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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Review Article

Medical Progress Dietary iron

(average, 1–2 mg
per day)
Utilization Utilization

(3 mg)

RON has the capacity to accept and donate elec-
trons readily, interconverting between ferric (Fe2+)
Bone marrow
and ferrous (Fe3+) forms. This capability makes (300 mg)
it a useful component of cytochromes, oxygen-bind- (myoglobin) Circulating
ing molecules (i.e., hemoglobin and myoglobin), and (300 mg) erythrocytes
many enzymes. However, iron can also damage tis- (hemoglobin)
sues by catalyzing the conversion of hydrogen per- (1800 mg)
oxide to free-radical ions that attack cellular mem-
branes, proteins, and DNA. Proteins sequester iron
to reduce this threat. Iron ions circulate bound to
plasma transferrin and accumulate within cells in the Storage
form of ferritin. Iron protoporphyrin (heme) and iron
iron–sulfur clusters serve as enzyme cofactors. Un- Reticulo-
der normal circumstances, only trace amounts of iron Liver
parenchyma endothelial
exist outside these physiologic sinks, although stored (1000 mg) macrophages
(600 mg)
iron can be mobilized for reuse. Iron balance is ten-
uous; both iron deficiency and iron overload are del-
eterious. Disorders of iron homeostasis are among the Sloughed mucosal cells
most common diseases of humans. Menstruation
Other blood loss
PHYSIOLOGY OF IRON TRANSPORT (average, 1–2 mg per day)
Distribution of Iron
The distribution of iron in tissue is shown in Fig- Iron loss
ure 1. Adult men normally have 35 to 45 mg of iron
per kilogram of body weight.1 Premenopausal wom-
en have lower iron stores as a result of their recurrent Figure 1. Distribution of Iron in Adults.
blood loss through menstruation. More than two In the balanced state, 1 to 2 mg of iron enters and leaves the
thirds of the body’s iron content is incorporated into body each day. Dietary iron is absorbed by duodenal enterocytes.
It circulates in plasma bound to transferrin. Most of the iron in the
hemoglobin in developing erythroid precursors and body is incorporated into hemoglobin in erythroid precursors
mature red cells. Uptake of erythroid iron is highly and mature red cells. Approximately 10 to 15 percent is present
dependent on receptor-mediated endocytosis of di- in muscle fibers (in myoglobin) and other tissues (in enzymes
ferric transferrin bound to transferrin receptors (the and cytochromes). Iron is stored in parenchymal cells of the liver
and reticuloendothelial macrophages. These macrophages pro-
transferrin cycle, Fig. 2). Each erythrocyte contains a vide most of the usable iron by degrading hemoglobin in se-
billion atoms of iron; at normal rates of turnover, nescent erythrocytes and reloading ferric iron onto transferrin
for delivery to cells.

From the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Pediatrics,

Harvard Medical School, and the Division of Hematology and Oncology,
Children’s Hospital — both in Boston. Address reprint requests to Dr. An-
drews at Children’s Hospital, Enders 720, 300 Longwood Ave., Boston,
MA 02115, or at
©1999, Massachusetts Medical Society.

1986 · Dec em b er 23 , 19 9 9

The New England Journal of Medicine

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Ferrous iron transporter Apo-Tf

Extracellular Fe2-Tf (DMT1)
(pH 7.4)

membrane Clathrin-
coated pit

Endosome Released
Proton pump Mitochondria
H+ H+

Acidified endosome
(pH 5.5)

Figure 2. The Transferrin Cycle.

Iron-laden transferrin (Fe2-Tf) binds to transferrin receptors (TfR) on the surface of erythroid precursors. These complexes localize to
clathrin-coated pits, which invaginate to form specialized endosomes.2 A proton pump decreases the pH within the endosomes,
leading to conformational changes in proteins that result in the release of iron from transferrin. The iron transporter DMT1 moves iron
across the endosomal membrane, to enter the cytoplasm.3 Meanwhile, transferrin (Apo-Tf) and transferrin receptor are recycled to
the cell surface, where each can be used for further cycles of iron binding and iron uptake. In erythroid cells, most iron moves into
mitochondria, where it is incorporated into protoporphyrin to make heme. In nonerythroid cells, iron is stored as ferritin and he-

