Rulebook - Save The Princess (v.0.1b)

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1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 0
2. Quick-Play Guide ............................................................................................................................................... 0
2.1. Getting Started – Preparing the Game ......................................................................................................... 0
2.2. Quick Summary – How to Play..................................................................................................................... 1
Victory Condition ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Collecting Power Moons ................................................................................................................................. 2
How to Move – A Turn in the Game ................................................................................................................ 2
Cappy Throw .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Tiles on the Board .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Capture Cards ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Other Interactions .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Overview

Welcome to Super Mario Odyssey: Save

the Princess! – a competitive board
game where you and up to three other
players take on the role of Mario and
race to become the first to save Princess
Peach from Bowser. With the help of
Cappy, players must traverse through
the kingdoms, overcoming obstacles,
challenges and enemies in order to
collect Power Moons for their Odyssey.
Once a player has collected the
necessary Power Moons, they can fly
their Odyssey to Bowser for a final
showdown. The game ends when a
player defeats Bowser and saves the

This rulebook has sections structured to help you set up the game, guide you through it and review
whatever information you might need while playing with a quick glance. It is recommended that the
player refers to this while playing the first few times instead of reading it in its entirety before playing.

2. Quick-Play Guide

Before we dive into how the game is played, lets set-up the playing area first.

2.1. Getting Started – Preparing the Game

To begin playing, you must first make sure that you have the following components:

Game Board Mario Tokens 5 Sets of Power Moon Tokens

Health Tokens Cappy Cappy Grid Box

Movement Cards Capture Cards Challenge Cards

Cap or Trap Cards Enemy Cards Boss Cards

Outfit Cards Outfit Request Cards Player Turn Indicator

Start by placing the board
and shuffling all the card
decks except Outfit Cards
and Capture Cards. Once
done, place all the
shuffled card decks face-
down anywhere within
reach next to the playing
area. Based on the
number of players, place
down Mario Tokens at the
starting Odyssey tile on
the board. Draw and give
5 cards each from the top
of the Movement Cards
deck to all the players.
A – The Game Board
Pick out 9 cards from the
Cap or Trap deck and place them down in a 3x3 grid, exactly like the Cappy grid box. Now place down
Outfit Cards and Capture Cards face-up next to the playing area.

Outfit Cards are part of the shop (more on shop later) and need to all be laid out in a way that they’re
visible. Specific Capture Cards need to be drawn and given to players as they obtain them while playing
the game, so make sure both decks are easily accessible. If you have a large surface to play on, it’s
recommended to lay down and line up all Outfit Cards and unique Capture Cards, while stacking their
duplicates on top of them in case of the latter.

2.2. Quick Summary – How to Play


First player to defeat Bowser wins the game. In order to do so, players must first reach him using the Odyssey,
but the Odyssey needs Power Moons before the player can fly it to Bowser. Players will need FIVE of EACH of the
following Power Moons:

B - Left to Right; Yellow, Green, Red, Blue and Purple Power Moons
Most of the game revolves around players racing around the board to be the first to collect all the required Power
Moons. Once a player has collected all of them, they must return to or cross the Odyssey starting tile to get
transported to the Bowser boss fight. If they manage to defeat him, they win the game. If not, they are sent back
to the Odyssey tile and must go around the board once more to reach the Odyssey tile.


Power Moons are collected in several ways. Most tiles on the board either trigger events that will reward you with
Power Moons, Coins, Health Tokens or Capture Cards if you can complete the requirements for them. Other tiles
might start a Boss Fight, winning which would also get you Power Moon(s) and Coins. What Power Moon you get
depends on the event or Boss and which Kingdom they belong to.

Players can trade all Power Moons, Coins, Health Tokens and Outfits they collect over the course of the game
with other players. Certain rare cards might allow you to steal Power Moons from other players as well. In
addition to that, players can also get Power Moons by completing laps around the board. Players can spend their
Coins at the Crazy Cap Shop for Power Moons, Health Tokens and Outfits. Coins can also be gambled at the
Tostarena Slots where players can test their luck and see if they can win themselves Power Moons and Health


All players must place a Movement card face-down. If there are any timed or permanent Capture cards a player
wishes to play, they must also be placed face-down alongside their Movement card at this point. Once all players
have placed down their cards, the placement phase ends and all cards are flipped over simultaneously. Players
cannot change their cards once the cards are flipped (unless otherwise stated by some card effect).

Player moves are then simulated in a clockwise order, starting with the player that has the Player Turn
Indicator. Players can decide which player starts with it however they want. Players can use their instant Capture
cards at any point during this phase, regardless of which player’s turn is being simulated. Once all turns have
been simulated, the round ends and the Player Turn Indicator is passed on to the 2nd player from that round’s
clockwise turn order.

