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Directions: Read the given reading text, and reached her faintly, and countless sparrows
then answer the comprehension questions. were twittering in the eaves.
Write the letter of your choice on the space (6) There were patches of blue sky
provided. showing here and there through the clouds that
Reading Text No. 1 had met and piled one above the other in the
"The Story of An Hour" west facing her window.
Kate Chopin (1894)
(1) Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was _____3. What is emotional expression of Mrs.
afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was Mallard as conveyed in paragraphs 3-6?
taken to break to her as gently as possible the A. Mrs. Mallard is in deep seated grief on the
news of her husband's death. news of her husband’s sudden death.
(2) It was her sister Josephine who told B. She felt terrible loneliness on the thought
her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that of being left alone.
revealed in half concealing. Her husband's friend C. She fell into inescapable depression that
Richards was there, too, near her. It was he who engulfed her being.
had been in the newspaper office when D. She is agitated on realizing that her
intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, husband is gone.
with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of
"killed." He had only taken the time to assure (7) She sat with her head thrown back
himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless,
hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender except when a sob came up into her throat and
friend in bearing the sad message. shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep
continues to sob in its dreams.
_____1. Who among these characters is (8) She was young, with a fair, calm face,
considered as a stock character? whose lines bespoke repression and even a
A. Mrs. Mallard certain strength. But now there was a dull stare
B. Josephine in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off
C. Brently Mallard yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It
D. Richards was not a glance of reflection, but rather
_____2. What is the description given to Mrs. indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.
Mallard in paragraph 1?
A. Emotional _____4. Based on the descriptions of Mrs.
B. Mental Mallard in paragraph 8, what kind of
C. Physical personality does this character have?
D. Psychological A. Mrs. Mallard has a vibrant personality.
B. She shows an adaptable personality.
(3) She did not hear the story as many C.She seems to possess an intuitive
women have heard the same, with a paralyzed personality.
inability to accept its significance. She wept at D. She exhibits a meticulous personality.
once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her
sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent (9) There was something coming to her
itself, she went away to her room alone. She and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it?
would have no one follow her. She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive
(4) There stood, facing the open window, to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky,
a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she reaching toward her through the sounds, the
sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion scents, the color that filled the air.
that haunted her body and seemed to reach into (10) Now her bosom rose and fell
her soul. tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize
(5) She could see in the open square this thing that was approaching to possess her,
before her house the tops of trees that were all and she was striving to beat it back with her will-
aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious -as powerless as her two white slender hands
breath of rain was in the air. In the street below would have been. When she abandoned herself,
a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a a little whispered word escaped her slightly
distant song which someone was singing parted lips. She said it over and over under the

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Project REACH Reference:
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breath: "free, free, free!" The vacant stare and _____7. Based on paragraph 12, which
the look of terror that had followed it went from statement best describes the personality of
her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. Her Mrs. Mallard’s husband?
pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed A. Mr. Mallard is a domineering husband.
and relaxed every inch of her body. B. He can be seen as a confident man of the
_____5. As described in paragraph 5, what C. His personality could be described as full
transformation happened to the character of of insecurities.
Mrs. Mallard? D. He is a capable husband who supports her
A. Mrs. Mallard experienced a change of wife well.
heart from being distracted to being discreet.
B. Instead of sadness, she felt a streak of (13) And yet she had loved him-
freedom in herself. sometimes. Often, she had not. What did it
C. Her emotion shifted from being astounded matter! What could love, the unsolved mystery,
to being calm. count for in the face of this possession of self-
D. From her feeling of loss, she suddenly felt assertion which she suddenly recognized as the
relieved. strongest impulse of her being!
"Free! Body and soul free!" she kept
(11) She did not stop to ask if it were or whispering.
were not a monstrous joy that held her. A clear (14) Josephine was kneeling before the
and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss closed door with her lips to the keyhold,
the suggestion as trivial. She knew that she imploring for admission. "Louise, open the door!
would weep again when she saw the kind, tender I beg; open the door--you will make yourself ill.
hands folded in death; the face that had never What are you doing, Louise? For heaven's sake
looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray open the door."
and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter "Go away. I am not making myself ill." No;
moment a long procession of years to come that she was drinking in a very elixir of life through
would belong to her absolutely. And she opened that open window.
and spread her arms out to them in welcome.
_____8. Which among the given statements
_____6. How does Mrs. Mallard truly feel best identifies Josephine based on her
towards the news of her husband’s death as actions in paragraph 14?
described in paragraph 11? A. Josephine is a confidante character who
A. Mrs. Mallard feels disgust upon looking supports the protagonist.
back to her life with him. B. She depicts a dynamic character who
B. She feels that finally she is set free from exhibits a change in emotion in this part of
the burdensome relationship. the text.
C. She feels troubled on the thought that her C. She is stock character who is not relevant
husband really left her. in the progress of the story.
D. She feels felt devastated on losing the man D. She is the hidden villain who must come
that she lived with. clean to sustain her role.

