C e H D I A G J F B: Match Headlines A-J To The Extracts (1-10) From News Articles. Write Your Answers Here

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Match headlines a–j to the extracts (1–10) from news articles. Write your answers here:
1___c__ 2__e___3__h__ 4__d___5__i__ 6__a___ 7__g___ 8__j___ 9__f___ 10__b___
a) Choosing right location essential for entrepreneurs
b) New airlines experiment with low-frill budget model
c) Latest book does not tell whole story
d) Teenage customers put to the test
e) ‘Catastrophic safety risks remain’ for oil giant
f) Sometimes it's all in the packaging
g) Budget clothing rescues the fashion industry
h) How to set up shop at home
i) It's time to go global
j) Business chiefs call for piracy crackdown

1 ... but the authors’ belief that

6 Peter Woolsey is a British
properly constructed charts never lie
entrepreneur who has set up
is open to debate. Like many people
businesses all over Europe. He says
in the business world who try to use
the best location is Estonia, where
historical methods, the authors of
he now runs a software business,
this publication seem to struggle
returning to his home near Oxford
when it comes to understanding and
on weekends.
using those methods.
7 Perween Warsi got her Indian food
2 The company said it was working
business, S&A, going from her
to address them prior to the incident,
kitchen. And Sarah Tremellen
through increased spending and
started Bravissimo, a lingerie
efforts to reduce the number of
company with £25m in sales, from
workplace accidents and injuries.
her sitting room.
3 Cheap clothes in supermarkets and 8 Executives quoted Interpol
budget chains are saving the fashion estimates that intellectual property
industry from a slump, according to theft cost industry $630bn a year
new research from the analysts and said the public was at risk from
Verdict published today. unsafe pirated goods.
4 Karan Goel began his first 9 The carriers also plan to offer
business when he was at school, services not traditionally provided
buying packets of chewing gum by budget airlines, such as two
from a wholesaler and selling them classes, assigned seating and
at a mark-up to his fellow frequent flyer programmes
5 As small- and medium-sized 10 ... the clear, somewhat grandiose
enterprises find their domestic plastic bottles topped off with smart
markets reaching maturity, an white caps, and the pared-down
increasing number are looking for labels on the sides in unusual
partners in overseas markets to colours and typeface are famous on
beauty circuits.
broaden their business horizons.

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