Check for any timed Capture card transformations that might be expiring before beginning the next round and
move the ones that have expired back to the Capture card stacks.


Most events and actions in the game will require

you to toss Cappy to a certain tile on the Cappy
grid. The Cappy grid is marked with numbers and
every tile is either Red or Blue, with the exception of the middle tile which is
Purple and counts for both colours. The requirements you’ll face throughout
the game would either be about landing on a number or certain numbers, or
on a Red or Blue tile on the Cappy grid. There are no distance requirements,
or conditions you need to meet when throwing. Everything works as long as
you’re throwing it and not placing Cappy down on the grid. C - Cappy Grid

The game board is divided into four quadrants. Each represents an iconic Kingdom from Super Mario Odyssey
and consists of twelve tiles. An inner area on the board represents other Kingdoms from the game, each with
hazardous, non-traversable terrain that can only be accessed with the right Capture Cards. Inside this area are
the four Broodal bosses; Topper, Hariet, Spewart and Rango.

D - Close-Up of a quadrant (Sand Kingdom)

The board has thirteen types of tiles on it. Let’s go over them all:

1. Odyssey – The Odyssey tile is the starting point for the game. Players must land on or cross this tile once
they have enough Power Moons to be transported to the Bowser boss fight.

2. Checkpoints – These act as a respawn point for players if they are knocked-out. Players are returned to
the last checkpoint they crossed when they get knocked-out.

3. Cap or Trap – When players land on this tile, they must throw Cappy on its grid. Each tile on the Cappy
grid represents the corresponding card in the 3x3 Cap or Trap cards grid. The player picks a card
according to where they land on the Cappy grid. Refer to the card for its effect. Replace the empty space
on the Cap or Trap grid with a new card from its deck.

4. Challenge Block – Draw a Challenge Block card. Each Challenge Block card will have unique
requirements that you must meet. Refer to the cards to know what you must do. If a player successfully
completes the requirements on the card, they get whatever rewards are listed on it. Some cards have no
requirements and immediately award the player with the rewards listed.

5. Enemy – Landing on an Enemy tile leads to a fight with an enemy creature from
Super Mario Odyssey. The player must draw an Enemy card from the deck which
will tell them what they’re fighting. Now they must roll a die for the enemy’s
attack. The card will mention a Die Roll Modifier which will be added or subtracted
from the die roll. The player must now land on a number equal to or higher than
the number they come up with after the calculation on the Cappy grid to beat the
enemy. Beating them will reward you with the number of Coins mentioned on the
card. If they fail to do so, they take damage. Enemies that are capturable will also mention a number
requirement for capturing them on the card. Landing on that number or higher will give the player a
Capture card for that enemy, but the player won’t get any Coins as a reward for the fight.

6. Outfit Requests – Players must draw a card from the Outfit Requests deck which will have a certain
Mario Outfit as a requirement. If players have the required Outfit, they can claim the reward listed.
Outfits can be acquired from the Crazy Cap Shop.

7. Pipes – Pipe tiles allow players to enter or exit the inner Kingdoms on the board. Pipe entrances and
exits are separate and marked on the game board. When entering or exiting, players are moved to the
next adjacent tile clockwise instead of ending their movement phase on the Pipe tile. This also triggers
any event or effect that tile might have.

8. Health Pick-Up – Landing on these tiles awards the player with a Health Token.

Turn page over…

9. Boss – These tiles trigger a Boss fight. The players
must draw a card from the Boss deck to know
which boss they’re fighting. Each Boss card will list
all the information you need in the following
o 1. Attacks – This is where all the attacks
are listed. The player must roll a die to
know which attack a Boss is performing.
The number ranges for each attack are
listed in the table. All attacks require you to
throw Cappy somewhere different on the 1

Cappy grid, which is displayed after the die

roll numbers. Whether an attack can be
countered with a Capture card or not is
marked at the end of the table.
o 2. Special Effects and Penalties – If a boss 4
has any special effects or penalties, they
are listed over here. For example, Bowser
knocks you back to the Odyssey tile when
you lose the fight against him as a penalty.
o 3. Counter(s) – All Capture cards that
counter any attacks from the boss are
listed here.
o 4. Rewards – The rewards you’ll get for E - Spewart, Boss Card Example
winning the fight are listed here.
o All bosses have 3 health. Players must successfully damage them three times by either
countering the attacks with their Capture cards or by landing on the required Cappy grid tile
in order to defeat them. Failing to counter an attack or land on the required Cappy grid tile will
result in the player taking damage.