(12) There would be no one to live for (15) Her fancy was running riot along
during those coming years; she would live for those days ahead of her. Spring days, and
herself. There would be no powerful will bending summer days, and all sorts of days that would be
hers in that blind persistence with which men and her own. She breathed a quick prayer that life
women believe they have a right to impose a might be long. It was only yesterday she had
private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind thought with a shudder that life might be long.
intention or a cruel intention made the act seem (16) She arose at length and opened the
no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief door to her sister's importunities. There was a
moment of illumination. feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried
herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory. She
clasped her sister's waist, and together they

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Project REACH Reference:
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descended the stairs. Richards stood waiting for of life, the years to come even now beginning to
them at the bottom. weigh down, to crush–they lost concreteness,
diffused into formless melancholy. The tranquil
_____9. Which statement best describes how murmur of conversation issued from the brick-
Mrs. Mallard feel in this sentence taken from tiled azotea where Don Julian and Carmen were
paragraph 16? busy puttering away among the rose pots.
There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and “Papa, and when will the ‘long table’ be set?”
she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of “I don’t know yet. Alfredo is not very specific, but
Victory. I understand Esperanza wants it to be next
A. Mrs. Mallard shows her willingness to month.”
confront the reality that her husband is gone.
B. She exhibits the feeling of willful desire to _____11. What is the characteristic of Alfredo
go living alone. Salazar as described in paragraph 1?
C. She manifests a sense of accountability on A. Alfredo is heartbroken for he is caught
her emotion. between Esperanza and Julia Salas.
D. She seems to feel disappointment on the B. He is confused on whether to proceed with
turn of events. the wedding or not.
C. He is sad for his search for the kind of love
(17) Someone was opening the front door that he once felt.
with a latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who D. He is anxious on how to go on with his love
entered, a little travel-stained, composedly life.
carrying his grip-sack and umbrella. He had (2) Carmen sighed impatiently. “Why is he
been far from the scene of the accident, and did not a bit more decided, I wonder. He is over
not even know there had been one. He stood thirty, is he not? And still a bachelor! Esperanza
amazed at Josephine's piercing cry; at Richards' must be tired waiting.”
quick motion to screen him from the view of his “She does not seem to be in much of a
wife. hurry either,” Don Julian nasally commented,
(18) When the doctors came, they said while his rose scissors busily snipped away.
she had died of heart disease--of the joy that “How can a woman be in a hurry when the
kills. man does not hurry her?” Carmen returned,
pinching off a worm with a careful, somewhat
_____10. Which is best meaning of the absent air. “Papa, do you remember how much
phrase “the joy that kills” as exemplified in in love he was?”
the events that happened to the character of “In love? With whom?”
Mrs. Mallard? (3) “With Esperanza, of course. He has
A. Mrs. Mallard is overjoyed at the sight of not had another love affair that I know of,” she
her husband being safe and sound which said with good-natured contempt. “What I mean
results to her untimely death. is that at the beginning he was enthusiastic–
B. Her extreme desire to see her husband flowers, serenades, notes, and things like that–”
once again before she buried him in her heart Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder
killed her. not unmixed with shame. That was less than four
C. The shock of seeing her husband alive years ago. He could not understand those
after being in pain led to her death. months of a great hunger that was not of the
D. Her too much joy rooted to the thought of body nor yet of the mind, a craving that had
being released from the control of her seized on him one quiet night when the moon
husband killed her. was abroad and under the dappled shadow of
the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he
Reading Text No. 2 being cheated by life? Love–he seemed to have
Dead Stars (An Excerpt) missed it. Or was the love that others told about
By Paz Marquez Benitez a mere fabrication of perfervid imagination, an
(1) THROUGH the open window the air- exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification
steeped outdoors passed into his room, quietly of insipid monotonies such as made up his love
enveloping him, stealing into his very thought. life? Was love a combination of circumstances,
Esperanza, Julia, the sorry mess he had made or sheer native capacity of soul? In those days

