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Time Allowed: 90 minutes]

[Maximum Marks: 401

General Instructions:
() All questions are compulsory.
(i) Each question carries 1 mark.

Multiple Choice Questions

w c h ol the following is not an element of political environment of a country?

(a) Degree of politicisation of business and economic issues

(b) Birth rate and death rate in the country

(c) Political conditions in the country
(d) Level of political morality
2. Zomato Ltd., a food delivery service application, has recently faced criticism for tampering of
their products, by their delivery boys. Zomato Ltd. decided to put a hologram seal on the food
packets in order to protect the products from spoilage, leakage, damage and pilierage, along with
a lag with a safety warning for the consumers to check the seal. Which concept of Marketing is

being discussed above?

(a) Branding (b) Labelling (c) Packaging (d) None of these
3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in the function of Organising in Management?
(a) Departmentalisation, Establishing reporting relationships, Assignment ofduties, ldentification
and division of work
(b) ldentification and division of work, Departmentalisation, Assignment of duties, Establishing
reporting relationships
(c) ldentification and division of work, Departmentalisation, Establishing reporting relationships,
Assignment of duties
(d) Establishing reporting relationships, Identification and division of work, Departmentalisation,
Assignment of duties
4. Purchase and Sales managers are a part of

(a) Top level management (b) Middle level management

(c) Lower level management (d) None of these

126 agechor wceh Competency Based and Objective Type Questions-12

A tall organisatnonal
structure implies the maa
of management
narrow span
ia) (b) wide span of
) n o span
of management management
(d) less levels of
Covid pandemie, in order to promote the habit of
pandemi management
o f the society, Ketrol Limited has launched low cost health and hygiene among weaker sections
philosophy being adopted by the company is packs of hand wash. The
type of marketing
(a) Product concept
(b) Produetion concept
(d) Societal
7. Coordination is: marketing concept
(a) the function of management
(b) an
objective of
the essence of management management
(c) (d) None of these
which of the following statements is not true with reference to
(a) Planning 1s a pre-requisite for controlling

(b)Planning is flexible
Planning enables a manager to look ahead and
anticipate changes
Planning facilitates co-ordination among
departments and individuals in the
9. Management is considered to be an art because: organisation
a the principles of management have universal validity
(h) principles
the of management have
universal application
cdifferent principles of management are brought into effect
differently by different managers
(d) is not important for the practicing managers to be
a member of a

Which of the following factors do not come under

professional association
economic environment?
(a) Changes in the interest rates
(b) Flow of money in the economy
(c) Expectations from the workforce
(d) Regulation of working of banks
11. Which of the following is not an advantage of branding?
(a) Promotes repeat purchase
(b) Helps in advertising the product
(c) Facilitates the use of product
(d) Ensures quality to customers
12. Grouping of activities on the basis of functions is a part of:

(a) Decentralised organisation (b) Divisional organisation

(c) Functional organisation (d) Centralised organisation
13. means every employee should get orders from one superior only.
(a) Unity of command b) Unity of direction
(c) Centralisation d) Order
4 Management involves solution of problems, making decisions, plans and
responsibilities and delegating authority. This implies:
budgets, assigning

(a) Management of work (b) Management of people

(c) Management of operations (d) All of these

Business Studies 127

15. Management is not a/un
(b) pure scienee
(a) applied seience
(d) Both art and science
16. Which marketing function ains at improving performance of a product and gives it a competit.

advantage in the market?

(a) Marketing researeh (b) Customer support service
(d) Branding and grading
(c)Product planning and development
17. The is to determine the number of workers to be employed.
objective of
(a) Time study (b) Fatigue study
(c) Motion study () Functional foremanship
18. The principles of management have been developed on the basis of

(a) Observation (b) Experimentation

(C) Personal experiences of the manager (d) All of these
19. Match the levels of management given in Column I with their functions in Column 1l and
choose the correct alternative:

Column 1 Column II
A. Top level management (i) Interpret the policies of the top management
B Middle level management (i) Maintain the quality of output and minimise

C. Lower level management (iii) Formulates organisational goals and strategies

(a) A -

(ii), B - (i), C (i)-

(b) A- (ii), B - (iii), C - ()

(c) A -

(), B - (ii), C - (iii) (d) A- (ii), B - (i), C - (ii)