this concentration corresponds to the incorporation absorptive enterocytes. Enterocytes lining the absorp-
of 2¬1020 atoms of iron per day.4 Consequently, tive villi close to the gastroduodenal junction are re-
anemia is the cardinal sign of iron deficiency. sponsible for all iron absorption. Iron must pass from
Most of the remaining body iron is found in hepa- the gut lumen through the apical and basolateral
tocytes and reticuloendothelial macrophages, which membranes of the enterocyte to reach the plasma
serve as storage depots. The liver has first-pass access (Fig. 3). Iron obtained from food is not bound to
to dietary nutrients and can readily take up an amount transferrin, and there is no role for transferrin within
of circulating iron that exceeds the binding capacity the lumen of the intestine. Instead, the low pH of gas-
of plasma transferrin. Reticuloendothelial macrophag- tric effluent helps dissolve ingested iron and provides
es ingest senescent red cells, catabolize hemoglobin a proton-rich milieu. This facilitates enzymatic re-
to scavenge iron, and load the iron onto transferrin duction of ferric iron to its ferrous form by a brush-
for reuse. This process is indispensable; the erythron border ferrireductase.6 Divalent metal transporter 1
alone has a daily requirement of about 20 mg of iron,5 (DMT1; formerly called Nramp2 or DCT1) is a pro-
but only 1 to 2 mg of iron normally enters the body tein that transfers iron across the apical membrane
each day through the intestine. and into the cell through a proton-coupled process.7,8
DMT1 is not specific to iron; it can transport a wide
Regulation of Iron Absorption variety of divalent metal ions, including manganese,
Although the amount of iron extracted from the cobalt, copper, zinc, cadmium, and lead.8
diet is small, the regulation of the intestinal absorp- Heme iron is taken up by a separate process that
tion of iron is critical because humans have no phys- is not well characterized. Inside the absorptive entero-
iologic pathway for excretion. Duodenal crypt cells cyte, iron has two possible fates: it may be stored as
sense the iron requirements of the body and are pro- ferritin, or it may be transferred across the basolat-
grammed by that information as they mature into eral membrane to reach the plasma. These are not

Vol ume 341 Numb e r 26 · 1987

The New England Journal of Medicine

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Apical surface
Apical surface
Dietary regulator Lumen
Fe3+ Fe2+ Dietary Absorptive
iron villus

reductase DMT1

Ferritin Basolateral surface


Apical surface

Basolateral Crypt
transporter Hephaestin

Fe2+ Fe3+

Basolateral surface Plasma

iron ?
Stores Erythroid
Figure 3. Iron Transport across the Intestinal Epithelium. regulator regulator
Iron must cross two membranes to be transferred across the
absorptive epithelium. Each transmembrane transporter is cou-
Basolateral surface
pled to an enzyme that changes the oxidation state of iron. The
apical transporter has been identified as DMT1. It acts in concert Figure 4. Regulation of the Absorption of Intestinal Iron.
with a type of ferrireductase activity that has not yet been The iron-absorbing cells of the duodenal epithelium originate in
cloned. The basolateral transporter has not yet been identified. the intestinal crypts and migrate toward the tip of the villus as
This transporter requires hephaestin, a ceruloplasmin-like mol- they differentiate (maturation axis). Absorption of intestinal iron
ecule, for the transfer of iron to the plasma. On the basis of its is regulated by at least three independent mechanisms. First,
structure, hephaestin is presumed to be a form of ferroxidase. iron absorption is influenced by recent dietary iron intake (die-
In this diagram, hephaestin is depicted at the basolateral sur- tary regulator). After a large dietary bolus, absorptive cells are
face of the cell, although it has not yet been established that it resistant to iron uptake for several days. Second, iron absorp-
functions in that location. Iron within enterocytes is stored as tion can be modulated considerably in response to body iron
ferritin. stores (stores regulator). Third, an unidentified signal commu-
nicates the state of bone marrow erythropoiesis to the intestine
(erythroid regulator). When red-cell production in the bone
marrow is accelerated because of ineffective erythropoiesis,
absorption of intestinal iron is increased. This process occurs
even when there is systemic iron overload.