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Project REACH Reference:
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love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, C. He thinks that a man dominated by greed
as he knew it, was a stranger to love as he ignores how it will affect proper pacing of
divined it might be. love.
D. He feels that greed blinds men to keep
_____12. What type of character is Carmen promises.
and Don Julian as described in paragraph 2?
A. Carmen and Don Julian are dynamic (6) “What do you think happened?” asked
characters. Carmen, pursuing her thought.
B. They are stock characters. “I supposed long-engaged people are
C. They can be identified as static characters. like that; warm now, cool tomorrow. I think they
D. They are classified as foil characters. are oftener cool than warm. The very fact that an
engagement has been allowed to prolong itself
_____13. Which statement clearly describes argues a certain placidity of temperament–or of
Alfredo’s views about love as stated in affection–on the part of either, or both.” Don
paragraph 3? Julian loved to philosophize. He was talking now
A. Love is characterized as the presence of with an evident relish in words, his resonant, very
fondness and attachment to someone. nasal voice toned down to monologue pitch.
B. This emotion brings stability or “That phase you were speaking of is natural
relationship between two people. enough for a beginning. Besides, that, as I see
C. Love is an affirmation of someone else it, was Alfredo’s last race with escaping youth–”
feelings. Carmen laughed aloud at the thought of her
D. It motivates two distinct personalities to brother’s perfect physical repose–almost
go on together. indolence–disturbed in the role suggested by her
father’s figurative language.
(4) Sitting quietly in his room now, he “A last spurt of hot blood,” finished the old
could almost revive the restlessness of those man.
days, the feeling of tumultuous haste, such as he
knew so well in his boyhood when something _____15. What is the personality of Alfredo
beautiful was going on somewhere and he was that is revealed by Don Julian in paragraph
trying to get there in time to see. “Hurry, hurry, or 6?
you will miss it,” someone had seemed to urge in A. Alfredo has an impatient personality.
his ears. So, he had avidly seized on the shadow B. He can be called as indecisive.
of Love and deluded himself for a long while in C. He is known to have a stubborn
the way of humanity from time immemorial. In personality.
the meantime, he became very much engaged D. He is gullible in nature.
to Esperanza.
(5) Why would men so mismanage their (7) Few certainly would credit Alfredo
lives? Greed, he thought, was what ruined so Salazar with hot blood. Even his friends had
many. Greed–the desire to crowd into a moment amusedly diagnosed his blood as cool and thin,
all the enjoyment it will hold, to squeeze from the citing incontrovertible evidence. Tall and
hour all the emotion it will yield. Men commit slender, he moved with an indolent ease that
themselves when but half-meaning to do so, verged on grace. Under straight recalcitrant hair,
sacrificing possible future fullness of ecstasy to a thin face with a satisfying breadth of forehead,
the craving for immediate excitement. Greed– slow, dreamer’s eyes, and astonishing freshness
mortgaging the future–forcing the hand of Time, of lips–indeed Alfredo Salazar’s appearance
or of Fate. betokened little of exuberant masculinity; rather
a poet with wayward humor, a fastidious artist
_____14. Based on paragraph 4 & 5, what is with keen, clear brain.
Alfredo’s views on how men sacrifice love for _____16. What kind of character description
greed? is used for Alfredo in paragraph 7?
A. Alfredo thinks that greed will lead men to A. Mental
unsatisfying relationships. B. Emotional
B. He believes that greed reinforces negative C. Physical
behavior. D. Behavioral

