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Sleep or swim? Early-morning training severely

restricts the amount of sleep obtained by elite
a b a
Charli Sargent , Shona Halson & Gregory Daniel Roach
Appleton Institute , Central Queensland University , Adelaide , SA , Australia
Australian Institute of Sport , Canberra , ACT , Australia
Published online: 06 Jul 2012.

To cite this article: Charli Sargent , Shona Halson & Gregory Daniel Roach (2014) Sleep or swim? Early-morning training
severely restricts the amount of sleep obtained by elite swimmers, European Journal of Sport Science, 14:sup1, S310-S315,
DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2012.696711

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European Journal of Sport Science, 2014
Vol. 14, No. S1, S310S315,


Sleep or swim? Early-morning training severely restricts the amount of

sleep obtained by elite swimmers


Appleton Institute, Central Queensland University, Adelaide, SA, Australia, and 2Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra,
ACT, Australia

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Good sleep is essential for optimal performance, yet few studies have examined the sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes. The
aim of this study was to assess the impact of early-morning training on the amount of sleep obtained by world-class swimmers.
A squad of seven swimmers from the Australian Institute of Sport participated in this study during 14 days of high-intensity
training in preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games. During these 14 days, participants had 12 training days, each starting
with a session at 06:00 h, and 2 rest days. For each day, the amount of sleep obtained by participants was determined using
self-report sleep diaries and wrist-worn activity monitors. On nights that preceded training days, participants went to bed at
22:05 h (s00:52), arose at 05:48 h (s00:24) and obtained 5.4 h (s1.3) of sleep. On nights that preceded rest days,
participants went to bed at 00:32 h (s 01:29), arose at 09:47 h (s01:47) and obtained 7.1 h (s1.2) of sleep. Mixed model
analyses revealed that on nights prior to training days, bedtimes and get-up times were significantly earlier (pB0.001), time
spent in bed was significantly shorter (pB0.001) and the amount of sleep obtained was significantly less (pB0.001), than on
nights prior to rest days. These results indicate that early-morning training sessions severely restrict the amount of sleep
obtained by elite athletes. Given that chronic sleep restriction of B6 h per night can impair psychological and physiological
functioning, it is possible that early-morning schedules actually limit the effectiveness of training.

Keywords: Swimming, sleep restriction, elite athletes, wrist activity monitor, training schedules

Introduction Edwards, 2007; Robson-Ansley, Gleeson, & Ansley,

2009; Samuels, 2008). The few studies that have
In order to function effectively, it is essential that
examined the relationships between training
humans obtain a sufficient amount of sleep. When
schedules and sleep patterns in elite athletes have
sleep is restricted to B6 h per day, there is
focused on the effects of a bout of exercise on
substantial disturbance in cognitive capacity
the quantity and quality of sleep obtained on a
(Axelsson et al., 2008; Belenky et al., 2003), glucose
single night (e.g. Driver et al., 1994; Netzer, Kristo,
metabolism (Spiegel, Leproult, & van Cauter,
Steinle, Lehmann, & Strohl, 2001; Taylor, Rogers,
1999), appetite regulation (Spiegel, Tasali, Penev,
& Driver, 1997). In contrast, the aim of this study
& van Cauter, 2004) and immune function
was to examine the amount of sleep obtained by elite
(Vgontzas et al., 2004). While there are considerable
swimmers, on training days and rest days, during a
data available related to the amount of sleep
14-day period of high-intensity training.
obtained by adults in the general population, there
are few published data related to the amount of sleep
obtained by elite athletes. This appears to be a Methods
considerable oversight given that sleep has been
recognised as an essential component of recovery
from, and preparation for, high-intensity training Seven nationally competitive swimmers (one female
(Mah, Mah, Kezirian, & Dement, 2011; Reilly & and six male) from the same training squad gave

Correspondence: C. Sargent, Appleton Institute, Central Queensland University, PO Box 42 Goodwood SA 5034, Australia. E-mail:

# 2013 European College of Sport Science

Sleep or swim? S311

Table I. Participant characteristics and approximately four months prior to the selection
Mean9s Range
trials for the 2008 Australian Olympic Swim Team.
Ultimately, six of the seven swimmers qualified to
Age (years) 22.591.7 20.024.4 compete in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing,
Height (cm) 184.0912.4 162.4195.4 China. As part of their preparation for the selection
Mass (kg) 77.7913.9 52.791.0
BMI (kg ×m2) 22.791.6 20.024.9
trials, the participants completed a 14-day
Sum of 7 skinfolds (mm) 44.999.8 28.157.3 programme of high-intensity swimming training
developed by the squad’s coach (Figure 1).
Note: BMI, body mass index.
The programme consisted of 12 training days
(Days 13, 510, 1214) and two rest days (Days
written informed consent to participate in this study 4, 11). On eight of the training days, 2-h training
as volunteers (see Table I). The participants were
sessions were scheduled for the morning (06:00
recruited with the assistance of a senior physiologist
08:00 h) and afternoon (16:0018:00 h). On the
(S. Halson) at the Australian Institute of Sport.
other four training days, a 2-h training session was
At the time of the study, the participants were in
scheduled for the morning only (06:0008:00 h).
good health and were free of any medical or
Participants swam 6.690.7 km (mean9SD) in
psychological disorders. None of the participants
morning training sessions and 6.290.8 km in after-
had previously identified sleep as a concern or had
noon training sessions. In total, participants swam
been previously diagnosed with a sleep disorder.
128.8 km during the 14-day training programme.
Downloaded by [Adelphi University] at 13:27 22 August 2014

