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WALL STREET ENGLISH REPORT JULY 2017 T = STARSEED A. MEDIA PERFORMANCE (July 1 - 31) ‘ALL CENTERS fale} een ioto) (Overall, this month: = We slightly exceed the achieved leads by 112%, Number of shows is achieved 91% of the target. Signed achieved 87% of the target, an increase comparing with June only 81% of the target. Compared to lost month: - The number of leads increased (+4.95%); while the number of shows decreased (-15.64%) - The ratio (showed/signed) decreased which shows a good sign in coversion in all center, besides Cong Hoa and Vivo (8.5 vs 11) Le avy DON cory Poa Compared to last month (digital channel): - The number of leads decreased (-10.44%) - The number of show and signs decreased (-24.46% and -5.88%). - The ratio (showed/signed) was significantly lower than last month (7.7 vs 10) Cr} Compared to last month (digital channel) = The number of leads decreased slightly (-5.70); shows dropped (-18.25%) compared to last month. = The number of signs crop drastically by (-61.54%). = The ratio (showed/signed) doubled comparing with last month (21 vs 10). A. MEDIA PERFORMANCE (July 1 - 31) Cry HUNG VUONG een ioto) ‘Compared to last month (digital channe: ~The number of leads slightly went down (-5.45); shows (-11.86%) = The number of signs increased positively (+36.84%) = The ratio (showed/signed) showed a positive trend this month (8 vs 12) wo lil ar Compared to last month (digital channel): ~The number of lead increased slightly (3.90%); while shows slightly decreased (-7.07%) = The number of signs decreased noticeably (-26.92%) - The ratio (showed/signed) was higher than last month (9 vs 7) vincom ‘THAO DIEN Compared to last month (digital channel) ~The number of leads and shows decreased slightly (-6.58% and -7.92%) ~The number of signs surges up with positively results (+200%) = The ratio (showed/signed) decreased positively (7 vs 22) A. MEDIA PERFORMANCE (July 1 - 31) i) eerie vINCOM Go VAP ‘Compared to last month (digital channel): = The number of loads almost stays the same (+0.24%) = The number of show dropped (-10.88°%) while signs increased dramatically (+100%) = The ratio (Ghowed/signed) increased finally after 6 months (7 vs 16) B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH 2 ENGLISH TESTS 10 MINUTES AROUND THE WORLD 10,323 1,876 4 Views Leads Contracts Daezmeree ae .. me Vain a= aniy ee ase See elephant BRITISH ENGLISH 1,013 261 OR AMERICAN ENGLISH? Views leads hitp:// B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH 1 EBOOK Ein lexan) Lam thé nao mang tiéng Anh vdo cuéc s6ng hang ngay HOW TO INCLUDE LEARNING ENGLISH INTO YOUR DAILY LIFE Views Downloads B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH 12 BLOGS TAT N Tage ATS ed Non 28 B00 3 te pens nan paineaao uk oa Jong angie ong ng vi 5 ng 99 v8 He thé nb 3 nung cm hy dag gw hl ng Hy 5 TIPS TO HELP YOU WRITE ENGLISH EMAIL PROFESSIONALLY hiipyoitiy/2tHyset 854 Views 4 9 cing vite au bam haba en te toh ht ng a © mt Hah ng hae Bj nao i i Chl eb mek ei pop kt 9 mg bon cB 6 cng 9 JOBS THAT YOU CAN WORK FROM HOME htp:/fbity/2ub8C1D 1,387 Views ONAN Reods Po TCI Un) 0 wt ving CVA Rn 9 iy gan cho peg wn gn tg. BE reg nn Hn rapa hay nrg oan ci 0901 GPP BUN 5 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS THAT CHALLENGE EVEN EXPERIENCED CANDIDATES hitp://ottiy/2nt987 53 Views Rekoebat ear aur fen ar aD Sa och i nt hip Rng pi 8 8m rong met em mote Nu bon ange Benin Ds ute dwn ae My ae 9 940 CH 12 STEP PLAN TO BOOST YOUR SELF- UNDERSTANDING AND CAREER DEVELOP- MENT - PART 1 hitp://bitty/2ve04} 293 Views B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH 12 BLOGS LO TRINH 12 BUQC THAU HIEU BAN ae ao 2a a OE) ho ming nhang ng dda abn df de ip pn 2 co bin is nooch ha ip ay aghp cia Bon pl ga thao ding mong mas! 12 STEP PLAN TO BOOST YOUR SELF UNDERSTANDING AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT - PART 2 btipy//otty/210¥eQy 27 Views ag. 6 it io ip ing Anh bn Np in vs ang cm ne engin seb, mB ing WSE tn hs ng on hay 7 ALTERNATIVES FOR 7 ADJECTIVES YOU'VE USED TOO OFTEN