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10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 (not shared)
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Term Test-2

Properties of fuzzy sets is * 1 point




Commutative 1/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

How is Fuzzy Logic different from conventional control methods? * 1 point

IF and THEN Approach

DO Approach

WHILE Approach

FOR Approach

A type of fuzzy relation is * 1 point




Union 2/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

The room temperature is hot. Here the hot (use of linguistic variable is 1 point
used) can be represented by _______ *

Fuzzy Set

Crisp Set

Fuzzy & Crisp Set

d) None of the mentioned

How many outputs Fuzzy Logic produce? * 1 point 3/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

In Membership function graph x-axis represents? * 1 point

Universe of discourse.

degrees of membership in the [0, 1] interval

degrees of discourse

Universe of membership

Consider a fuzzy set old as defined below Old = {(20, 0.1), (30, 0.2), (40, 1 point
0.4), (50, 0.6), (60, 0.8), (70, 1), (80, 1)} Then the alpha-cut for alpha = 0.4
for the set old will be *


{50, 60, 70, 80}

{(20, 0.1), (30, 0.2)}

{40,50, 60, 70, 80} 4/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

What Are Fuzzy Inference Systems? * 1 point

The process of formulating the mapping from a given input to an output using fuzzy

Changing the output value to match the input value to give it an equal balance

Having a larger output than the input

Having a smaller output than the input

The model of ANN is specified by three basic entities, which one of the 1 point

following does not belong? *

Model’s synaptic interconnection

training or learning rules

activation functions

Testing rules 5/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

Bipolar Sigmoidal function in ANN also called as * 1 point

Unipolar Sigmoidal function

Tanh Function

Unipolar continuous function

Binary sigmoid function

Single layer feed forward network does not consist one of the following, 1 point

Input layer


Hidden layer

Output layer

Clear selection 6/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

If x1, x2 are inputs and their associate weights w1, w2 respectively, then Net 1 point

input for simple artificial neural network (without bias) is calculated as,

Yin = w1+x1+w2+x2

Yin = w1x1+w2x2

Yin= w1x2+w2x1

Yin = x1+x2

Clear selection

How to define perceptron learning rule? * 1 point

The learning signal is the difference between the desired output(response) and actual
output (calculated response).

The learning signal is the difference between the input and actual output.

Rule states that the modification in sympatric weight of a node is equal to the
multiplication of error and the input.

It is an unsupervised learning rule 7/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

What was the name of the first model which can perform weighted sum of 1 point

inputs? *

McCulloch-Pitts neuron model

Marvin Minsky neuron model

Hopfield model of neuron

Multilayer-feedback neuron model

What is back propagation? * 1 point

It is unsupervised algorithm

single layer feed forward network only

It is the transmission of error back through the network to adjust the inputs

It is the transmission of error back through the network to allow weights to be

adjusted so that the network can learn. 8/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

Which of the following is incorrect option for Self-Organizing Map (SOM)? 1 point

SOM structure comprises of a single-layer linear 2D grid of neurons, instead of a

series of layers.

All the nodes on this grid are connected directly to the input vector, but not to one

The grid itself is the map that organizes itself at each iteration as a function of the
input of the input data.

A Self-Organizing Map, additionally, uses competitive learning similar to error-

correction learning, to adjust it weights

An expert system is * 1 point

a group of scientists who design computer programs

a computer that can answer questions like a human expert

a method of producing new words

a computer that can feel emotions. 9/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

A knowledge-base contains 1 point

Rules, facts and relationship

Only rules and relationships

Simulation of human thinking

Only facts

Clear selection

How many layers are there in ANFIS architecture? * 1 point 10/11
10/18/21, 11:21 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22

Which of the following are main components of Expert Systems? * 1 point

Knowledge Base, Inference Engine, User Interface

Memory, New data, Training data

User Interface, Rule, Memory

Only Inference engine

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