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Project REACH Reference:
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(8) He rose and quietly went out of the

house. He lingered a moment on the stone _____18. It is evident in paragraphs 8-13 that
steps; then went down the path shaded by Julia Salas’ personality attracted Alfredo
immature acacias, through the little tarred gate Salazar. Which statement best describes her
which he left swinging back and forth, now personality?
opening, now closing, on the gravel road A. Julia Salas exhibits an enigmatic
bordered along the farther side by madre cacao personality that puzzles Alfredo.
hedge in tardy lavender bloom. B. She can be believed to have cultured
(9) The gravel road narrowed as it slanted personality.
up to the house on the hill, whose wide, open C. She shows a determined personality.
porches he could glimpse through the heat- D. She has a fearless personality.
shriveled tamarinds in the Martinez yard.
(10) Six weeks ago, that house meant (14) To his apology, she replied, “That is
nothing to him save that it was the Martinez nothing, each time I was about to correct you, but
house, rented and occupied by Judge del Valle I remembered a similar experience I had once
and his family. Six weeks ago, Julia Salas meant before.”
nothing to him; he did not even know her name; “Oh,” he drawled out, vastly relieved.
but now– “A man named Manalang–I kept calling
(11) One evening he had gone him Manalo. After the tenth time or so, the young
“neighboring” with Don Julian; a rare enough man rose from his seat and said suddenly,
occurrence, since he made it a point to avoid all ‘Pardon me, but my name is Manalang,
appearance of currying favor with the Judge. Manalang.’ You know, I never forgave him!”
This particular evening however, he had allowed He laughed with her.
himself to be persuaded. “A little mental “The best thing to do under the
relaxation now and then is beneficial,” the old circumstances, I have found out,” she pursued,
man had said. “Besides, a judge’s good will, you “is to pretend not to hear, and to let the other
know;” the rest of the thought– “is worth a rising person find out his mistake without help.”
young lawyer’s trouble”–Don Julian conveyed “As you did this time. Still, you looked amused
through a shrug and a smile that derided his own every time I–”
worldly wisdom. “I was thinking of Mr. Manalang.”
(12) A young woman had met them at the (15) Don Julian and his uncommunicative
door. It was evident from the excitement of the friend, the Judge, were absorbed in a game of
Judge’s children that she was a recent and very chess. The young man had tired of playing
welcome arrival. In the characteristic Filipino way appreciative spectator and desultory
formal introductions had been omitted–the judge conversationalist, so he and Julia Salas had
limiting himself to a casual “Ah, ya se concern?”– gone off to chat in the vine-covered porch. The
with the consequence that Alfredo called her lone piano in the neighborhood alternately
Miss del Valle throughout the evening. tinkled and banged away as the player’s moods
(13) He was puzzled that she should altered. He listened, and wondered irrelevantly if
smile with evident delight every time he Miss Salas could sing; she had such a charming
addressed her thus. Later Don Julian informed speaking voice.
him that she was not the Judge’s sister, as he (16) He was mildly surprised to note from
had supposed, but his sister-in-law, and that her her appearance that she was unmistakably a
name was Julia Salas. A very dignified rather sister of the Judge’s wife, although Doña Adela
austere name, he thought. Still, the young lady was of a different type altogether. She was small
should have corrected him. As it was, he was and plump, with wide brown eyes, clearly defined
greatly embarrassed, and felt that he should eyebrows, and delicately modeled hips–a pretty
explain. woman with the complexion of a baby and the
_____17. What kind of character is Julia expression of a likable cow. Julia was taller, not
Salas in this story? so obviously pretty. She had the same eyebrows
A. Confidante Character and lips, but she was much darker, of a smooth
B. Foil Character rich brown with underlying tones of crimson
C. Flat Character which heightened the impression she gave of
D. Stock Character abounding vitality.

