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Lesson 3 Quiz: Technical Documentation

Instruction Test 1 (Multiple Choice) : Read carefully and answer each of the following
questions. Write the correct answer.


Rule III Permits and Inspection

1. b. 6 sq m
2. a. 3 sets
3. d. 120 days
4. a. 15 days
5. 3 storeys and higher

Rule VII Classification and General Requirements of All Buildings by Use

or Occupancy

1. a. C
2. a. 2
3. b. E
4. a. 10%
5. c.10 sq m

Rule VIII Light and Ventilation

1. b. 2 sq m
2. a. 12 cu. M
3. b.10%, 1 sq m
4. a. 3 m
5. a. 2.4 m

Instruction Test 2
1. TCT - Transfer Certificate of Title
2. NSCP - National Structural Code of the Philippines
3. GFA - Gross Floor Area
4. UTS - Utilities, Transportation and Services
5. PRE - Park Structures, Recreation and Entertainment
6. PUD - Planned Unit Development
7. CDMP - Comprehensive Development Master Plan
8. MACA - Maximum Allowable Construction Area
9. TGFA - Total Gross Floor Area
10. AMBF - Allowable Maximum Building Footprint
11. BHL - Building Height Limit
12. FLAR- Floor-Lot Area Ratio
13. TOSL - Total Open Space Within Lot
14. PSO - Percentage of Site Occupancy
15. TLA - Total Lot Area
16. ISA - Impervious Surface Area
17. USA - Unpaved Surface Area

Instruction Test 3
i. Vicinity Map/Location Plan within a 2.00 kilometer radius for commercial, industrial, and
institutional complex and within a half-kilometer radius for residential buildings, at any
convenient scale showing prominent landmarks or major thoroughfares for easy

ii. Site Development Plan showing technical description, boundaries, orientation and
position of proposed building/structure in relation to the lot, existing or proposed access
road and driveways and existing public utilities/services. Existing buildings within and
adjoining the lot shall be hatched and distances between the proposed and existing
buildings shall be indicated.

iii. Perspective drawn at a convenient scale and taken from a vantage point (bird’s eye view
or eye level).

iv. Floor Plans drawn to scale of not less than 1:100 showing: gridlines, complete
identification of rooms or functional spaces.

v. Elevations, at least four (4), same scale as floor plans showing: gridlines; natural ground
to finish grade elevations; floor to floor heights; door and window marks, type of
material and exterior finishes; adjoining existing structure/s, if any, shown in single
hatched lines.

vi. Sections, at least two (2), showing: gridlines; natural ground and finish levels; outline of
cut and visible structural parts; doors and windows properly labeled reflecting the
direction of opening; partitions; built-in cabinets, etc.; identification of rooms and
functional spaces cut by section lines.

vii. Reflected ceiling plan showing: design, location, finishes and specifications of
materials, lighting fixtures, diffusers, decorations, air conditioning exhaust and return
grills, sprinkler nozzles, if any, at scale of at least 1:100.

Instruction Test 3
o General Requirements
a. 00000 Miscellaneous
b. 00010 Accountant
c. 00020 Advertising/Public Relations
o Site Work
a. 02000 Site Construction
b. 02100 Site Remediation
c. 02200 Site Preparation

o Concrete
a. 03050 Concrete Materials & Methods
b. 03100 Concrete Forms & Accessories
c. 03200 Concrete Reinforcement

o Masonry
a. 04040 Aggregates – Crushed Stone, Sand
b. 04050 Basic Masonry Materials & Methods
c. 04060 Masonry Mortar
o Metals
a. 05050 Metal Materials & Methods
b. 05090 Metal Fastening
c. 05100 Structural Metal Framing
o Woods and Plastics
a. 06100 Rough Carpentry
b. 06200 Finish Carpentry
c. 06300 Wood Treatment
o Thermal and Moisture Protection
a. 07100 Waterproofing
b. 07200 Insulation
c. 07300 Shingles & Roofing Tiles
o Doors and Windows
a. 08100 Metal Door & Frames
b. 08200 Wood & Plastic Doors
c. 08300 Special Doors
o Finishes
a. 09100 Metal Support Systems
b. 09200 Lath & Plaster
c. 09300 Tile
o Specialties
a. 10100 Chalkboards & Tackboards
b. 10150 Compartment & Cubicles
c. 10200 Louvers & Vents
o Equipment
a. 11020 Security & Vault Equipment
b. 11050 Library Equipment
c. 11100 Mercantile Equipment

