Announcement Text A. Meaning

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A. Meaning
Announcement is something said, written, or printed which is containing
information about an event that has happened or is going to happen. The purpose is
informing something to public. Announcement can be spoken (oral) or written.
1. Spoken announcement usually begins with saying “ATTENTION, PLEASE” or
anything like that. In spoken announcement, you should speak clearly so that the
targeted people can easily understand it. Besides, the information should be short and
simple. Parts of spoken announcement.
a. To whom the announcement is addressed.
b. The content of announcement.
c. Spoken announcement is usually shortly and ended with Thanks.
2. Written announcement usually begins with the tittle or for whom the announcement
is written. Parts of written announcement
a. The title or type of event
b. Date and time
c. Place
d. Contact person or address
B. Announcement Text Structure
1. Title
The title of an announcement text usually describes a general overview. For
example, English Debate. ("judul teks announcement biasanya  menggambarkan
gambaran umum, Contoh lomba debat bahasa inggris"
2. Explanation
This is the part of the text that contains the details of the event. For example, the
time of an even, place, another informations needed. ("bagian dari text yang berisi
rincian dari acara yang diumumkan. Contohnya, waktu acara, tempat, dan informasi
lain yang diperlukan.")

A. Definition
Description is a text that describes a particular person, animal, place or thing. You
wrie a description when you want your reader to picture what you are describing.
B. Generic Tructures
1. Identification
This part introduces where and who the subject being described is. The
introduction mostly tells the general information about the subject includes the
definition and background.
2. Descriptions
This part shows the detail description of the subjects. It may include the
information about the appearance or qualities of the subject. Such as: shapes,
materials, sizes, feeling, quantities, colours, qualities, location, and taste.
C. Social Functions
1. Fungsi Sosial
Membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb.
2. The Language Geatures
a. Kosa kata dan istilah terkait dengan tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah
b. Adverbia terkait sifat seperti quite, very, extremely, dst.
c. Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam tense yang benar
d. Nomina singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my,
their, dsb.
e. Noun phrase dan adjective phrase
3. Function/Purpose
To describe a particular place or building
4. Text Organization
a. Identification
b. Mention the special participant
c. Description
d. Mention the part, quality and characteristic of the subject being described
5. Language Features
Present tense, noun, adjective, noun phrase, linking verbs (is, consist
of,..),   pronoun, passive voice

A. Definition
Recount text is  a text that tells the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to
entertaining or informing the reader. 
Historical recount is retelling of factual events that have happened in the past. The events
are focussing on significant events that involve a larger spectrum of people rather than
just one person.
B. Social Function
The purpose of historical recount is to retell past events regarded as historically
significant and it is designed to inform rather than to entertain.
The social function is to document and explain a series of events or period in history, and
to evaluate the significance of the events.
C. Generic Structure of Recount Text
The general structure of this recount text consists of :
1. Orientation , tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place,
and when it happened. 
2. Events, tell what happened and in what sequence. 
3. Reorientation, consists of optional-closure of events/ending.
D. The Language Features
1. Past Tense Action Verb; Kata kerja yang menggambarkan sebuah tindakan/perbuatan
seperti; run, jumped, kicked, cried, etc.
2. Simple past tense (SUBJECT+VERB- 2)
3. Past continuous tense (SUBJECT+WAS/WERE+VERB - ING)
4. Past perfect tense (SUBJECT+HAD+VERB-3)
5. Adjectives; Kata sifat yang menjelaskan kata benda.
6. Adverbial Phrases; kelompok kata yang berperan sebagai kata kerja dalam kalimat
yang menggambarkan kata kerja, kata sifat bahkan kata keterangan lainnya.
Contohnya :
a. We wet them at the bridge hotel this afternoon.
b. He completed the task hurriedly.
c. I have to do it better than before.
 Time Connective (kata penghubung waktu kejadian/peristiwa
seperti: when, while, before, after, since, till, etc.
 Connective words, Kata penghubung antara kaliamat seperti: although,
furthermore, moreover, and, but, etc)
 Evaluative Words; Kata yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan,
emosi terhadap sesuatu, seperti : crucial, threatened, abused, betrayed

A. Definition
Narrative Text is a type of text that tells an imaginary/fictional story with the aim of
entertaining chronologically that is interrelated.
B. Social Function
The social function of narrative is entertaining the reader.
C. Generic Structure
1. Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are
introduced. (berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau
apa, kapan dan dimana) 
2. Complication : Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul /
mulai terjadi dan berkembang)
3. Resolution : How the problems are solved in the story.
4. Reorientation : The ending of story. Can be the opinion of the writer about story.
D. The Language Features

Use of Past Tense

Use Adverbs of Time




Use of Action Verbs

Use of Mental Processes

Kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung

•         Kosakata yang terkait dengan kehidupan tokoh cerita

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