Refection About Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Education 4.0

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The goal of this paper is to examine

what has happened to education in

Future learning will be more
tailored, hyper, intelligent, portable, REFECTION
the era of the Fourth Industrial international, and virtual thanks to
Revolution (IR 4.0). Information Education 4.0, which focuses on
management is the most difficult
educational development and skill.
problem that any organization in a Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data
developing country faces. Everyone and analysis, internet networking,
has an abundance of leisure
activities to choose from. Because of
the Internet of Things, Virtual
Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality
our limited ability to focus, our
brains are constantly rewired. As
(AR) are all changing the face of
education and instructional
technology advances, what we learn
in school will no longer be relevant
innovations into a new sort of
computerized teaching approach 4.0
for the rest of our lives. Even and smart classroom. As cutting- BY: JOHN LUI B. OCTORA
schools aren't always helpful when
edge educators, we must look into
it comes to deciding on a career
new and innovative ways to use
educational innovation to improve
student outcomes.
The educational landscape has
changed as a result of the fourth
Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0). hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=industrial+revol
Artificial intelligence and digital ution+4.0+and+education+4.0&btnG=#d=
physical frameworks control IR 4.0, gs_qabs&u=%23p%3Di3G05zUVssEJ
making the human-machine
interface more universal.
Education 4.0 is a new paradigm of
education for the future, thanks to a
rapid revolution in innovation.


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