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Why does facebook's data center specialist argue that "The internet is not a clou

Some of people thought it's a cloud but it's really a physical thing, the internet is a
physical building, interconnected through miles and miles of fiber and cables all througho
ut the world and share data back and forth.

2. What are some of the techniques facebook uses to cool its data center?

The techniques facebook users to collect data is they have this massive seven ro
om rooftop it is a state-of-the-art natural air conditioning system. The cool air from the hi
gh plains of oligan is sac in filtered and mixed with warm air to regulate the temperature.f
ine mist controls the humidity and the chilled air then sinks to the back of the servers sto
pping them from overheating. The excess warm air is pushed out my monster fans hundr
ed of times bigger than the ones we have in our laptop.

3. Describe the five methods recommended by Google for reducing power consumpt

 Measure PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) - PUE it is the ratio of total facility ener
gy to IT equipment energy within data centers. It is a measure of how effectively de
liver power and cooling to the IT equipment.
 Manage Airflow - it is the first step of reducing the data center energy load. This eli
minate the hot and the cold air. Google found a CFD or the Computational Fluid Dy
namics analysis they found it very useful because of these they can see where the
hot spots and how is air flow going directed to data center.
 Adjust Thermostat - google have small corporate data center about 200 kw of load
s. It is simple raising temperature from 72 degrees to 80 degrees, it saves thousan
d of dollars in energy costs every single year.
 Utilize Free Cooling - free cooling utilize the temperature outside the data center to
provide cooling without operating heavy energy consuming equipment.
 Optimize Power Distribution - google put a battery on board the tray, eliminate thos
e three conversion steps. They just have DC right into the server components. Typi
cal server configuration have a server with AC/DC power supply attached to it to m
ake sure it's power supply efficiency and can save a lot of energy.

4. Based on the google video, how much of the world's global greenhouse gases are
the result of computing?

The entire ICT sector, that includes mobile phones, computers, monitors, cell pho
ne towers, represents roughly about 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Of that 2%,
the data center portion is responsible for about 15% as the result of computing.

5. What are some of the benefits of using Dell's Triton water cooling technology?

By using Dell's Triton water cooling technology it allows them to capture without h
aving any loss of fluids. The performance and power is limited by the cooling capabilities
of air by bringing liquid in. CPU actually translates additional power and cooling headroo
m, higher frequency yields into higher performance.

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