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Project REACH Reference:
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_____19. Based on how Julia Salas is D. She can be seen as having charming
described in paragraph 16, why does Alfredo personality.
find her attractive?
A. Alfredo seems to be caught by Julia’s Reading Text No. 3
being energetic and witty.
B. She seems to possess unique physical Lob’s Girl (An Excerpt)
features. By Joan Aiken
C. She has an excellent family background. (1) Some people choose their dogs, and some
D. He gets attracted to her positive behavior dogs choose their people. The Pengelly family
towards him. had no say in the choosing of Lob; he came to
them in the second way, and very decisively.
(17) On Sunday mornings after mass, (2) It began on the beach, the summer when
father and son would go crunching up the gravel Sandy was five, Don, her older brother, twelve,
road to the house on the hill. The Judge’s wife and the twins were three. Sandy was really
invariably offered them beer, which Don Julian Alexandra, because her grandmother had a
enjoyed and Alfredo did not. After a half hour or beautiful picture of a queen in a diamond tiara
so, the chessboard would be brought out; then and high collar of pearls. It hung by Granny
Alfredo and Julia Salas would go out to the porch Pearce’s kitchen sink and was as familiar as the
to chat. She sat in the low hammock and he in a doormat. When Sandy was born everyone
rocking chair and the hours–warm, quiet March agreed that she was the living spit of the picture,
hours–sped by. He enjoyed talking with her and and so she was called Alexandra and Sandy for
it was evident that she liked his company; yet short.
what feeling there was between them was so (3) On this summer day she was lying peacefully
undisturbed that it seemed a matter of course. reading a comic and not keeping an eye on the
Only when Esperanza chanced to ask him twins, who didn’t need it because they were
indirectly about those visits did some uneasiness occupied in seeing which of them could wrap the
creep into his thoughts of the girl next door. most seaweed around the other one’s legs.
(18) Esperanza had wanted to know if he Father—Bert Pengelly—and Don were up on the
went straight home after mass. Alfredo suddenly Hard painting the bottom boards of the boat in
realized that for several Sundays now he had not which Father went fishing for pilchards. And
waited for Esperanza to come out of the church Mother— Jean Pengelly—was getting ahead
as he had been wont to do. He had been eager with making the Christmas puddings because
to go “neighboring.” she never felt easy in her mind if they weren’t
(19) He answered that he went home to made and safely put away by the end of August.
work. And, because he was not habitually As usual, each member of the family was happily
untruthful, added, “Sometimes I go with Papa to getting on with his or her own affairs. Little did
Judge del Valle’s.” they guess how soon this state of things would
(20) She dropped the topic. Esperanza be changed by the large new member who was
was not prone to indulge in unprovoked going to erupt into their midst.
jealousies. She was a believer in the
regenerative virtue of institutions, in their power _____21. As evident in sentence 1 of
to regulate feeling as well as conduct. If a man paragraph 3, which statement characterizes
were married, why, of course, he loved his wife; Sandy?
if he were engaged, he could not possibly love A. Sandy is a five-year-old girl who can
another woman. manage her own affairs.
B. She is an ordinary girl who is absolutely
_____20. Which of the following statements vibrant.
best describe the personality of Esperanza C. She looks like a sociable kid.
as depicted in paragraphs 18-20? D. She is a keen observer of her
A. Esperanza possess a sociable surroundings.
B. She has an adaptable personality. _____22. Among these statements, which
C. She seems to have domineering description best fits Sandy’s family members
personality. based on paragraph 3?

