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Digoxin: The Art and Science

Gordon A. Ewy, MD
Emeritus Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), Emeritus Director of the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center, University of Arizona
College of Medicine, Tucson.


The use of digoxin in the therapy of systolic heart failure and certain supraventricular tachycardias is
controversial. This review of the art and science of digoxin presents information needed by physicians
considering digoxin therapy for these common cardiovascular disorders.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  The American Journal of Medicine (2015) 128, 1272-1274

KEYWORDS: Supraventricular arrhythmias; Systolic heart failure

Following Withering’s description of the use of foxglove for Older cardiologists will remember the myriad of elec-
the therapy of “dropsy” in 1785, the use of digitalis gly- trocardiographic complex “brady- and tachydysrhythmias”
cosides has been the subject of innumerable articles, not that were the result of digitalis excess. These complex dys-
only in medicine, but also in literature and art. For example, rhythmias were used, not only in the training of cardiology
the numerous speculations that Van Gogh’s yellowish view fellows but also on cardiovascular board examinations. As
of the world that was at times reflected in his paintings was trainees, we were often tested on our ability to interpret very
probably due to digitalis toxicity. complex dysrhythmias secondary to digitalis toxicity. And I
For over 2 centuries, the inotropic properties of the have to admit, as a member of the American Board of In-
digitalis glycosides have been used in the treatment of ternal Medicine Subspecialty Boards of Cardiovascular
chronic heart failure and its vagotonic properties to slow Disease, we occasionally used electrocardiographic complex
the ventricular response to certain supraventricular dys- arrhythmias due to digoxin excess to help determine the
rhythmias. However, fewer pharmaceuticals have aroused certification of cardiologists in “Cardiovascular Diseases.”
more controversy than digitalis and its role in the man- Now, in clinical practice, these complex dysrhythmias sec-
agement of cardiovascular disease.1 Within the same ondary to digitalis excess should be extremely rare. One way
medical training programs, house staff and cardiology fel- to prevent them is to not use digitalis at all.
lows often have been given conflicting advice about the use On the other hand, digitalis toxicity was and is almost
of digitalis—everything from “You should never use the always iatrogenic—due to the fact that the prescribing
drug, it has no proven benefit; it is dangerous” to “Digitalis physician did not appreciate digoxin’s rather complex
has a role in the therapy of systolic congestive heart failure pharmacology, a reason why many say that digitalis should
and perhaps some atrial dysrhythmias, but before digoxin is not be prescribed. But in my view, digoxin may have a role
prescribed, one must first appreciate the rather complex art in therapy in selected patients, but only if the prescribing
and science of its use.”2 physician is familiar with the art and science of digoxin use.
There are ample reasons for concern, including the fact There do not appear to be as many dysrhythmias secondary
that digitalis toxicity is not only a medical emergency but to digoxin excess nowadays, perhaps because digoxin is used
also can be lethal! less in the treatment of heart failure or supraventricular dys-
rhythmias, and partly because those who use digoxin have
Funding: None. made the effort to understand the art and science of its use.
Conflict of Interest: None. My initial interest in digoxin was the result of my asso-
Authorship: The author had access to the data and played a role in ciation as a house officer, cardiology fellow, and junior fac-
writing this manuscript. ulty with one of my mentors, Frank I. Marcus. Marcus had
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Gordon A. Ewy, MD,
University of Arizona College of Medicine, 932 West San Martin Drive,
developed a technique to measure blood and urine concen-
Tucson, AZ 85704. trations of digoxin by using radioactive digoxin. We used this
E-mail address: technique to study the pharmacokinetics of digoxin.

0002-9343/$ -see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Ewy Digoxin: The Art and Science 1273

DIGOXIN METABOLISM IN THE ELDERLY takes time to reach a “steady state,” the digoxin dose should
One of my early academic publications was on digoxin be monitored by measuring the serum digoxin level in the
metabolism in the elderly.3 Tritiated digoxin (0.5 mg) was morning, but only at least 1 week after beginning or alter-
given intravenously to a group of elderly men (mean age, 77 nating the dose of digoxin. The analysis should be repeated in
years) and young men (mean age, 27 years). They were not in 2 or 3 weeks after the patient has been taking a steady digoxin
congestive heart failure. The serum creatinines of the old and dose, again given at bedtime.6
young were not different; however,
the creatinine clearance of the older CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE DIGOXIN ABSORPTION IS
group was about half that of the
younger group, and the blood  The clinical benefits of digoxin are
Another reason that digoxin serum
concentrations of digoxin were moderate, and the risks of toxicity are levels need to be routinely
significantly higher in the elderly significant. measured at an appropriate time
throughout the study (P < .05). In
the elderly, the same dose of  A full understanding of digoxin’s phar- interval following the initiation of
macokinetics and the nuances of its digoxin therapy is that, in about
digoxin resulted in higher blood
clinical use are essential for anyone 10% of the population, orally
concentrations and longer blood
3 administered tablets of digoxin are
half-life. We concluded that this considering digoxin therapy.
absorbed more slowly, and conse-
was due to the smaller body size
quently, reach the distal intestines
and a diminished urinary excre-
where digoxin is converted to cardioinactive reduction
tion of digoxin in the elderly.3
products by the intestinal bacteria.8