mutually exclusive, and the determining factor is prob- body through the gastrointestinal tract. This process
ably an iron absorption “set point” that was estab- represents an important mechanism of iron loss.
lished when the enterocyte developed from a crypt The basolateral enterocyte iron transporter has not
cell. Iron that remains in the form of ferritin as the been definitively identified, but a recently described
enterocyte completes its limited life cycle will be protein, Ireg1, is a likely candidate.9 Genetic studies
sloughed with the senescent cell and will leave the in mice have shown that the basolateral transporter

1988 · Dec em b er 23 , 19 9 9

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requires an accessory protein, a multicopper protein in common the fact that erythroid cells are destroyed
called hephaestin.10 Hephaestin is similar to plasma near the site of their development within the bone
ceruloplasmin and is presumed to function as a fer- marrow (a situation known as ineffective erythropoie-
roxidase. As will be discussed below, ceruloplasmin sis). The types that do not stimulate iron absorption
also has an important role in iron metabolism. involve the destruction of cells in the periphery. The
The absorption of intestinal iron is regulated in sev- importance of the site of destruction is not well un-
eral ways (Fig. 4). First, it can be modulated by the derstood. However, cells destroyed before their release
amount of iron recently consumed in the diet, a from the bone marrow are less mature than circulat-
mechanism referred to as the dietary regulator. For ing erythrocytes, suggesting that the soluble erythro-
several days after a dietary iron bolus, absorptive en- poietic regulator is a molecule derived from precur-
terocytes are resistant to acquiring additional iron. sor forms of erythrocytes, rather than later forms.
This phenomenon has previously been called “mu- Iron absorption increases in response to acute
cosal block.”11 This blocking action probably results hypoxia. It is not known whether the hypoxic signal
from the accumulation of intracellular iron, leading is transduced through one of the regulatory path-
the enterocyte to believe that its set-point require- ways discussed above or through an independent
ments have been met. It may occur even in the pres- mechanism.
ence of systemic iron deficiency.
A second regulatory mechanism also senses iron DISEASES OF IRON DEFICIENCY
levels but responds to total body iron, rather than The clinical effects of iron deficiency have been
dietary iron. This mechanism has been termed the described in the medical literature dating back to the
stores regulator.12 It is capable of changing the amount Middle Ages, in fascinating accounts of a disorder
of iron absorbed to a limited extent: iron absorption called chlorosis. Chlorosis, resulting from iron defi-
is modulated by a factor of only two to three in iron- ciency in adolescent girls, peaked in incidence during
deficient states as compared with iron-replete states.5 the Victorian era.13 Although iron was not universally
Although the molecular details of the stores regula- given to treat chlorosis, the disease disappeared as a
tor are not known, it probably acts at the level of clinical entity before World War II. However, iron de-