20. Centralisation refers
to by higher management levels.
(a) retention of decision-making authority (b) dispersal of decision-making authority
(c) opening new centers or branches (d) ereating divisions as profit centers

Assertion-Reasoning Type MCQs

In the given questions (Q.21 to Q.24), a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason
is glven. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A)
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correet explanation
of Assertion (A)

(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false

(a) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true

128 Tagecher wieh Competency Based and Objective Type Questions-12

21. A):
Assertion (A Orgunising ads to the proper usage of all
material, financial and human resources
sOn (R): The proper asSignnent o1 jobs avods
overlapping of work and also makes
usc of resources. possible
he best
Business environment
, ASsertion (A): is uncertain

s o n (R): It is casy to understiand busitness

environment in parts
understand in totality. separately but it is dificult

ASSertion (A): Branding is the process used to create a distinct identity of a product.
eason (R): Unbranded products do not have market.
4 Assertion (A): Packaging is called a silent salesman.
son (R): Packaging is a carrier of information
and provides information like
name of the
rduct, name of the manufacturer, contents of the
product, expiry and manufacturing date, general
formation for use, weight etc., which often
helps in the selling product.

Case-Based McQs
t h e following text and answer question numbers 25-28 on the basis of the same.

and Lavanya are good friends.
Considering the fact that the activities involved in
rise are common all organisations, after completing their masters in business
to managing an
management, both
anagerial level in different organisations as per their individual
a job at mar
em take up
areas of interest.
1akes up as a production head in a
increase its company and strives to
TnUa ioins an NGO and works diligently to realise its objective related to daily production whereas
providing employment to
ially-abled persons. Both of them have to perform a series of continuous, composite,
espec but separate
On some days, Pihu may spend more time in planning
plant layout and on another
day, she
e n d time in sorting out an employee's problem. Both Pihu and Lavanya make conscious efforts
d team spirit and coordination among individuals. The effect of their
management is noticeable.
They were able to achieve their targets, employees are happy and satisfied.

Considering the fact that the activities involved in

5. managing an enterprise are common to all
organisations. Which feature of management is reflected here?

(a) Management is a goal-oriented process (b) Management is a continuous process

(c) Management is all pervasive (d) All of these
26.after completing their masters in business management, both of them take up a job at managerial
level in different organisations as per their individual areas of interest.' This reflects the
nature of
management as:

(a) Science (b) Art (c) Profession (d) None of these

27. 'Both of them have to perform a series of continuous, composite, but separate functions.' This
shows that management is:
(a) a continuous process (b) a
group activity
(c) an intangible force (d) None of these

Business Studies 129

that hey achieved the
28. employees are happy and satistied This retlected
objectives of management
(b) Social
(a) Economi
(d) None of these
e d the following text and answer question numbers 29-32 on the basis of the same,.

In 2015, Naveen left his Mumbai. where he worked for

luxurious life in a manager Blue Bird
Ld He shifted to
25-acre ancestral land into a fertile farm.
Chhattisgarh to fulfil his grandmother's dream of converting the
For this, he set out specific gouls along with the activities t
be perfornmed to achieve the goals. Every activity was a challenge since he was clucless about famin

He learnt every To aid farmers he launched his

activity from filling the land to sowing the seeds. On
company Innovative Agriculture Solutions Pvt. Ltd."
about farming. But
It was difhicult
initially as no one trusted an urban youth telling farmers when
Cverything was discussed in detail, the farmers started taking interest. He wanted to ensure that the
future events meet the best interests of the company. Through sales forecasting. he prepared
an annual plan for production and sales. He also found that the farnmers grew only paddy, which was
activity of 3 to 4 months and the land remained idle for the rest 8 to 9 months ofthe year. He not only
dentitied but evaluated various alternatives through which the farms could be utilised for the remainine
honths of the year. Through correcet foresight and logical and systematic thinkimg based on analysis of
all facts, all alternatives were examined and evaluated. He presented a plan to the tarmers, where after
harvesting paddy, vegetables could be grown.
29. He shifted to Begampur, Chhattisgarh to fulfil his grandmother's dream of converting their
25 acre ancestral land into a fertile farm. For this, he set out specifie goals along with the activities
to be performed to achieve the goals." Which feature of planning is reflected here?
(a) Planning is futuristic
(b) Planning focuses on achieving objectives
(C) Planning is a primary function of management
(d) Planning is continuous
30. He wanted to ensure that the future events mect effectively the best interests of the company
This reflects that planning involves:
(a) mental exercise (b) peeping into future
(d) thinking rather than doing
(c)choosing one possible goal
31. Through correct foresight and logical and systematic thinking based on analysis of all facts, all
alternatives were examined and evaluated.' What is not involved in planning?
(a) Systematie and logical thinking
(b) Intelligent imagination and sound judgement
(c) Guess work or wishful thinking
(d) Thinking rather than doing

130 Tagether wth Competency Based and Objective Type Questions-12

only identified but evaluated various alternatives through which the larms could be utilised
2. Henot
for the uining months of the year. Which feature of planning is reflected here?