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Project REACH Reference:
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A. The Pengelly family is composed of though no one else was aware of this at the time.
members to values cooperation at its peak. But with Sandy, too, it was love at first sight, and
B. They are composed of individuals who can when, after a lot more stick-throwing, she and
work independently in their own affairs. the twins joined Father and Don to go home for
C. They are an image of a family who values tea, they cast many a backward glance at Lob
individualism more than collaboration. being led firmly away by his master.
D. They are composed of members who are (9) “I wish we could play with him every day.”
considerate of others. Tess sighed.
(10) “Why can’t we?” said Tim.
(4) Sandy rolled onto her back to make sure that (11) Sandy explained. “Because Mr. Dodsworth,
the twins were not climbing on slippery rocks or who owns him, is from Liverpool, and he is only
getting cut off by the tide. At the same moment a staying at the Fisherman’s Arms till Saturday.”
large body struck her forcibly in the midriff and (12) “Is Liverpool a long way off?”
she was covered by flying sand. Instinctively she (13) “Right at the other end of England from
shut her eyes and felt the sand being wiped off Cornwall, I’m afraid.”
her face by something that seemed like a warm,
rough, damp flannel. She opened her eyes and _____24. How does the Pengelly family feel
looked. It was a tongue. Its owner was a large towards Lob as expressed in paragraph 8-
and bouncy young Alsatian, or German 11?
shepherd, with topaz eyes, black-tipped prick A. The Pengelly family wants to adopt Lob.
ears, a thick soft coat, and a bushy black-tipped B. They felt offended on what Lob did to
tail. Sandy.
C. They think that such kind of dog is not for
_____23. Which statement best describes the their family to care for.
feelings of Sandy upon seeing her new D. They hope that Lob and his master can
companion as described in the last sentence stay longer so they can still play with him.
of paragraph 4?
A. Sandy felt terrified of her safety upon (14) It was a Cornish fishing village where the
seeing the huge dog. Pengelly family lived, with rocks and cliffs and a
B. She feels nauseated upon beholding the strip of beach and a little round harbor, and palm
dog in front of her. trees growing in the gardens of the little
C. She was annoyed at the sight of the whitewashed stone houses. The village was
unknown dog. approached by a narrow, steep, twisting hill-
D. She might have felt amazed at the sight of road, and guarded by a notice that said LOW
an attractive dog. GEAR FOR 1 ½ MILES, DANGEROUS TO
(5) “Lob!” shouted a man farther up the beach. (15) The Pengelly children went home to scones
“Lob, come here!” with Cornish cream and jam, thinking they had
(6) But Lob, as if trying to atone for the surprise seen the last of Lob. But they were much
he had given her, went on licking the sand off mistaken. The whole family was playing cards by
Sandy’s face, wagging his tail so hard while he the fire in the front room after supper when there
kept on knocking up more clouds of sand. His was a loud thump and a crash of china in the
owner, a gray-haired man with a limp, walked kitchen.
over as quickly as he could and seized him by (16) “My Christmas puddings!” exclaimed Jean,
the collar. and ran out.
(7) “I hope he didn’t give you a fright?” the man (17) “Did you put TNT in them, then?” her
said to Sandy. “He meant it in play—he’s only husband said.
young.” (18) But it was Lob, who, finding the front door
(8) “Oh, no, I think he’s beautiful.” said Sandy shut, had gone around to the back and bounced
truly. She picked up a bit of driftwood and threw in through the open kitchen window, where the
it. Lob, whisking easily out of his master’s grip, puddings were cooling on the sill. Luckily only
was after it like a sand-colored bullet. He came the smallest was knocked down and broken.
back with the stick, beaming, and gave it to
Sandy. At the same time, he gave himself,

