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Name: Muhammad arif firmansyah

Grade : XII IPA 4

Attendance : 26


Task 1

Give respond or write the expression of service/help based on the situation given.

Students who have odd number in the students' list number, do odd number. On the other hand,
students' who have even number, do even number. (Siswa bernomor absen ganjil mengerjakan
soal ganjil, sebaliknya siswa bernomor absen genap mengerjakan nomor genap)

1. Tourist :  "Good morning. Would you mind telling me the way to the nearest restauran?"
Answer:” if you like I could telling you the way to the nearest restaurant”

2. Shoopkeeper : "May I help you?"

Guest : "No,I’m good here"

3. A :  "You look confused.Can I help you?"

B :  "Yes. I am lost on the way to LIPPO Mall. Do you know how I can get there?"

4. Andy: Hi Bryan, come here. I have some cookies. Do you like one?
Bryan:”yes,I like cookies thank you”

5. Danial : Can I help you carry the bag to your room?

Hasnawati      :No,I can do it myself.

6. Mr. Bean : “Hello, Miss. Sarah.Would you like any help? You are so busy.”
Miss Smith : “Oh, yes please, that would be lovely.”

7. Dany      : “Good morning jane, do you want help me?”

Jane       : “ If you need any of assistance,please call me“
Dany      : “Thank you.”
Jane       : “You’re welcome”

8. Andry : “You cupboard looks heavy. Would I help you?”

Sintya : “oh,yes please,that would be quite helpful.Thanks a lot.”
9. Romy : “May I help you?”
Deny : “Hmmm.No, I can handle myself”

10. Nephew : “Where are doing Uncle?”

Uncle : “I’m waiting Taxi?”
Nephew : “By the way,do you need some help?”
Uncle : “Please call the taxi”

Task 2. Make a dialog which express offering help or service with your friend based on
the situation given. You must have collaboration with your friend who has attendance
list number after your number (berpasangan berdasarkan no urut absensi).

Please choose one situation below to make a simple dialog. The conversation at least
consists of 10 sentences. Then play a role the dialog and record it. (Pilih satu dari
situasi yang diberikan, buatlah dialog sederhana minimal berisi 10 kalimat kemudian
lakukan dialog tersebut dan rekamlah percakapan kalian. Kirim lagi ke google
classroom pada akun salah satu siswa saja.

1. You are doing the Biology Project with your group at the library after school. Your
best friend cannot finish his/her part. Offer a help to do it together.

2. School holiday is coming soon. Your pen pal have a plan to go Bali, but do not
have time to surf the internet to find the best place and best deal. Offer your pen
pal to find the needed information and to arrange the vacation with your guidance

3. You work in a tour agency. You see a young gentleman enter your office
awkwardly. Offer your service and try to convince him to take one of your holiday

4. Your best friend is absent because she is sick. You visit her this afternoon. Your
friend needs your help to communicate with the teacher about an assignment
that she hasn’t finished yet. Offer her a help.

You want to go to the movie this weekend. You ask several friends to go with you. Two
of your friends cannot make up their minds. Offer to treat them so that they can go with
Number 2

Nurul: “why you look confused?”

Aulia:”I was planning a vacation but I was confused about determining a good
vacation spot”

Nurul:”where are you going on vacation?”

Aulia:”I plan to go on vacation to Bali”

Nurul:”then why don't you look for recommendations on the internet”

Aulia:”I don't have much free time”

Nurul:”do you need help?”

Aulia:”of course, I need your help to recommend a vacation in Bali”

Nurul:” I know a suitable place for a vacation in Bali, Bali Bird Park and Bali
Safari Marine Park. But you have to book a ticket in advance”

Aulia:”Then can you help me order a ticket?”

Nurul:”of course, how many tickets will you order?”

Aulia:”3 tickets”

Nurul:”then have you found a place to stay.Let me help you”

Aulia:”thanks,but I can do it my self”

Nurul:” no, that doesn't matter to me.if you need any of assistance,please call me”

Aulia:”how kind of you.Thank you”

Nurul:”no problem,yourwelcome”

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