Cygnus Energy LNG News Weekly 27th August 2021

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India’s LNG imports in July came in at 2.52bn m3 (about 1.86mn metric tons), down 14.9% year/year, the country’s oil and
gas ministry's Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) website showed on August 23. Imports were up 9% month/month,
however. During the first four months of the financial year 2021-22, imports were 10.16bn m3, up 1.9% yr/yr, PPAC said.
LNG imports in July cost some $900mn, up from $500mn in the same month last year. In the April-July period, the import
bill was $3.1bn compared with $1.9bn in the year-ago period, PPAC data showed. In the financial year 2020-21, the import
bill was $7.4bn. source :


Japanese LNG imports in July came in at 6.18mn metric tons, up 2.5% year/year, according to the latest data published by
the country’s finance ministry. Imports were up 8.4% month/month. The data showed that LNG imports from the Middle East
were down 8.8% yr/yr while imports from Russia grew 95% yr/yr. Japan’s LNG imports from Asian sources were up 24.6%
yr/yr. Imports from the US were up 30.9% yr/yr, the data showed. source :
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
China's state-run Sinopec has expanded the handling capacity of Qingdao LNG import terminal, located in the port city of
Qingdao in Shandong province, it said on August 24. The company has finished construction of two new storage tanks of a
capacity of 160,000 m3 each. The terminal’s handling capacity has now risen to 7mn metric tons/year from 6mn mt/yr.
Sinopec said the expansion would enhance the “peak shaving capacity of natural gas storage and lay a solid foundation for
ensuring the stable supply of natural gas in north China this winter and next spring.” The work on the tanks began in November
2018 and was completed in May this year. They were commissioned this month, Sinopec said. The work on the next expansion
phase is underway and is expected to be completed by the end of 2023, doubling capacity to 14mn mt/yr. In addition to
Qingdao, Sinopec operates receiving terminals at Tianjin and Beihai. source :


Norway’s Hoegh LNG said August 26 it was facing ongoing challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and arbitration
over a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU). The company reported total time-charter revenues of $34.7mn for Q2
2021, compared to $34.4mn during the same period last year. General operating income of $24.1mn during the quarter was
about 13% below Q2 2020 levels. Hoegh in its forward-looking statement said the pandemic has negatively impacted its
operations and those of its customers and suppliers. “Hoegh LNG Partners' fleet of modern, full-size FSRUs once again
achieved 100% operational availability during the second quarter of 2021, generating a stable operating income in spite of the
continuing challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” CEO Sveinung Stohle said. “While maintaining this level of
operational excellence across our fleet, we are highly focused on our pending arbitration and securing a near-term solution for
the refinancing of the PGN FSRU Lampung.” The company said the lease and maintenance agreement for the FSRU was
declared “null and void” by an unnamed charterer. Hoegh filed a counterclaim, saying the charterer had in fact committed
“multiple breaches” of its agreement. Revenues during the first quarter declined 5% year-on-year for Hoegh. source :


LNG Canada, the Anglo-Dutch Shell-led consortium building Canada’s first LNG export terminal on BC’s northern coast near
Kitimat, said August 23 it had successfully completed the roof raise on the facility’s first 225,000-m3 storage tank – one of
the largest in the world. In a process that took less than three hours the morning of August 7 to complete, the 1,540-tonne
steel roof was raised 56 m from ground level using light air pressure – just 22 millibars, or about 0.32 lbs/in2, and less than
1% of the pressure needed to fill a car tire. The roof – 92 m in diameter – was initially raised only a few meters to ensure
pressure seals inside the tank were holding and that the roof was balanced. Once the roof was raised into position, more than
two dozen welders secured it in place and the air pressure inside the tank was released.“The tank is now roughly 40% finished,”
said Naman Maheshwari, project lead for the tank’s construction. “The critical path now moves from civil works to mechanical,
and provides the opportunity to open more work fronts inside the tank.” Eventually, the roof will be encased in concrete,
matching the walls of the tank, and an inner tank made of a 9% nickel alloy steel will be installed. source :
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
A Russian shipper said August 20 that a keel-laying ceremony was held on the country’s far east coast for a new icebreaking
LNG carrier. Russian shipping company Sovcomflot (SCF) said the ceremony was held at the Zvezda shipbuilding complex in
Russia’s eastern Primorsky region. Carriers such as these are designed for operations in the extreme environments along the
Northern Sea Route (NSR), a shipping lane from the Kara Sea in Russia’s north to the Bering Strait. The shipping lane is
usually free of ice for only about two months of the year. SCF said the newbuild, the first in a series of 14 new icebreaking
LNG carriers, can break more ice and is more maneuverable than earlier classes. “The delivery of these new LNG carriers will
help facilitate the growth of cargo traffic along the NSR and allow year-round navigation along its eastern part,” the company
said. The new, highest-class vessels, characterised as Arc7 type, were ordered by SMART LNG, a joint venture between
Sovcomflot and Russian gas producer Novatek. Novatek is behind the planned Arctic LNG-1 facility, which will draw on gas
produced at the Soletsko-Khanavaiskoye, Geofizicheskoye and Trekhbugornoye fields on the Gydan peninsula to produce an
expected 19.8mn metric tons/year of LNG. Development at the LNG facility could start as early as 2026. SCF’s latest Arc7
icebreaker is scheduled for delivery next year. source :