The participants were not taking any medications or

training supplements during the course of the study,
but were permitted to consume caffeine or alcohol.
Sleep/wake assessments
The study was approved by the Australian Institute
of Sport Research Ethics Committee. During the study, all participants lived in residential
accommodation on-site at the Australian Institute of
Sport. Each participant slept in a private bedroom,
Training schedule
but shared bathroom and living room facilities with
The study was conducted in November 2007, mid- other participants. The residential accommodation
way through the participants’ yearly training cycle, was situated approximately 200 m from an indoor

Figure 1. Sleep/wake patterns of seven elite swimmers during a 14-day high-intensity training programme. Each line represents a 24-h
study day from 20:00 to 20:00 h. Black bars indicate the scheduled timing of training sessions. White bars indicate the mean (9s) start and
end times of night-time sleep periods. Grey bars indicate the mean start and end times of daytime naps; the numbers in the grey bars
represent the number of participants that napped on that day. On two occasions during the study, participants overslept and missed the
scheduled start of training. This occurred on Day 9 for four participants and on Day 12 for two participants.
S312 C. Sargent et al.

swimming facility where all of the training sessions . Sleep duration (h): the amount of time spent in
were conducted. bed asleep.
Participants’ sleep/wake behaviour was monitored . Sleep efficiency (%): sleep duration expressed as
using self-report sleep diaries and wrist activity a percentage of time in bed.
monitors (Philips Respironics, Bend, Oregon). In . Wake after sleep onset (%): the amount of time
field-based studies that involve data collection from spent awake expressed as a percentage of
multiple participants simultaneously over consecu- assumed sleep (i.e. the difference in time
tive nights, activity monitors are typically preferred between sleep start and sleep end).
over polysomnography (PSG)  the gold standard . Daytime nap duration (h): the amount of time
for monitoring sleep  because they are portable, spent in bed asleep during a daytime nap.
non-invasive and operate remotely without an atten- . Total sleep time (h): the sum of the sleep
dant technician. Validation studies comparing wrist obtained at night and any sleep obtained the
activity monitors with PSG report high correlations following day during a daytime nap(s).
for sleep duration (i.e. 0.840.89) and moderate to
high correlations for wake time within sleep (i.e. For statistical analyses, night-time sleep periods were
0.650.76) (Jean-Louis, Zizi, von Gizycki, & Hauri, characterised as one of two types: a sleep period that
1999; Weiss, Johnson, Berger, & Redline, 2010). preceded a training day or a sleep period that
In the sleep diaries, participants recorded the start preceded a rest day. The effect of day type (i.e.
training day or rest day) on each dependent variable
Downloaded by [Adelphi University] at 13:27 22 August 2014