o Furnishings
a. 12100 Artwork
b. 12300 Manufactured Cabinets & Casework
c. 12400 Furniture & Accessories
o Special Construction
a. 13010 Air Supported Structures
b. 13100 Lighting Protection
c. 13200 Storage Tanks
o Conveying Systems
a. 14100 Dumbwaiters
b. 14200 Elevators
c. 14300 Elevators & Moving Walks
o Mechanical
a. 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials & Methods
b. 15100 Building Services Piping
c. 15200 Process Piping
o Electrical
a. 16001 Electrical Contractors
b. 16100 Wiring Methods
c. 16200 Electrical Power

o Technology & Communications

a. 17010 Basic Communications Requirements
b. 17100 Cable Plant
c. 17200 Data & LAN’s

Instruction Test 3
3. The deal could be incorrect, or the client could be incorrect, but if better project
management was practiced, this could have been found sooner. A vendor may not
issue an order for a shift (although they may request one). The best alternative entails
updating the documents of specifications and meeting with the relevant member of
the team. If such a concern has occurred, in the WBS dictionary or in how the team
member performed the task, it could mean something went wrong.

4. Contract time on most contracts should be controlled by calendar days. Completion by

calendar date may be used if a fixed date has been set for the completion of the
project when appropriate. The completion date or calendar days specified is
calculated by the analysis of the work day that utilizes appropriate production rates
for the construction staging of the project. The engineer in on the wrong here to
refuse paying the liquidated damages he is due. Liquidated damages are not
sanctions but rather a compensation for delay, which occurred in this situation for 43
days longer than the agreed time. To prevent this dispute, it should be clarified that
the dues would be controlled by WORKING DAYS rather than CALENDAR DAYS
and have it on paper.

5. Having Ocular visits before the construction site as well as conducting studies on the
weather conditions and applying those data into the schedule which shall be printed
and signed by the owner would assure the safety of both workers and the reputation
of engineers and the firm since it can assure the schedule of construction to be
strictly observed with in-depth consideration for the reality of the situation in the
building process, rather than having a very idealistic approach on the project which
would be a platform for disappointment.
Rule III Permits and Inspection

1. Sheds, outhouses, greenhouses, children's playhouses, aviaries, poultry houses and the like not
exceeding in total area, are exempted from building permits, provided that they are completely
detached from any other building and are intended only for the private use of the owner.

a. 5 sq m b. 6 sq m

c. 7 sq m d. 8 sq m

2. of survey plans, design plans, specifications and other documents prepared, signed and
sealed over the printed names of the duly licensed and registered professionals are required for
application for a building permit.

a. 3 sets b 4 sets

c. 5 sets d. 6 sets

3. A building permit issued under the provisions of this code shall expire and become null and void
if the building or work authorized therein is not commenced within a period of one year after the
issuance of the building permit, or is suspended or abandoned at any time after it has been
commenced for a period of .

a. 30 days b. 45 days

c. 90 days d. 120 days

4. When the application for building permit and the plans and specifications submitted herewith
conforms to the requirements of the code and its IRR, the Building Official shall within from
payment of the required fees by the applicant, issue the building permit applied for.

a. 15 days b. 20 days

c. 25 days d. 30 days

5. Buildings or structures of, boring tests, and if necessary, load tests shall be required in accordance
with the applicable latest approved provisions of the National Structural Code of the Philippines.
a. 3 storeys and higher b. 2 storeys and higher

c. 4 storeys and higher d. None of the Above

Rule VII Classification and General Requirements of All Buildings by Use or


1. Institutional buildings are classified to Group Occupancy.

a. C b. D

c. B d. A

2. An assembly building without a stage and having an occupant load of 300 or more in the building
is classified under Group H occupancy, Division .

a. 2 b. 3

c. 4 d. 1

3. Business and Mercantile buildings are classified under Group Occupancy.

a. F b. E

c. H d. G

4. Where minor accessory uses of a mixed occupancy building do not occupy more than of the area
of any floor of the building, the major use of the building shall determine the occupancy

a. 10% b. 15%

c. 20% d. 25%

5. A Three Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation should have no opening with an area
greater than .

a. 6 sq m b. 8 sq m

c.10 sq m d. 12 sq m
Rule VIII Light and Ventilation

1. Minimum size of Rooms for Human Habitations shall have an area of 6 sq m and with a least
dimension of _ .

a. 3 sq m b. 2 sq m

c. 0.9 sq m d. 1.5 sq m

2. Minimum air space for Workshop, Factories, And Offices.

a. 12 cu. m b. 10 cu. m

b.15 cu. m d. 18 cu. m

3. Rooms intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system, shall be provided with
a window or windows with a total free area of openings equal to at least of the floor area of
the room, provided that such opening shall not be less than .