French cryogenic containment technology provider GTT has received approval from the China Classification Society (CCS) and
DNV for a ballast-free LNG bunker and supply vessel. Called Shear-Water, the ballast-free concept uses a large bilge keel
and a Flume anti-rolling tank supplied by German engineering firm Hoppe Marine for its LNG bunker and feeder ship design.
The Flume roll damping tank is designed to operate at maximum efficiency when the vessel is empty, where rolling might be
most severe. It can also be operated at design draft condition with slightly less efficiency. Most merchant vessels worldwide
use ballast water to maintain stability and seaworthiness when the bunkers are empty or only partially loaded. However, this
requires ballast water to be treated when discharged to avoid contamination of the environment and the release of invasive
organisms. With the solution developed by GTT, this risk is completely eliminated because the Flume tank is operated with
fresh water, which eliminates the costly and energy-intensive ballast water treatment process. Additionally, a ballast-free ship
also offers advantages in terms of capex and opex, simplifying ship operation, reducing corrosion and extending service life.
The seakeeping behaviour of the Shear-Water design was extensively tested at the Hamburg Ship Model Basin (Hamburgische
Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH), including different bilge keels and the operation of the ART in various load cases, sea-
states and headings. GTT said the results were in line with expectations and confirmed the efficiency of the installation, with
a rate of roll reduction between 15% and 40% for full condition and 44% to 64% for empty condition. GTT and CCS are also
co-operating under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the application of membrane containment technology on a wide
range of LNG vessel types, LNG-fuelled vessels and onshore applications. Under the MoU, GTT and CCS will jointly work on
the design of Chinese LNG inland waterway transportation, LNG carriers of all sizes, LNG-fuelled vessels and onshore LNG
storage tanks. source :
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
Germany’s Man Energy Solutions and Australia’s Woodside have signed an agreement to develop a solution for small-to-mid
scale LNG production, the companies said on August 26. The solution is known as Factory LNG and involves a 0.05mn metric
tons/year unit, the size of a 40-foot ISO shipping container, that can be transported via standard heavy-lift shipping and
trucking logistics. It includes Man’s high-speed, oil-free, integrated motor compressor technology. “Liquefied natural gas
represents an essential bridging technology towards a carbon-free future. With our new solution, LNG can be broadly applied,
opening up significant potential for customers worldwide,” Wayne Jones, chief sales officer of Man Energy Solutions, said. “It
can be used to add capacity to existing production, or to create an LNG hub for marine, land transport or other industry needs,
unhindered by traditional location constraints.” The companies believe the newly developed infrastructure has the potential to
unlock liquefaction capabilities at multiple locations around the globe. The system is designed and manufactured to be scalable
so customers can increase the number of Factory LNG units used as the market grows, delivering LNG at pace with demand,
they added. “Woodside sees an important role for natural gas in a lower-carbon future. We are committed to diversifying
markets for LNG, including as a lower-emissions fuel for activities such as trucking and shipping,” Woodside vice president
technology Jason Crusan said. “The Factory LNG system also brings the potential for green fuel production by coupling it with
synthetic methane units or biogas production.” source :