crypt-cell programming, in response to the satura- ficiency remains an important public health problem
tion of plasma transferrin with iron. Experiments in today. In 1997, Looker et al. reported that 3 percent
animals suggest that the levels of the apical trans- of American toddlers and 2 to 5 percent of Ameri-
porter, DMT1, are altered in response to changes in can teenage girls are sufficiently iron-deficient to have
body iron stores.8 anemia.14 More than half a billion people worldwide
The third regulatory mechanism, known as the have adverse effects as a result of iron deficiency.
erythropoietic regulator,12 does not respond to iron
levels at all. Rather, it modulates iron absorption in Iron-Deficiency Anemia
response to the requirements for erythropoiesis. The The human body prioritizes the use of iron in sev-
erythropoietic regulator has a greater capacity to in- eral ways. During development, the fetus draws iron
crease iron absorption than the stores regulator.12 It away from its mother for itself. After birth, the eryth-
is logical that the erythron should have some influ- ron has relative priority as compared with other tis-
ence on the rate of intestinal iron absorption, since sues. Red-cell production is unperturbed until iron
most of the body iron is used for erythropoiesis. Yet stores are depleted, as reflected by low serum ferritin
how it accomplishes this is unknown. The erythro- levels. When the stores have been used up, the iron
poietic regulator probably involves a soluble signal that saturation of transferrin decreases and patients be-
is carried by plasma from the bone marrow to the gin to show evidence of iron-deficient erythropoie-
intestine. sis. The first biochemical clues of iron deficiency are
It is well documented that, in addition to iron- increased levels of free protoporphyrin and zinc pro-
deficiency anemia, several other anemic states may lead toporphyrin in erythrocytes. The levels of soluble
to increased absorption of dietary iron. These con- transferrin receptor, a protein-cleavage product that
ditions include the thalassemia syndromes, congeni- is present in plasma, increase when the lack of iron
tal dyserythropoietic anemias, and sideroblastic ane- limits the production of new red cells. Frank anemia
mias. Strikingly, many other forms of anemia that are with microcytosis is detected later. A decreased retic-
characterized by similar rates of erythropoiesis do not ulocyte hemoglobin level is a useful early indicator
stimulate intestinal iron absorption. These disorders of iron-deficient erythropoiesis and may be superior
include hereditary spherocytosis, autoimmune hemo- to other laboratory measures in this respect.15
lytic anemia, and sickle cell anemia. Thus, hyperpro- The symptoms and signs of iron deficiency are
liferative anemias can be divided into two classes: partially explained by the presence of anemia. They
those that stimulate iron absorption and those that include pallor, fatigue, poor exercise tolerance, and
do not. The two types can be differentiated in a sim- decreased work performance. However, there also ap-
ple way. The types that stimulate iron absorption have pears to be a direct effect of iron deficiency on the

