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UAS Practice – FLSP 1 Integrated

Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

E-cigarettes are very popular with young people. Their use has grown dramatically in the
last five years. Today, more high school students use e-cigarettes than regular cigarettes. The
use of e-cigarettes is higher among high school students than adults. The question is, are they
Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are devices that heat a liquid into an aerosol that the
user inhales. The liquid usually has nicotine and flavoring in it, and other additives.
Unfortunately, the nicotine in e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes is addictive. E-cigarettes are
considered tobacco products because most of them contain nicotine, which comes from
Besides nicotine, e-cigarettes can contain harmful and potentially harmful ingredients.
The first dangerous ingredient is ultrafine particles. The particles can be inhaled deep into the
lungs and may cause long term lung issues. Next, there is flavoring elements such as diacetyl, a
chemical linked to serious lung disease. Lastly, many e-cigarettes contain heavy metals, such as
nickel, tin, and lead. Those are well-known as carcinogens, chemicals that cause cancers.
Therefore, e-cigarettes are indeed not safe for consumption, especially for young people during
adolescent years.
Adolescent years are times of important brain development. Brain development begins
during the growth of the fetus in the womb and continues through childhood and to about age
25. Nicotine exposure during adolescence and young adulthood from e-cigarettes can cause
addiction and harm the developing brain. Other chemicals in e-cigarettes are also known to
damage health in both short and long term. For example, users risk exposing their respiratory
systems to potentially harmful chemicals in e-cigarettes.
Part A. Answer the following questions based on the text. (Score 50) – [Semua jawaban ada di
teks. Jawaban hasil googling langsung dinilai 0]
1. How is the e-cigarettes consumer trend going in recent years?
2. Why are e-cigarettes still considered as derivative products from tobacco?
3. Mention all dangerous ingredients in e-cigarettes!
4. Why are heavy metals dangerous for e-cigarettes users?
5. Explain why e-cigarettes are harmful for young people!
UAS Practice – FLSP 1 Integrated

Part B. Grammar (Score 50)

1. Identify five (5) part of speech of the underlined words in two sentences below.
a) Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are devices that heat a liquid into an aerosol that
the user inhales.
b) Other chemicals in e-cigarettes are also known to damage health in both short and long
2. Find 4 phrases from the text and mention their types. [Cari 4 frasa dari teks di atas dan
sebutkan jenisnya, noun phrase, verb phrase, dll.]
3. Compose 4 sentences by using the verbs in box. You can only use each verb once for each
tense below. [Tulis 4 kalimat menggunakan kata kerja di bawah ini. Setiap kata kerja hanya
boleh dipakai sekali untuk setiap tense.]

Heat Contain Begin Continue

a. Simple present tense + singular verb

b. Simple present tense + plural verb
c. Simple past tense
d. Present continuous tense

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