Finnish utility Gasum has won the government tender to supply LNG to the Finnish transport infrastructure agency and the
Finnish border guard for another year. it said August 20. The framework agreement may be extended for another two years.
State procurement agency Hansel said the framework arrangement enables "government organisations to source LNG with a
high level of supply security and with consideration for responsibility aspects. LNG is better shipping fuel than oil for climate
and this framework arrangement enables clients to also procure bio version of LNG." Gasum said maritime transport "plays a
leading role in changing course towards a cleaner tomorrow. LNG complies with all the emission requirements and is highly
energy-efficient." LNG is the cleanest shipping fuel and meets the current and future requirements set by the International
Maritime Organization and the European Union. A switch to LNG helps fully eliminate sulphur oxide and particulate emissions
and cut nitrogen dioxide emissions by 85%. LNG use reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 21% on a well to wake basis.
source :


In July, China’s LNG imports came in at 5.67mn metric tons, up 13.7% year/year, customs department data published August
18 showed. The imports were down 15.6% month/month, however. During the first seven months of the year, the country's
LNG imports were 45.25mn mt, up 25.3% yr/yr. Meanwhile, China’s pipeline gas imports were 3.67mn mt, up 58.5% yr/yr in
July. The data showed that pipeline gas imports were 23.71mn mt, up 21.6% yr/yr during the January-July period. source :
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
The Port of New Orleans will work with a clean energy company to look at ways to offer LNG bunkering solutions for ship
owners and operators working within its jurisdiction, it said August 18. Under the terms of a memorandum of understanding
(MoU) the port authority will provide data, logistical support, customer contacts and marketing support to clean energy company
CLEANCOR Energy solutions, a subsidiary of SEACOR Holdings. CLEANCOR in turn will work to provide LNG for fuelling
solutions at the port. “LNG paves the way of the future and provides a suitable and sustainable fuel source for the diverse
cargo operations on our terminals and in our jurisdiction,” port CEO Brandy Christian said. Shippers under a protocol developed
by the International Maritime Organisation, dubbed IMO 2020, are obligated to use greener fuels or an onboard gas-exhaust
cleaner called a scrubber to reduce their emissions. LNG is among the more readily-available options for shippers. This week,
United European Car Carriers (UECC) said it was able to cut down on its emissions in part through the use of LNG-battery
hybrid ships. UECC said it expected to exceed the IMO target to reduce carbon intensity by 40% from 2008 levels within
2030. Emissions of carbon dioxide will be reduced by around 25%, SOx and particulate matter by 90% and NOx by 85% from
the use of LNG. source :


Russian gas company splits order between two South Korean shipbuilders as it lines up selected owners. Russia’s Novatek
has reserved more berths than expected for a series of ice-class LNG carriers it needs for the company’s Arctic LNG 2 project
exports. It has divided the slots between two South Korean shipyards. Those following the business said Novatek has agreed
to reserve four LNG carrier berths for ice-class 1A or Arc4 vessels at Samsung Heavy Industries, in addition to options on two
more berths. Novatek has also pencilled in two berths at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, as well as a pair of
optional slots. The number of vessels is higher than the four newbuildings and options for two more that Novatek originally
sought in a tender. Delivery dates on the newbuilding positions start from 2023. TradeWinds has been told that shipowners
have been selected to contract the vessels following a tender process that launched earlier this year. But their names have
yet to be officially revealed. One source indicated that Russian owner Sovcomflot is working in partnership with Japan’s NYK
Line to take on the SHI newbuildings. Tokyo-based Mitsui OSK Lines has been linked to the DSME berths. Shipbuilding and
time-charter contracts are expected to be signed in September. None of the three shipowners being linked to the berths on
these vessels would come as a surprise for this business. Sovcomflot — Russia’s main LNG shipowner — has been working
closely with Novatek on all of its Arctic LNG business. The two have paired up as Smart LNG to book 14 Arc7 LNG carrier
newbuildings at domestic yard Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex. In addition, Sovcomflot is going it alone with a single Arc7
newbuilding, along with the flagship it already operates for the Novatek-led Yamal LNG project. SHI has teamed up with
Zvezda on this project. In May, TradeWinds reported that Sovcomflot and NYK were working together on the next round of
ice-class 1A newbuildings and were tipped to scoop the business. MOL has also built both Arc7 and conventional LNG vessels
for charter to Novatek’s Yamal LNG. The company is expected to take part in providing two supersize LNG floating storage
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
units that are currently under construction for Arctic shipments. DSME, which built the first Arc7s, has six of the next generation
of these LNG carriers on order for Sovcomflot and MOL for Arctic LNG 2 cargoes. Previously, sources also said that berths
for a further three ice-class LNG vessels had also been pencilled in at China’s Hudong- Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group). The
potential newbuildings are said to be linked to Russian LNG sales deals with China. Novatek is ramping up its Arctic LNG
plans, with Russia planning to see 140 million tonnes per annum produced by 2035. The company aims to transship cargoes
from its specialised ice-breaking fleet of Arc7 LNG carriers onto the two FSUs, which will be located near Murmansk in the
west and Kamchatka at the eastern end of the Northern Sea Route. The new Arc4 vessels would load at the FSUs and ship
the LNG to final buyers, leaving the Arc7s to work in the icier waters. With the addition of these latest Arc4 newbuilding, if all
the optional slots are declared, Novatek will have access to a fleet of more than 50 LNG carriers. source :


