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Name: Kirstian Aldin C.

Ngalot 09/21/21
Assignment No. I
1.) Give the contributions of the following persons to the field of statistics
a.) Carl Friedrich Gauss was a renowned German Mathematician and
Physicist in Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries. He was dubbed as “Princeps
Mathematicorum” due to his significant contributions in the field of
Mathematics and Science. His greatest contribution in the area of
probability and statistics are The Gaussian Distribution, The Gaussian
Function, and The Gaussian Error Curve.

b.) Girolamo Cardano was an Italian Polymath, whose interests ranged from
Physics, Mathematics, and Astrology. Cardano was the first
mathematician to empirically dabble with the idea or probability and
chance. He was dubbed as the Father of Probability as he was the first to
provide a systematic and mathematical treatment for chance.

c.) Karl Pearson was a British Mathematician and Biostatistician. He was

credited for laying the groundwork for the field of Mathematical Statistics
and founding the first university statistics department. He is credited for
with, among many things Pearson’s Chi-Squared Test, Method of
Moments and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient.

d.) Charles Edward Spearman was an English Psychologist known for his
contributions in the field of Statistics and pioneering Factor Analysis. His
coining of Rank Correlation Coefficient led to a feud between him and
colleague Karl Pearson.

e.) Andrey Nikolayevich Kolmogorov was a prominent Soviet

mathematician whose work impacted modern mathematics like Set
Theory, Number Theory and Probability. He is a key figure in reforming
the Soviet Union’s education system. He laid the groundwork for Modern
Probability Theory.
f.) Stanislav Konstantinovich Smirnov is a Russian Mathematician
currently in tenure at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. is known
best for his work on Critical Percolation Theory.

g.) Pafnuty Chebychev was considered as the Father of Russian

Mathematics. Chebychev is known for his work in the fields of probability,
statistics, mechanics, and number theory. He is well known for the
Chebychev Inequality.

h.) Ronald Aylmer Fisher was a British Polymath and Mathematician. He is

often dubbed as “a genius who single-handedly developed basis for
modern statistical science” and as the “Father of Statistics. He provided a
General Theory for Analysis of Data and laid the logical foundations for
inductive inference.

i.) Pierre-Simon Laplace was a French scholar and polymath who mad
significant contributions to the field of statistics, engineering, mathematics
and astronomy. He established a solid foundation for mathematical
probability theory and introduced the potential function and Laplace
Coefficients to analysis.

j.) Abraham de Moivre was a French mathematician known for de Moivre's

Formula, a formula that links complex numbers and trigonometry, and for
his work on the normal distribution and probability theory. He pioneered
the development of analytic geometry and the theory of probability by
expanding upon the work of his predecessors.

k.) Adolphe Lambert Jacques Quetelet was a Belgian Mathematician,

Statistician and Sociologist who pioneered the use of statistical methods to
the social sciences. He placed great emphasis on the need for uniformity
in methods of data collection and tabulation and in the presentation of
results. And was the first President of the short-lived International
Statistical Congress.
2.) Trace the history of statistics in the Philippine setting. Site the significant
events, personalities and their contributions.
Spanish Colony (1571-1898)
The first ever recorded use of statistics in the Philippines was in the aftermath
of the Spanish conquest by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, when they attempted to
identify the number of inhabitants of the archipelago. But instead of having a
systematic way of collecting data the Spanish just estimated the number of people
in each settlement as there was no existing infrastructure to facilitate this.
In the 16th and 18th Centuries as immigration from the Viceroyalty of Spain
increased, bringing in a wave of Spanish and Mexican colonists. Jesuit missionaries
and other priests started to record baptisms, marriages and deaths allowing for a
somewhat accurate population estimation. In the issuance of a Royal Decree by King
Alfonso XII, which ordered for the enumeration of the population. Based on this
result, the population of the Philippines counted at 5, 567, 685, a further two
censuses were conducted a decade apart, in 1887 and 1897. 1889 saw the
establishment of an Officina Central de Estadistica or Central Bureau of Statistics in
the Direccion General de Administration Civil or The Directorate General of Civil
Administration, at this time the priests were obliged to report the deaths, marriages
and births within their respective parishes. The public also got access to vital
statistics in 1895 when the Boletin de Estadistica de la Ciudad de Manila or the State
of the City of Manila Statistician was published.

American Commonwealth (1898-1946)

