Lesson 12

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INDEX  An indexer, irrespective of his education

level, should be intelligent, widely read,

 An index consists of a series of entries
levelheaded, patient, and analytically
appearing in alphabetical order to enable
minded. Besides, he/she should have a
users to find information with reference
curious and imaginative mind because
to show where each item is located
indexing has to do with answering
 A systematic presentation of the salient
obvious question in the process of
terms and concepts of a document in all
indexing and thinking for the user.
formats organized to provide access to
Therefore, he is a substitute for the user
those terms and ideas in the primary
as he/she moves through text, indexing
document by directing the users using
precise references to their locations
 Indexes are needed to provide useful
 An index is a tool, which indicates to a
shortcuts to required material, without
user the information or a source of
an index, the retrieval of information will
information that one needs.
be challenging. Access to information in
 Index means an indicator or guide. In
print and non-print materials would be
record management, indexing is defined
dreadful without indexes; almost all
as an indicator or guide for locating, files
documents need to be indexed. The
folders, or records. It id the list of dates,
different information sources contained
subjects, or names that indicate the
in libraries are indexed. Governments,
exact location of letters and documents
private organization, and education
preserved in files and folders. It helps to
systems, etc., all work with multifaceted
provide the required information on
and wide-ranging documents, and any
time. An index should not be confusing.
indexing system can quickly provide
It should be easy to access records.
access to this materials.
INDEXER  Indexes are needed for any collection of
information. If there no indexes, the
 An individual who does indexing or social order may probably come to
prepares indexes is called indexer. cessation. Indexers go through a
Indexers are noted for their organization document without missing anything and
skills; they usually are orderly minded help the user cut down intensely on the
with the capacity to take pains, having a items he/she has to scrutinize. Indexes
straightforward thought process, and are also needed because they add value
accurately careful. An indexer examines to documents, it allows users to find
a document and tags it with the subjects documents, and ensure amplified usage
and other descriptors based on his/her of documents. With this in mind, a good
understanding of what the user would indexer attempts to think for the user,
look under. They struggle to satisfy the and he finds information to make
needs of the user; they work as if their decision and solve problems.
users are present. Indexer are expert
who produce indexes based on standard
and ethics. Some work as full-time
indexers while some work part-time.
Some are working in organizations or  To indicate the right position of files and
business while others work as service folders.
provider or as consultants. Other work in  It provides future reference
libraries, publishing houses, research  To increase the efficiency of filing
institutes, universities, etc. Indexer are
noted for their self-discipline and are
positively sure to details with an
excellent recall to go with it.
 Names or labels that you have assigned COMPONETS OF INDEXING LANGUAGE
to the documents in the indexing
process. It may be a word, a phrase, or a
code consisting of numbers or letters of
the alphabet or a combination


 The complete set of these terms


1. VOCABULARY – the vocabulary of
 To allow the indexer to represent the the indexing language is composed
subject matter of the documents of terms loosely called index terms.
consistently. The index language There are two types of vocabularies.
provides careful term definition or scope a. INDEX VOCABULARY – which
notes for related terms and generous consists of index terms that are
cross-references, which will make the assigned to express the concepts of
indexer aware of the most appropriate the authors. These are also called
term, general or specific, to represent descriptors, (Example :
Deacidification, Dead titles,
consists of terms which are used as
lead-in terms to the index terms.

the topic.

 To bring the vocabulary used by the 2. SYNTAX – a complete indexing

searcher into coincidence with the language includes certain devices
vocabulary used by the indexer. The that are used to achieve high recall
index language should prescribe the or high precision in both indexing
language that the searcher must use by and search operations. These are
directing him from non-searchable terms referred to as indexing language
to searchable terms. devices and may be conveniently
regarded as forming the syntax of
the index language
a. RECALL DEVICES – are indexing
language devices that group
terms together into classes of
one type or another so that such
devices will allow improvement
in recall in the search operation
and make the index consistent in
 To provide means whereby a searcher
assigning index terms that
can modulate a search strategy in order
represent the subject contents of
to achieve high recall or high precision as
the document.
varying circumstances demand.
 Synonyms, Near synonyms, Quasi document terms that appear on the
synonyms list adopted by the library or
 Control of word from endings information center. Using artificial
 Hierarchical relationship language will help us to use concept
indexing. Indexers will try to create a
standard description for each
concept and use that description
each time it is suitable, whether the
author has utilize it or not.