Expansionist-minded Celsius Shipping is being linked to a fresh order for a pair of LNG carriers at Samsung Heavy Industries.
The vessels look set to boost the company’s fleet in this sector to 10 ships. SHI said on Monday that it had won a KRW 461bn
($392m) order for two LNG newbuildings, which prices the vessels at $196m each. The South Korean shipbuilder did not name
the owner involved, referring to them as “an Oceanian shipper”. The yard said the newbuildings are scheduled for delivery by
September 2024. Those following the LNG shipbuilding market named Celsius as the owner that placed the order at SHI by
exercising options it already held at the yard group. Market watchers said this would explain the comparatively cheap price on
the newbuildings. Shipbuilders are currently quoting prices well above $200m for LNG carriers. Celsius chairman Jeppe Jensen
has been contacted about the latest order. The Copenhagen-headquartered shipowner has plunged into LNG newbuildings
this year, just as the last of its first haul of four speculatively-ordered vessels was delivered. In early July, brokers said Celsius
contracted three 180,000-cbm LNG carrier newbuildings priced at about $193m each at SHI. On 27 July, SHI said it had won
an order for one LNG carrier priced at $195.1m from an unnamed shipping company. The yard said the vessel will be delivered
by April 2024. Brokers said Celsius had dived on LNG berths at the yard which had been vacated by Sinokor Merchant
Marine, following the collapse of its four-ship order placed back in 2019. The vessels are to be fitted with MAN Energy
Solutions’ new low-pressure, two-stroke gas engine ME-GA propulsion systems. Celsius has not responded to questions on
any of these orders for the four vessels. In December 2020, Jensen told TradeWinds that the company planned to grow its
gas fleet. With its four trading vessels, the quartet of newbuildings signed in July and the two ships linked to the company
today, Celsius looks to have built up its LNG fleet to 10 vessels. source :


Dutch court orders sale of arrested Marvin Shipping duo to reimburse seafarer creditors. Two LNG-ready MR tankers are to
be auctioned off in the Netherlands following legal action by their crews to recover outstanding wages. The Panama-flag,
50,000-dwt Marvin Faith and Marvin Confidence (both built 2018) were arrested in Rotterdam in October 2020 in an
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
unspecified financial dispute. On 5 August, a total of 26 seafarers from Russia, Georgia and Turkey won an order at Rotterdam
sub-district court to force a judicial sale. The ships are owned by companies registered in the Marshall Islands but controlled
by Greek manager Marvin Shipping Services, which has been contacted for comment. The auction will take place on 24
September.Rotterdam law firm Wybenga Advocaten said crew from the Marvin Faith are trying to recover $160,902 in
outstanding wages, while seafarers from the Marvin Confidence are after $166,711. The figures will be increased each day from
1 July 2021 up to and including the day of the auction, plus interests and costs. The Hyundai Mipo Dockyard-built tankers are
anchored in Rotterdam, where inspections can take place. VesselsValue assesses the pair as worth about $72.5m combined.
Bought from Iranian owner. Marvin Shipping told TradeWinds in October 2020 that the vessel owners were working on releasing
the tankers from arrest. The company said the ships, and the sister vessel Marvin Independence, were acquired from Hong
Kong subsidiaries of Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) in 2018, before Washington reimposed sanctions on Iran.
"The vessels, since acquired, have never been involved in Iranian shipments directly, indirectly or otherwise," Marvin Shipping
added. The Marvin Faith had been fixed to Lukoil subsidiary Litasco and the Marvin Confidence to MENA Energy on long-
term charters, mostly trading in the Americas. The ships were part of IRISL's $650m newbuilding order for 10 vessels at
Hyundai Heavy Industries in 2016 after an earlier round of US sanctions was lifted. Clarksons Research data suggests the trio
are some of the few so-called "LNG-ready" MR ships, designed to be fuelled by LNG with limited retrofits. source :


