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Exercise 1: Sales Forecasting (10 Marks)

Following the format of the spreadsheet shown in the Figure above, develop a spreadsheet to
forecast Fitter Snacker’s sales for July through December. Make the sales growth rate of 3
percent an input value, and calculate the base projection using the previous year’s values, shown
in Figure 4-4.

Assume that the special marketing promotion last year resulted in an increase in sales of 200
cases for July, and that a special marketing promotion this year will result in an increase in sales

for July of 400 cases.

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Exercise 2: Sales and Operations Planning (10 Marks)
Using the sales forecast for July through December from Exercise 1, develop a spreadsheet for

sales and operations planning. Use the format of the spreadsheet shown in Figure 4-5.
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The number of working days for each month is shown in Figure 4-13.

Note that there are fewer working days in August because of an annual plant shutdown. The
number of working days is also low in December because of the Christmas and New Year
holidays. For your production plan, try to keep the capacity utilization at 95 percent or less. To
disaggregate the plan for the group into plans for NRG-A and NRG-B bars, use 70 percent of sales
for NRG-A bars and 30 percent for NRG-B bars.

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