Vol ume 341 Numb e r 26 · 1989

The New England Journal of Medicine

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

central nervous system. In young children, measur-

able cognitive abnormalities may develop.16 In both TABLE 1. CAUSES OF IRON DEFICIENCY.
children and adults, pica — a bizarre behavioral
Inadequate absorption
symptom that is highly characteristic of severe iron
Poor bioavailability
deficiency — can develop.17 Pica is characterized by Antacid therapy or high gastric pH
the inappropriate consumption of nonnutritive sub- Excess dietary bran, tannin, phytates, or starch
stances; it disappears with iron treatment. Severe, Competition from other metals (e.g., copper or
long-standing iron deficiency may also be associated Loss or dysfunction of absorptive enterocytes
with koilonychia and the Plummer–Vinson syndrome, Bowel resection
Celiac disease
but these conditions are very rare in clinical practice Inflammatory bowel disease
in the United States. Intrinsic enterocyte defects
Causes of iron deficiency are easy to understand Increased loss
when one accepts the fact that there is no physiologic Gastrointestinal blood loss
pathway for iron excretion. Iron deficiency will re- Epistaxis
sult from any condition in which dietary iron intake Gastritis
does not meet the body’s demands. For this reason, Ulcer
rapidly growing children and premenopausal women Tumor
Meckel’s diverticulum
are at highest risk. Worldwide, dietary insufficiency as Parasitosis
a cause of iron deficiency is usually secondary to in- Milk-induced enteropathy of early childhood
Vascular malformations
testinal blood loss resulting from parasitosis. In such Inflammatory bowel disease
cases, dietary intake is unable to keep up with chron- Diverticulosis
ic losses. A comprehensive list of the causes of iron Hemorrhoids
Genitourinary blood loss
deficiency is shown in Table 1. Menorrhagia
Congenital and acquired abnormalities of the in- Cancer
testinal epithelium can also result in iron deficiency. Chronic infection
Pulmonary blood loss
Congenital defects in iron metabolism are fascinating Pulmonary hemosiderosis
but are poorly understood on a molecular level. Hy- Infection
Other blood loss
potransferrinemia, also called atransferrinemia, is a Trauma
condition in which little or no plasma transferrin Excessive phlebotomy
is produced. This rare disorder leads to severe iron- Large vascular malformations
deficiency anemia accompanied by parenchymal iron
A distinct group of patients with normal plasma
transferrin levels have iron-deficiency anemia that is
unresponsive to oral iron therapy and incompletely than adults to support their rapid growth. Normal,
responsive to parenteral iron therapy.22,23 Banner- full-term infants have a generous iron endowment at
man 24 made note of the similarity between patients birth, totaling about 75 mg per kilogram.27 Prema-
with this condition and mutant mice that are now ture infants, infants of mothers with diabetes mellitus,
known to have an abnormality in the iron transport- and infants who are small for gestational age have
er DMT1.7 However, no mutations in the gene en- substantially smaller iron stores than normal, full-
coding DMT1 have been found in humans thus term infants.28 Stores are rapidly depleted, however,
far.25 It is possible that such patients have defects in even in normal children, and there is little margin in
other iron-transport steps. iron balance. For that reason, iron-fortified infant for-
Several forms of iron salt are used to treat iron mulas have been widely used since the early 1970s.
deficiency. Remarkably, however, the treatment used There are no known contraindications to feeding
by the 19th-century French physician Blaud 26 (fer- with iron-fortified formulas and no apparent side ef-
ous sulfate) is still as effective as any other oral ther- fects.28 Although a small proportion of infants have
apy. Perseverance is the cornerstone of successful treat- a genetic predisposition to iron overload later in life
ment; it takes several months of replacement therapy (see below), the amount of iron given in infant feed-
to replenish body iron stores. Some patients have ings should be inconsequential. All formula con-
difficulty tolerating iron salts, because these substanc- sumed by infants in the first year of life should con-
es tend to cause gastrointestinal distress. Liquid iron- tain 4 to 12 mg of iron per liter; “low iron” formulas
salt preparations, given to young children, may cause containing less than 4 mg of iron per liter should
permanent staining of the teeth. These problems can not be given. Breast-fed infants receive adequate iron
be circumvented by the use of an oral iron–polysac- in a highly bioavailable form, and breast-feeding is
charide complex. Both iron salts and the iron–poly- recommended by the Committee on Nutrition of
saccharide preparation are inexpensive. the American Academy of Pediatrics.28
Infants and toddlers need relatively more iron Patients who cannot tolerate or absorb oral iron,

