It is considered rude to stare. Prolonged direct
eye contact is considered impolite and even Also, avoid using your feet to gesture or to
intimidating. move or touch other objects because the feet
are considered lowly and dirty.
Respect is always shown to elderly people.
Among the Filipinos, laugher is used to
convey both enjoyment and pleasure but also Avoid being physically intimidating (be
to mask embarrassment over another person's humble), especially with older or more senior
misfortune. people.

Speaking in a loud voice is considered ill- Posture is important, so don't slouch or put
mannered and rude. your feet on desks or chairs.

Silence is perfectly acceptable and customary.

Silence (listening) is a sign of politeness and of
contemplation. During conversations, be
especially careful about interrupting.

Gestures: Body Language and Nonverbal Gestures: Body Language and Nonverbal
Communication Communication
By Gary Imai By Gary Imai
Pages 15-16 Pages 8-9

Rodeza U, Maquera SED !A

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