Another of our very early studies concerned digoxin’s DIGOXIN THERAPY OF HEART FAILURE
metabolism in obesity.4 A single intravenous dose of triti- “The beneficial effects of digoxin in patients in heart failure
ated digoxin was given to 5 obese patients before and after a include reduced heart failure symptoms, improved NYHA
mean loss of 102 pounds in weight! There were no signif- [New York Heart Association] functional class ranking,
icant differences in the blood concentration of digoxin increased maximal treadmill exercise time, modest increase in
before and after the weight reduction. There were no sig- left ventricular ejection fraction, enhanced cardiac performance
nificant differences in the blood concentrations of digoxin (eg, increased cardiac output and stroke work index), and
when these data were corrected for fat-free body weight. decreased heart failure hospitalizations.”9 The Digitalis Inves-
The clinical implication of this study is that digoxin dosage tigation Group trial evaluated the effect of adding digoxin to an
may be erroneously high if calculated on the basis of total angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and a diuretic, and
body weight in obese individuals.4 found that digoxin significantly reduced hospitalizations and
lowered the number of deaths attributable to progressive heart
failure and produced no difference in all-cause mortality.10
POOR CORRELATION BETWEEN PLASMA Of concern, however, is that in some studies, digoxin
CONCENTRATION AND HEART RATE therapy was associated with a trend toward an increased
Chamberlain et al were perhaps the first to find a poor incidence of sudden (presumed arrhythmic) death.10 A post
correlation between plasma concentrations and the resting hoc analysis of the sudden deaths suggested a relationship
heart rate during atrial fibrillation.5 between mortality and plasma digoxin concentrations.11
Specifically, digoxin concentrations > 1 ng/mL were asso-
ciated with increased mortality risks.11 My question is,
MEASURING SERUM LEVELS OF DIGOXIN would the results of this study have been different if the
Two of the reasons that digoxin is so difficult to use are its dose of digoxin had been given on the basis of lean body
very narrow window between therapeutic and toxic con- mass and not total body weight?4 Again, if one is not
centrations and its rather complex pharmacokinetics.6 In committed to the proper use of drugs that have a narrow
most patients, digoxin is readily absorbed, but its blood levels therapeutic index, such as digoxin, in my opinion, these
are very high for the first few hours after administration drugs probably should not be used.
because its distribution from the blood to the tissues takes a
few hours.7 Therefore, digoxin should be administered at
bedtime, and the digoxin blood level should be measured in DIGOXIN’S PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTIONS
the mornings, in order to relate serum and digoxin tissue Verapamil and quinidine increase serum digoxin levels
levels!6 The ideal (appropriately measured) serum levels of considerably by decreasing the digoxin clearance. Certain
digoxin are in the range of 0.5 to 0.9 ng/mL. Digoxin toxicity antibiotics, such as erythromycin, increase serum digoxin
is most likely to be present when the serum digoxin level is levels by killing the gut bacteria responsible for digoxin
1.2 ng/mL or greater. Because this orally administered drug hydrolysis.12
1274 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 128, No 12, December 2015

MECHANISM OF ACTION OF DIGITALIS Part of the previous increase in digoxin toxicity is probably
Digitalis binds to and inhibits the sodium-potassium ATPase related to the widespread use of potassium-wasting di-
pump, resulting in temporarily higher intracellular sodium uretics. This is less common now, but is another significant
concentrations, enhancing sodium calcium exchange and consideration.
producing higher intracellular calcium concentrations.2
Digitalis’s antiarrhythmic effects are predominantly via its
indirect actions mediated by the autonomic nervous system
The use of drugs such as digoxin that have a narrow ther-
and involve a vagotonic as well as a sympatholytic effect.2
apeutic index requires not only an understanding of the
Although digoxin was used traditionally to slow the heart
drug’s pharmacokinetics, and its advantages and disadvan-
rate of ventricular response to chronic atrial fibrillation or
tages, but also the commitment by the prescribing physician
flutter, heart rate should not be used as an indication for
to spend the extra time to not only understanding the
alternating digoxin dose! Because digoxin’s heart rate slow-
complex pharmacologic therapeutics of digoxin, but also
ing effect is via increased vagal tone, it only slows heart rate
time in patient education before prescribing digoxin.
at rest. The patient’s heart rate may be slow in the examining
room, but with minimal exercise, the patient’s heart rate may
increase substantially despite therapeutic concentrations of References
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