Decimal Dewey Classification,
Library of Congress Classification,
Universal Decimal Classification,
B. PECISION DEVICES – these are indexing etc.
language devices that are when used with  LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS, e.g.
association with terms. Hence, such devices will Sear’s List of Subject Headings,
improve precision in both indexing and search Library of Congress Subject
operations. The common type of such devices Headings, Medical Subject
are: Headings, etc.
 Term coordination or combination of  SUBJECT THESAURUS, e.g.
two or more different terms with Popline Thesaurus, Education
different meanings to come up with a Thesaurus, Physics Thesaurus,
distinct index term with a specific etc.
meaning. These are called adjectival 2. NATURAL LANGUAGE – if we use
headings, phrase headings, compound words or phrases as they written in
headings, and composite headings. the documents without alteration,
we are utilizing natural language or
derivative systems. Since the terms
are picked out form the text itself,
this approach may also be called
indexing by extraction.
3. FREE LANGUAGE – the free-text
language does not consists of a list of terms
distinct from those used to describe concepts in
a subject area. Indexing is “free” because there
are no restrictions on the words or phrase that
 SUBHEADINGS OR SUBDIVISION. These can be used in the indexing process. It is the
are terms or phrase that are used under nature of a free language that any words or
main headings or index term to
subdivide certain subject into more
specific topics or show a particular
aspect of a given subject or index term.


basically an authority list. In general,
an indexer can only assign to
phrases that suits the subject may be used as an usually remember most of the poems
indexing term. The terms may be computer- or under the first line.
human-assigned, although free language is most
ordinary in a computer-indexing environment.
 According to Cleveland (2001), there are
many types of indexes that can be  The dictionary defines facet as one side
categorized generally by arrangement, of something that has many sides. In
specific subject field, or by purpose. other words, in a faceted indexing
system, one subject will have many
APLHABETICAL INDEX aspects so that a faceted index attempts
to discover all aspects of one single
 This type of index is a generic/broader
subject and then put them together in a
term because it covers several specific
method that best describes the subject
types of indexes. This index follows the
under discussion. A faceted index adopts
most common arrangement method,
the synthetic classification scheme and is
which is alphabetical and very
often called an analytic-synthetic system.
convenient for the searcher. For
A faceted system is pre-coordinated at
instance, a classified index by subject can
the time of indexing and is arranged in
be alphabetically arranged. The subject
classification order, rather than in a
headings, cross-reference, and qualifying
straight alphabetical order.
terms, as well as main headings, are
alphabetically arranged based on the (SEE THE EXAMPLE IN SLIDE 44)
letters of the alphabet. Thus, all entry
items in this type of index are arranged PERMUTED TITLE INDEX
in one alphabetical order, including  This title word index is created by
author names, places names chemical systemically rotating information
formulas, musical terms, medical terms, conveying words in the titles as subject
mathematical terms, biological terms, entry points into the index. The premise
and other multi-disciplinary field terms. of a permuted or rotated index is that
(SEE THE EXAMPLE IN SLIDE 38) the titles effectively indicate the
aboutness of the content. Since the titles
WORD AND NAME INDEX reflects a document’s content, a
permuted title derived index helps users
 This is sometimes called concordances,
decide if the specific document would
which include the individual names and
satisfy their information needs. The best
words that the author used. It used the
argument for making a permuted title
exact term or word within the context of
index is straightforward. It can be done
the document. One of the drawbacks
quickly and entirely by the computer;
pinpointed in this type of index is that
however, its main drawbacks are the
similar entries are spread over many
titles may not accurately reflect the
synonymous terms because of the
document’s content, and the lack of
misspellings. An example of the word
vocabulary control may result in
and name index is the Bible
retrieving irrelevant documents.
 This indexing method attempts to give
 This type of index generally refers to
the searcher an access point for all index
poems. All the first line of a verse in a
terms by displaying a series of rotating
poem is listed alphabetically in the index.
index entries from a list of index terms
The main reason is that the searchers
that make up a string. Single entries are sound, videos, photograph, paintings,
presented one by one in an alphabetical and some textual materials. These are
list. A string index is usually an output integrated into the multimedia index.
done by a computer. (SEE EXAMPLE IN SLIDE 52)