and end date/time for all sleep periods (i.e. night-

time sleeps and daytime naps). The activity monitors was assessed using linear mixed effects models.
are devices worn like a wristwatch that continuously In each model, day type (i.e. training day or rest
record body movement (stored in 1-min epochs for day) was specified as a fixed effect and entered as a
this study). Participants wore an activity monitor on repeated variable using a ‘diagonal’ covariance type.
the same wrist for the duration of the study, except To account for interindividual differences in each
when swimming or showering. Data from the sleep model, participants were specified as a random
diaries and activity monitors were used to determine effect. All results are reported as mean9s.
when participants were awake and when they were
asleep. Essentially, all time was scored as wake unless
(1) the sleep dairy indicated that the participant was Results
lying down attempting to sleep and (2) the activity There was a marked difference in the participants’
counts from the monitor were sufficiently low to sleep/wake behaviour on training days and rest days
indicate that the participant was immobile. When (Figure 1). For sleep periods that preceded a training
these two conditions were satisfied simultaneously, day, participants went to bed at 22:05 h, arose at
time was scored as sleep. This scoring process was 05:48 h, spent 7.7 h in bed and obtained 5.4 h of
conducted using Philips Respironics’ Actiwatch sleep (i.e. 71% of time in bed). For sleep periods that
Algorithm with sensitivity set at ‘medium’ (Kushida preceded a rest day, participants went to bed at
et al., 2001; Tonetti, Pasquini, & Fabbri 2008). This 00:32 h, arose at 09:47 h, spent 9.3 h in bed and
algorithm has been used to quantify sleep/wake
obtained 7.1 h of sleep (i.e. 77% of time in bed).
patterns in airline pilots (Roach, Sargent, Darwent,
Mixed model analyses revealed that on nights prior
& Dawson, 2012), long-haul truck drivers (Darwent,
to training days, bedtimes and get-up times were
Roach, & Dawson, 2012) and train drivers
significantly earlier, time spent in bed was signifi-
(Lamond, Darwent, & Dawson, 2005).
cantly shorter, and the amount of sleep obtained was
The following dependent variables were derived
significantly less, than on nights prior to rest days
from the sleep diary and activity monitor data:
(Table II). There was no difference in sleep onset
latency or wake time after sleep onset on training
. Bedtime (hh:mm): the self-reported clock time
at which a participant went to bed to attempt to days and rest days. Participants napped on some of
sleep. the training days, but no participants napped on
. Get-up time (hh:mm): the self-reported clock either of the rest days. Even though some partici-
time at which a participant got out of bed and pants supplemented night-time sleeps with daytime
stopped attempting to sleep. naps on training days, they still obtained significantly
. Time in bed (h): the amount of time spent in less sleep on training days than on rest days
bed attempting to sleep between bedtime and (Table II). On two occasions during the study,
get-up time. participants overslept and missed the scheduled start
. Sleep onset latency (min): the period of time of training. This occurred on Day 9 for four
between bedtime and sleep start. participants and on Day 12 for two participants.
Sleep or swim? S313

Table II. Sleep/wake variables on training days and rest days (mean9s)

Measure Training days Rest days p-Value

Bedtime (hh:mm) 22:05900:52 00:32901:29 B0.001

Get-up time (hh:mm) 05:48900:24 09:47901:47 B0.001
Time in bed (h) 7.790.9 9.391.7 B0.001
Sleep onset latency (min) 40.8943.2 31.8921.6 0.543
Sleep duration (h) 5.491.3 7.191.2 B0.001
Sleep efficiency (%) 70.7915.1 77.297.5 0.220
Wake after sleep onset (%) 17.698.8 16.297.7 0.629
Daytime nap duration (h) 0.290.5 0.090.0a 0.108
Total sleep time (h) 5.691.4 7.191.2 0.006

Note: aParticipants did not nap on rest days.

Discussion Youngstedt, 1995). The swimmers had relatively

low sleep efficiency because they took longer than
The aim of this study was to examine the amount of
normal (i.e. 20 min) to fall asleep on nights prior to
sleep obtained by elite swimmers during a 14-day
training days (i.e. 41 min) and rest days (i.e. 32 min)
period of high-intensity training. The three major
(Carskadon & Dement, 2005; O’Connor &
findings of this study are that the average amount
Youngstedt, 1995), and the percentage of time that
Downloaded by [Adelphi University] at 13:27 22 August 2014

of sleep obtained each day was low, the percentage of

they spent awake during sleep periods on nights prior
time in bed that was converted into sleep (i.e. sleep
efficiency) was poor and substantially less sleep was to training days (i.e. 18%) and rest days (i.e. 16%)
obtained on training days than on rest days. was higher than normal (i.e. 5%; Carskadon &
The amount of sleep obtained by swimmers on Dement, 2005; O’Connor & Youngstedt, 1995).
nights prior to training days, i.e. 5.4 h, was well The swimmers may have taken longer than normal
below the generally accepted target of 78 h/day. to fall asleep because some elite athletes experience
This level of sleep restriction could have acute and elevated levels of anxiety during intensive training
chronic effects on training performance. First, (Fry et al., 1994; Millet, Groslambert, Barbier,
athletes who obtain an insufficient amount of sleep Rouillon, & Candau, 2005), and anxiety can inter-
on the night immediately prior to a training day self- fere with a person’s ability to fall asleep (Lindberg et
report poorer mood, and higher exertion, during al., 1997). The swimmers may have been awake
training than normal (Reilly & Piercy, 1994; more than normal during sleep periods because elite
Sinnerton & Reilly, 1992). It is likely that these athletes are often on hydration programmes that
effects on perceived mood and exertion could impair increase the frequency of toilet visits (Robson-Ansley
an athlete’s motivation, and thus their ability to train et al., 2009), and the muscle soreness and physical
effectively, particularly during sessions that require discomfort associated with high-intensity training
high levels of intensity (Reilly & Edwards, 2007). can disturb sleep (Driver et al., 1994). In addition,
Second, people who obtain an insufficient amount of caffeine and alcohol ingestion close to bedtime are
sleep over several consecutive days have impaired known to affect sleep latency and sleep efficiency
immune function (Vgontzas et al., 2004), which in (Arnedt et al., 2011; Drapeau et al., 2006) and the
the case of elite athletes, places them at greater risk swimmers in this study were free to consume both of
of developing upper respiratory tract infections and these substances during the two-week data
other health problems (Cohen, Doyle, Alper, collection period.
Janicki-Deverts, & Turner, 2009). Furthermore, The amount of sleep obtained by swimmers was
people who obtain an insufficient amount of sleep greatly influenced by their training schedule.
over several consecutive days have impaired cogni- On nights prior to training days, the swimmers spent
tive capacity (Belenky et al., 2003), glucose metabo- less time in bed and obtained less sleep compared
lism (Spiegel et al., 1999) and appetite regulation with nights prior to rest days. The primary cause of
(Spiegel et al., 2004), each of which could impair the this difference in sleep appears to be the fact that the
training performance of elite athletes. first session on training days was scheduled to start
For night-time sleep periods that preceded train- very early in the morning (i.e. 06:00 h). Indeed, the
ing days and rest days, the percentage of time in bed swimmers got out of bed 4 h earlier on training days
that swimmers converted into sleep, i.e. sleep than on rest days (i.e. 05:48 vs. 09:47 h). The
efficiency, was 71 and 77%, respectively. These swimmers attempted to compensate for having to
values are substantially lower than the typical sleep wake earlier on training days by going to bed earlier,
efficiency of 90% for healthy young adults but the difference in bedtimes on nights prior to
(Carskadon & Dement, 2005; O’Connor & training days and rest days was only 2.5 h (i.e. 22:05
S314 C. Sargent et al.