In yet another round of spot tendering, Pakistan received very expensive bids for seven cargoes of Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG) deliveries in October and Nove-mber that may have to be rejected by the board of directors of state-run Pakistan LNG
Ltd (PLL). Bids opened by the PLL, a total of three bidders were technically qualified for seven LNG cargoes between Oct 7
and Nov 27. Together they submitted a total of 10 bids — one by PetroChina, two by Total Gas & Power and seven by Vitol
Bahrain. PetroChina made the highest bid of $25 per unit for Oct 27-28 delivery slot. Informed sources said the PLL would
have to go for second round of bidding on a short notice as it had done in the past as well and was able to get lower rates a
few months ago. These sources said these bids had been invited under procurement rules that required 30-day notice and
bid validity for 15 days. Not only the offers were fewer, the bid rates were on the higher side as no bidder could hold the
vessel for such a long time or would charge a premium. The PLL, sources said, was insisting on complete exemption from
procurement rules for import of LNG as other countries including India had done to commensurate with LNG spot market
dynamics. Total was rated lowest evaluated bidder for its both bids at the rate of $17.1449 per million British Thermal Unit
(mmBtu) for delivery on Oct 17-18 and $17.5350 per mmBtu for Nov 16-17 delivery window. Vitol Bahrain was rated the lowest
evaluated bidder for all the five other cargoes, although all these turned out to be single bids. Its bid rates ranged between
$19 and $22.58 per mmBtu. To be precise, Vitol bid for Oct 7-8 cargo at $22.5866 per unit, $20.9466 for Oct 22-23,
$18.9966 for Oct 27-28, $19.6966 per unit for Nov 11-12 and $20.9266 for Nov 26-27 delivery window. The PLL did not
immediately take a decision whether or not to accept the lowest evaluated bids. “No decision as yet. Bids are valid for 15
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
days,” Acting Managing Director of PLL Masood Nabi told Dawn saying board of directors would take a final decision.A power
sector expert said the LNG bids received by PLL were not viable for power generation as they were almost equivalent of 25-
30 of Brent and beyond 17-18pc of Brent, furnace oil becomes competitive for power generation. He said spot markets had
recently dropped slightly after Russia hinted at increasing gas supplies to Europe but later noted it may not be possible before
January, hiking LNG prices again. In winters, the LNG prices generally stay on the higher side but these have made fresh
records in summers owing to supply constraints in global market. Pakistan’s average LNG prices may, however, become lower
on the back of second LNG import deal with Qatar that has to formally operationalise in January this year at about 11pc of
Brent coupled with old first deal of $13.37pc of Brent with Qatar. This would take the overall supplies under long term deals to
about 70-75pc of total existing terminal capacity, leaving smaller quantities to the vagaries of unpredictable spot market. Last
week, Pakistan State Oil had also received a highest bid rate of $25 per mmBtu but has not yet taken a final decision. source :