hitpi/Poitiy/2exnxoo 267 Views PN ets RNa Brea lee ba ng cen hy 8 en a aN edu Na ng lg a nc ot i yah "o go Donor” hy “0 al OF © ‘ieamber, nr ny ba a km Nan ng nD eg ew 15 FRUIT IDIOMS THAT WILL MAKE YOU LOVE ENGLISH EVEN MORE hitp:{foitly/2ntCGAg 694 Views AP DUNG NGUYEN TAG 80/1 BENoe Ret = ne 80/20 - hay cn gp nn a Foe 3 on esa oh ev dni eng ¥ Ved Pre nea, 0 tg dn 2D nebo so wap HOW TO APPLY 80/20 RULE TO LEARN ENGLISH MORE EFFECTIVELY hitp//bitiy/2uPaSI« 267 Views B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH 12 BLOGS pele tn TIENG ANH “ Ing Aon 0p dng lw auon Wang ong ay deh cing cba rng yr, vite hae mt ign ng ng pi ag n ut dr nid Kn kn, Long dong hg Arm doe 5 REASONS THAT PREVENT YOU FROM SPEAKING ENGLISH FLUENTLY hips ly/2vaKver 133 Views 4 LUU ¥ DE LAM VIEGWG! SEI TRO THANH MOT TRAINGHI| 2m ie Wo ap mae ngn mgt ght th hy Ban pen mn ing ei mi vi nu made rego cit tng eh nh? Tl 00 wa ng io tng bm wig vl op 4 TIPS THAT MAKE WORKING WITH A FOREIGN BOSS AN INTERESTING EXPERIENCE htpy/bitly/2hgstos 53 Views REVIEW: Topics that are best engaged in July ar Pe ok a\To. hy NANG NGHE TIENG ANH ng ge ing Aah vg be Wang Nga, Dp ng Noho ng vv quan ns ip rg co Hh ng phat mf ng gis ip Toy vy nh ng gb uo 5 TIPS THAT HELP IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS hitp:/ottty/2uQ7190 187 Views . AD teh amr HA, bg wn gan pit rm cn ng 09 ang ys omar, Tp wy. etn cn I an nrg pot tern cig, fy pha ene 3 PRONUNCIATION MISTAKES THAT VIETNAMESE USUALLY MAKE hpi/bitty/2u@0hum 7 ways to find out your career passion deep down’; *9 jobs that you can do at home"; and °S small tips to Improve your stening skills”. Most of the articles in July get leads Gnd the bounce rates improve impressively. B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH 4 LANDING PAGES ‘88 dam, hay am cho dang! Bean oy entaito nest © eo©@ © 8 9 SPECIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT - RENEW itp: //bit.ty/202208. 1,155 24 Views Leads MAKE IT COUNT (PROMOTION 5 MIL) tpy//bitty 2uDTHIP 11,621 126002 Views Leads. Contracts REVIEW Make it count”; performed pretty well with 2 contracts converted, And the design is elegant. B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH 4 LANDING PAGES Dos ‘wet mg o= BAT 267 HEP = an nm S. az cows ewe PAYMENT POLICY (0%)- UPDATED CONTENT & DESIGN (PROMOTION 5 MIL) hip: Polly/209rSUY hit//ottiy/2uunWwvt Wows leads Contract Views REVIEW - "Payment policy”: this month got only 1 contract, and we all agred to update new content as well ds design. The new one look simple, clear, and consitent with recent landing pages. B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH 1 VIDEO 7 TYPES OF PEOPLE IN A MEETING. 40,779 102 85,126 hnttp:/Poitty/21WayeW Views Engagement Reach B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH TOP 10 FACEBOOK POSTS m CLIENT CUSTOMER ented CONSUMER cis POST 1 (ALBUM) POST 2 (ALBUM) Post 3 hiips://900.0VSyxH7n hitpsv/g00.01/s6WMaw https://900.01/8Qy8vD 45,698 22,458 53,433 Recch each Reach 715 1.56% 514 2.29% 1,406 2.63% Engagement Engagement rate Engagement Engagement rate Eigagement Engagement rate ieee er Coils Post 4 POSTS POST 6 htips://g00.g/V'Y6Q04 hitps://goo.0l/ekBoUV htips:// 28,623 15,505 11,332 Recch Reach Recch 1,027 3.59% 286 1.84% 309 2.73% Engagement Engagementrate Engagement Engagement rate Engagement Engagement rate B. ACTIVITIES OF THE MONTH TOP 10 FACEBOOK POSTS eT HANGE YOUR LIFE | Post 7 POST 8 (ALBUM) PosT9 htipsi/faoo.g/Joau9A hitps://g00.a/W7wKay hitps:f/ 20,525 24,407 24,190 Reach Reach Resch 814 3.97% 521 2.13% 647 2.67% Engagement Engagement rate Engagement Engagement rate Engagement Engagement rate REVIEW This month, there was a balance among sections in top 10 posts. English tips", especially album, was the most shared section ‘Speak your mind” posts gained more comments from fan compare to the previous months, Post 10 hitps://¢ 15,910 Recch 447 2.81% Engagement Engagement rate C. DIGITAL ACQUISITION Digital signs by channels Deploy lead | e42t% 110708 B58 20 5. 