 This is a list of words that are arranged  Is text and non-textual material in an
alphabetically at the back of the book electronic form that allows users to
with a specific page(s) after each term to search nonlinearly by associations. This
enable the searcher to find its exact type of index will enable users to wind
location inside the text. The searcher will their way from point to point to what
just look at the particular term or subject they want through electronic nodes and
in the list to locate quickly and easily the links between those nodes. The indexing
information he wanted without reading aspects are transparent to the user, but
the whole book. However, not all books someone who has analyzed the
are indexed. Many textbooks in the information and has made indexing
grade schools published in this country decisions in establishing these nodes and
are not indexed, especially fiction books. connections.
 Hypermedia refers to similar links as
those used in hypertext, but instead of
 There are two general users of simply linking text to text, hypermedia
newspaper indexes. Firstly, the news involves linking various media. \
personnel and secondly, the general  http://www.ickn.org/elements/hyper/c
public. The primary needs of news ybi.htm
personnel are facts, story follow-up,
analysis, background material, and other
information that helps them on a current  Sometimes called web index, which
assignment. On the other hand, public refers to various indexes to the contents
readers refer to business people, of a websites or of the internet as a
scholars, students, genealogists, writers, whole. Specific websites use a back of
trivia hunters, and historians. As a the book index while search engines use
primary source of information, keywords and metadata to deliver a
newspaper are daily records of current more useful vocabulary for internet
events, and they are consulted for facts. searching. Google index includes
Local newspaper in small cities and information about words and their
municipalities are essential for local location. It can be text-based or content-
history research so that indexes to these based. Text-based is a process of
newspapers are made in a natural automatic indexing that make use of
language without any vocabulary words found in the document while
control. Incidentally, many newspaper content-based on the caption under the
are now available free online. An image or word near the image. There are
example is the newspaper online five (5) titles of websites A-Z indexes
(http://www.newspaper.com). An found on Google. These are Site Index, A-
example of a newspaper index in the Z Index, Topic Index, Alphabetical Index,
New Times Index. and Browsable Index.
 https://www.bls.gov/ooh/a-z-index.htm
 EXHAUSTIVITY – means the number
 Audiovisual are expanding in all kinds of
of index terms given to all concepts
communication system such as images,
stated in an article or to the level of not likely to be familiar to several
detail with which a specified topic is users, and there is no existing cross-
treated. It is made to improve the reference from a term that is likely
recall of user searches, to provide to be used. Indexers may allocate a
assurance that a maximum number comprehensive term that is likely to
of documents pertinent to a search be looked up, in addition to the
are retrieved. While there should narrower term.
never be an arbitrary boundary to
the number of concepts retrieved,
the ideal level of exhaustivity rests  Document concerning Lumad:
on several factors, it could be the  650 17 $a INDIGENOUS PEOPLES
type of work and the subject matter  650 17 $a PHILIPPINES
of the work.  650 17 $a LUMAD
 SPECIFIVITY – this idea refers to how  In the case of this example, the
exactly the written language indexer assumes that the client
describes the subjects and concepts might not identify that LUMAD is
in a document. Its objective is to the term used for the
guarantee that a maximum number Philippines’ indigenous people.
of the documents retrieved in a Since there is no available cross
search will be relevant to the user. reference from INDIGENOUS
Ideas should branded as precisely as PEOPLE OF PHILIPPINES, a term
possible, that is, at least as specific as that is more likely to be used-the
the documentary language allows indexer provided the terms
and the users’ purpose. INDIGENOUS PEOPLE,
 For example, a document on special PHILIPPINES in addition to the
education would be indexed with the narrower term LUMAD>
term Special Education, but not the
terms Special or Education; a CONSISTENCY
document concerning storms would  Is the unit of measurement of indexing
be indexed with the term Storm and quality. Using standardization of the
not broader term Natural Disasters. term to be used to index a certain
 Occasionally, a theme can only be document, consistency is more likely to
represented at the desired level of be achieved. Each document must be
specificity by a combination of terms examined individually of its connection
existing in the documentary to other documents. This way, no
language; for instance, the specific important subject will be ignored, and no
topic <<public transport operators>> unrelated ideas to the document will be
is described by the combination of included. On the other hand, indexers
terms. must ensure that they are consistent
 PUBLIC TRANSPORT and TRANSPORT with all documents similar in type, to