India will boost liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports from next year as private firm Swan Energy starts its floating terminal,
raising the country's capacity to ship the super chilled fuel by 12% to 47.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). New demand for
LNG from India is expected to support Asian gas prices which rose to record highs earlier this year, partly aided by the
transition from coal or oil to gas in developing countries. The 5-mtpa floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), located
at Jafrabad in western Gujarat, will be commissioned in April, said P. Sugavanam, director at Swan Energy and chairman of
Swan LNG Ltd, which is developing the project. The FSRU was initially expected to be commissioned in the first quarter of
last year, but the pandemic and two cyclones have delayed construction of a breakwater needed to make it an all weather
facility, Mr. Sugavanam said on Wednesday. "The breakwater should be completed by March," Mr. Sugavanam said, adding
Ghana's Tema LNG is currently using the facility for storing LNG. India, the world's fourth largest LNG importer, wants to raise
the share of natural gas in its energy mix to 15% by 2030, from the current 6.2% to cut emissions. Companies are investing
billions of dollars in India to build gas infrastructure as Prime Minister Narendra Modi supports the vision. Swan is setting up
a jetty and will build more tanks to eventually double the LNG import capacity, he said. State-run gas importers Indian Oil
Corp and Bharat Petroleum Corp, and exploration firm Oil and Natural Gas Corp have leased 1 mtpa capacity each at Swan's
terminal. ONGC earlier this year invited bids from potential suppliers for regular participation in its spot LNG buy tenders,
according to a document. Seven companies - Emirates National Oil Co. (Singapore), Total Gas & Power, PTT International
Trading, Vitol Asia, Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore, Mitsui & Co and Uniper Global Commodities - showed interest
in participating in ONGC's tenders, a source familiar with the matter said. Swan Energy owns 63% of Swan LNG, while two
entities of Gujarat State government together have a 26% share. Mitsui holds11% and is also the technical partner on the
project. source :
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
Liquefied natural gas bunkering operations in the Dutch port of Rotterdam continue to surge, boosted by visits of new LNG-
powered vessels. Europe’s largest bunkering port said LNG volumes reached 157,027 cubic meters in the second quarter of
this year, a 12.5 percent increase compared to the prior quarter which also marked a record. Compared to the same quarter
last year, LNG bunkering volumes surged 182 percent, according to the port’s bunker sales data. Volumes rose in parallel with
new deliveries of CMA CGM’s ultra-large containerships which work on the Europe-Asia route and bunker the fuel in Rotterdam
via the TotalEnergies-chartered Gas Agility. France’s CMA CGM took delivery of the last of nine 23,000 TEU LNG-powered
vessels in June. The Rotterdam port is a strong supporter of LNG as a bunker fuel and has developed one of the world’s
biggest LNG fueling chains. A total of ten LNG bunkering vessels operate in the port area, of which three are working on a
permanent basis, the port previously said. Dutch Gate terminal provides most of these LNG fuel volumes. source :


Dutch shipbuilder Concordia Damen is moving forward with works on the first out of 40 LNG-powered inland waterway barges
which will go on charter to Shell. To remind, institutional investors advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management have ordered
the barges in November last year. All of the barges, known as the Parsifal tankers, will go on charter to Shell while VT
Group/Marlow will operate them. Concordia Damen said it had floated out the first barge named Blue Marjan in Serbia in June
and subsequently, the vessel had arrived at its yard in Werkendam later the same month. According to a statement by Dutch
cryogenic tech firm Cryonorm on Friday, the barge received its LNG marine fuel system in Werkendam. Crynorm won the
contract from Concordia Damen to supply LNG fuel systems for all of the 40 vessels last year. The fuel systems will supply
natural gas to the stage V MAN Rollo gas generator sets. Dutch-based MAN Rollo also said in a recent statement it had
delivered its three sets – two LNG and one diesel set to Damen Concordia. The 495 ekW LNG sets would serve for propulsion
and onboard power, while the 277 ekW diesel sets would serve as a backup, according to MAN Rollo. All of the dual-fuel
barges will be 110 meters long and 11.5 meters wide. They will feature shallow draught capabilities and will carry mineral oils
between Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Rhine network. Concordia Damen previously said it planned to deliver the first
tanker in November 2021. After that, the yard plans to deliver one barge each month, completing the order by December
2024. source :


Greek shipping firm Capital Gas has taken delivery of a new 174,000-cbm LNG vessel from South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai
Heavy Industries. HHI handed over the 299 meters long LNG carrier Adamastos on Monday, according to a statement by
Evangelos Marinakis-led Capital Gas. The shipping firm said the vessel would serve France’s Engie for a period of up to 7
years. This LNG carrier follows the recent delivery of Attalos, which serves a long-term charter with BP. Prior to that, the
Greek shipper weclomed Aristarchos, which works under a long-term charter with US LNG exporter Cheniere. Also, Capital
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
Gas chartered the first two vessels, Aristidis I and Aristos I, to BP as well. Capital Gas says it has four LNG newbuilds on
order in South Korea scheduled for delivery in 2021-2023. It recently ordered two new LNG carriers at HHI. All of the nine
LNG carriers will feature WinGD’s X-DF engines and GTT’s Mark III Flex containment system but also an air lubrication system
and increased filling limits. source :