9.378 28 ‘ecial i200 | e1oee 95282 S073H 8.6 136 321% aoa 4“ Organic Search 0877 | 73855 87.400 16.78% 288 139 ear ase a rect 087 | aise 14017, a098% 2.90 123 Mase 2410 s Paid Search 9.295 | 72H 4252 aaah 286 78 a0 1250 2 commen 8798 | SosIe 4989 are 2a 84 3st 98 ” Roterat esa | sale 21602 apR 828 av 24.30% ses 2 Email wwe 41 36% oF agama 120 Weare 2 2 Totat 19,168 64.60% 200,041 a4.07% 2.40 na ve20eonasz 139 "REVIEW =Total: Session Increased +14%, New users Increased +9% as well. Bounce Rate was at a stably promising level: below 50%. Goal Completion remained almost the same compared to June; while Avg. Session Duration and Pages/Session went down inconsiderably -7% and -5%. = Social: this month Bounce rate was not high (30.73%), but compared to average of 3 months (around. 22%), this is noticetable. Sessions and New Users increased slightly: while Pages/Sessions, Avg. Session Duration and Goal Completion decreased slowly (4-14%) (but still around average of 3 months). However, 72% of total Goal Completions (67,432) was from Social (as usual); and Goal Conversion rate of Its was highest among all channels (82.17%). - Display, Organic Search and Paid Search shared the same trend with Social with a slight change in numbers. Digital signs by activities Contacts 52 ° 1 ” 4 0 2 7 a1 139 REVIEW Number of contracts by activities increased +10% compared to June. = Contracts from Promotion increased slowly (8 to 4). The new landing page (Make it count) with simple content ‘and elegant design brought us 2 contracts. We expect new Policy Payment landing page, with nice design as well. will perfor well. English fests took account for 37% of total contracts this month and has been the best channel that converts to most of contracts. Especially. the English test "10 minutes around the world has been promising with 4 con- tracts tight away in month: and we ore following up with “AmE-BrE" test which was launched at the eand of the month ~ Website content follows with 19% (June: 21%). = Quantity of contracts from FB App increased notably (+39%), mainly from Tarot and Country test. "Mystery of your name* began to convert some fist contracts. ~All activities (landing pages and tests) in July tock aecount for 6% of total contracts (compared to June: 6% May: 13% Apr: 6%, Mar: 11%) D. FACEBOOK ADS ACQUISITION Facebook CPL Coa) Facebook ads budget VND 268,681,935 4% Facebook signs by activities Contracts 6 0 ° ” ’ o 2 ° 10 46 REVIEW Performance of FB Ads in July was acceptable: cost per lead wos extremely low compared to KPI. and cost per contract was a little bit higher than KPI. 33% of total contracts was from Facebook Ads. In particular, = We have updated the page speed for a better website performance. However, the process took some time until they worked properly, which led to a higher CPC in advertising, - By August, we wil start c new marketing strategy from WSE's new entrepreneur, with lower budget for massive lead generation test like: Tarot, Boi Ten, and Tai Loc. This is predicted to lead to a higher CPL but also a higher quality of lead to convert into contracts. E. ADWORD ACQUISITION Adword CPL Adword budget YYND 264,006,882 64 Contracts 3 ° 1 ° 1 ° 21 3 5 os REVIEW = Performance of Adword in July was good: cost per lead and cost per contract were lower than KPI (~25,000 VND) with 98% of total budget spent. 46% of total contracts was from Adword, = We maintained the quantity of leads. though we was working on Improving the speed of our website. It took time and the website was not stable temporary. - By August, regarding to new strategy of WSE, we will focus on getting leads from SEM, which may lead to very high cost per lead in August. F. WEBSITE STATUS 416,168 64.60% Sessions ‘5% New Sessions NS — aw ssarie s70n0 At DR TBH Mey seaaas soars Moy otaem 723% Jun 368.958 308200 dn R838 du atgigs 278156 Ju tson 70708 foe | 47K | 78798 po 18 | Mare | spa9% us 20 88 16.20% Goal Conversion Rate 67,432 Goal Completions leads) Aer term 18 76 aor ab saa9 Mey torte 9 Moy e721 sas? su ome 121m dl ere 608 268,841 New Users 113 ‘Avg. Session Duration(s) nore oo Mor es a ne

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