vs. 00:32 h). Although some of the swimmers participants’ sleep, other than the timing of training
supplemented night-time sleeps with daytime naps sessions (e.g. use of caffeine and alcohol). Third, the
on training days, they still obtained significantly less amount and quality of sleep obtained by the parti-
sleep in total on training days than on rest days. The cipants in this study was assessed using wrist activity
results obtained from this observational study monitors rather than PSG. PSG is considered to be
indicate that a certain type of training schedule the gold-standard for monitoring sleep in laboratory-
(i.e. early-morning starts) has a negative impact on based studies because it measures the depth of an
sleep. In future, it will be important to systematically individual’s sleep. However, in field-based studies
evaluate the impact of different types of training such as this one, where the primary measure is sleep
schedules on sleep in randomised controlled trials. duration rather than sleep depth, activity monitors
The impact of early start times on the amount of
are a reasonable alternative.
sleep obtained by elite athletes has not been shown
Although early-morning starts are a common
previously, but similar results have been found with
practice amongst coaches and elite athletes in many
other populations (see Ingre, Kecklund, Åkerstedt,
sports (e.g. swimming, rowing, triathlon), there are
Söderström, & Kecklund, 2008; Kecklund &
actually no published data to indicate that there is a
Åkerstedt, 1995; Roach et al., 2012). For example,
sound physiological rationale to train in the early
Spencer and Montgomery (1997) examined the
impact of various work schedules on the sleep morning. Rather, it is likely that early-morning starts
patterns of 175 short-haul airline pilots and found are a legacy from a time when non-professional
Downloaded by [Adelphi University] at 13:27 22 August 2014

that approximately 30 min of sleep was lost for every athletes had to train before work or school. The
hour that the start of work was advanced prior to results of this study clearly indicate that training
09:00 h. In this study, the swimmers’ first session on schedules that require early-morning starts restrict
training days occurred 3 h before 09:00 h, and they sleep to a level below the recommended daily target
obtained 1.7 h less sleep on training days than on for healthy adults. While an obvious strategy to
rest days. These results are consistent with those compensate for early-morning starts is an advance
that would be expected based on Spencer and of bedtime, the presence of a ‘forbidden zone’ for
Montgomery’s data. At a basic level, it seems sleep may discourage individuals from going to bed
reasonable to expect that people required to get up much earlier than normal. In the case of the present
early should be able to obtain a reasonable amount group of swimmers, delaying the start of morning
of sleep by going to bed earlier. However, the training by 2 or 3 h should enable them to obtain
swimmers in this study, and the pilots in the Spencer more sleep than they currently do.
and Montgomery study, were not able to do so.
There are two reasons why it is difficult, in practice,
to substantially advance one’s bedtime. First, from a Acknowledgements
lifestyle perspective, many people have social and/or This study was financially supported by the
family commitments in the evening that limit the Australian Research Council. The authors are grate-
extent to which they can advance their bedtime ful to the athletes and coaching staff for their time
(Folkard & Barton, 1993; Tucker, Smith, Macdo- and commitment during this study.
nald, & Folkard, 1998). Second, from a physiologi-
cal perspective, there is a ‘forbidden zone’ for sleep
in the early evening, such that even if one is in bed, References
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