On August 23, the 174,000m3 LNG carrier "MU LAN", invested by CSSC (Hong Kong) Shipping Company Limited, and built
by Hudong Zhonghua, was christened in Shanghai. "MU LAN" is the world's mainstream 174,000m3 LNG carrier. It adopts
the design and construction technology of the fourth generation LNG carrier independently developed by Hudong Zhonghua,
and is equipped with the low-pressure dual-fuel main engine (X-DF). The ship is 295m in length, 45m in width and 26.25m
in depth with a speed of 19.5 knots. It is classed into LR and CCS, and meets the requirements of EEDI Phase Ⅲ as well
as the latest environmental requirements of IMO. "MU LAN" completed the sea gas trail in just nine days, setting a new record
for a large LNG carrier sea gas trail project. This ship is the first in the series of 2+1+1 LNG ships ordered by CSSC Shipping
in Hudong Zhonghua. It is an important practice for CSSC to implement the national strategy of "carbon neutrality" and "peak
carbon dioxide emissions", and implement the requirements of CSSC on promoting green development strategy.
Hudong Zhonghua has rich experience in the design and construction of LNG vessels. Its construction technology has reached
the world advanced level. Hudong Zhonghua is the only shipbuilding company in the industry that can simultaneously build
NO.96 and MARK III type membrane LNG vessels. The company is now in the delivery season, and by the end of this year,
the company will complete and deliver a number of LNG carriers, LNG bunkering vessels and LNG-FSRU, including the
second LNG carrier ordered by CSSC Shipping. source :


Reliance Industries Ltd and its partner BP Plc of UK in December last year started putting the second wave of gas discoveries
in eastern offshore KG-D6 block to production with R-Series started flowing gas. In April they started output from the Satellite
Cluster fields. Helped by new output from KG-D6 fields of Reliance-BP, India's domestic gas production, which had been
falling for more than a decade because of declining output from legacy fields, now looks in rude health, according to energy
consultancy Wood Mackenzie. Reliance Industries Ltd and its partner BP Plc of UK in December last year started putting the
second wave of gas discoveries in eastern offshore KG-D6 block to production with R-Series started flowing gas. In April they
started output from the Satellite Cluster fields. This helped raise India's gas production by almost 20 per cent, oil ministry data
showed. In the weekly blog "APAC Energy Buzz", the energy consultancy's Asia Pacific vice-chair Gavin Thompson said
India's domestic gas production has been in a sorry state for years."With output falling for more than a decade as legacy fields
decline, India's modest upstream prospectivity and challenging E&P regime have proven stubborn deterrents to new investment.
"And even as India's gas demand has surged, the country's notoriously byzantine business environment and more attractive
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)
opportunities elsewhere mean India's upstream sector has remained firmly off the radar for many," he said. This proved to be
good news for LNG. As domestic production has stalled, LNG imports have filled the gap. In 2020, LNG demand increased
by around 14 per cent to reach 25.7 million tonnes, with India climbing the ranks of the world's most important LNG markets.
Last year's low traded LNG prices saw India import over 9 million tonnes of spot LNG as the country's price-sensitive buyers
came in from the cold, he said. "But this story is changing rapidly. After years of slow progress, the Reliance and BP deepwater
KG-D6 fields are coming onstream, bringing over 900 million cubic feet a day into the market from its three phases combined
and set to provide over a quarter of India's total gas output by 2025," he said. With further supply from ONGC and Vedanta
soon to come onstream and rising coal bed methane output, "India's domestic gas sector now looks in rude health." With the
KG-D6 deepwater projects ramping up and new output from onshore blocks in Rajasthan of Vedanta and coal bed methane
projects, India's gas producers are reversing years of decline. Supporting this has been changes in government policy across
gas pricing, marketing, and pipeline tariffs. "A critical step has been allowing producers to freely market their gas, removing
previous restrictions on how companies sold gas from production sharing contracts and opening up a far wider pool of potential
buyers," Wood Mackenzie said. The rising availability of competitively priced domestic gas is injecting fresh life into India’s gas
market. "This is creating headwinds for Indian LNG demand. And while fears of significant reductions in LNG demand have
yet to materialise with demand through May/June close to record levels, looking forward the growth in domestic gas production
is set to reduce LNG demand into the fertiliser sector," it said. But beyond the projects of Reliance-BP, ONGC and Vedanta,
India's pipeline of pre-FID (final investment decision) domestic gas supply is perilously thin. "While the current boom in domestic
gas production will derail LNG demand growth in the short-term, the lack of significant pre-FID domestic supply and no
discoveries of note in blocks awarded under the open acreage licensing rounds should ensure that beyond 2024 India's LNG
demand roars back," it said. LNG demand, it said, is expected to grow by around 5 per cent annually between 2024-2030,
reaching almost 37 million tonnes per annum. source :

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Gas & OIL
118 Connaught Rd W, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong (SALE N PURCHASE) (GAS PROJECTS)
(Sale and Purchase) (Gas projects)

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