10. Broodal Tiles – On the inner part of the board, there are four tiles for Topper, Hariet, Rango and
Spewart. Landing on these tiles initiates a boss fight with the respective Broodal. The fights work
exactly like other boss fights, the only difference being that the player does not draw a boss card at
random and knows what boss they’ll be up against.

11. Kingdom Challenges – Each of the four main Kingdoms on the board have a unique challenge for players
to complete. Landing on these activates them. You can read below what happens when they’re activated
and how to complete them:

o Bike Circuit (Metro Kingdom) - Get on a bike. You can only use even numbers for moving
around the map. Cross the bike tile again to lose the bike and earn a Purple Power Moon.
*The bike counts as a transformation. Using another transformation outside of challenge tiles
makes you lose the bike. Getting damaged makes you lose the bike.

o Seed (Sand Kingdom) - Carry a seed to the nearest checkpoint. You can only move one tile per
turn while carrying a seed. Successfully delivering the seed to the checkpoint awards you with a
Red Power Moon.
*Seed counts as a transformation. Using another transformation outside of challenge tiles makes
you lose the seed. Getting damaged makes you lose the seed.

o Grand Prix (Snow Kingdom) - Land on this tile to start a race. Be the first person to land on it
again to earn a Blue Power Moon.
*If another player lands on it while your race is active, your race is cancelled, and they start a new
race for themselves.

o Dinosaur Nest (Cascade Kingdom) - Landing on this tile starts the Burrbo clean-up. Land on all
tiles with a Burrbo on them without getting knocked out by another player to earn a Green
Power Moon.
*Taking damage with no transformation or health tokens knocks you out and sends you back to the
last crossed checkpoint, cancelling the challenge.

12. Crazy Cap Shop – When on the shop, players can spend the Coins they’ve collected to buy Outfits,
Power Moons or Health Tokens. Refer to the Crazy Cap Shop cards for prices.

13. Tostarena Slots – Players must pay 10 Coins when landing on this tile. They can then roll three dice for a
chance to win a Power Moon or Health Token. Having the same number on all three dice awards you a
Power Moon, having two same numbers gets you a Health Token and you get nothing if all three
numbers are different. If a player doesn’t have 10 Coins to pay for the Slots, nothing happens.


There are three types of Capture cards in the game:

F - Capture Card Types

• Permanent – When a player uses a permanent Capture card, they are transformed into the creature
shown on the card without any round limits. They remain as that creature unless they take damage, use
another transformation or trigger another scenario listed on the permanent card that causes them to lose
the transformation.

• Timed – Timed Capture cards work the same way as permanent ones but they only last for a certain
number of rounds and then the transformation is lost (if not lost before that from other conditions). Refer
to the card for information on how many rounds the transformation lasts.

• Instant – Capture cards that are marked as instant can be used at any time during the game, however,
they are immediately discarded after a single use.

All Capture cards have their abilities explained on the cards. Refer to them to know how they work.

Apart from abilities, Capture cards can have one of three perks. These perks give defensive bonuses such as
becoming immune to taking damage from being jumped on by other players or becoming completely invincible.
These perks are:

High Cap
Take no damage from being jumped on top by another player
when they land on the tile you’re on.
Players with High Jump can still damage you.

Cap Guard
Take no damage from being jumped on top by another player when
they land on the tile you're on, even if they have High Jump.

Become immune to damage from all sources.
Players with Destroyer can still damage you.


• Taking Damage – You have only one health in Save the Princess. Taking damage causes you to get
knocked-out, unless you have a Health Token or you’re transformed into a creature. In case you do, you
first lose Health Tokens and if you have none of those, you lose the transformation.
• Getting Knocked-Out – When you take damage as Mario and have no Health Tokens, you are knocked-
out. When this happens, you are returned to the last checkpoint you crossed. If you haven’t crossed any
in the game yet, simply return to the Odyssey tile. Upon getting knocked-out, you lose 10 Coins. If a
player is responsible for knocking you out, the Coins go to them instead of being put back into the Coins
• Discarding Event Deck Cards – All event deck cards are discarded into separate piles. If you run out of
cards for an event deck during play, simply reshuffle the discard pile for the deck you’ve emptied and
place it there to restock it. Challenge Block, Outfit Requests, Boss, Enemy and Cap or Trap are all event
• Landing on Other Players – Landing on a tile occupied by another player works like jumping on top of
someone in a Mario game. You deal damage to the player unless they have any perk that negates
damage from being jumped on top.
• Displacement Effects – Some cards and events in the game will cause players to move to a different
location. In these cases, the movement will not trigger the tile event unless specifically stated on the
effect that caused that movement.

For all other interactions, please refer to the information on the cards for more clarity.

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