a. 0%, 2 sq m b. 10%, 3 sq m

b.10%, 1 sq m d. 10 sq m, 2.4 sq m

4. Minimum setback for front face of R-1 occupancy.

a. 3 m b. 3.5 m

c. 4 m d. 4.5 m

5. Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than from
floor to ceiling.

a. 2.4 m b. 2.5 m

c. 2.6 m d. 2.7 m
Instruction Test 2 (Identification): Name and define the acronyms. Write the correct answer.

1. TCT -
2. NSCP -
3. GFA -
4. UTS -
5. PRE -
6. PUD -
7. CDMP -
8. MACA -
9. TGFA -
10. AMBF -
11. BHL -
12. FLAR-
13. TOSL -
14. PSO -
15. TLA -
16. ISA -
17. USA -

Instruction Test 3: Read carefully and answer each of the following questions. Write the
correct answer.

1. Identify the contents of the prescribe drawings plans under NBCP.

2. Enumerate in chronological order the CSI divisions and describe each section by giving at
least 3 examples.
3. Your project team member delivers a project deliverable to the Owner. However, the Owner
refuses the deliverable, stating it does not meet the requirement on page 300 of the technical
specifications. You review the document and find that you agree. What is the
BEST thing to do?
4. An engineer is asked by his client to prepare a technical specification on a process connected
with a project which is not along his expertise. Should he decline the job? In the affirmative,
what course of action should he take?
5. A contract incorporating by reference the needed specification provides that an engineering
project shall be completed in 300 days with clause that delay in the completion shall render
the contractor liable for liquidated damages of P50,000.00 a day. The project was completed
after 343 days but the contractor refused to pay the owner the stipulated damages because
according to him the 300 days limit is understood to be working days and not calendar days.
Is the contractor justified in refusing to pay the stipulated damages? Why? If you were the
engineer who prepared the specification, how would you prevent that kind of dispute?
6. Of what importance is the preliminary investigation of the location before the work of
writing the specification is started?
Instruction Test 4 (Problem Solving): Read carefully and answer each of the following
questions. Write the correct answer with solutions.

1. A wall 65m. long and 2 m. high is to be installed using 150mm x 200mm x 400mm concrete
hollow blocks. Estimate the cost of materials only (cement and sand for mortar and
plastering, if class B mixture is used. Do not include footing. Assume the following
information for estimate purposes:
No. of CHB per sq.m. = 12.5 pcs
Quantity of bags of cement for mortar = 1.013 per sq.m. of wall
Quantity of sand needed for CHB mortar = 0.0844 cu.m. per sq.m. of wall
Quantity of sand needed for plastering = 0.016 cu.m. per sq.m. of wall
Quantity of bags of cement for plastering (both sides) = 0.192 per sq.m. of wall
Cement = P200/bag
Sand = P500/cu.m.
CHB = P10/pc.

2. A proposed concrete pavement has dimensions of 4m. wide and 6m. long by 200mm in
thickness. Determine the cost of materials for this pavement if the unit cost for the 40kg/bag
of cement is P110.00 and that of sand is P500 per cu.m. and gravel is P450 per cu.m. Use
class A mixture for this type of pavement. Use the table of concrete proportions per cu.m. of

Class Mixture Cement Sand Gravel

40 kg 50 kg cu.m cu.m
AA 1:1.5:3 12 9.5 0.50 1.0
A 1:2:4 9.0 7.0 0.50 1.0
B 1:2.5:5 7.5 6.0 0.50 1.0
C 1:3:6 6.0 5.0 0.50 1.0

3. For a Proposed Residential 1 (R-1) (Single-Dwelling Unit) 14.00m x 21.5m inside lot, if the
14.00m side (Front side) is bounded by the access road (public RROW) determine the
following information as per National Building code of the Philippines (show your solutions
and illustrate the plot plan);

a. TLA
c. PSO
d. ISA
f. USA
g. OSL
h. Area of front yard
i. Area of rear yard
j. Area of left side yard
k. Area of right side yard

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