1990 · Decem b er 23 , 19 9 9

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those with severe iron deficiency who are not com- accumulates in reticuloendothelial macrophages first
pliant with oral treatment, and those with profound and only later spills over into parenchymal cells. Pa-
iron deficits may benefit from parenteral iron therapy. renchymal iron loading is particularly dangerous, be-
Iron dextran is given intravenously, because intra- cause it leads to tissue damage and fibrosis. The retic-
muscular administration frequently leads to compli- uloendothelial system is generally a safe sink for iron;
cations. Although there are rare cases of anaphylaxis, reticuloendothelial macrophages keep it sequestered,
this treatment is generally safe and effective, partic- even after rather large doses (e.g., after the adminis-
ularly if the patient tolerates a test dose given before tration of parenteral iron dextran). If left untreated,
the replacement dose. Although the manufacturer rec- however, both forms of iron overload progress to pa-
ommends administering a maximum of 2 ml (100 renchymal deposition and organ damage.
mg) per day, most clinicians find that there is no
problem in giving an entire replacement dose at one Hereditary Hemochromatosis
time.29 Regimens for intravenously administered iron Classic hereditary hemochromatosis is the most
differ from those for orally administered iron. The prevalent monoallelic genetic disease in whites. It was
correct dose can easily be determined with the use first described in 1865 as a clinical triad of glyco-
of a calculator provided by the manufacturer on the suria, cirrhosis, and hyperpigmentation of the skin.32
Internet (at In- Von Recklinghausen later established that these clin-
travenous iron dextran is taken up rapidly by reticu- ical features were due to iron deposition and coined
loendothelial macrophages, where it can be processed the term hemochromatosis.33 In 1976, Simon et al.
and loaded onto transferrin without toxic effects. discovered that the genetic predisposition for hemo-
chromatosis cosegregated with the HLA-A3 allele,
Anemia of Chronic Inflammation indicating that the defective gene was closely linked
Anemia of chronic inflammation, also known as ane- to the human major histocompatibility complex.34
mia of chronic disease, has some features in common This critical finding paved the way for positional clon-
with iron-deficiency anemia. Iron-deficient erythro- ing of the hemochromatosis gene 20 years later.35
poiesis results from a defect in iron recycling. As a The majority of patients with hereditary hemo-
result, reticuloendothelial iron is plentiful in bone chromatosis are descended from a common Celtic an-
marrow macrophages, but this iron is not available cestor who lived 60 to 70 generations ago.36 They car-
to erythroid precursors. In patients with anemia of ry a unique missense mutation (C282Y) that alters a
chronic inflammation, there appears to be a defect major-histocompatibility-complex class I–like pro-
in the freeing of iron from macrophages, the loading tein designated HFE.35 On the basis of data from
of iron onto plasma transferrin, or both. Character- blood donors, it is estimated that as many as 1 in 10
istic laboratory findings include low serum iron lev- white Americans carries at least one allele with this
els, low serum iron-binding capacity, increased serum mutation.37 Clinically significant iron overload usu-
ferritin, and normocytic or slightly microcytic eryth- ally develops in patients who are homozygous for
rocytes. In contrast to patients with iron-deficiency this mutation. A subgroup of heterozygous persons
anemia, those with anemia of chronic inflammation is also affected. Several other polymorphisms have
do not have elevated levels of serum transferrin recep- been found in the gene encoding the HFE protein,
tor.30 The pathophysiology of anemia of chronic in- but their clinical significance is unclear.33,38-40 At least
flammation is not understood, but the condition prob- one of these mutations, H63D, is probably deleteri-
ably evolved as a cytokine-mediated defense against ous when it is present as the second allele in persons
microbial pathogens. It effectively leads to the with- who are heterozygous for C282Y.41,42
holding of iron from microbes as well as from eryth- HFE forms a heterodimer with beta2-microglob-
roid precursors.31 Mild anemia may be a relatively ulin. This heterodimer is expressed on the surface of
small price to pay for the attenuation of infection. many cells, including duodenal crypt cells and mac-
The only effective treatment for anemia of chronic in- rophages. The C282Y mutation alters the conforma-
flammation is correction of the underlying disorder. tion of the HFE protein and interferes with its func-
tion. In the three years since this finding was first
DISEASES OF IRON OVERLOAD reported, the crystal structure of HFE has been iden-
Iron overload usually presents in one of two char- tified, and it has been shown to form a high-affinity
acteristic patterns. In cases in which erythropoiesis is complex with the transferrin receptor.43-48 Nonethe-
normal but the plasma iron content exceeds the iron- less, it remains unclear how HFE regulates iron ab-
binding capacity of transferrin (e.g., in cases of he- sorption. Insight may come from mouse strains that
reditary hemochromatosis), iron is deposited in pa- have been engineered to carry mutated Hfe genes,
renchymal cells of the liver, the heart, and a subgroup serving as models in which to study the pathophys-
of endocrine tissues. In contrast, when iron overload iology of iron loading in hemochromatosis.49,50
results from the increased catabolism of erythrocytes Although there is no doubt that the C282Y mu-
(e.g., in cases of transfusional iron overload), iron tation causes hemochromatosis, there is a broad spec-