Planning 1s a primary tunetion of management

invoIves decision-making
Planning 1s 1oCuses on achieving objectives
is c o n t i n u o u s
collowing text and answer question numbers 33-36 on the basis of the same.
Read the

Was the Managing Director of a restaurant in Lucknow called 'Healthy Kitchen' The
Recna Sain
wAS doing well and the volume of work started increasing slowly and steadily. Reena Saini

to manage all the work on her own. The increasing magnitude of work made it
to manap

handle it all by herself. Moreover her objective is to open more branches of this restaurant
her to handle

fordiflerent places.

Nikhil Saini
inted Nikhil Saini, as a General Manager of "Healthy Kitchen', Lucknow and gave him the
She mand his subordinates and to take action within the scope of his position. For smooth
rign the restaurant she also gave him authority to hire and train the staff as per the requirements.
running of
Was satisfied with the work of Nikhil Saini and was able to open other branches of the
Reena Sa
in Agra and Kanpur also.
appointed hil Saini, as a General Manager of 'Healthy Kitchen', Lucknow and gave him
33. She
rioht to command his subordinates and to take action within the scope of his position.' Which
used by Reena Saini here?
concept is being
(a) Decentralisation (b) Delegation
()Controlling (d) Directing
is shared through the concept used here?
14 Which of the following
(a) Authority (b) Information
(c) Responsibility (d) Resources
1 Which of the following is the main aim behind using the concept here?

Facilitation of growth (b) Employee development
(c)Effectivemanagement (d) Motivates employees
1% Which of the following statements regarding the concept identified in Q. 33 is false?
does not mean abdication. (b) lt helps in expansion of an organisation.
(a) It
element in effective organising. (d) It is an optional policy.
(c) It is the key
text and answer question numbers 37-40 on the basis of the same.
Read the following
o childhood Niru and Janak had been watching their grandmother procuring wheat from the market,
washing it well, drying it and getting it converted into ata. They conducted a survey to collect data
saidentify whether there is demand for readymade atta and realised that with the growing number of
work women, it is the need of the hour to manufacture high quality atta. They named their product
.Crian' and set up Srijan Atta Factory' at Jaunpur Village. To penetrate in the market, they decided to

Business Studies 131

their product into the market and avoiding d
kcep the price low. For maintaining smooth flow of
In delivery, it was decided to store wheat at SKM Services which had scientific processes and lo
taciltatng quick delivery. They also sct up an online complaint portal to take care of consumer gricvan
7. They conducted a survey to collect data to identify whether there is demand for readvm.
atta and realised that with the growing number of working women, it is the need of the ho
marketing referred here is:
manufacture high-quality atta'. The function of
(b) Standardisation and Grading
(a) Customer Support Services
() Analysing Market Information
(c) Market Planning
J8. They named their product 'Srijan' and set up 'Srijan Atta Factory at Jaunpur Village'. Which of
the following is an advantage to the marketer on performing the function referred in this line
(b) Product differentiation
(a) Product promotion
(d) All of these
(c) Product protection
39. *For maintaining the smooth flow of their product into the market and avoiding delays in delivery
it was decided to store wheat at SKM Services which had scientific processes and logistics

facilitating quick delivery. The function referred here is important because:

(a) It ensures quality of product.
(b) It bring repeated sales.
(C)There is a gap between production of goods and their sale/use.

(d) All of these

40. They also set up an online complaint portal to take care of consumer grievances'. The function
performed by the marketer here is:
(a) Labelling (b) Promotion

(c) Customer support service (d) Standardisation and Grading

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (d)

7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (c) 12. (c)

13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (d)

19. (d) 20. (a) 21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (c)

25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (a)

31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (d)

37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (c)

132 7agether weh Competency Based and Objective Type Questions-12

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