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 Why are you logical-mathematical intelligent? Except of being logical-mathematical

intelligent, what intelligence are you good at? (2 or more).

Since I was a kid, I am good at solving logical problems and memorizing terms, it was
developed as I grow. As an accountancy student, I am good at analysing, critical-thinking and
problem-solving especially in accounting subjects. I love math and science that help to think
deeply about the certain thing and situation. Being logical-mathematical intelligent, I also love to
formulate ideas and my own theory in anything I’ve seen in my surrounding. As simple as
walking in the street or go to other place, I’m observing every detail where I am in case of
emergency or important things.

I also have other intelligence beside of being logical-mathematical intelligent, I also a

visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal intelligent. Being visual-spatial, I’m good in
drawing and other creative works/design. I’m also love to solving jigsaw puzzles and rubik’s
cube. Being bodily-kinesthetic, every occasion in school I volunteer as one of the performer in
our section because I’m good at dancing and performing. I’m exercise daily to maintain the good
health and also my body composition. Being interpersonal, I’m a good listener and adviser of my
friends, even strangers. I’m not judgmental person because I know what they went through and
also their feelings.

 What are your personality factors and traits?

In emotional stability factor, I’m emotionally stable person because I’m a chill and
considerate person. I can handle any problems in life and also handling my own emotion to not
carried away from little situation/reason. Sometime, I feel stress and insecure but I able to
conquer it. In extraversion, I’m introvert person because I barely talk to other people unless it
was my close friends and my family. I didn’t share my own feelings and thoughts to anybody
because I’m afraid they make it as humor for them. In openness to experience, I’m open minded
person because I’m willing to learn and to formulate my own ideas base on other people or in my
surrounding. In agreeableness, I’m agreeable person, I always cooperate to others and I’m a
trustworthy person to keep other’s secrets/thoughts. I love a positive environment and working
with other. In conscientiousness, I’m highly conscientious person, I’m organized and
determined person in order to achieve my goal even if it short or long time goals. I’m hard
working person in able to have a good future. In self-monitoring behaviour, I always fake my
feeling in other person when I socialize with them, don’t get me wrong because when I have a
bad day I didn’t show my real feelings with them. I’m positive in life and there’s no room to
drown myself in problems/overthink. In risk taking and thrill seeking, I’m risk taker because I
do this in my own good. There are many opportunities are waiting for me so I grabbed them. I’m
not afraid in failures, I’m more afraid if I didn’t take a risk in any opportunities or missed which
I can gain knowledge, financial needs and other important things. In optimism, I’m optimistic
person because when conquering the difficulties in life, rather being denial I seeking solutions to
the problems. I’m a positive person even I’m tired, stress and failing, I didn’t forget to smile and
continue my life with positive mind.

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