Vol ume 341 Numb e r 26 · 1991

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

trum of clinical presentations in both persons homo- and some patients with genetic iron overload do not
zygous for C282Y and those who are heterozygous. A have mutations in the HFE gene.51
small proportion of C282Y homozygotes have no The treatment of hemochromatosis has not changed
clinical or biochemical evidence of iron overload. This substantially since 1950.52 Therapeutic phlebotomy
finding indicates that other genetic and environmen- is safe, effective, and inexpensive. Each 450 to 500 ml
tal factors must affect the phenotypic expression of of blood contains 200 to 250 mg of iron. Ideally,
the mutation.42 therapy is begun before symptoms develop, when the
Patients with hemochromatosis regularly absorb serum ferritin level exceeds 200 µg per liter in non-
two to three times as much dietary iron as normal per- pregnant, premenopausal women or 300 µg per liter
sons. Most do not have symptoms until adulthood, in men and postmenopausal women.53 Typically, phle-
although the saturation of serum transferrin is usually botomy is performed at a rate of 1 unit of blood per
increased by adolescence. Hemochromatosis should week until the patient has mild hypoferritinemia.
be suspected when the serum transferrin saturation Thereafter, it is continued as needed to keep the se-
exceeds 50 percent in premenopausal women and 60 rum ferritin level below 50 µg per liter. On average,
percent in men and postmenopausal women. Excess men require phlebotomy three to four times per year,
iron is deposited in parenchymal cells of the liver, and women require it one to two times per year.53
heart, pancreas, pituitary gland, and parathyroid gland. When phlebotomy is instituted before end-stage or-
Early symptoms are nonspecific; they include fatigue, gan damage has occurred, patients can have a nor-
arthralgia, erectile dysfunction, and increased skin pig- mal life expectancy and quality of life. Even if begun
mentation. As the disease progresses, tender hepato- later, phlebotomy can improve constitutional symp-
megaly develops and leads to liver fibrosis and cirrho- toms, relieve hepatomegaly and liver tenderness, and
sis. There is an increased incidence of hepatocellular protect joints from arthritis. However, endocrine ab-
carcinoma after substantial damage to the liver has normalities and liver fibrosis, once they have devel-
occurred. Iron deposition in the heart causes cardio- oped, usually do not resolve.53
myopathy that is usually congestive but may be re- In addition to performing phlebotomy, it is prudent
strictive or associated with pericarditis and arrhyth- to advise patients with hemochromatosis to modify
mias. Associated types of endocrinopathy include their diets. They should avoid iron supplementation
diabetes mellitus, hypopituitarism, hypogonadism, and and restrict their intake of vitamin C, since vitamin C
hypoparathyroidism. Patients with hemochromatosis facilitates the absorption of iron. In addition, they
are more susceptible than others to infection, partic- should limit their consumption of red meat (a rich
ularly with Vibrio vulnificus, Listeria monocytogenes, source of heme iron) and alcohol. It is wise for such
Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella enteritidis serotype patients to avoid raw shellfish, because several cases
typhimurium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, of fatal infection with V. vulnificus have been report-
Rhizopus arrhizus, and mucor species. ed in patients with hemochromatosis.53
Liver biopsy is the gold standard for quantifying
iron. The hepatic iron concentration typically exceeds Hemochromatosis Not Attributable to Mutations in HFE
80 µmol per gram of liver, dry weight, resulting in A subgroup of patients with hereditary hemo-
a hepatic iron index of more than 1.9 mmol per kilo- chromatosis, indistinguishable from those described
gram per year (the hepatic iron index is the ratio of the above, do not have mutations in HFE, and their dis-
hepatic iron concentration to the age of the patient ease does not appear to be linked to the HLA com-
in years). Iron overload may also be assessed by quan- plex.51 The genetic basis for their condition has not
titative phlebotomy to the point of iron depletion. yet been determined.
The diagnosis can be confirmed by direct mutation
analysis of the HFE gene. Homozygosity for the African Iron Overload
C282Y mutation plus biochemical evidence of iron Iron overload is not limited to persons of European
overload makes the diagnosis of hemochromatosis descent. A distinct iron-loading disorder is prevalent
indisputable. in Africa, affecting up to 10 percent of some rural
The availability of a genetic test for hemochromato- populations.54 Formerly termed Bantu siderosis, Af-
sis has fueled controversy about the benefits of screen- rican iron overload results from a predisposition to
ing for the disease. The test is simple, and the disease iron loading that is exacerbated by excessive intake of
is highly prevalent and treatable. However, impor- dietary iron.55 It is particularly problematic among
tant disadvantages must also be considered. There is Africans who drink a traditional beer brewed in non-
concern, particularly in the United States, that per- galvanized steel drums. Although the disorder was
sons known to be homozygous for the C282Y mu- once attributed to dietary excess, serious iron over-
tation would face discrimination from health and life load does not develop in all beer drinkers, and not
insurers. Furthermore, the test is not always predictive; all patients with iron overload consume excessive
some persons who are homozygous for C282Y nev- amounts of the beer. Investigators have concluded
er have adverse effects resulting from iron overload,42 that heterozygosity for an unidentified iron-loading