OPERATORS. documents in the same subject areas
 New terms may need to be and in the concepts selected for a group
presented in the written language documents.
when works deal with topics that are
more precise than any prevailing LESSON 2: SUBJECT INDEXING OF
 The judgment of the indexer is SUBJECT INDEXING OF PERIODICALS
critical in using the indexing policy of
specificity. He needs to keep in mind  SUBJECT INDEXING is one of the
the search requirements of the processes involved in the information
users. Sometimes a specific term is analysis. Although there is a formal
distinction between subject cataloging o Words of group of words which
and indexing activities, they have the are underlined or highlighted or
same function which is to representative printed in unusual typeface
contents of a document in such a way  the reason for examining the document
that they facilitate its retrieval. Subject and not depending only on the raw tide
indexing implies greater and depth of of the document is to decide what to
subject analysis as well as the inclusion include in the indexing. The indexer must
of more kinds of materials other than first decide what topics need to be
books. represented; only later should he
consider whether or not the controlled
vocabulary can represent these topics
 Is the first step as it identifies the  ACTIVITY 3 – once the aboutness of the
aboutness of the document. The indexer document has been identified, the
analyses the document and brings out all specific content of the document will be
the subject discussed in it which are turned inside out by writing the
relevant to the information need of his expressive title, i.e. from raw title to
customers. It is implied here that the expressive title. For example:
indexer is familiar with the information  Raw title: “Proficiency Testing” Bunting,
needs of the customer Camille. Journal of Physical Education, v.
2. TRANSLATION 49:6, pp. 72-73. June ‘88
 Is the second step in subject indexing  Expressive Title: “A proficiency Student
that coverts the concepts of the Testing Program for Physical Education
document into a set of index terms. The Majors Using Performance Based
index term may be derived from the Education in Teacher Education.” This
words or phrases appearing in the title is an expansion of the raw title.
document. The other method of deriving
You will notice that the expressive title is a
the index terms is through the use of a
summary of the document stated in one
controlled vocabulary, i.e. list of subject
sentence only.
headings prepared by the librarian, or a
commercially produced thesaurus or lists  ACTIVITY 4 – underlined the terms in the
of subject headings like SLSH and LCSH expressive title that are not reflected in
the raw title.
o Expressive title. “A Proficiency
Student Testing Program for
 ACTIVITY 1 – scan the document by Physical Education Majors Using
examining its content and answering the Performance Based Education in
following questions: Teacher Education.” This title is
o What is being discussed or dealt an expansion of the title\
with, what problem or theory is  ACTIVITY 5 – write down the kernel title
being empounded? by retaining the substantive or kernel
 ACTIVITY 2 – read through the other which denote each of the substantive
parts of the document and pay attention ideas and dropping auxiliary words and
to the following : connectives such as articles, preposition
o Introduction and conjunctions. For example :
o Table of Content o Kernel title: physical Education.
o Abstract provided Teacher Education. Student
o Summary and conclusion Testing. Performance-Based
o Illustrations, diagram, tables Education.
and their captions
 ACTIVITY 6 – the main index entry will be search file medium and perhaps printing
prepared by the indexer. The entry will them into an indexing periodical.
 From the main index entry, five other o Car seat belt law
entries shall be prepared. Index terms 1-  Implementation in the
4 are the four entries for subjects while Philippines
Roman number is the title entry.  PDI Sept. 3, 1999, p. 1;6
o Estrada, Joseph Ejercito
 Travel to South America
 The substantive terms or kernel become  TJ Sept. 15, 1999, p.1;4
the indexable terms descriptors, or
keywords of the document.
 ACTIVITY 1 – if the indexer is guided by
the indexing policy of derivative
indexing, the words or phrase actually
appearing in document selected through
the kernel title will be used to represent
the document’s subject matter
 Alternative activity - if the indexer is
guided by the indexing policy of indexing
will involve assigning terms to a
document from an authority list or from
some from of controlled vocabulary such
as a subject thesaurus, SLSH, LCSH. The
kernel title will be the indexer’s guide in
looking for appropriate subject headings
in the list.



 The other steps are Formalization which

is the writing of entries on paper slip/
indexing worksheet nothing the
accession number, author/s, title of the
document, organization where the
document originated, sponsoring agency,
volume number, date published, page
number, the descriptors or keywords.
Typing/encoding of the index card or
worksheet; checking and editing, sorting
of index cards or worksheets; checking
and editing, sorting of the index cards,
title subject; filing the index cards in the

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