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Grade 9 English

Quiz No.2


Name: ______________________________Grade & Section ______________________ Date: _______


Circle the letter of the correct answer. Fill the blanks with the correct answer
according to the context of the sentence.
1. Which of the following situations need a
consultative speech? 1. Two friends affirmed their promises to each
A. Talking to a counselor or psychiatrist other, and one said if one ever ________ the
B. Giving last minute instructions to other, he would be available.
players A. needs
C. Delivering a campaign speech B. needed
D. Delivering a speech at the UN C. will need
Summit 2. The other promised, “I would help you if I
2. Which of the following situations call for a ________too. “
casual speech type? A. can
A. Delivering an oratorial speech B. could
B. Leading a prayer before meal C. are able
C. Talking to a friend while playing 3. The friends agreed also that the one left at
sports the apartment __________ the other if he
D. Leading a prayer after meal came on a bus.
3. What type of speech occurs in ceremonies? A. can meet
A. Intimate B. could meet
B. Consultative C. could have meet
C. formal 4. The first friend told the other that she would
D. frozen cook for her if she ___________.
4. Which of the following situations require a A. wants
formal speech style? B. has wanted
A. Talking to a superior C. wanted to
B. Reading a court order 5. The other also vowed that she would happily
C. Talking to a stranger send her money if she _________it.
D. Talking and laughing about A. requests
memorable experiences B. requested
4. Can the language used in intimate style be C. has requested
shared in public?
A. Yes, it can be.
B. No, it cannot be.
5. Which of the following situations does not
use formal speech style?
A. Inquiring at a hotel
B. Delivering an oratorical speech
C. Delivering news reports
D. Delivering a campaign speech
Grade 9 English
Performance Task No.2
Learning Competency:
Employ the appropriate communication style for various situations (intimate, casual,
conversational, consultative, frozen)

Learning Objectives:
1. Construct questions appropriate for a casual interview
2. Write a transcript of an interview

1.Write down at least five (5) questions that you can use for a casual interview.
2. The questions may be based on any of the following topics: (but you can use other topics)
a. Government aid during the pandemic
b. academic freeze
c. online/modular classes
d. parents as teachers during remote learning
e. teen suicide
3. Choose a family member, a relative, or a friend and conduct the interview face to face observing
physical distance or through private chats and messages.
4. Write a transcript of the interview. Be guided by the example below.

Sample Interview

Interviewee: Yan Denuro

Interviewer: Jason Denuro Grade 9-Jade
Relationship: Mother
Topic: Parents as Teachers
Venue of the interview: House
Date of interview: October 30, 2020

Jason: Ma, are you okay with helping me understand the lessons in my
Yan: Yes, I have no choice.
Jason: Kalain ni Mama. Do you find it easy or difficult to help me?
Yan: Difficult because I am not a teacher and I have forgotten some of the
Jason: Shall I ask help only from my teachers?
Yan: No, of course I will help but I am not sure if you are learning from me.
Jason: It is ok Mama. Do you think you can continue helping me until the end
of the school year?
Yan: I am not sure.
Jason: What suggestions can you give to our teachers?
Yan: Teachers, please write modules with simple activities and exercises.
Jason: That’s all, Ma. Thanks!
Rubric for the Interview

Criteria Exceptional (5) Admirable (4) Acceptable (3) Attempted (2)

interviewed is Person is Person
interviewed is not
Preparation extremely appropriate for the interviewed is poor
appropriate for the
appropriate for the topic choice for the topic
Interviewee shows Interviewee shows Interviewee shows
Interviewee shows
Understanding of an in depth an understanding a basic
little understanding
the Topic understanding of of the topic but not understanding of
of the topic
the topic in depth the topic
Used open- ended
Interview Some open-ended Few questions are All questions are
Questions questions open- ended yes/no


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