1992 · Decem b er 23 , 19 9 9

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gene confers susceptibility; homozygous persons may tosis gene participates in the same regulatory path-
be more severely affected.56 African iron overload is way as the HFE gene.
not due to mutations in the HFE gene and is not
linked to the HLA locus.55,57 Neonatal Hemochromatosis
The pattern of iron deposition among persons Neonatal hemochromatosis is a fulminant dis-
with African iron overload differs from that among ease characterized by massive hepatic iron loading
those with hereditary hemochromatosis.58 Among and liver failure in the perinatal period.69 Like other
the former, there is marked iron loading of Kupffer’s iron-overload disorders, neonatal hemochromatosis is
cells as well as hepatocytes, resembling the pattern characterized by the accumulation of iron in the my-
seen in patients with transfusional siderosis and sug- ocardium and pancreatic acinar cells.70,71 The patho-
gesting a defect in erythroid iron recycling. Cirrhosis, physiology of this disorder is poorly understood, and
occasionally complicated by hepatocellular carcinoma, it is not yet known whether iron loading is the pri-
is the predominant organ manifestation. Cardiomy- mary problem or secondary to some other insult to
opathy and diabetes are less common. Although se- developing hepatocytes.72,73 Rare familial cases have
rum ferritin levels are elevated, the transferrin sat- been reported, in some of which there was consan-
uration does not always reflect the true extent of guinity, but the inheritance pattern has not been clear-
iron overload in these patients. Patients with African ly defined.74,75 Unaffected siblings and parents do not
iron overload are probably more susceptible than oth- have evidence of iron loading,70,76 and there is no ge-
ers to infection, and they have an increased inci- netic linkage to the HLA complex.75 Liver transplan-
dence of tuberculosis.59,60 tation is the primary treatment, but it is often un-
Clinically significant iron overload may also occur successful.77-79
in Americans of African descent,61-63 although such
persons rarely have mutations in the HFE gene.64 It Aceruloplasminemia
has been suggested that the mutation associated with In 1995, two groups described patients with pro-
African iron overload was brought to the United gressive extrapyramidal signs, cerebellar ataxia, demen-
States primarily through the slave trade.61 The true tia, and diabetes mellitus, which were associated with
incidence of siderosis among African Americans is not low serum ceruloplasmin levels resulting from mu-
yet known. The results of epidemiologic studies may tations in the ceruloplasmin gene.80,81 This disorder,
be confounded by the fact that the defective gene has aceruloplasminemia, is distinct from Wilson’s dis-
not yet been identified and by the presence of coex- ease, in which low serum ceruloplasmin levels result
isting conditions, such as various types of hemoglo- from a copper-transport defect. Ceruloplasmin has
binopathy, viral hepatitis, or alcoholism. If black ferroxidase activity, which is involved in the release
Americans have the same disorder as patients with of iron from cells.82 Accordingly, patients with acer-
African iron overload, the transferrin saturation may uloplasminemia have accumulation of iron in neural
not be elevated and it may be less useful as a screen- and glial cells of the brain (particularly the basal gan-
ing tool for these patients than for patients with he- glia and dentate nucleus), hepatocytes, and pancreatic
mochromatosis.65 Nonetheless, it seems prudent to islet cells.83 Aggressive chelation with deferoxamine
consider a diagnosis of iron overload in black patients may halt the progression of these complications.84
and to measure serum ferritin in those with perti- Treatment with plasma or ceruloplasmin concentrate
nent clinical findings. may be helpful. However, the decision about therapy
must take into account the difficulty of moving pro-
Juvenile Hemochromatosis teins across an intact blood–brain barrier. Phlebot-
In rare instances, iron overload develops in a pat- omy is unlikely to be helpful and may exacerbate hy-
tern resembling that of hereditary hemochromatosis pochromic microcytic anemia, which develops in some
but at a greatly accelerated rate. Several Italian fam- patients as a result of their inability to recycle iron
ilies with multiple affected members have been par- efficiently through the reticuloendothelial system.
ticularly well characterized.66 Their disorder has been In addition to aceruloplasminemia, there are sev-
termed juvenile hemochromatosis. Perhaps because of eral other iron-loading disorders that lead to degener-
the young age of these patients, or perhaps because ative neurologic conditions, including Hallervorden–
of the rate of iron loading, they are more likely to Spatz disease and Friedreich’s ataxia. Descriptions of
present with cardiomyopathy and endocrinopathy than these disorders are beyond the scope of this review.
with severe liver disease. Patients with this disorder
typically die of heart failure before their 30th birth- Transfusional Siderosis
days. The genetic basis of juvenile hemochromatosis Long-term transfusion therapy is now a routine,
is unknown. The HFE gene has been ruled out as a life-saving treatment for patients with intractable ane-
possible locus, and juvenile hemochromatosis maps to mia resulting from thalassemia, bone marrow failure,
human chromosome 1q.67,68 It is reasonable to spec- or aggressive treatment of cancer. In many centers,
ulate that the product of the juvenile hemochroma- it is also used for patients with serious complications

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