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(19) Lob stood on his hind legs and plastered with a melancholy wail that sounded like Lob’s
Sandy’s face with licks. Then he did the same for last good-bye.
the twins, who shrieked with joy. (27) Sandy wished she hadn’t had the idea of
(20) “Where does this friend of yours come coming to the station. She walked home
from?” inquired Mr. Pengelly. miserably, with her shoulders hunched and her
(21) “He’s staying at the Fisherman’s Arms—I hands in her pockets. For the rest of the day, she
mean his owner is.” was so cross and unlike herself that Tess and
(22) “Then he must go back there. Find a bit of Tim were quite surprised, and her mother gave
string, Sandy, to tie to his collar.” her a dose of senna.
(23) “I wonder how he found his way here,” Mrs.
Pengelly said, when the reluctant Lob had been _____27. What are the feelings of Sandy
led whining away and Sandy had explained towards Lob as expressed in paragraph 26
about their afternoon’s game on the beach. and 27?
“Fisherman’s Arms is right around the other side A. Sandy shows a feeling of confusion.
of the harbor.” B. She is terrible sad for Lob already left her.
C. She feels uncomfortable on not seeing
_____25. What kind of character is Lob in Lob.
this story? D. She feels relieved that Lob has finally went
A. Confidante Character home.
B. Foil Character
C. Flat Character (28) A week passed. Then, one evening, Mrs.
D. Stock Character Pengelly and the younger children were in the
front room playing snakes and ladders. Mr.
_____26. Which is the description of Lob’s Pengelly and Don had gone fishing on the
personality as mirrored in paragraphs 18 & evening tide. If your father is a fisherman, he will
19? never be home at the same time from one week
A. Lob has a trustworthy personality. to the next.
B. He shows a compassionate personality. (29) Suddenly, history repeating itself, there was
C. He had shown a determined personality. a crash from the kitchen. Jean Pengelly leaped
D. He has a dependable personality. up, crying, “My blackberry jelly!” She and the
children had spent the morning picking and the
(24) Lob’s owner scolded him and thanked Mr. afternoon boiling fruit.
Pengelly for bringing him back. Jean Pengelly (30) But Sandy was ahead of her mother. With
warned the children that they had better not flushed cheeks and eyes like stars she had
encourage Lob any more if they met him on the darted into the kitchen, where she and Lob were
beach, or it would only lead to more trouble. So, hugging one another in a frenzy of joy. About a
they dutifully took no notice of him the next day yard of his tongue was out, and he was licking
until he soiled their good resolutions by dashing every part of her that he could reach.
up to them with joyful barks, wagging his tail so
hard that he winded Tess and knocked Tim’s _____28. Which statement will best describe
legs from under him. the feelings of Sandy upon seeing Lob?
(25) They had a happy day, playing on the sand. A. Sandy felt stressed out for seeing Lob
(26) The next day was Saturday. Sandy had once more.
found out that Mr. Dodsworth was to catch the B. She felt cheated for losing Lob before.
half past-nine train. She went out secretly, down C. She felt disturbed for finding him again.
to the station, nodded to Mr. Hoskins, the station D. She is delighted to see Lob.
master, who wouldn’t dream of charging any
local for a platform ticket, and climbed up on the (31) “Good heavens!” exclaimed Jean. “How in
footbridge that led over the tracks. She didn’t the world did he get here?”
want to be seen, but she did want to see. She (32) “He must have walked,” said Sandy. “Look
saw Mr. Dodsworth get on the train, at his feet.”
accompanied by an unhappy-looking Lob with (33) They were worn, dusty, and tarry. One had
drooping ears and tail. Then she saw the train a cut on the pad.
slide away out of sight around the next headland,