Different Government offices were created under American rule. These
offices began to collect data on their respective fields. This was made possible as the
Americans brought with them a more systemized data collection system. The Bureau
of Customs was created to collect, tabulate, and disseminate statistics on imports and
exports. The department of Agriculture, created in 1902 was tasked with compiling
data on the number of rams, irrigated areas and cultivated land. The Bureau of Labor,
established in 1908 to gather data on the number of members of the different labor
organizations and to handle labor cases.
The Americans conducted the first census in the country in 1903 since the last
Spanish census in 1897. Followed up by two more censuses in 1918 and 1939 . Each
census was carried out by different government offices, with the 1903 census being
conducted by The Department of Public Information, with the United States Census
Bureau processing the statistics. The 1939 census carried out by the ad hoc
Commission of Census.
In 1932 the statistical authority of the nation was consolidated into the
Department of Agriculture and Commerce with the creation of a special statistical
division which published its statistics to the Philippine Statistical Review. The
Commonwealth Act No. 591 centralized all statistical activities under the Bureau of
the Census and Statistics (BCS). All major statistical units of the Department of
Agriculture and Commerce, Department of Labor, the Bureau of Health, the Bureau
of Customs, the National Library, Department of Public Information and the 1939
Commission of Census were merged to the new Bureau. This centralization was only
interrupted by the advent of the Second World War.
Post-War Era (1946-Present)
After the war, the government really needed data to facilitate rehabilitation,
which was provided by the BCS. In 1948, the BCS conducted the first postwar
census. The creation of the Central Bank of the Philippines in 1949 and the
Agricultural Economics Division in the Department of Agriculture in 1953, as well
as the return of the Labor Statistics Division to the Department of Labor, ushered in
a period of great activity.
In 1956 a series of recommendations were made to decentralize statistical
activities in the country. The first step was the creation of the Office of 5 the
Statistical Coordination and Standards (OSCAS) and the second was transfer od
some statistical functions of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics to other
government agencies. These 5 new agencies were the Bureau of the Census and
Statistics, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Department of Economic Research of
the Central Bank of the Philippines, Labor Statistics Service of the Department of
Labor, and Disease Intelligence Center of the Department of Health. These new
offices were somewhat coordinated by the National Economic Council (NEC) by
virtue of Executive Order No. 119.
In 1972 the NEC was abolished and replaced by National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA). Under NEDA were the new offices of Statistical
Coordination Office (SCO), and the reconstituted and renamed BCS into the
National Census and Statistics Office (NCSO)
In 1987 the Philippine Statistical System was further reorganized under
Executive Order No. 121, entitled "Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine
Statistical System and for Other Purposes". NEDA was replaced by the National
Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). The NCSO was renamed National Statistics
Office (NSO) and was tasked to be the major statistical agency responsible for
generating general-purpose statistics and undertaking such censuses and surveys as
may be designated by the NSCB.
2005 saw the creation of the BSP’s (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas) own
Department of Statistics.
3.) Make a comprehensive research on the origin and development of statistics.
Statistics in the modern sense originated in 18th century at the advent of the
modern age. By then statistics was merely used to tabulate demographic data such
as population and material resources. At the same time the theory of probability was
also being developed. In the 16th and 17th centuries, figures like Cardano who
determined probabilities in dice games, and then Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat
create the theory of probability to predict outcomes of chance in games from their
study of games of chance. The development of the Theory of Probability also paved
the way for further inquiries and development in the field of Statistics.
In the Early 19th Century, Gauss and Laplace derived the Normal Distribution or
the Bell Curve. Late in the century Galton coined correlation and describes it as the
relationship between two variables. His protégé Pearson, fascinated by correlation,
then began to develop the mathematical branch of statistics, and later on creates the
Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The dawning of the 20th Century saw Karl Pearson
create the Chi-Squared Test to determine the independence of two variables to each
other. During the 2nd World War one of the most profound turning points in the War
was the cracking of the German Enigma Code by Alan Turing using Bayesian
statistics and Colossus, the first programmable electronic computer.
4.) What do you think are the functions of statistics as a discipline? Cite three
functions & explain each.
Business- in the field of business statistics help a businessman to plan his operations
by studying and using statistics to interpret the different trends in the market.
Businessmen can make correct decisions about the location of business, marketing
of the products, financial resources, etc. Statistical data can be used to analyze and
predict the trends in the stock market.
Natural and Applied Sciences- Statistics plays a vital role in almost all the natural
and Applied sciences. Statistical methods are commonly used for analyzing
experiments results, and testing their significance in biology, physics, chemistry,
mathematics, meteorology, communications and information technology. In the
fields of engineering and architecture statistics can be used as both are very logical
and statistics help back any decision up and so risks are never taken due to it being
built on facts and solid maths.
Social Sciences- Statistical methods can be applied to a variety of social situations.
In today's data-driven world, statistics is used to make policy decisions, study social
and behavioral changes, and answer important cultural questions.
5.) Cite some specific applications of statistics in the following areas:
a.) Economics- analyzing various economic problems such as inflation,
unemployment etc., by looking at numbers, trends over the years.
b.) Business- To predict, analyze and interpret business trends.
c.) Education- Statistics helps in the collection and presentation of data in a
calculated and systematic manner it also makes the teaching and learning
process more efficient.
d.) Nursing- Statistics in nursing curriculum is important because nurses, like
other medical professionals, deal with a variety of information that needs
statistical treatment of the data.
e.) Social Sciences- Statistics are used in the field of demography for studying
mortality, fertility, marriage, population, and growth.
f.) Psychology- allows to identify how changes in one variable impact other
variables and measure their relationship. We can also use statistics to
measure the strength of the relationship between two variables.
g.) Computer Science/ Information Technology- Data Mining (DM)
integrates statistics and information technology such as Machine Learning,
Artificial Intelligence and Databases. Data mining process uses a various
tools in data analysis to discover things previously unknown, patterns and
true relationships in large data sets.

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