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sorters, 11:27 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 — tatpoints e Each question Carries 1 marks. Marks: 20 Time:30 min Date:18/10/2021 Email Address * Name of the Student * Om Mahadeo Gawde Class * © Be © Bez hitpsidocs. google. comormsilel FAlpOL ScBVOxrE1 MmSJ4w/2Cq8HOBNEDAVaCO! JTHBpimZbSiyLLwviawscore viewscore=/ 18 sorters, 11:27 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 VY Properties of fuzzy sets is * " © Intersection © Union © Compliment © Commutative vY Y_ Howis Fuzzy Logic different from conventional control methods? * WW @ IF and THEN Approach v © DO Approach © WHILE Approach © FOR Approach Y Atype of fuzzy relation is * ” O Normalization © identity © Antireflexive v © Union FAlpOL ScBVOxrE1 MmSJ4w/2Cq8HIOSNEDAVaCO! JTHBpimZbSiyLLwiewscore viewsc 28 sorters, 11:27 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 Y The room temperature is hot. Here the hot (use of linguistic variabl used) can be represented by * Ww @ Fuzzy set v O Crisp set © Fuzzy & Crisp Set © 4) None of the mentioned How many outputs Fuzzy Logic produce? * wn ©? v O3 O4 Os _ InMembership function graph x-axis represents? * w © Universe of discourse. v © degrees of membership in the [0, 1] interval © degrees of discourse © Universe of membership FAlpOL ScBVOxrE1 MmSJ4w/2Cq8HIOSNEDAVaCO! JTHBpimZbSiyLLwiewscore viewsc sorters, 11:27 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 Y Consider a fuzzy set old as defined below Old = {(20, 0.1), (30, 0.2), (40, 1/1 0.4), (50, 0.6), (60, 0.8), (70, 1), (80, 1)} Then the alpha-cut for alpha = 0.4 for the set old will be * O (409.4) © 40, 60, 70, 80} O {20,0.1), (30, 0.2)) © (40,50, 60, 70, 80) Y What Are Fuzzy Inference Systems? * " @ TheProcess of formulating the mapping from a given inputto an output using V7 fuzzy logic © Changing the output value to match the input value to give it an equal balance © Having a larger output than the input © Having a smaller output than the input The model of ANN is specified by three basic entities, which one of the 1/1 following does not belong? * © Model's synaptic interconnection © training or learning rules © activation functions © Testing rules v FAlpOL ScBVOxrE1 MmSJ4w/2Cq8HIOSNEDAVaCO! JTHBpimZbSiyLLwiewscore viewsc sorters, 11:27 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 Y Bipolar Sigmoidal function in ANN also called as * Ww © Unipolar Sigmoidal function @ Tanh Function yY © Unipolar continuous function © Binary sigmoid function Single layer feed forward network does not consist one of the following, 1/1 © Input layer O weights @ Hidden layer v © output layer __Ifx1,x2 are inputs and their associate weights w1, w2 respectively, then 1/1 Net input for simple artificial neural network (without bias) is calculated as, O Vin= wrsxtew24x2 © Yin = wix1+w2x2 v O Vine wax2ewaxt O Yin = x1+x2 FAlpOL ScBVOxrE1 MmSJ4w/2Cq8HIOSNEDAVaCO! JTHBpimZbSiyLLwiewscore viewsc sorters, 11:27 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 How to define perceptron learning rule? * " The learning signal is the difference between the desired output(response) and 7 actual output (calculated response), The learning signal is the difference between the input and actual output. Rule states that the modification in sympatric weight of a node is equal to the multiplication of error and the input. oO 0 © Itis an unsupervised learning rule What was the name of the first model which can perform weighted sum 1/1 of inputs? * McCulloch-Pitts neuron model v Marvin Minsky neuron model Hopfield model of neuron Multilayer-feedback neuron model OOO © What is back propagation? * " CO tis unsupervised algorithm CO single layer feed forward network only CO Itis the transmission of error back through the network to adjust the inputs @ tis the transmission of error back through the network to allow weights tobe adjusted so that the network can learn. hitpsidocs. google. comormsilel FAlpOL ScBVOxrE1 MmSJ4w/2Cq8HOBNEDAVaCO! JTHBpimZbSiyLLwviawscore viewscore=/ 68 sorters, 11:27 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 Which of the following is incorrect option for Self-Organizing Map w (SOM)? * O 80M structure comprises ofa single-layer linear 2D grid of neurons, Instead of a series of layers. © Allthe nodes on this ard are connected directly tothe input vector, but not to one another, © Tet srl tee the map that arganizes Heel at each Iteration as 9 Function of the input of the input data. @ ASeltOrganizing Map, additionally, uses competitive learning similar to error Vy correction learning, to adjust it weights v Anexpert system is * WW © a group of scientists who design computer programs © acomputer that can answer questions like a human expert v © amethod of producing new words © acomputer that can feel emotions. Y Aknowledge-base contains w © Rules, facts and relationship v © Only rules and relationships © Simulation of human thinking © onl facts hitpsidocs. google. comormsilel FAlpOL ScBVOxrE1 MmSJ4w/2Cq8HOBNEDAVaCO! JTHBpimZbSiyLLwviawscore viewscore=/ 718 sorters, 11:27 AM AISC_Term-Test-2_2021-22 How many layers are there in ANFIS architecture? * O4 @s5 O« O7 Which of the following are main components of Expert Systems? * @ Knowledge Base, Inference Engine, User Interface © Memory, New data, Training data © User Interface, Rule, Memory © Only Inference engine This form was created inside of Atharva College of Engineering, hitpsidocs. google. comormsilel FAlpOL ScBVOxrE1 MmSJ4w/2Cq8HOBNEDAVaCO! JTHBpimZbSiyLLwviawscore viewscore=/ Ww Ww

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