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Project REACH Reference:
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(34) “They ought to be bathed,” said Jean (42) Bert Pengelly rang up Liverpool again. Mr.
Pengelly. “Sandy, run a bowl of warm water Dodsworth, when he answered, sounded weary.
while I get disinfectant.” He said, “That dog has already cost me two days
(35) “What’ll we do about him, Mother?” said that I can’t spare away from my work—plus
Sandy anxiously. endless time in police stations and drafting
(36) Mrs. Pengelly looked at her daughter’s newspaper advertisements. I’m too old for these
pleading eyes and sighed ups and downs. I think we’d better face the fact,
(37) “He must go back to his owner, of course,” Mr. Pengelly, that it’s your family he wants to
she said, making her voice firm. “Your dad can stay with— that is, if you want to have him.”
get the address from the Fisherman’s tomorrow, (43) Bert Pengelly gulped. He was not a rich
and phone him or send a telegram. In the man; and Lob was a pedigreed dog. He said
meantime, he’d better have a long drink and a cautiously, “How much would you be asking for
good meal.” him?”
(38) Lob was very grateful for the drink and the (44) “Good heavens, man, I’m not suggesting I’d
meal, and made no objection to having his feet sell him to you. You must have him as a gift.
washed. Then he flopped down on the hearthrug Think of the train fares I’ll be saving. You’ll be
and slept in front of the fire they had lit because doing me a good turn.”
it was a cold, wet evening, with his head on (45) “Is he a big eater?” Bert asked doubtfully.
Sandy’s feet. He was a very tired dog. He had (46) By this time the children, breathless in the
walked all the way from Liverpool to Cornwall, background listening to one side of this
which is more than four hundred miles. conversation, had realized what was in the wind
(39) The next day Mr. Pengelly phoned Lob’s and were dancing up and down with their hands
owner, and the following morning Mr. Dodsworth clasped beseechingly.
arrived off the night train, decidedly put out, to (47) “Oh, not for his size,” Lob’s owner assured
take his pet home. That parting was worse than Bert. “Two or three pounds of meat a day and
the first. Lob whined, Don walked out of the some vegetables and gravy and biscuits—he
house, the twins burst out crying, and Sandy does very well on that.”
crept up to her bedroom afterward and lay with (48) Alexandra’s father looked over the
her face pressed into the quilt, feeling as if she telephone at his daughter’s swimming eyes and
were bruised all over. trembling lips. He reached a decision. “Well,
then, Mr. Dodsworth,” he said briskly, “we’ll
_____29. Which statement best describes the accept your offer and thank you very much. The
emotion that Lob and Sandy felt in this children will be overjoyed and you can be sure
second parting as described in paragraph Lob has come to a good home. They’ll look after
39? him and see he gets enough exercise. But I can
A. Sandy is deeply hurt and Lob terribly tell you,” He ended firmly, “if he wants to settle in
suffered. with us, he’ll have to learn to eat a lot of fish.”
B. Lob was horrified and Sandy was afraid (49) So that was how Lob came to live with the
too. Pengelly family.
C. Lob was anxious and Sandy felt hopeless. (50) Everybody loved him and he loved them all.
D. Sandy felts resigned and Lob felt agitated. But there was never any question who came first
with him. He was Sandy’s dog. He slept by her
(40) Jean Pengelly took them all into Plymouth bed and followed her everywhere he was
to see the circus on the next day and the twins allowed.
cheered up a little, but even the hour’s ride in the
train each way and the Liberty horses and _____30. What is the personality of Mr.
performing seals could not cure Sandy’s sore Dodsworth as shown paragraphs 42-48?
heart. A. Mr. Dodsworth showed an empathetic
(41) She need not have bothered, though. In ten personality in giving Lob to Sandy’s family.
days’ time Lob was back—limping this time, with B. He seems to have friendly personality.
a torn ear and a patch missing out of his furry C. He possessed a controlling personality.
coat, as if he had met and tangled with an enemy D. He has stubborn personality.
or two in the course of his four-hundred-mile

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Project REACH Reference:
Reading Material 0by%20Joan%20Aiken.pdf

Project REACH (Reading Empowerment

Asserting Connection @ Home)

Date : November 2, 2021

Week No. :1
Pretest Material No.: 1
Focus Skill: Characterization

Write your answers here:

Reading Text No. 1, The Story of an Hour


Reading Text No. 2 Dead Stars


Reading Text No. 3 Lob’s Girl


SDO LAGUNA-Project REACH Full Implementation Material_SY 2021-2022


Reading Skill Characterization Inclusive Date Nov. 2, 2021's%20Girl%2
Project REACH Reference:
Reading Material 0by%20Joan%20Aiken.pdf

Project REACH (Reading Empowerment

Asserting Connection @ Home)

Date : November 2, 2021

Week No. :1
Pretest Material No.: 1
Focus Skill: Characterization

Reading Text No. 1, The Story of an Hour
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. D

Reading Text No. 2 Dead Stars

11. C
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. A
20. C

Reading Text No. 3 Lob’s Girl

21. A
22. B
23. D
24. D
25. A
26. C
27. B
28. D
29. A
30. A

SDO LAGUNA-Project REACH Full Implementation Material_SY 2021-2022


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